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[i习作temp] ISSUE48 第七篇习作 大家请拍!! 谢谢, 明天就考了 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-14 09:46:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "Thestudy of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significantevents and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but bygroups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 487          TIME: 00:50:00          DATE: 2007/8/8 8:53:17

The speakerconcludes that we pay too attention on the key individuals in studying ofhistory of most significant events and trends butwe overlook the role of the non-famous people. In my opinion, we could get muchbenefit from study the famous and we could know the groups people of infamous playan important role in many events. As discuss below, I will analysis my twopoints.

Admittedly, thekey-individuals who are the inspiration to others, learning from them benefitsus very much. Consider Magellan,a significant explorer, who is the first travel the whole world in the oceans. Wehave be inspired by his great courage and determination to research in the Out Spaceexploring, the new materials devising, and other scientist studies althoughthere are many problems face to us. In short, emphasizingon the individuals in the study of history is worth since the learning from thekey figures brings about much benefit to us.

On the other hand,we should not overlook the important role of the groups of people who are notfamous in the events. The significant scientists Newton said (and I paraphrase),"It was only because I stood on the shoulder of many giants that by any possible I have been able to seefurther ". The giants are the mass infamous persons in the history.  As we know, there is few success can onepeople individually finish. In wars and scientist researches we could find manyexamples.

In a war we knowthe general lead to win. But I concede that thedecisions do weight much, while the fact is that the actually effect will onlycause by the actual execution not by the general but by the soldiers-the behindthe scenes forgotten groups. We do not neglectthe role of them.

Mention to thescientist research, one illumination of my point involves the "ApolloProject" which is the first that people land on moon. The whole worldknows the hero, Neil Armstrong, who is the pilot of the Apollo-13. But landingon moon not only requires Armstrong, but also requires many other scientistsand increasing keens tools of observation and measurement. Telescope technologyand measurement of celestial the distance, themass, the volumes and so forth, are the domains of this project. Thesetechnologies are designed by mechanical, electrical,and computer engineers. And to build and enable these technologiesrequire the business leader, mangers, and polities.Even diplomatic might play a role-Apollo Project should be supported by the allworld scientist and many governments. We never forget the hero Armstrong and weimpossible never forget the each member of the Apollo Project. It is them that theshuttle could land on the moon safely.

In sum, mycondition is two points: we could study many famous people to get much benefitand we should never forget the infamous people such as the soldiers, thescientists and other people who do not left names in the history.

ISSUE48  第七篇习作 大家请拍!! 谢谢, 明天就考了, 水平就这样了, 全凭人品了
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ISSUE48 第七篇习作 大家请拍!! 谢谢, 明天就考了
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