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issue3 It is more important to allocate money for immediate [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2003-2-17 01:57:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"It is far more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations."

Compared with the speaker's overwhelming judgment claims that investment for long-term research is of totally less significance than laying out money aimed at resolving those urgent social problems, my point of view—which suggests that our current situation calls for a balance between them and we should wake up to the point that they are both equally critical factors for our future generations---seemed somewhat a transigent attitude toward both sides.

In the first place, however, there should be a kind of financial compromise between solving those immediate existing social problems and doing long—term researching tasks before we submit the budget to Congress. For our contemporary civilization have entered on an new era which the social circumstance changed so rapidly that we have to look all the problems as a whole whether it is obvious on the surface or potentially exist within, then neither of them could be ignored .That means they are coequally at the same status in nature but the only difference is that their funds is not of the same amount. Sometimes we have more visible problems such as poverty, disease or war etc. and sometimes we have more long—term researching projects in order to find a way to prevent such damages or to anticipate what kind of risk is ahead of us. Both of them are helpful for us to cut the threat toward our future generations. Therefore, the issue of which task is more important judged by money proved meaningless.

Secondly, except for those social problems we also confront with many other challenges which need not only instant measure but long-term research as well. Environmental depravation, for instance, has become one of our biggest concerns about this small planet’s future. Presumably the final solution to solve this matter relies on the combination of the two factors. Thus---if only such cooperative demands exist---neither of the two could become more important than the other.

Furthermore, to say the least, even when the two factors above can be weighed at the same level, one still couldn’t conclude that allocating money for long—term research is of less importance compared to the other.. Since the long-term researching activity reflects the positive attitude toward troubles ahead of our own. Correspondingly, those short-term effort are usually being carried out as we encountered a dead end.

In conclusion, it is equally important to allocate enough money both for solving emergent problems and making long-term researching efforts. It is true that we seek our life in this exciting, energetic and maybe dangerous world; it is true that we are at times found ourselves trapped in dilemma, but not any more. Our cooperation of endeavors is under way, and our salvation lies within.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2003-2-17 03:35:28 |只看该作者
Compared with the speaker's overwhelming judgment claims that investment for long-term research is of totally less significance than laying out money aimed at resolving those urgent social problems, my point of view—which suggests that our current situation calls for a balance between them and we should wake up to the point that(what does wake up to the point mean? 我没见过这种表达方式) they are both equally critical factors for our future generations---seemed somewhat a transigent attitude toward both sides.(seemed somewhat a transigent attitude toward...? 不太懂!)

In the first place, however, there should be a kind of financial compromise between solving those immediate existing social problems and doing long—term researching tasks before we submit the budget to Congress.(这个地方是不是用government更好啊? congress感觉在特指米国了,可以笼统的用government或authorities)  For our contemporary civilization have entered on(to&into) an(a) new era which the social circumstance changed so rapidly that we have to look all the problems as a whole whether it is obvious on the surface or potentially exist (within), then neither of them could be ignored .That means they are coequally at the same status in nature but the only difference is that their funds is not of the same amount. Sometimes we have more visible problems such as poverty, disease or war etc. and sometimes we have more long—term researching projects in order to find a way to prevent such damages or to anticipate what kind of risk is ahead of us. Both of them are helpful for us to cut(prevent) the threat toward our future generations. Therefore, the issue of which task is more important judged by money proved meaningless.

Secondly, except for those social problems we also confront with many other challenges which need not only instant measure but long-term research as well. Environmental depravation, for instance, has become one of our biggest concerns about this small planet’s future. Presumably the final solution to solve this matter relies on the combination of the two factors. Thus---if only such cooperative demands exist---neither of the two could become more important than the other.

Furthermore, to say the least, even when the two factors above can be weighed at the same level, one still couldn’t conclude that allocating money for long—term research is of less importance compared to the other.. Since the long-term researching activity reflects the positive attitude toward troubles ahead of our own. Correspondingly, those short-term effort are usually being carried out as we encountered a dead end.

In conclusion, it is equally important to allocate enough money both for solving emergent problems and making long-term researching efforts. It is true that we seek our life in this exciting, energetic and maybe dangerous world; it is true that we are at times found ourselves trapped in dilemma, but not any more. Our cooperation of endeavors is under way, and our salvation lies within.
"Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our
grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you."
-Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Rank: 1

发表于 2003-2-17 04:45:12 |只看该作者
wake up to是 认识到,意识到的意思(词霸上的短语)

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RE: issue3 It is more important to allocate money for immediate [修改]
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issue3 It is more important to allocate money for immediate
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