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[a习作temp] issue224 LK杀新G作文组第二次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-18 21:43:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 224:

Present your perspective on the issue below,using relevant reasons and/or examples to support your views.

"The purpose of many advertisments is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will 'be like' the person in the ad.This practice is effective because it not only sells products but also helps people feel better about themselves."



         3.第三次作业是argument,由 hlzhang431 同学布置。 :cool:


[ 本帖最后由 香水棋 于 2007-4-11 20:51 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-19 16:34:53 |只看该作者
;d: 大家批哈!:( 感觉看了别人的作文感觉自己的剧烂!算了!批吧!334个字,没有限时,应该超过了。
I agree with the author’s assertion that the purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will feel like being the person in the ad. And this practice not only successfully publicizes the products but also helps clients obviously feel better about themselves, which is very effective.

On the one hand, ads’ main purpose is to sell the product, which propagandize companies’ public impression and satisfy people’s daily life. So if they want to people buy their products they should emphasize the merits of products that will satisfy the person in the ads. As we all know the notion about connection between ads and person’s feeling is very common sense in the marketing. For example, in some cars’ advertisement we can see a person drive a car very happily, which conveys the information that person who obtains the car is also obtains wonderful happiness. And this build the connection between happiness and the car so as to the people will have a good impression for this car. Therefore, basically fulfilling consumers’ desire that show in ads’ person will successfully spur the consumption and make clients feel better.

On the other hand, even sometimes ads exaggerate the characteristics of products, but it brings people to experience some unreal but exciting things in the ads, which also fulfill person’s imagination. For instance, some MP3 ads shows when you listen to it every people around begin to dance accompanied the music, which is obviously not true but will attract people, since when we are infected by music the world around us will totally be infected as well, which will makes our feel better and absolutely enjoy our music and life without outside influence.

In final analysis, since many advertisements always use this practice we can see emphasizing the merits of products and showing the person’s satisfaction is the best way for ads, and it also get the sound result that not only building good impression of company and increasing sell but also satisfying clients.

Many advertisements make consumers want to buy a product by implying that they will “be like” the person in the ad, and I agree that this practice is effective because it not only sells the products but also helps people feel better about themselves, which is exactly why they can attract people to purchase.
   Most psychologists would agree that people prefer perfection, (
这里应该是句号) would you like a clean room, slim shape, and health body or dirty hands, overweighed body and sickness everyday? The answers are the former(点明是第一个吧) which are obvious to me. This is not only because people want things to be perfect for their own sake, but also the social judgment. How would others think about it? Will my friends like it? What if the neighbors laugh at my hair style? People want perfection because they want to feel good about themselves, whenever in front of the mirror, or in front of others. (其实每当提出一个新的论点的时候可以适当的举个例子,这样可能会比较好。你第一个论点是人们perfection的心理,先像这一段说明一下perfection,然后可以像第五段举个例子。)
   And when it comes to the advertisement, wise producers will never fail to achieve this goal---- to convince people that they will be perfect and feel better just by purchasing the products they advertise. (
   The first thing that should be taken into consideration is the concept of perfection. The advertisement either use the existing facts that are accepted, or build up its own concept of perfection. The second one is the “suggestion” that using the product would help people to achieve this goal, to be perfect and setting “examples” to help the advertisements with this “suggestion”. (
   A good advertisement knows how to use examples, or in another word, the power of “suggestion”. Do you want smooth long hair like hers? Well, using the “XXX” shampoo will give you shining hair just for your own. By exhibiting beautiful women or charming men or delicious food after using those products, they infiltrate people’s mind with the visual concept of perfection. The advertisements successfully played the role of “social judgment” and force you to think and agree with those concepts, and suggest the equivalence that using the products means being the person you want to be, or the person in the advertisement that you can be. With this powerful, overwhelmed influence, consumers would like to put their wallets into the manufacturers’ hands, with which advertisements helped a lot.
   With respect to all that I mentioned above, the key point for an advertisement is to understand people, to know their needs and meet it, to make them believe the products could help them feel better, be like the people in the ad, and perfect, and when the advertisement achieves this goal, the products sell. (
第二个论点powerful suggestion跑到哪里去了?)


