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发表于 2009-11-28 20:43:44 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-1-20 23:47:20 |只看该作者
1.19 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. $ m1 ~, N2 @" C  l. T- }( ~3 w
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Children have been asked about our dreams and habits since we were in a young age, however, never been told that future would not always be bright like the noontime sunshine, and this is the real life. Tough and even sometimes afflicting, life is mixed with so much experience and thoughts people have no idea (have no idea about sth, 这里应该加上个about) until make the trials. It is no doubt that the reality also (sometimes,并不是所有时候吧) goes against people's expects. Through these unexpected life stories, one can find many special and unexploited aspects in his own personalities and characteristics.

Pushing oneself to adapt to a new environment, an unexpected disaster (习惯灾难?前环境,后工作还可以理解,可是灾难?), even a fresh job, one can teach himself several treasure things and burden the understanding of the world, even if the original orientation is not from his wish directly. There are many old stories are saying that some of our ancestors were moving to the new land constantly, driven by the changes taking place in the nature. They explored more and more areas and lands all over the world, reasoning that the gradual worsen (worsened或deteriorateing) environment pushed them to leave the homes and tribals. Without their forced moving, the world today is never the one it looks nowadays.(或多或少感觉例子跟这段的TS不太搭,建议换个例子,原始人的例子有点遥远)

Through forcing oneself to do the things himself or herself do not like, one can burden himself/herself a sense of responsibilities. Undoubtedly, every single of man (everyone) is making their best to meet their social obligation, such as some compulsory policies and family pressure. They may just accept something out of their own hope, but through these works and trials, one gains his social value and the experience benefits others, especially the families and friends.(where are the examples? This paragragh is a little bit abstract.)

It is not a easy task to make sacrifice of one's own thoughts to do something for others and the society (It is not easy for one to make his or her own thoughts subject to obligations they probably do not enjoy but just necessary). Just as the famous saying goes, no pain, no gain, people learn many influential ideas and gain a mass of life experience in the process. Paying a price in the growth period, we are improving ourselves and qualifying for the further challenges.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-1-20 09:13:39 |只看该作者
Children have been asked about our dreams and habits (没有问habit这个吧,跟dream一起并列不恰当呢) since we were in a young age, however, never been told that future would not always be bright like the noontime sunshine, and this (指代的是哪里呢?) is the real life. Tough and even (Even tough?) sometimes afflicting, life is mixed with so much experience and thoughts people have no idea until make the trials (?). It is no doubt that the reality also goes against people's expects. Through these unexpected life stories, one can find many special and unexploited aspects in his own personalities and characteristics.
5 i  R, x- M" U; j   Pushing oneself to adapt to a new environment, an unexpected disaster, even a fresh job, one can teach himself several treasure things and burden the understanding of the world, even if the original orientation is not from his wish directly. There are many old stories are saying
(As many old stories say)
that some of our ancestors were moving to the new land constantly, driven by the changes taking place in the nature. They explored more and more areas and lands all over the world, reasoning that the gradual worsen environment pushed them to leave the homes and tribals. Without their forced moving, the world today is never the one it looks nowadays.
9 P2 B$ @: E& y: {5 B& @   Through forcing oneself to do the things himself or herself do not like, one can burden himself/herself a sense of responsibilities. Undoubtedly, every single of man is making their
单复要统一) best to meet their social obligation, such as some compulsory policies and family pressure. They may just accept something out of their own hope, but through these works and trials, one gains his social value and the experience benefits others, especially the families and friends.7 U, n; ^1 x4 a( @
   It is not a easy task to make sacrifice of one's own thoughts to do something for others and the society. Just as the famous saying goes, no pain, no gain, people learn many influential ideas and gain a mass of life experience in the process. Paying a price in the growth period, we are improving ourselves and qualifying for the further challenges.

