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[i习作temp] issue48 greaw [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-12 16:35:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
48  The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten." 对历史的研究把太多的重点放在对某些个人上。而历史上一些重大的事件和发展趋势不是由个别名人决定的,而可能是由那些已经被人们淡忘的人制造的

The speaker asserts that it is groups of people forgotten rather than the famous few that make the most significant events and trends. As for who make the historical events, the famous or the groups of people forgotten, different people may have different answer due to their respective points of view. On balance, in my opinion, individual plays a vital role in the important events in the history of science and art, meanwhile, groups of people have a major effect on the social events.

In the one hand, when it comes to the scientific history, individual is the leading actor to promote the scientific development. A case in point is that Faraday’s discovery in the filed of magnetism. He established the law of electromagnetic induction and invented the electromagnetic rotary device which can produce the electricity from a changing magnetic field and is responsible for the second industrial revolution. Had there been not his accomplishment, we would live in the era of carriage and have no possibility to move in four hundred kilometers per hour by plane. It is his eminent intelligence that contributes to this great discovery. In the same, Watt, an engineer, invented the steam machine which propelled the first industrial revolution. As a result, many machines can be propelled by vapor and the productivity has been elevated largely. Without their diligencies and intellects, it is hardly image that what our world is like and which type of life we live.   

Considering the history of art, it is the prominent individual that initiates the trend of development. For example, Monet, a pioneer of impressionism, created so many masterpieces such as ‘impressionism, sunrise’ that initiate the era of impressionism. With out his prominent talents and particular insight, this school might not appear and our life world would loss an important source of appreciating mental world. Another apt illustration of this point involves the Beethoven. In his lifetime, he created nine symphonies, which was finished by his eminent characteristic of music that common people might not have. Without efforts of Beethoven, the classical and romantic music would not been developed.

On the other hand, in social events, without the accumulated endeavor of groups of people, a single person can not initiate the social trend. One apt illustration of this point involves the World War Two. Hitler, the notorious war criminal, was condemned by the world people because of the war crime he had committed, yet had he been not supported by a large group of people who were powerful, he might not be able to initiate the war by his own ability. In the same, the civil right movement, led by Martin Luther King, was participated by many people which can show the big will that appeals to the authority. It is hardly image that only Martin Luther King could be able to initiate the great movement. Thus, the social events are achieved by a group of people.

In conclusion, in some aspects such as science and art, individual can propel the development, meanwhile, the social events is possible made by a group of people.                                                   

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