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[i习作temp] issue10 kito小组作业帖 谢谢您的修改^-^ [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-12-21 20:00:30 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
"Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."

position: partly agree
3.相对而言,我们应该更重视乡村以及小城市,它们往往更完整的保留了传统文化,如美国乡村音乐,blues and jazz 都起源于南方小城。因此,乡村也需要得到政府的关注。

It has been said that government should ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need for thriving in that these cities primarily preserved and generated a nation's cultural traditions. I would certainly agree that the major cities do maintain many cultures due to the cities' prosperity and excellent environment; however, it is actually in rural places or small cities rather than the major cities that the cultural traditions are well preserved and creatively generated, and where the government subsidies are badly needed.

First of all, since many cultures, no matter whether it is traditional or not, take firm root in the highly affluent materials, the major cities with the advantages in economy and technology tend to play a pivotal role in preserving and generating cultures. Take Paris for example, as the cultural centre of the whole Europe for centuries, Paris has given birth to new ideas, new artistic forms and new fashionable costumes, which are all based on the foundation of the prosperity of the city. Considering if there are no such rich materials as a foundation, the city may even have trouble in supporting its people, let alone contributing to the cultures it relies on. For this matter, the major cities are somehow conductive to maintain cultures and deserve the financial support provided by government.

But in another sense, just at a point that the major cities often provide a good soil for most cultures to root in, it is comparatively difficult for the major cities to sustain one's own cultures especially traditional ones. In that case, the major cities tend to serve as a place where various cultures converge, interact, and sometimes change a little, which exerts disadvantageous influence on preserving culture traditions' original characteristic. For instance, there are kinds of cultures in the US such as Chinese culture, Hispanic culture and the like. Hence, it is no surprising that keeping Native American culture is nothing but a difficult task insofar as both American cultures and other cultures make good efforts to assimilate into each other. Simply put, since the major cities can not help keep or generate traditional cultures for a nation, the government should not support them for the purpose of culture preserve.

In contrast, government should offer financial assistance to those rural places or small cities with long history and cultural traditions, which would genuinely benefit the whole nation in the culture preservation and generation aspect. Due to the remoteness, closeness or even less development, rural places and small cities often lack communication with other areas and places. Accordingly, these places are likely to keep cultures traditional and unscathed and in certain circumstance create new cultures. Consider the jazz, blues and country music, all of them are originated from villages or small cities in the southern part of American and develop well in these places.

To sum up, as the pivot of a nation the major cities should concentrate mainly on the construction of a flourishing society rather than perfunctorily and deliberately pursue the goal of preserving the traditional culture, while as the less developed ones the rural places or small cities take advantages in maintaining cultural traditions and thereby create more opportunities in development. Hence, government should try one's best to give financial assistance to those rural places or small cities in order both to stimulate economy there and protect the traditional cultures in a nation.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2005-12-21 23:09:27 |只看该作者
It has been said that government should ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need for thriving in that these cities primarily preserved and generated a nation's cultural traditions. I would certainly agree that the major cities do maintain many cultures due to the cities' prosperity and excellent environment; however, it is actually in rural places or small cities rather than the major cities that the cultural traditions are well preserved and creatively generated, and where the government subsidies are badly needed.

First of all, since many cultures(文化是不可数名词), no matter whether it is traditional or not, take firm root in the highly affluent materials, the major cities with the advantages in economy and technology tend to play a pivotal role in preserving and generating cultures. Take Paris for example, as the cultural centre of the whole Europe for centuries, Paris has given birth to new ideas, new artistic forms and new fashionable costumes, which are all based on the foundation of the prosperity of the city. Considering if there are no such rich materials as a foundation, the city may even have trouble in supporting its people, let alone contributing to the cultures it relies on. For this matter, the major cities are somehow conductive to maintain cultures and deserve the financial support provided by government.

But in another sense, just at a point that the major cities often provide a good soil for most cultures(去掉s) to root in, it is comparatively difficult for the major cities to sustain one's own cultures especially traditional ones. In that case, the major cities tend to serve as a place where various cultures converge, interact, and sometimes change a little, which exerts disadvantageous influence on preserving culture traditions' original characteristic. For instance, there are kinds of cultures in the US such as Chinese culture, Hispanic culture and the like. Hence, it is no surprising that keeping Native American culture is nothing but a difficult task insofar as both American cultures and other cultures make good efforts to assimilate into each other. Simply put, since the major cities can not help keep or generate traditional cultures for a nation, the government should not support them for the purpose of culture preserve.

In contrast, government should offer financial assistance to those rural places or small cities with long history and cultural traditions, which would genuinely benefit the whole nation in the culture preservation and generation aspect. Due to the remoteness, closeness or even less development, rural places and small cities often lack communication with other areas and places. Accordingly, these places are likely to keep cultures traditional and unscathed(我觉得这个词一般指的是人未受到伤害或损害,不知道这样用是否恰当) and in certain circumstance create new cultures. Consider the jazz, blues and country music, all of them are originated from villages or small cities in the southern part of American and develop well in these places.

To sum up, as the pivot of a nation the major cities should concentrate mainly on the construction of a flourishing society rather than perfunctorily and deliberately pursue the goal of preserving the traditional culture, while as the less developed ones the rural places or small cities take advantages in maintaining cultural traditions and thereby create more opportunities in development. Hence, government(s) should try one's(their) best to give financial assistance to those rural places or small cities in order both to stimulate economy there and protect the traditional cultures in a nation.

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