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本帖最后由 xiaoyongnao 于 2013-6-24 21:52 编辑
二 例证
Additionally, social activities are significant factors for students to find a good job after graduation. A recruiting company, such as a newspaper, may focus on your past articles and experience, rather than your major and scores. Therefore, to make students gain bright future, universities should provide students with social activities opportunities, such as student union and internship. Students then will not only be easy to find a job, but also learn more about leadership and teamwork, which are even more important than scores in their career.
既然说了,social activities are important in job hunting。所以就直接开始举例子了,再写啰嗦的话,比如From social activities, we could learn how to deal with different people and how to perform well in teams…这些都没啥必要,因为后面还要继续讨论了。倒不如直接讲一个具体的例子。所以就写a newspaper prefers students who show proficient experience in their resumes这样的话。然后再举例说明,学校可以提供哪些机会,比如student union and internship。最后其实就是总结了,讲为什么social activities are important in job hunting。
First of all, the government levies taxes and should use the revenues to improve the health care level in the country. I think this is one of the basic functions of a democratic government. In other words, Taxpayers should have the right to maintain some basic health care service provided by the government. For example, the government should organize the health insurance systems and offer emergency services.
这段有点愤青了,提到了democratic government了嘛。第一个理由,就是政府的收入应该用于提高health care水平,这是一个政府的基本职能。然后就换句话说,纳税人就有权利获得政府的health care福利。然后例子就是医疗保险和急救服务。
What’s more, it is the government’s obligation to build main medical facilities, such as hospitals, emergency centers, and medical schools, which could be beneficial to everyone in the country. As we all know, companies tend to be more profitable, so they may not feel like to build these facilities in the far away rural areas. If the government cannot take over the condition, the basic right of rural citizens could not be ensured, and the consequence may be serious.
Additionally, we certainly could not only rely on the government to provide health care service. Enterprises and individuals should see and get their roles in the health care systems in the country. For example, the government could not build enough hospitals for everyone, so hospitals owned by enterprises can be an important supplement. Furthermore, individuals can buy commercial insurance to protect their healthy condition as well.
这个可能是TPO里面的吧,题目是It is the responsibility of the government to provide health care to everyone living in that country。我的观点是,恩。这个每一段都是例证了。直接在段落后面说明了。还是那句话,废话越少越好。
第三,例证是可以准备的。准备一些例子,可以各种使用,至少3段论证有一段就不需要时间思考了,直接写例子。比如“科学家还是艺术家重要”,In the first place, I consider that it is people working in science that lead the world to move on. When people hear the word “scientist”, most would connect the word to innovation and knowledge. Without scientist, such as Newton and Edison, we cannot imagine what our world would be. Scientists change the world by creating new theory and inventing new devices, and thus they impact society. For example, Darwin wrote “On the Origin of Species”, and made the evolution theory into everyone’s mind. Edison invented the lamp, and brought light to the dark world at night. Therefore, scientists contribute a lot to society, and no one could ignore their effects. 科学家推动社会进步,要么发明新理论,要么发明新工具,于是就举例了说明了。
我之前就准备的达尔文的例子,不管你什么题目,我都达尔文,起码比爱因斯坦好一些。当然了举自己身边人的例子也不错。强力建议来个英文名字,比如Steve Chen之类的,后面反复提到一个人,就直接Steve代替好了,千万别多次写拼音名,看起来很怪。
如何例证?第一句,写自己的观点。然后可以展开一句话,也可以直接举例。然后就是举例。然后,如果前面没有展开,后面就要说为什么这个例子证明了自己的观点,或者这个例子说明了什么。就好了。比如说明星作用很大。就可以说,Even the super film stars, Tom Cruise, cannot assure that each film in which he acted would certainly as success as the well-known series “Impossible Missions” in the ticket office。因此,明星的作用是有限的。比如说兴趣的重要性,你可以说Coach K, one of the most successful coaches in the NCAA history, refused a large contract, which would pay him nearly ten millions dollars per year, offered by Los Angeles Lakers, the famous NBA team. Because he loves what he is doing now.
当然,可以用从句,such as 之类的直接举例。比如,I always follow my own mind when I make a choice, such as choosing a college and a major.
总评分: 声望 + 12