个人觉得本文很偏题哦,首先第一段就完全没有提到topic有关的地方,只是说了dreamreality的关系,第二段说适应开发新环境,只有最后一句话force好像在说他们是被强迫的,也许楼主认为被强迫的跟做不喜欢的事情是一回事,但是我觉得并不能划等号,至少要把这层也许非常简单的关系说出来,要写出来。话说回来,楼主是认为人们do not enjoy开发新环境了?这个貌似有点不对吧。最后一段总结也是,楼主一定要扣到点上,直接说出来。比如说No pain, no gain,或者说pay a price不等于做自己不喜欢的事,因为就算是做自己喜欢的事,这句话同样适用。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-19 22:55:15 |只看该作者
1.19 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Children have been asked about our dreams and habits since we were in a young age, however, never been told that future would not always be bright like the noontime sunshine, and this is the real life. Tough and even sometimes afflicting, life is mixed with so much experience and thoughts people have no idea until make the trials. It is no doubt that the reality also goes against people's expects. Through these unexpected life stories, one can find many special and unexploited aspects in his own personalities and characteristics.
   Pushing oneself to adapt to a new environment, an unexpected disaster, even a fresh job, one can teach himself several treasure things and burden the understanding of the world, even if the original orientation is not from his wish directly. There are many old stories are saying that some of our ancestors were moving to the new land constantly, driven by the changes taking place in the nature. They explored more and more areas and lands all over the world, reasoning that the gradual worsen environment pushed them to leave the homes and tribals. Without their forced moving, the world today is never the one it looks nowadays.
   Through forcing oneself to do the things himself or herself do not like, one can burden himself/herself a sense of responsibilities. Undoubtedly, every single of man is making their best to meet their social obligation, such as some compulsory policies and family pressure. They may just accept something out of their own hope, but through these works and trials, one gains his social value and the experience benefits others, especially the families and friends.
   It is not a easy task to make sacrifice of one's own thoughts to do something for others and the society. Just as the famous saying goes, no pain, no gain, people learn many influential ideas and gain a mass of life experience in the process. Paying a price in the growth period, we are improving ourselves and qualifying for the further challenges.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-31 00:51:30 |只看该作者
T3  12.30  

The reading passage and the lecture both centered on the Rembrandt's painting and whether an individual work called Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White bonnet was belonged to him. The reading material presents a historical point of view of this question, which was supported in the 1930s. It was turned out to be denied from the evidence found later. Historically, only from this paint itself, there was a vital failure in detail that the woman's accesory was not in accord with her dressing, which was obviously against the former style known as Rembrandt. The passage also mentioned another huge mistake of this work that the light and shadow undoubtedly could not be drew by an expert such as Rembrandt. In addition, the material points to the fact that this particular painting was not similar to rest pieces of Rembrandt's works.
   The lecture presents a relatively new found of this portrait. According to the speaker, basing on several facts, the paint is indeed by Rembrandt. The reason that it is not like other paintings of him is this work had ever been recreated after about 100 years. Three facts are demonstrated in the speaking. Firstly, evidence showed the fur collar was added later by someone else, to make the woman in portrait more close to the character of format portrait.  Second, some original part of a more light color collar was removed, which disrupt the former consistent in light and shadow. Finally, certainly, the later enlarging in whole size of the painting, which aimed to make it more grand and valuable, led to the glued wood material of this work it now presents. However, the former material of this painting is wood panels, the origin painter still points to the Rembrandt.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-19 01:01:46 |只看该作者
12.19  T13

The reading and the lecture both center on the topic of today's literature and whether this decline in literature reading is normal or not. The reading passage presents the conservative point of view of this trend. Conservatively, this trend was undoubtedly a bad sign for reading public, culture and development of the literature. This idea was not based on much analysis of the changing cultural environment. Rather, it was based on an assumption that the role and merits of literature are unassailable. The reading also denied the positive aspects of other culture forms such as movies, music, science fictions, political analyses and so forth, which were quite prevailing nowadays. In addition, this viewpoint attributed the fact that author in the literatural area got few support and lead a hard status to the so-called poor-standards of readers.   

