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[经典批改讨论] issue121 保护濒危物种, 求拍,必回拍 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-2-27 10:28:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE121 - "At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species."
WORDS: 622          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-2-27

A: 历史上,确实动物的灭绝是非人类的原因造成的,恐龙但是人类的活动大大加速了生物灭绝的速度,人类活动是当前生物灭绝的主因,Amazon, Tibet gazelle hunting, fur trade, 但也有其他愿因,prey and predator,evolution。
B:因为人类造成灭绝,有义务保护。另一方面,从人的自身利益出发保护其他物种,一,多样性,二,森林是地球的肺, 从自然界找到治疗疾病的办法。

In quite a long time in history, especially before the advent of human, many species extinct because of the nature. However, as the development of human society, now the action of human has become the major reason for the extinction of species. Therefore, I am firmly confirmed that we should protect endangered species moderately because first, it's our duty and secondly, the protection of other species benefits ourselves.  

In my point of view, the reasons behind the extinction of species are much more complex than the author asserts. Before the appearance of human, weather change and cloud stone hitting our planet were the major reasons resulting species' extinction, such as dinosaur extincting after a huge rock from the outer space colliding with earth. Nevertheless, as the development of our society and human became the dominant force on earth, the behaviors of human are becoming the most profound reason for species' extinction. We burn rain forests for the expanding of habitant. We hunt wild animals for fun. We also killed Tibet gazelle to obtain their valuable fur. Human become nightmare of other species. Of course, there are still other reasons explaining the extinction of some species. The wild world itself is very intricate. There are predators and preys. Rapid increase of the population of predators may also lead the extinction of their preys. But all these non-human reasons mentioned above are less dangerous than the modern human behaviors, at last. So it is the human rather than nature that is responsible for the most distinctions of creatures nowadays.

Therefore, because human now are the major reason for extinction of species, as civilized person, we have to take responsibility for what we have done and it's our undeniable duty to protect species endangered by our behaviors. Further, the protection of endanger species also benefits ourselves. On one hand, by protection, our planet keep the diversity of species and such diversity make the earth a more interesting place to live. On the other hand, there are some other species essential for our survival. The disappearing Amazon rainforest are said to be the lung of the earth. It transforms the carbon dioxide produced by our breath and factories into oxygen everyday. Without such circulation of oxygen fulfilled by rainforest, it won't be long that we face extinction of ourselves. Also, we learn much from the research of other species. Scientists find molecules that help us fighting with cancer in herbs. Engineers mimic the wild animal to build more efficient machines. There's no doubt that the extinction of these useful species will hamper the development of our society.

However, the justification of protecting endangered species doesn't mean we should protect any species endangered with the cost out of our ability unconditionally. First, there are some species in nature quite harmful for the survival of human, such as some bacteria making us sick. The protection of them put us in danger. Second, in accordance with Darwin's theory of nature selection, only the stronger species survive. The extinction resulted from natural selection such as preys disappearing because of the fast increase of the population of their predator, should not be intervened by our behaviors to conform the natural principle and keep the nature in balance. Third, the protection should not be out of our economical ability. There are still lots of other pressing problems, such as fast increase of population and war, needed to be solved. Too much attention and cost paid to protect species would hamper the solving of other problems.

In conclusion, we should protect endanger species cautiously and moderately, rather than pay no attention on them, or protect them regardless of the costs. Only by such rational actions, the development of our society can be sustainable.

[ 本帖最后由 iq28 于 2007-6-18 16:36 编辑 ]

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