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[i习作temp] 〓DIES IN FLAMS〓 Issue11 By tracywlz [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-5-17 09:09:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
11. "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."

With the rapidly development of communication methods and global corporation, it seems advisable and fascinating to set up a global university to solve problems around the world. While the speaker inaccurate estimates the difficulties of founding that kind of school.

To begin with, many instinct reasons can be a barrier to the foundation of global university, such as distinct culture background, social system and religion belief which leads to a varies of studying habits. It is hard to let a teacher both use Eastern methods and Western methods to tech different study background students. Eastern students are used to do whatever the teacher asks them to do and Western guys are likely to create whatever themselves want to do.
So, if any universities want to look toward people from all the countries, the classes may be divided into different kinds to suit different customs and which, lead to the so-called global university's disintegration.

Secondly, even if a wonderful teaching method can be found, whether the global university can help all the world or being controlled by some mighty countries is a question cannot be ignored. As you can see in the daily affairs of United Nations, almost all vital proposals are in favor of powerful countries. Although as it seems, every countries

have a equal chance to vote for a bill, in essence, the results are dominated by special countries that the other are bullied into dropping their standpoints as a result of obtaining social, army or economic aids from these countries. Thus, if a global university can be set, how can you certainly said it will not be a place like UN? Mighty countries control the university and others are served for their ambitions.

Last but not the least, if all the difficulties I am formerly talking about can be solved-the global university is successful setting up, we cannot surely draw the conclusion that it can solve all the world's persistent social problems. Even for persistent problems we share and supposing students are loyal to the whole world's development rather than representing their own country. Many social most persistent problems can not be entirely solved as they are a part of the social development. We can just diminish the bad effects and if we devote too much to radiate them, we may lose the really options of social development. Taking economic crisis for instance, as it asserted by some economists, it is just a result of ameliorate of capitalism economic and what we can do is try our utmost to relieve the horrible results and waiting for next economic ascending. All seem as a circle. If we place too much on it, we may trap or got lost in the profound economic disciplines. In short, we can not expert too much about a global university.

Admittedly, the speaker proposes a very helpful suggestion. We can set up a university for figuring out some problems we all have. The university depends on some countries with close strength and can cultivate students to solve problems of their group. But not for the whole world, not aimed at a global university.

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