The lecture presents a different side of the decline. According to the speaker, we can still hold a positive view towards this apparent decline in literature reading. The belief is based on several quintessential analyses of the new fashion of culture. First, those classifications of books which prevails at present were of creativities and imaginary, that is to say, the reader could also be benefited from those best sellers other than literature. Second, the new forms of culture sprung up these years were of their irreplaceable significance in improving the level of culture. Finally, aiming to be particular, some literature author had written lots of works that isolated from reader's understanding, which indirectly led to the poor-condition of this area.   


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-14 13:54:45 |只看该作者
9# sosodiu

12.11  更真实的新闻从哪来~
5 s, W2 `" S/ H: h. W2 W' l
8 h) `0 I- _* ]5 `. [
# f3 H' j6 J) K; G$ e2 {It seems undoubted that the mass media has sneaked into every single individual's life,
completely with commonly recognized
. But since more and more editorial scandals have taken place all around the world, it is not surprising to see an increasing number of conscious folks begin to hold a doubtable view toward these who hold the key of public speaking and somehow the truth. When it comes to the option between the newspaper and the television as a more reliable method to receive the news, personally, I tend to support the one with a longer history-newspaper.9 V7 F
) S$ Q& e
The newspaper, wherever and whenever, gains support from the certain key group of readers, which means the local or global market publishing newspaper has less competition than the market of television programs. It is a common knowledge that one can receives hundreds of news program in one TV set, but only a little range of local newspapers are available. In order to attract more attention from the audience, TV shows have to put more energy (
花更多的心血,这么说好象不太好)to be particular and entertaining, sometimes will lead to some unconscious social and entertainment news.

# Z0 Y. K$ ?# Q& _) b% n   Apparently, in contrast to the digital signal, the media of newspaper is based on the paper, which is safer and stable in some special period. It is common sense that only newspaper is the main method for folks to get the news during the war. In this point, television get its most serious weakness that digital signal is unstable even with today’s technique. For instance, when disasters happen, such as earthquake or strong typhoon, the signal of television is easy to be cut off, so the people in certain area almost cannot get any news about the emergence and rescue from television. In addition, digital signal can also be controlled by territories sometimes, the consequences of which are all huge and pitiful.

0 h! H$ V/ V& j1 W9 }   Mass media does add more fresh to our daily life, also being (
这个being 在这里是什么用法,分词表伴随状态?好象不太好吧)the key orientation when the society is faced with disaster and war. Although the people nowadays have spent more time with the television, put my feeling into words, it's safe to say that the newspaper provides more reliable sources of news.

改迟了 抱歉.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-14 01:20:46 |只看该作者
It seems undoubted that the mass media has sneaked into every single individual's life, completely with commonly recognized.(嘿嘿,我没见过这个表达诶~如果你是学习别人的话,偶也学下~看起来很不错) But since more and more editorial scandals have taken place all around the world, it is not surprising to see an increasing number of conscious folks begin to hold a doubtable view toward these who hold the key of public speaking and somehow the truth. When it comes to the option between the newspaper and the television as a more reliable method to receive the news, personally, I tend to support the one with a longer history-newspaper.. e第一段很好诶$ c+ O6 ^, z$ J% b1
|# I
The newspaper, wherever and whenever, gains support from the certain key group of readers, which means the market of local or global publish newspaper has less competition than the market of television programs. It is a common knowledge that one can receives hundreds of news program in one TV set, but only a little range of local newspapers are available. In order to attract more attention from the audience, TV shows have to put more energy to be particular and entertaining, sometimes will lead to some unconscious social and entertainment news. - @1 ^3 l4 X2 \& g3 g2 D( X) b6 D+ _

