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[未归类] issue4 恳请修改23号就考了 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-12 19:59:23 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Issue4  第1篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.
In contemporary world, with the explosion of mass information and knowledge, disciplines in many fields increasingly interact with each other. Nearly all fields can not develop without the information and knowledge acquired in other field. In one word, knowledge and experience of one field cast light on studies of other fields and promote the significant advancement of it.

Knowledge and experience from other field employed in the study of one field can greatly contribute to the breakthrough of that field, since different fields may share some basic knowledge or the knowledge of one field may borrowed as the method in the research of other field. Take the discipline of analytic geometry, established by Rene Descartes, the great French mathematician, for instance. Geometry and algebra are the two branches of mathematics. Though they deal with different subdivisions of mathematics-that is geometry for the shape and algebra for the structure, they both develop through the use of abstraction and deductive reasoning. Descartes made a unprecedented breakthrough in the field of geometry by creatively introducing the principles of algebra into the research of it. In this circumstance, the geometricians can define geometrical shape in numerical way rather than inaccurate literal explanation and in turn can extract the numerical information from that representation. Consequently, the geometry advanced greatly with the appliance of algebra.

Furthermore, knowledge and experience from the outsiders can provide different aspects of thinking and may lead to inspiration, creation and new discoveries. Owing to diverse personal experience and education levels, people in various disciplines have different perspectives and visions which may enlighten each other and promote the innovative capability by providing one idea even one sentence in the right occurrence. Britain physicist Crick and American geneticist Watson, the winner of Nobel Prize in medicines, made a significant progress of genetics by discovering the fact that the structure of DNA is double helical. They were also confused with what the real structure of DNA as many other scientists were at first; however, the turning point appeared when they attended a lecture of the French female scientist -Franklina who showing the X-ray picture of DNA and advocating that the structure of it was not parallel. Inspired by the lecture, Watson and Crick had the idea that the structure of DNA might be double helical. After numerous experiments and calculations, they eventually discovered the real structure of DNA, which is not only a breakthrough but also a foundation of genetics.

Admittedly, some significant advances of one discipline originated from its own development and innovation involving in the research rather than the knowledge and experience borrowed from the outsiders. The appearance of macroeconomics is one of the significant advance in the economics by challenging the economic paradigm-the classic economics and providing new and innovative economic theory established by John Maynard Keynes. His magnum opus, THE GENERAL THEORY OF EMPLOYMENT, INTEREST AND MONEY was the foundation of modern macroeconomics depicting the essence of macroeconomics theory that the government should actively use its economic management power to alleviate or even diminish the fluctuation of economics when the market itself cannot mediate the excessive rise and down.

In sum, no area of intellectual inquiry operates in a vacuum, that is, sciences in various fields are inextricably related. Reference and achievement from the outsiders is served as the main imputes of the most disciplines in era of globalization, and association between experts from different fields can not only introduced more fresh approaches, solutions, and even created new interdisciplinary fields of study but also will help human beings to extend their research fields into a wider range and get better recognition of our life
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-14 15:30:28 |只看该作者
In contemporary world, with the explosion of mass information and knowledge, disciplines in many fields increasingly interact with each other. Nearly all fields can not develop without the information and knowledge acquired in other field. In one word, knowledge and experience of one field cast light on studies of other fields and promote the significant advancement of it [it? Them?].

Knowledge and experience from other field employed in the study of one field can greatly contribute to the breakthrough of that field [自己读一遍,指代清除吗?other/one/that…….field~~~], since different fields may share some basic knowledge or the knowledge of one field may borrowed as the method in the research of other field. [这里提到share knowledge/以及borrow两点,看下面的例子去~~] Take the discipline of analytic geometry, established by Rene Descartes, the great French mathematician, for instance. Geometry and algebra are the two branches of mathematics. Though they deal with different subdivisions of mathematics-that is geometry for the shape and algebra for the structure, they both develop through the use of abstraction and deductive reasoning [好,share出来了]. Descartes made a unprecedented breakthrough in the field of geometry by creatively introducing the principles of algebra into the research of it. [后面者一句话好长,直接变成一个短的分句用一个and接在上一个句子后面,说明一下这种borrow带来很大好处就行了。不需要你那么专业详细的说,几何图形可以用数学形式描述了~~~,我觉得这段例子太长了。哈哈,跟我一个毛病]In this circumstance, the geometricians can define geometrical shape in numerical way rather than inaccurate literal explanation and in turn can extract the numerical information from that representation. Consequently, the geometry advanced greatly with the appliance of algebra.

Furthermore, knowledge and experience from the outsiders can provide different aspects of thinking and may lead to inspiration, creation and new discoveries. Owing to diverse personal experience and education levels, people in various disciplines have different perspectives and visions which may enlighten each other and promote the innovative capability by providing one idea even one sentence in the right occurrence [觉得in the right occurrence是中国式英语]. Britain physicist Crick and American geneticist Watson, the winner of Nobel Prize in medicines, made a significant progress of genetics by discovering the fact that the structure of DNA is double helical. They were also confused with what the real structure of DNA as many other scientists were at first; however, the turning point appeared when they attended a lecture of the French female scientist [这姑娘到底是什么家,写清楚,只要不是geneticist就行。] -Franklina who showing the X-ray picture of DNA and advocating that the structure of it was not parallel. Inspired by the lecture [哪里体现跨学科了?X-ray?], Watson and Crick had the idea that the structure of DNA might be double [doubled?] helical. After numerous experiments and calculations, they eventually discovered the real structure of DNA, which is not only a breakthrough but also a foundation of genetics. [缺个总结,例子太长] [还有,跨学科体现的不是很明显,都是研究DNA的嘛~~~他们要是听个艺术系专家的讲座受到启发还差不多:P]

Admittedly, some significant advances of one discipline originated from its own development and innovation involving in the research rather than the knowledge and experience borrowed from the outsiders. [不分析,上来就举例子?你背得下来那么多例子吗:P] The appearance of macroeconomics is one of the significant advance [advances] in the economics by challenging the economic paradigm-the classic economics and providing new and innovative economic theory established by John Maynard Keynes. His magnum opus, THE GENERAL THEORY OF EMPLOYMENT, INTEREST AND MONEY was the foundation of modern macroeconomics depicting the essence of macroeconomics theory that the government should actively use its economic management power to alleviate or even diminish the fluctuation of economics when the market itself cannot mediate the excessive rise and down [你说了这么半天,这个例子哪里支持论点了?没提它是如何不借助其他学科啊?而且很有可能那老兄是受到其他学科启发呢?比如哲学啥啥的。我估计ETS判卷的都懂点经济的,不要往枪口上撞噢].

In sum, no area of intellectual inquiry operates in a vacuum, that is, sciences in various fields are inextricably related. Reference and achievement from the outsiders is served as the main imputes of the most disciplines in era of globalization, and association between experts from different fields can not only introduced more fresh approaches, solutions, and even created new interdisciplinary fields of study but also will help human beings to extend their research fields into a wider range and get better recognition of our life


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-13 16:37:05 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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issue4 恳请修改23号就考了
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