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[i习作temp] 【kaleidoscope】小组第6次作业 Issue136 by 网兜妮妮 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-12 13:35:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE136 - "The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."

1 定义,选择是在特定情况下用我们的理性作出的决定,核心是自由意志。在最糟糕的情况下,我们丧失了自由意志,那就是没有选择的情况。
3 现实中我们常说没选择。一是没意识到选择。二是通过权衡排除了其他选择。这些都不是真正没选择的情况。

We face choices everyday, from the smallest things such as making a choice what time to get up ,what to eat as daily meals to much more important like deciding to a university to attend or a life-long craeer. Although in some worest circumstances----that we loose our free will, hardly can we find alternations. In most circumstance, indeed, the absence of choice is very very rare.

First of all, a choice is a desicion which made depends on our knowledge and experience in a certain circumstance. From this defination, the most important thing to decide whether we have a choice is the free will. If we have the free will, then we have a choice, otherwise, we have not. Although,in some worest circumstances,we have no choice because we loose the free will.For example in German which controled by Hiter, or USSR dominated by Stalin. The similarity of the two is they all have harsh measures to control one’s will and we lost our own thought as a human. This circumstance also happened in the north korea today. Cult of personailty, severe laws to ban the freedom of speach and any froms of it, including literature, arts and singsing, and so forth. Anyway, in these worest circumastances, no one can hold a free will and then, they do not have a choice.

However, most of us live in domestic countries, which have laws to protect the basic right of every individual, especially the free will. The most telling example is the First Amendment of the American consitituation, which clamor for the freedom of speach and press to protect the free will of every one. Therefore, in today's world, with the free will, I agree that the absence of choice is a circumstance that is very,very rare.

We heard people complain about he or she have no choice but to do something in our daily life.In fact , it is one who unaweare of the choice rather than no choice. For example in the romatic movies, the woman can not marry the man for the against of her family, it seems that she has no choice but to leave the loved one. Actually, when we finished the movie, we always have a happy ending as the two young man get married and have a wonderful future. So, we can see it is always some choices to keep the relationship with the family as well as to marry the loved one, but at a certain circumstance, the woman in movie do not awear of the choices. The same thing also happened in our everyday life as we regard as no choice but miss the alternations.

Moreover, other situation is that when we say we have only one way but no other choice, it is a result after weighing the befefit and lost and then comes to a only solution. Actually, it is a decision that we give up other choices but leave off the most efective one.When I was just finished my high school and to choose a major in university, once I said I have no choice but to study law, which requested by my father. In fact, it is not the only road I can go, I can choose to against my father and major in history. But finally I made the desicion to study law, it is a well-considered desicion about my father's demand as well as the real advantages after I choose a law major. And I think the benefit far more ourweigh to study history. In this situation, I have a free will, and I made up the decision by myself as to follow my father's demand. it is my choice, not the absence of choice.

To sum up, unless in a worest circumstance in which one was forced to loose his or her free will, ,we always have choices in today's society. We make decisions by our free will as well as consider the advantages and disadvantages of any choices to finally choose a way. As long as one have free will, the circumstance of absence of choice is never happen.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-13 12:31:49 |只看该作者
We face choices everyday, from the smallest things such as making a choice what time to get up ,what to eat as daily meals to much more important like deciding to a university which university to attend这样表达觉得更好些哈  to attend or a life-long craeer or what kind of jod as a life-long craeer. Although in some worest circumstances----that we loose our free will, hardly can we find alternations. In most circumstance, indeed, the absence of choice is very very rare.

First of all, a choice is a desicion which made depends on our knowledge and experience in a certain circumstance. From considering我想到的另一个词 this defination, the most important thing to decide whether we have a choice is the free will. If we have the free will, then we have a choice, otherwise, we have not. Although,in some worest circumstances,we have no choice because we loose the free will.For example in German which controled by Hiter, or USSR dominated by Stalin. The similarity of the two is they all have harsh measures to control one’s will and we lost our own thought as a human. This circumstance also happened in the north korea today. Cult of personailty, severe laws to ban the freedom of speach speech and any froms form  of it, including literature, arts and singsing, and so forth. Anyway, in these worest circumastances, no one can hold a free will and then, they do not have a choice. 我觉得北朝鲜的例子可以不说 把德国和前苏联的例子再说的具体点 比如犹太人被囚禁屠杀 这样连生存的选择都被剥夺

However, most of us live in domestic countries, which have laws 制定法律更好have enacted different laws  to protect the basic right of every individual, especially the free will. The most telling example is the First Amendment of the American consitituation, which clamor for the freedom of speach and press to protect the free will of every one. Therefore, in today's world, with the free will, I agree that the absence of choice is a circumstance that is very,very rare.

We heard people complain about he or she have no choice but to do something in our daily life.In fact , it is one who is unaweare of the choice rather than no choice. For example in the romatic romantic movies, the woman can not marry the man for the against of her family, it seems that she has no choice but to leave the loved one lover会不会更简洁明白点. Actually, when we finished the movie, we always have a happy ending as the two young man get married and have a wonderful future. So, we can see it there is always some choices to keep the relationship with the family as well as to marry the loved one, but at a certain circumstance, the woman in movie do not awear of the choices. The same thing also happened in our everyday life as we regard as no choice but miss the alternations.这段的论证例子不够充分恰当 电影故事发展只是一个虚构的假设很难有很强的说服力 建议作者换个例子哈

Moreover, other situation is that when we say we have only one way but no other choice, it is a result after weighing the befefit and lost and then comes 这里语法有点问题? to a only solution. Actually, it is a decision that we give up other choices but leave off the most efective one.When I was just finished my high school and to choose a major in university, once I said I have no choice but to study law, which requested by my father. In fact, it is not the only road I can go, I can choose to against my father and major in history. But finally I made the desicion to study law, it is a well-considered desicion about my father's demand as well as the real advantages after I choose a law major. And I think the benefit far more ourweigh to study history. In this situation, I have a free will, and I made up the decision by myself as to follow my father's demand. it is my choice, not the absence of choice. 我觉得这段的论证和上面有所重复 没有表达清楚 第一句的论点就比较难以理解

To sum up, unless in a worest circumstance in which one was forced to loose his or her free will, ,we always have choices in today's society. We make decisions by our free will as well as consider the advantages and disadvantages of any choices to finally choose a way. As long as one have free will, the circumstance of absence of choice is never happen.最后一句说的太绝对了点 这个观点我觉得最好不用

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【kaleidoscope】小组第6次作业 Issue136 by 网兜妮妮
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