Apparently, in contrast to the digital signal, the media of newspaper is based on the paper, which is safer and more stable in some special period. It is common sense that only newspaper is the main method for folks to get the news during the war. In this point, television gets its most serious weakness that digital signal is unstable even with today’s technique. For instance, when disasters happen, such as earthquake and strong typhoon, the signal of television is easy to be cut off, so the people in certain area almost can not get any news about the emergence and rescue from television. In addition, digital signal can also be (easily) controlled by territories sometimes, the consequences of which are all huge and pitiful.(小意见:which lead to huge and pathetic results)
感觉这个段写的有点乱,说特殊时期,你说了war,但是后面例子是earthquake and typhoon.
   Mass media does add more fresh (+air小意见) to our daily life, also being the key orientation when the society is faced( 可以直接faced吧?)with disaster and war. Although the people nowadays have spent more time with the television, put my feeling into words, it's safe to say that the newspaper provides more reliable sources of news.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-13 02:56:34 |只看该作者
by the way,谢谢你的评价~嘿嘿~ 偶要upup ~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-11 23:18:47 |只看该作者
12.11  更真实的新闻从哪来~

It seems undoubted that the mass media has sneaked into every single individual's life, completely with commonly recognized. But since more and more editoral scandals have taken place all around the world, it is not surprising to see an increasing number of conscious folks begin to hold a doubtable view toward these who hold the key of public speaking and somehow the truth. When it comes to the option between the newpaper and the television as a more reliable method to receive the news, personally, I tend to support the one with a longer history-newspaper.
The newspaper, wherever and whenever, gains support from the certain key group of readers, which means the market of local or global publish newspaper has less competetion than the market of television programs. It is a common knowledge that one can receives hundreds of news program in one TV set, but only a little range of local newspapers are available. In order to attract more attention from the audience, TV shows have to put more energy to be particular and entertaining, sometimes will lead to some unconscious social and entertainment news.
   Apparently, in contrast to the digital signal, the media of newspaper is based on the paper, which is safer and stable in some special period. It is common sense that only newspaper is the main method for folks to get the news during the war. In this point, television get its most serious weakness that digital signal is unstable even with today’s technique. For instance, when disasters happen, such as earthquake and strong typhoon, the signal of television is easy to be cut off, so the people in certain area almost can not get any news about the emergence and rescue from television. In addition, digital signal can also be controled by territories sometimes, the consequences of which are all huge and pitiful.
   Mass media does add more fresh to our daily life, also being the key orientation when the society is faced with disaster and war. Although the people nowadays have spent more time with the television, put my feeling into words, it's safe to say that the newspaper provides more reliable sources of news.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-9 21:35:08 |只看该作者
6# shirley072

