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Recently, the issue thatwhether government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas intheir natural state is fiercely debated. As the author asserts,government should take this responsibility even though these areas areoften extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people. In myopinion, these publicly owned wilderness areas do need to be protected;however, government should not devote too much into preserving thesewilderness areas, they should focus on something more immediate becausethese publicly owned wilderness areas are extremely remote, and are notaccessible to most of the people.
Admittedly, so importantare they(个人感觉没事不要用倒装), there is no doubt that the government should preservepublicly owned wilderness areas. Wilderness areas are essential tomaintain the balance of an ecosystem. And(我觉得逻辑上thus更好), to preserve the wildernessareas is also a mean to protect the environment that human being areliving in. Since the unbalanced ecosystem becomes to threaten thesurvival of human being, government should take certain restrictions toprotect the ecosystem.(感觉逻辑上可以再提炼一下,preserve area->protect ecosystem->benefit f)
However, there is also(删) noneed to devote too much to preserve these publicly owned wildernessareas in their natural state, since, as the author asserts, (some of) these areasare always extremely remote and they are not accessible to most of thepeople. In other words, it is because these wilderness areas areextremely remote, that the influence of human being activity is rare.It is entirely possible that there would be few people in thesewilderness areas for years, to say nothing of the harm that comes fromhuman being. Therefore, there is no need to take certain restrictionsto protect these areas. The web of life there can take good care ofitself if there is no human interference.(最后这一句没看懂...就那个the web of life...最好查一查有没有这么个用法)
Further more, extremelyremote as they are, only few people will benefit directly from thedevotion of the government or there would be a long time before theeffect of the preservation starts, so the government should focus onmore immediate issues.(这句逻辑有些混乱,我感觉是先remote,另外由于long time,因此few people benefit,从而government focus) The responsibility of the government is toenhance the well-being of its people. While there are so many socialproblems, such as unemployment, crime, poverty, and so forth, urging tobe settled down, it is not the proper time to cost too much money onsuch kind of long-term projects.
In sum, on one hand, thewilderness areas are essential to human being and need to be protected;on the other hand, these areas are always extremely far away from thehabitat of human being and thus not accessible to most of people, andconsidering the immediate social problems, it is true that thegovernment should not cost too much on this issue. Thus, a balance isneeded.