3月11日 最新消息更新:今晚参与模考的两位同学寄托用户名是马小可和杜向伟,其他所有报名的同学晚上8点都可以进到YY的寄托雅思模考频道围观模考全过程。在YY for Windows上登入可以看到考官Nick的视频直播ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶з
和半斤八两的小伙伴一起练没有大的提高,练习了大部分Part 2口语卡实战依然会卡壳,跟native speaker交流无障碍一考试分数就不高…..雅思口语向来是中国烤鸭的老大难问题。如何摆脱口语万年5.5,和哑巴英语说拜拜?
3月11日晚,寄托家园雅思版将与The Worldpath联手推出雅思口语模考活动!你有机会直接对话雅思前考官,全方位模拟雅思口语考试实战场景,提出一直以来与口语学习相关的所有疑问,得到最雅思的考官点评。
Nick Hogan
1、Over 20 years experience in the ESL field, all with Asian students 2、Took the IELTS examiner’s course in 2004 and became a senior examiner at British Council in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 3、Taught IELTS in the classroom at all levels from pre-IELTS to Advanced helping thousands of students realize their IELTS goals 4、Was a very popular teacher due to knowledge of IELTS and help with typical Asian mistakes made in speaking and writing English
- 回帖提问/报名!
- 参与的同学有机会和专业考官进行一对一模考。之后,考官会对其表现进行有针对性的点评和讲解。
- 围观的同学可以了解雅思口语考试的流程,感受考试的氛围,并且从中学习经验。在旁听一对一模考结束后的FAQ环节,考官会一一解答所有同学的问题。
1、寄托用户名(例如:a13254) 2、注明围观还是参与(例如:参与模考) 3、注明期望口语成绩 (例如:期望口语7.5) 4、你想向考官提出的问题(注意:由于Nick不懂中文,请大家尽量用英语提问哦~)
叁叁衣衣:口语考试哪一部分最影响评分?考官更期待考生扯淡无见解但连贯,还是更期待考生有自己想法但是磕磕绊绊?谢谢!(Which part of the IELTS Speaking has the decisive impact on the overall assessment? Will examiners favour candidates who can talk about nothing but are fluent in speaking or those who do have excellent ideas but stammer?
2. 槭树下的夕熙:总是要想之后再说,不流畅,和外国人交流起来磕磕巴巴,怎么办?(I always have to think for quite a while before I can respond. When communicating with English speakers, I often stammer. What can I do?)
3. kelena:考官最重视的评分标准是哪部分?(What is the most valued one among the IELTS Speaking band descriptors?)
4. alexfanfan:从6.5如何提高到7.5? 语音重要还是流利性重要?(How can I achieve Band 7.5 while I'm only Band 6.5? Which is more important, pronunciation or fluency?)
5. Cleanlemon:我和人交流时眼神从来不会对视的(哭)个人习惯怎么改也改不掉,口语考试时这样会被判为在背诵记忆吗?我真的不是啊啊啊,是因为我在思考要说什么啊。(I never look into people's eyes when talking. Will I look like I'm reciting during the assessment if I do this? It's not that I'm reciting; it's just that I'm thinking about what to say. How can I break myself of this habit? I try really hard but in vain.)
6. 杜向伟:表达不够地道,中式英语翻译风格可以吗?谢谢。(If I don't know what the native expression in English is, can I use Chinglish or Chinese translation to get myself understood? Thank you.)
7. kaywoo:a) How important is grammar in the assessment of IELTS Speaking?
b) Sometimes I just couldn't find the words to express myself and got stuck. What can I do to avoid this?
8. wcjcathy:How long does it take for an ordinary speaker to improve the oral performance for 1 point? |