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[未归类] maoqiu007的作文贴。--maoqiu007 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-5-31 22:02:33 |只看该作者
1# maoqiu007

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have the sense of humor.

Making friends is a permanent topic in the history of the development of human beings. As we all know, a proverb says:" a friend in need is a friend indeed". Some people hold the view that intelligent people are the friends indeed, because of their intelligence can help you solve numerous problems which upset and annoy you. However, some other people strongly pointed out (You can’t really ‘strongly point out’. Even in Chinese you’d say 强烈意见 but not 强烈指出. The same goes in English - you can have a ‘strong point’, but you can’t ‘strongly point’.) that humorous people may be your better choice in that they can bring the bright sunshine into your life. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to choose wise and clever (‘wise’ is not the same as ‘clever’, and neither ‘wise’ nor ‘clever’ is exactly the same as ‘intelligent’. What kind of people are you talking about exactly?) people as my friends by following the following? factors and figures.

As you all know, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Clever friends can help you analyze and solve problems. Faced with a hard and harsh problems, anyone may be lost in the anxiety and does not know what to do can handle it (Either ‘know what to do’, or ‘know how to handle it’, or ‘know what can handle it’, but not everything mixed together.). If you have (If you use ‘if you had’, it expresses a wish contrary to fact, which means ‘assuming you have…while in fact that you have not’. A simple expression of assumption just needs a normal ‘if’, without the past tense.) a smart friend, you could take it easy. To begin with, intelligent friends would calm you down, and smooth you tension about the hardship (I thought this is what a humorous friend, rather an intelligent friend, would be able to do.), which makes your chord tighten (This looks like an attempt to translate from Chinese..). Then, they would analyze your problems as detailed as possible. With their superb analysis ability and excellent logical capacity taken into, the problems will be dissolved quickly (1. ‘dissolve’ is a totally different word from ‘solve’. 2. If you intend ‘the problems’ to be the subject of the sentence, it would be ‘the problems will be solved quickly BY their superb analysis ability and blah blah’. Always re-read your sentence in the normal Subject-Verb-Object sequence. You’ll usually uncover a lot of problems by yourself this way.) . Finally, tough problems, just like a hard and harsh stone on your way of your proceeding, are kicked out of the way easily. (By ‘the problems will be solved quickly’, you’ve already expressed all there is in this ‘Finally’ sentence – this final sentence doesn’t add anything more to the discussion and is therefore redundant.)

Life doesn't lack beauty; it lacks the eyes to find beauty. Wise friends, can bring new brightness for life, which you ever? (You mean ‘never’, don’t you?) find before. Martin Jones, an (If you use ‘the’, you’re effectively saying Martin Jones is the only ex-professor of Yale U in the whole world.) ex-professor of the Yale University, who have undertaken the research of the XX???????, directly pointed out that the intelligent people in the normal life (What kind of life is ‘THE’ normal life?) are easy to get content (You can only describe things as ‘easy’. Either ‘people get content easily’ or ‘it is easy for people to get content’ or ‘getting content is easy’, but not ‘people are easy to get content’. Saying someone is ‘easy’ means something totally different from saying something is ‘easy’.) because of their ability to dig out the happiness and beauty of the life (I’m not really sure if this ability is related to intelligence at all.). This research reflects the fact that with the high quality of intelligence people not only can figure out the problems easily but also know how to enjoy the social life. (It’s hard to believe that someone actually pulls off a research this farfetched because it’s so hard to measure if someone is more ‘content’ about life..I simply mean to tell you that telling about a fake research doesn’t make your argument more plausible. 1. It is easy to tell that you’re faking it. 2. Your description of the ‘research’ is still very vague, as it doesn’t explain why intelligence = ability to dig out happiness and beauty.)

Nevertheless, I admit the fact that the friends with the sense of the humor will give you more happiness to kill time? (What do you mean by ‘give you happiness to kill time’?), but we cannot ignore the benefits from the intelligent friends offer, which seems essential in the society.

All in all, making friends with intelligent people is the correct and wise choice.


不是要打击你但是我只能说,从第一句到最后一句我都不断地有推倒重写的冲动。。=.= 论述方面其实还好,就是语言表达很诡异。你有一个很奇怪的习惯就是把多个独立表达揉成一句,比如ignore the benefits from the intelligent friends offer benefits from the intelligent friends + what the intelligent friends offer..所以我只能建议,写完之后自己读至少一遍,看看句法是否正确。

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