The speaker asserts that the practice that a large number of advertisements make people to 'be like' the person in the ad is not only effective in selling products but also help people feel better about themselves. This assersion (assertion) mainly involves two different aspects: for one thing, ads play an important role in selling products and for another, ads add some happiness to people's daily life by making them feel better about themselves. However, as to me, I do agree with the speaker's first assertion but I really doubt with the second one and the spesific (specific) reasons will be illustrated in the following.
To begin with, the main purpose of ads is to draw the attention of consumers', thereby selling products to them. As can be seen from the internet, TV, newspapers and the large bulletin boards on the side of the streets, a large amount of advertisements are pouring to us at an unprecedented speed. They are definitely the
complishments (accomplishments) of advertisers, who may rack their brains for genious (genius) ideas to make their ads more wonderful and more attracting. In this way, the people will be deeply impressed and when they go shopping, they may just have a try. So we can conclude that advertisements do help selling products and thus make the producers win a big deal. Otherwise, no one will want to afford the high ad fees and there will be no ad at all.
However, the assersion that ads help people feel better of themselves
seems no more convicing (is not more convincible) than questionable. I concede that maybe in the first place it will do bring you much happiness, elevate your self-esteem and make you a sunny guy for the first several days after you purcharse (purchase) a certain wonderful item which you have longed for weeks. But a few weeks later, when you become accustomed to it, the exciting feelings may fade away and you may think it is just so so. Meanwhile, there are still some ads which do not demenstrate (demonstrate) the ideal character we want to be but the opposite aspect that will appear if you do not use certain products. In this way, I dare to say that no one would want to be the state showed in the ads and also will fell better ethier.
A specific example concerning the above problem can been from the advertisement of an expensive, gorgeous and effective mobile phones owned by a wealthy
yong (young) lady who can use the phone to book airplane tickets, hotels, delecate (delicate) banquets and so forth. Of course, this will not happen to ordinary people and thus will make them feel uncomfortable, lower their self-respect and so on. In this setting, ad will definitely do harm rather good to our consumers.
Consequently, due to the analysis and reasons mentioned above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that ads do help sell products and thus the producers may get a profit from it but as to the problem of whether they can make consumers feel better about themselves is not always right.

有进步!赞一下!第一个论点阐述的还可以。说到反驳的观点时,我适当地补充一下:有些广告并不是让人feel better的,比如说noncommercial ads(公益广告)它只是唤起人们的一些社会关注(social concern)。还有一些穷人看一些奢侈品的广告时,也不会觉得好受的。所以广告并不局限于买东西和让人觉得好受。

[ 本帖最后由 leeking85 于 2007-3-25 16:42 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-25 01:28:14 |只看该作者





Many advertisments make consumers want to buy a product by implying that they will “be like” the person in the ad, and I agree that this practice is effective because it not only sells the products but also helps people feel better about themselves, which is exactly why they can attract people to purchase.
   Most psychologists would agree that people prefer perfection, would you like a clean room, slim shape,and health body or dirty hands, overweighed body and sickness everyday? The answers are obvious to me. This is not only because people want things to be perfect for its own sake, but also the social judgement. How would others think about it? Will my friends like it? What if the neighbours laugh at my hair style? People want perfection because they want to feel good about themselves, whenever in front of the mirror, or in front of others.
   And when it comes to the advertisment, wise producers will never fail to achieve this goal---- to convince people that they will be perfect and feel better, just by purchasing the products they advertise.
   The first thing that should be taken into consideration is the concept of perfection. The advertisment either use the existing facts that are accepted, or build up its own concept of perfection. The second one is the “suggestion” that using the product would help people to achieve this goal, to be perfect, and setting “examples” to help the advertisments with this “suggestion”.
   A good advertisment knows how to use examples, or in another word, the power of “suggestion”. Do you want smooth long hair like hers? Well, using the “XXX” shampoo will give you shining hair just for your own. By exhibiting beautiful women or charming men or delicious food after using those products, they infiltrate people’s mind with the visual concept of perfection. The advertisments successfully played the role of “social judgement” and force you to think and agree with those concepts, and suggest the equivalence that using the products means being the person you want to be, or the person in the advertisment that you can be. With this powerful, overwhelmed influence, consumers would like to put their wallets into the manufacturers’ hands, with which advertisments helped a lot.
   With respect to all that I mentioned above, the key point for an advertisment is to understand people, to know their needs and meet it, to make them believe the products could help them feel better, be like the people in the ad, and perfect, and when the advertisment achieves this goal, the products sell.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-25 01:49:01 |只看该作者
:confused:   :confused:

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-25 08:34:14 |只看该作者


The speaker asserts that the practice that a large number of advertisements make people to 'be like' the person in the ad is not only effective in selling products but also help people feel better about themselves. This assersion mainly involves two different aspects: for one thing, ads play an important role in selling products and for another, ads add some happiness to people's daily life by making them feel better about themselves. However, as to me, I do agree with the speaker's first assertion but I really doubt with the second one and the spesific reasons will be illustrated in the following.
To begin with, the main purpose of ads is to draw the attention of consumers', thereby selling products to them. As can be seen from the internet, TV, newspapers and the large bulletin boards on the side of the streets, a large amount of advertisements are pouring to us at an unprecedented speed. They are definitely the complishments of advertisers, who may rack their brains for genious ideas to make their ads more wonderful and more attracting. In this way, the people will be deeply impressed and when they go shopping, they may just have a try. So we can conclude that advertisements do help selling products and thus make the producers win a big deal. Otherwise, no one will want to afford the high ad fees and there will be no ad at all.
However, the assersion that ads help people feel better of themselves seems no more convicing than questionable. I concede that maybe in the first place it will do bring you much happiness, elevate your self-esteem and make you a sunny guy for the first several days after you purcharse a certain wonderful item which you have longed for weeks. But a few weeks later, when you become accustomed to it, the exciting feelings may fade away and you may think it is just so so. Meanwhile, there are still some ads which do not demenstrate the ideal character we want to be but the opposite aspect that will appear if you do not use certain products. In this way, I dare to say that no one would want to be the state showed in the ads and also will fell better ethier.
A specific example concerning the above problem can been from the advertisement of an expensive, gorgeous and effective mobile phones owned by a wealthy yong lady who can use the phone to book airplane tickets, hotels, delecate banquets and so forth. Of course, this will not happen to ordinary people and thus will make them feel uncomfortable, lower their self-respect and so on. In this setting, ad will definitely do harm rather good to our consumers.
Consequently, due to the analysis and reasons mentioned above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that ads do help sell products and thus the producers may get a profit from it but as to the problem of whether they can make consumers feel better about themselves is not always right.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-25 12:25:50 |只看该作者

回复 #5 hlzhang431 的帖子


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-25 13:27:43 |只看该作者
The methods that merchants use to propagandize their merchandise are becoming more and more multiform with the pace of the fast-developing society.  As the appearance of TV programs and the Internet, it is a common phenomenon that advertisements are used to enhance the sale of commodities. Recently, many advertisements are created to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will “be like” the person in the ads.  The speaker asserts that this practice is effective for it not only sells goods but also plays a role in making people feel better about themselves. However,   there are no absolute conclusion whether it is effective and bring benefit to consumers.
    There is no escaping the fact that ads represented by a model or star usually convince more consumers to accept the products. Especially when the star is the exact favorite idol considered by one generation, the impact is tremendous. Howbeit, it is impossible to ensure that they make people feel better. The main reason is that there is no products that can satisfy all individuals. Consumers must recognize the products well and make sure that it is suitable, otherwise they are not only be fuitilities, but also may bring catastrophes to your life. For example, if a lady who has the oleic complexion sees an ad for a cosmetic deputized by a popular actress, which is good at supplying the grease for dry complexions, the comely character of the model’s face give her a deep impression. She promptly buys the product. What will happen to her?The facial skin will gets oilier and oilier. Thus, it is just effective practice when the products fit the right people.
     Another reason is that we can’t neglect the falsehood in some ads. Though the ad producers invite famous models to make the whole scenery more comfortable, there is no certain promise that the models have become the brilliant images after using the products.Most of them are only asked to be photographed without trying the commodities.Sometimes, they even know little about what they are deputizing. So this makes amount of exaggeration and inauthenticity. In such cases, can we say that the practise is effective?Do they really let consumers feel better?Absolutely not. According to the report provided by the Consumer’s Association, the number of ads which provide wrong information or have over-embellished is ascending at a high speed. There are more and more customers have been beguiled by the businessmen after the credulity of their ads. What are the results from these ads? Not only the poor sale of products, but also the loose of credit in their enterprise reputation, less than the effectiveness.
     There are still several other aspects relevant to the issue under discussion, which, unfortunately, I have no time to explore in detail. But the above-discussed reasons should to a large extent justify my claim that advertisements which try to make people want to buy a product so that they will 'be like' the person in the ads are not always effective in selling products and making customers feel better of themselves. What the determinant is that the truth that the advertisement has described and the fitness between the products and the customers.

