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[a习作temp] argument145 vivien 3.29 homework [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-29 22:46:37 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Argument 145

In this argument, the author recommends that all the peoplewho snore need to take more exercise and eat less than average people. Tosupport this recommendation, the author cites a new study showing that peoplewho snore are likely to put on weight. Furthermore, the author also points outthat people who snore feel weak after waking. As discussed bellow, the argumentsuffers from several flaws and is therefore unconvincing.

First of all, the new study cited by the author isunreliable, because the author fails to provide some important informationabout the study. For example, the author did not provide how many subjectsjoined in this study. If it is only 10 subjects, then the result based on themis insufficient to draw the conclusion that all people who snore are morelikely to gain weight. Or perhaps the researcher only studied male, then theresult may be altered that only male who snore are more likely to gain weight.Without providing concrete information about this study, we will not believeits result.

Second, the author gives no evidence to support that peoplewho snore will be tired during the day to exercise. This assumption is entirelythe author's own thought without reliable evidence. It is quite possible thatpeople who snore would not feel tired the next day.
Even these people feel tired, it is not means that theywould avoid doing physical exercise. Since doing physical exercise is one's ownchoice or habit, a tired people who like doing exercise would not give up doingfor the tired, and a lazy people would not doing physical exercise even if heis full of energy. Lacking detailed analysis, the author should not hastilyinfer that people who snores will tired to next day to exercise.

Finally, the author falsely assumes that eating less foodand doing more exercise will lead to weight losing of snored people. As we allknow that gaining weight is connected with other reasons like gene ordigestion. It is possible that a people who eat less food and do much exercisecan not lose weight because his gene determined that he is a weight person. Orone person's digestion is very good that even a little food can contribute tohis weight. Since the author overlooks these possible explanations, it is sheerfolly to come to that eating less and doing exercise will let people loseweight.

In summary, the recommendation reached in this argument isnot well supported. To make this argument more persuasive, the author shouldprovide more concrete evidences to justify that snored people indeed likely toput on weight. To better access the argument, we need to know what areeffective ways to help snored people lose weight.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-30 18:31:24 |只看该作者
In this argument, the author recommends that all the people who snore need to take more exercise and eat less than average people. To support this recommendation, the author cites a new study showing that people who snore are likely to put on weight. Furthermore, the author also points out that people who snore feel weak after waking. As discussed bellow, the argument suffers from several flaws and is therefore unconvincing.

First of all, the new study cited by the author is unreliable, because the author fails to provide some important information about the study. For example, the author did not provide how many subjects(respondents?) joined in this study. If it is only 10 subjects(respondents?), then the result based on them is insufficient to draw the conclusion that all people who snore are more likely to gain weight. Or perhaps the researcher only studied male, then the result may be altered that only male who snore are more likely to gain weight.Without providing concrete information about this study, we will not believe its result.

Second, the author gives no evidence to support that people who snore will be tired during the day to exercise. This assumption is entirely on the author's own thought without reliable evidence. It is quite possible that people who snore would not feel tired the next day.
Even these people feel tired, it is not means that they would avoid doing physical exercise. Since doing physical exercise is one's own choice or habit, a tired people who like doing exercise would not give up doing for(becuase of) the tired, and a lazy people would not doing physical exercise even if he is full of energy. Lacking detailed analysis, the author should not hastily infer that people who snores will tired to next day to exercise(will be too tired to exercise next day).

Finally, the author falsely assumes that eating less food and doing more exercise will lead to weight losing of snored people. As we all know that gaining weight is connected with other reasons like gene or digestion. It is possible that a people who eat less food and do much(more) exercise can not lose weight because his gene determined that he is a weight person. Orone(Snored) person's digestion is very good that even a little food can contribute to his weight. Since the author overlooks these possible explanations, it is sheer folly to come to that eating less and doing exercise will let people lose weight.

In summary, the recommendation reached in this argument is not well supported. To make this argument more persuasive, the author should provide more concrete evidences to justify that snored people indeed likely to put on weight. To better access the argument, we need to know what are areeffective ways to help snored people lose weight.


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