其实最后一个论点我是从反面写的。 实在想不到正面的。我说的是电视可以更加有效并且愉悦的把信息传达给观众,但是正因为它的这一点,观众被动接收大量愉悦信息,就更懒于去做出反应,更不用说思考。 并不是说电视太快人们来不及反应。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-9 14:30:21 |只看该作者
If you ever have a chance to immerse yourself in a college library for a full weekend, you must be impressed by this amazing experience of spending time with immeasurable amount of printed books. What is the pity? The people nowadays seem seldom spend weekends or spare time in this way, choosing a more relax kill-time entertainment--Television programs. It is surprising to see a new media can be spread so quickly that almost beat the old ones, sneaking into people's life so deeply. But i still hold a positive view toward the significance of our historical media method-printed book, reasoning that it always stand an irreplaceable state in human-beings' civilization.
. `! z6 ~# G; b* m3 R) wUndoubtedly, printed book has a longer history, which contributes to a more perfect and amplest system of knowledge. As everyone knows it, as a new media control
led by the editors and certain people, television is not an efficient and effective way to reinforce one's wisdom and knowledge. But everyone can access the printed books and choose the needed one for himself/herself. The system of information that
(主语从句that不能省) built by the printed books are wider and more optional than the TV programs. For example, supposing a student is doing his research about a certain subject, the first way to gain the resource mostly would be the printed books in the library, especially some historic references. It is no possibility for him to sit in the coach to wait for the topic he is doing before the TV set.
8 f0 E) c2 W% f. fPrinted book has another important feature-the potential collective proper
三个形容词?感觉有点奇怪,不用-,直接写成从句就可以三个形容词连用了吧). Even today, with the rapid development of so many new media, the book basing on a permanent subtle is still of its cultural market is never gona这个词是? to change. Have you ever considered this question, where are the information and resources of the history on Internet or the TV program came from. No surprising, from the printed books, for its uniqueness of recording the history and the wisdom of ancient people. In addition, the feature of collection of the printed book is also of its pros even to today's cultural market. It is easy to find the materials in books about 100 years ago, when the television first invented, while the film materials of TV show at that time are certainly difficult to be kept. ( u/ [  d% Q- U9 {
Some supporters of the television, or this digital media now, would probably say television is more educational and at same time entertaining than the printed book. But just because of the moving images and constant information it is providing, it seems no time for the audience to make their response, not mention to think oneself. It seems more reasonable to call this process "receiving information" rather than "obtain knowledge" .
7 S7 `6 j& Z3 N* PThe new media such as television are really familiar to people in this modern society, and with their great efforts in adding the fresh to our new life, the culture and tough topics seem more
accessible to folks. But the new ones are still not comparable to the printed book, the one conveys the wisdom of ancient people and the real heritage of whole civilizations, has no doubt had greater effects on society.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-12-9 12:40:59 |只看该作者
If you ever have a chance toimmerse yourself in a college library for a full weekend, you must be impressedby this amazing experience of spending time with immeasurable amount of printedbooks. What is the pity? (这句话放在这里有点突兀,可以放在后面一点吧) The people nowadays seem seldom spend weekends or spare time inthis way, choosing a more relax kill-time entertainment--Television programs.It is surprising to see a new media can be spread so quicklly that almost beatthe old ones, sneaking into people's life so deeply. But i still hold apositive view toward the significance of our historical media method
(应该没错,但给我感觉这种组合很别扭) -printed book, reasoning that italways stand an irreplaceable state in human-beings' civilization.) H1 _& u, c# c' e
Undoubtedly, printed book has alonger history, which contributes to
(我觉得这个短语不恰当,一般理解为贡献,有作用的意思吧 contribute to a system? 我觉得还不如用set up建立系统之类的 ) a more perfect and amplest systemof knowledge. As everyone knows it, as a new media controled by the editors andcertain people, televison is not an efficient and effective way to reinforeone's wisdom and knowledge. But everyone can access the printed books andchoose the needed one for himself/herself. The system of information built bythe printed books are (is) wider and moreoptional than the TV programs. For example, supposing a student is doing hisresearch about a certain subject, the first way to gain the resource mostlywould be the printed books in the library, especially some historic references.It is no possibility for him to sit in the coach to wait for the topic he isdoing
(related) before the TV set." _' l5 @5 {4 E: G
Printed book has another importantfeature-the potential collective proper
(适合的,形容词?). Even today, with the rapid development of so many new media,the book basing on a permanent subtle (又是形容词?) is still of its cultural market is never gona to change (这句话为啥有两个is呢,没有读懂). Have you ever considered thisquestion, where are the information and resourses of the history on Internet orthe TV program came from. No surprising, from the printed books, for itsuniqueness of recording the history and the wisdom of ancient people. Inaddition, the feature of collection of the printed book is also of its proseven to today's cultural market. It is easy to find the materials in booksabout 100 years ago, when the television first invented, while the filmmaterials of TV show at that time are certainly difficult to be kept.
Some supporters of the television,or this digital media now, would probably say television is more educationaland at same time entertaining than the printed book. But just because of themoving images and constant information it is providing, (这里前后衔接得不是很顺畅) it seems no time for the audienceto make their response, not mention to think oneself. It seems more reasonableto call this process "receiving information" rather than "obtainknowledge" .- u( ?2 O* i- g! n, X! m
The new media such as televisionare really familiar to people in this modern society, and with their greatefforts in adding the fresh to our new life, the culture and tough topics seemmore accessable to folks. But the new ones are still not comparable to theprinted book, the one conveys the wisdom of ancient people and the realheritage of whole civilizations, has no doubt had greater effcts on society.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-8 21:23:36 |只看该作者
12.8   printed book have had greater effects on society than television has?