字数:531  感觉找不到论点,写得有点散,希望大家多批

[ 本帖最后由 totalsm45518 于 2007-3-25 13:29 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-25 14:03:53 |只看该作者

回复 #3 香水棋 的帖子

Many advertisments make consumers want to buy a product by implying that they will “be like” the person in the ad, and I agree that this practice is effective because it not only sells the products but also helps people feel better about themselves, which is exactly why they can attract people to purchase(感觉读起来有点不顺,是否可以改成which is exactly the reason why....仅供参考).
   Most psychologists would agree that people prefer perfection, would you like a clean room, slim shape,and health body or dirty hands, overweighed body and sickness everyday? The answers are obvious to me. This is not only because people want things to be perfect for its own sake, but also the social judgement(后面这半句和前面的because不是很搭配吧,becasue怎么能直接接名词呢?). How would others think about it? Will my friends like it? What if the neighbours laugh at my hair style?(这几个问句感觉有点多余,本来全文就不是很长,没有必要赘述这么多心理的想法吧?和论点有点偏离,觉得可以删去) People want perfection because they want to feel good about themselves, whenever in front of the mirror, or in front of (感觉可以换一个次,两个in front of 看起来不是很好,可以换成facing之类的)others.
   And when it comes to the advertisment, wise producers will never fail to achieve this goal---- to convince people that they will be perfect and feel better, just by purchasing the products they advertise.
   The first thing that should be taken into consideration is the concept of perfection. The advertisment either use the existing facts that are accepted, or build up its own concept of perfection. The second one is the “suggestion” that using the product would help people to achieve this goal, to be perfect, and setting “examples” to help the advertisments with this “suggestion”(这两句话没有怎么看懂要表达什么意思啊,而且为什么用setting这种动名词形式呢?接在哪里啊?貌似是应该用set吧).
   A good advertisment knows how to use examples, or in another word(如果用in another word了,就不用or了吧,一个意思啊), the power of “suggestion”. Do you want smooth long hair like hers? Well, using the “XXX” shampoo will give you shining hair just for your own. By exhibiting beautiful women or charming men or delicious food after using those products, they infiltrate people’s mind with the visual concept of perfection. The advertisments successfully played(和后面的force形式不一致啊,用play或者改后面的吧) the role of “social judgement” and force you to think and agree with those concepts, and suggest the equivalence that using the products means being the person you want to be, or the person in the advertisment that you can be. With this powerful, overwhelmed influence, consumers would like to put their wallets into the manufacturers’ hands, with which advertisments helped a lot.
   With respect to all that I mentioned above, the key point for an advertisment is to understand people, to know their needs and meet it, to make them believe the products could help them feel better, be like the people in the ad, and perfect, and when the advertisment achieves this goal, the products sell.(可以用主动形式吗?是否是are sold.)



使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-25 14:40:16 |只看该作者

回复 #3 香水棋 的帖子

'advertisments' should be ' advertisements ';
'judgement' should be 'judgment '.

Many advertisments make consumers want to buy a product by implying that they will “be like” the person in the ad, and I agree that this practice is effective because it not only sells the products but also helps people feel better about themselves, which is exactly why they can attract people to purchase.(最后一句有点儿别扭,不太通顺,前后好像并非因果关系)
   Most psychologists would agree that people prefer perfection, would you like a clean room, slim shape, and health body or dirty hands, overweighed body and sickness everyday (好像不是正规的英语吧)? The answers are obvious to me. This is not only because people want things to be perfect for its(their) own sake, but also the social judgement. How would others think about it? Will my friends like it? What if the neighbours(neighbours’) laugh at my hair style? People want perfection because they want to feel good about themselves, whenever in front of the mirror, or in front of others.
   And when it comes to the advertisment (没有特指某个广告,感觉还是用其复数形式advertisemnts较好),wise producers will never fail to achieve this goal---- to convince people that they will be perfect and feel better, just by purchasing the products they advertise.
   The first thing that should be taken into consideration is the concept of perfection. The advertisment either use the existing facts that are accepted, or build up its own concept of perfection. The second one is the “suggestion” that using the product would help people to achieve this goal, to be perfect, and setting “examples” to help the advertisments with this “suggestion”.
   A good advertisment knows how to use examples, or in another word, the power of “suggestion”. Do you want smooth long hair like hers? Well, using the “XXX” shampoo will give you shining hair just for your own. By exhibiting beautiful women or charming men or delicious food after using those products, they infiltrate people’s mind with the visual concept of perfection. The advertisments successfully played the role of “social judgement” and force you to think and agree with those concepts, and suggest the equivalence that using the products means being the person you want to be, or the person in the advertisment that you can be. With this powerful, overwhelmed influence, consumers would like to put their wallets into the manufacturers’ hands, with which advertisments helped a lot.
   With respect to all that I mentioned above, the key point for an advertisment is to understand people, to know their needs and meet it, to make them believe the products could help them feel better, be like the people in the ad, and perfect, and when the advertisment achieves this goal, the products sell.