If you ever have a chance to immerse yourself in a college library for a full weekend, you must be impressed by this amazing experience of spending time with immeasurable amount of printed books. What is the pity? The people nowadays seem seldom spend weekends or spare time in this way, choosing a more relax kill-time entertainment--Television programs. It is surprising to see a new media can be spread so quicklly that almost beat the old ones, sneaking into people's life so deeply. But i still hold a positive view toward the significance of our historical media method-printed book, reasoning that it always stand an irreplaceable state in human-beings' civilization.
Undoubtedly, printed book has a longer history, which contributes to a more perfect and amplest system of knowledge. As everyone knows it, as a new media controled by the editors and certain people, televison is not an efficient and effective way to reinfore one's wisdom and knowledge. But everyone can access the printed books and choose the needed one for himself/herself. The system of information built by the printed books are wider and more optional than the TV programs. For example, supposing a student is doing his research about a certain subject, the first way to gain the resource mostly would be the printed books in the library, especially some historic references. It is no possibility for him to sit in the coach to wait for the topic he is doing before the TV set.
Printed book has another important feature-the potential collective proper. Even today, with the rapid development of so many new media, the book basing on a permanent subtle is still of its cultural market is never gona to change. Have you ever considered this question, where are the information and resourses of the history on Internet or the TV program came from. No surprising, from the printed books, for its uniqueness of recording the history and the wisdom of ancient people. In addition, the feature of collection of the printed book is also of its pros even to today's cultural market. It is easy to find the materials in books about 100 years ago, when the television first invented, while the film materials of TV show at that time are certainly difficult to be kept.
Some supporters of the television, or this digital media now, would probably say television is more educational and at same time entertaining than the printed book. But just because of the moving images and constant information it is providing, it seems no time for the audience to make their response, not mention to think oneself. It seems more reasonable to call this process "receiving information" rather than "obtain knowledge" .
The new media such as television are really familiar to people in this modern society, and with their great efforts in adding the fresh to our new life, the culture and tough topics seem more accessable to folks. But the new ones are still not comparable to the printed book, the one conveys the wisdom of ancient people and the real heritage of whole civilizations, has no doubt had greater effcts on society.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-4 18:09:20 |只看该作者
Are you the same as me, always having a number of movies that being the last things I want to miss? But just like the old adage says “Enough is as good as a feast”, watching a film in cinema always seems to be beset (beset是动词吧,他有名词用法吗)of difficulties, made in part by objective factors such as financial problems, lack of time and so on. Although the truth is watching the same film on television or DVD is more viable and cheaper, I still prefer to buy a ticket to go to cinema.$ M) y0 l5 |* U
It is undoubtedly (是undoubted哦)that both vision effects and sound effects are beyond comparison in a cinema rather than your TV screen这个该写at home吧与前面的in a cinema对应吧. For instance, many Hollywood movies just cost tremendous amount of money pursuing a perfect vision effects, adding lots of multi-media. One probably is not able to enjoy those high-technique factors limited by the facility at home. Missing the most exciting moment in an expecting movie, I guess it is a pitiful thing that a person never wants to occur.
# W. ]' W! Y3 A0 X, DSeeing a movie with other people in the cinema is also a social experience, reasoning that one can interact with others and share some opinions. In contrary you can only get nothing but your own breath when you are sitting in front of a television. People love to give thoughts when they finish a two hours’ clipping, including comments toward actors and plots. Undoubtedly, cinema just offers a place for audience to share interests together.# K5 w: N* C  k' y8 f
People who prefer to choose stay at home watching a film may argue that it is more convenient to enjoy it oneself, for one can press pause bottom whenever s/he wants. Considering a movie is like a journey in term to director’s instruction, it is more enjoyable and amazing supposing (to suppose)a person fulfill the whole clipping as designed, to follow the plot and emotional line.  
9 N. b0 E1 u5 bIn conclusion, seeing a live movie is a better choice for both its live effects, audience’s interactions. Buy a ticket of the movie in your must-watch list, just add some fresh(fresh 是形容词吧) to the current life.

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