[ 本帖最后由 hlzhang431 于 2007-3-25 14:43 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-25 15:48:37 |只看该作者

回复 #7 totalsm45518 的帖子

The methods that merchants use to propagandize their merchandise are becoming more and more multiform with the pace of the fast-developing society. (开头较精彩!)  As the appearance of TV programs and the Internet, it is a common phenomenon that advertisements are used to enhance the sale of commodities. Recently, many advertisements are created to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will “be like” the person in the ads.  The speaker asserts that this practice is effective for it not only sells goods but also plays a role in making people feel better about themselves. However,   there are no absolute conclusion(conclusions) whether it is effective and bring benefit to consumers.
    There is no escaping the fact that ads represented by a model or star usually convince more consumers to accept the products. Especially when the star is the exact favorite idol considered by one generation, the impact is tremendous.(精彩!) Howbeit, it is impossible to ensure that they make people feel better. The main reason is that there is no products that can satisfy all individuals. Consumers must recognize the products well and make sure that it is(they are) suitable, otherwise they are not only be fuitilities(甚么意思?), but also may bring catastrophes to your life. For example, if a lady who has the oleic complexion sees an ad for a cosmetic deputized by a popular actress, which(who) is good at supplying the grease for dry complexions, the comely character of the model’s face give her a deep impression. She promptly buys the product. What will happen to her? The facial skin will gets oilier and oilier. Thus, it is just effective practice when the products fit the right people.
     Another reason is that we can’t neglect the falsehood in some ads. Though the ad producers invite famous models to make the whole scenery more comfortable, there is no certain promise that the models have become the brilliant images after using the products. Most of them are only asked to be photographed without trying the commodities. Sometimes, they even know little about what they are deputizing. So this makes (a large) amount of exaggeration and inauthenticity. In such cases, can we say that the practise(practice) is effective? Do they really let consumers feel better? Absolutely not. According to the report provided by the Consumer’s Association, the number of ads which provide wrong information or have over-embellished is ascending at a high speed. There are more and more customers have been beguiled by the businessmen after the credulity of their ads. What are the results from these ads? Not only the poor sale of products, but also the loose of credit in their enterprise reputation, less than the effectiveness.(该句子成分不清,存在严重语法问题)
     There are still several other aspects relevant to the issue under discussion, which, unfortunately, I have no time to explore in detail. But the above-discussed reasons should to a large extent justify my claim that advertisements which try to make people want to buy a product so that they will 'be like' the person in the ads are not always effective in selling products and making customers feel better of themselves. What the determinant is that (不太理解,改为What determines are) the truth that the advertisement has described and the fitness between the products and the customers.


[ 本帖最后由 hlzhang431 于 2007-3-25 15:59 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-25 21:41:54 |只看该作者

I agree with the author’s assertion that the purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will feel like being the person in the ad. And this practice not only successfully publicizes the products but also helps clients obviously feel better about themselves, which is very effective.

On the one hand, ads’ main purpose is to sell the product, which propagandize companies’ public impression and satisfy people’s daily life.(感觉这里不能用一个which,宣传公司形象的应该是广告,而满足人们每日生活的应该是产品,所以一个定语从句觉得有点牵强) So if they want to people buy their products they should emphasize the merits of products that will satisfy the person in the ads. As we all know the notion about connection between ads and person’s(不知道是不是改用personal) feeling is very common sense in the marketing. For example, in some cars’ advertisement(s) we can see a person drive(driving更好一点吧) a car very happily, which conveys the information that person who obtains the car is(is去掉) also obtains wonderful happiness. And this build(builds) the connection between happiness and the car so as to the people will have a good impression for(是不是该用on阿) this car. Therefore, basically fulfilling consumers’ desire that show(是不是该用shown呢,主语貌似不是主动吧) in ads’ person will successfully spur the consumption and make clients feel better.

On the other hand, even sometimes ads exaggerate the characteristics of products, but it brings people to experience some unreal but exciting things in the ads(感觉用两个but有点单调,可以随便换一个), which also fulfill person’s imagination. For instance, some MP3 ads shows when you listen to it every people around begin to dance accompanied the music, which is obviously not true but will attract people, since when we are infected by music the world around us will totally be infected as well, which will makes our feel better and absolutely enjoy our music and life without outside influence.(例子举得很棒!)

In final analysis, since many advertisements always use this practice we can see emphasizing the merits of products and showing the person’s satisfaction is the best way for ads, and it also get the sound result that not only building good impression of company and increasing sell(销售量是sale) but also satisfying clients.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-25 22:19:41 |只看该作者


With the development of the information transformation technology, a wide variety of advertisements flood our life, which take up a large portion of the newspapers, magazines, radio and television broadcasting, internet and so on. It seems that we could never escape from the advertisement because they are bound to exist everywhere around, even on the moving vehicles and the standing-still buildings. In terms of manufacturers, it is a rather effective way to sell more products and win more profits through making some impressive advertisement to attract many more consumers. Except for highly developed advertising technology and original advertisement conception, inviting those who can best represent the products seems dispensable for making the products much desirable and the consumers feel that they are like the people in the advertisement. Do advertisements truly work out fine which means that it would help to sell more products besides let the consumers feel better about themselves? From my point of view, it asks for further discussion.
      First and foremost, the objective conditions and subjective factors do have something to do with their purchasing behaviors to a certain degree. Imagining that there is a piece of high-grade door buster, different people would react dissimilarly based on their distinct background and experiences. On one hand, some rich people might think that the product would properly show their socio-economic status and feel good of themselves on condition that they own that product, they would choose to buy this kind of products. Also there are some people they can not afford this product at present but show great interests to this product could be considered as potential customers of this product. In this case, the sales would promote. On the other hand, advertisement would be of no value for increasing the sales volume. For instance, some millionaires who are satisfied with their life might not have an appetite for the product though the advertisement is alluring. Additionally, some self-contemptuous poor people might not identify this product as the one which belong to the poor group and not buy the product.
     As a matter of fact, the product spokesman in the advertisement is another crucial factor related to the sales and the feeling of the consumers. It is known to us all that chase-star craze is so popular in reality that not just the youth but also the elderly are absorbed in this phenomenon. I think that is why the pop stars and celebrities in the entertainment dominant are the key roles of the advertisement. However, as the old saying goes” it is hard to please all" ,that is to say, the advertisers could not always cater for the tastes of all the consumers. Unless the spokesman is right the star they admire, the consumers would probably feel better about themselves and buy the product. Adversely, they will not buy the product just because they dislike the spokesman the advertisers choose though the advertisement looks good and the quality of the product is not bad at all.
      Admittedly, there is no need for me to put any emphasis on the great influence that advertisement have exerted on our consumption view and purchasing behavior, whereas, as what has been discussed above, it is still hard to distinguish whether advertisement would improve the feeling of the consumers and the volume of sales. What we ought to remember is that, in the long run, only those products which are of good quality can win their consumers; in contrast, those inferior products could mere obtain a furious hot sale temporarily by attracting the consumers with splendid advertisement.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-25 23:51:32 |只看该作者


I agree with the speaker’s assertion that some ad can help sell product and make people feel better about themselves. However, the speaker unnecessarily extend this broad assertion to embrace every ad and any time, while ignoring certain compelling reasons why some ads is not effective.
I concede that the speaker is correct to some extent. After all, ad is an introduction, through which customers get the message of the product’s features superior to others. From this respect, ad does attract people’s attention and is helpful in selling the product. Yet, ad just makes people know the product instead of liking it. On the contrary, whether the product is welcomed depend on it’s quality not the ad. For example, coca cola has been the world famous beverage. This partly because of the wonderful ad, and mainly due to it’s unique flavor.
As for the speaker’s another assertion that ad can make people feel better about themselves is also in troubling. Some ads exaggerate the function and intentionally avoid some defects. Thereby after consuming the product for a short time, customers would find it isn’t as good as the ad says. They feel are cheated.
The speaker’s assertion is troubling in another respect as well. Even the ad is consistent with the function of the product and the function is needed in our daily life. Yet, there is another questionthe price of the product is the primary factor that affects it’s selling. Too much cost of ad would increase the price of the product. With higher price and the same quality, it is obvious that customers prefer to choose the cheaper one.
In sum, the speaker’s assertion that ad is effective in selling product and helping people feel better about themselves begs question.   

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