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[i习作temp] Issue154 有拍必回 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-12 21:57:16 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Issue154 "Bothparents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is tooimportant to leave solely to a group of professional educators.

When at themention of education, no people would deny its importance in this era of rapidscience and technology development. Yet, as for the problem that whetherparents as well as communities should engage in education or not, a debaterises. Insofar, education should include the role of parents and communities.

Firstly, parents shouldbe involved in the children’s education. As we all know that after we wereborn, family is the first and nearest place, in which we grow up, so parents playan important role in shaping children’s character and interest. We can see nofurther than Curie’s family to illustrate this. This family is distinguished byits scientific contributions to the world. Being influenced by parents’ passionand persistence in science, lrene Joliot-Curie, the daughter of Pierre Curieand Marie Curie, devoted herself into the scientific research and finally wonthe Nobel Prize. It is a convincing example to demonstrate the importance of parents’influence. Without parents’ engagement, education may fail to achieve itssupposed effect.

Secondly,communities should also engage in children’s education. For one thing, as apart of the society, children must be affected by the value, ideas and moralityof the whole society. It is said that a healthy society can bring our childreninto healthy personalities both physical and mental. It ensures a peaceful andgo-ahead atmosphere for children to grow up and learn. In addition, lots ofuniversities and colleges cooperate with firms in the community. Students aresent to the companies to do some practical work or explore some new productsthat meet the needs of the market. After having finished the task, they willalso finish their papers or even academic dissertations. In doing so, not onlycan they apply knowledge in practice, also they have more opportunity to knowthe outside world. Thus, communities’ role is of importance to children’seducation.

Doubtlessly, overinvolvement of parents and community may affect the effect of education. Toillustrate this, we can see no further than the seat arrangement. Every parenthopes his/her child could find a good seat in the classroom, and he/she tendsto ask the school give special treatment. As a result, all parents require suchtreatment, and no people are willing to take seats at the two sides as well asthe back of the classroom. While, disappointingly but truly, seats in the frontor middle of the classroom are limited to meet so many students. This mayaffect school's normal teaching arrangement. Hence, if parents merely taketheir children’s interests into account, conflicts may occur, which wouldaffect the school teaching. Similarly, as society highly value practicalsubjects, if it participate the education overmuch, it may convey its practicalview to school and affect the curriculum design. As a result, most of thesubjects are those Computer Science and Finance. Subjects emphasizing theorysuch as history and Mathematics, on the contrary, might be seldom offered tostudents. Consequently, such curriculum fails to offer students a necessarilycomprehensive basis of knowledge. Hence, moderation should be made for theparticipation of parents and communities.

In sum, educationis a project ofvital and lasting importance, and anyone who cares about the growthof youth should pay some attention to it, not only our professional educators,but also parents as well as the whole society. Only through this, can weeffectively cultivate qualified successorto prosper our civilization.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-12 23:17:46 |只看该作者
Issue154 "Bothparents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is tooimportant to leave solely to a group of professional educators.

When at the mention of education, no people would deny its importance in this era of rapid science and technology development. Yet, as for the problem that whether parents as well as communities should engage in education or not, a debate rises. Insofar, education should include the role of parents and communities.

Firstly, parents should be involved in the children’s education. (看到第一句的时候比较怀疑,因为题目是说school)As we all know that after we were born, family is the first and nearest place, in which we grow up, so parents play an important role in shaping children’s character and interest. We can see no further than Curie’s family to illustrate this. This family is distinguished by its scientific contributions to the world. Being influenced by parents’ passion and persistence in science, lrene Joliot-Curie, the daughter of Pierre Curie and Marie Curie, devoted herself into the scientific research and finally wonthe Nobel Prize. It is a convincing example to demonstrate the importance of parents’ influence. Without parents’ engagement, education may fail to achieve its supposed effect. (最后一句话有点空,说的不详细)

Secondly, communities should also engage in children’s education. (还是同一个问题)For one thing, as apart of the society, children must be affected by the value, ideas and morality of the whole society. It is said that a healthy society can bring our children into healthy personalities both physical and mental. It ensures a peaceful and go-ahead atmosphere for children to grow up and learn. In addition, lots of universities and colleges cooperate with firms in the community. Students aresent to the companies to do some practical work or explore some new products that meet the needs of the market. After having finished the task, they will also finish their papers or even academic dissertations. In doing so, not only can they apply knowledge in practice, also they have more opportunity to know the outside world. Thus, communities’ role is of importance to children’s education.(大学了就不能是children了吧囧)

Doubtlessly, over involvement (你确定可以这样用?)of parents and community may affect the effect of education. To illustrate this, we can see no further than the seat arrangement. Every parent hopes his/her child could find a good seat in the classroom, and he/she tends to ask the school give special treatment. As a result, all parents require such treatment, and no people are willing to take seats at the two sides as well ast he back of the classroom. While, disappointingly but truly, seats in the frontor middle of the classroom are limited to meet so many students. This may affect school's normal teaching arrangement. Hence, if parents merely take their children’s interests into account, conflicts may occur, which would affect the school teaching. Similarly, as society highly value practical subjects, if it participate the education overmuch, it may convey its practical view to school and affect the curriculum design. As a result, most of the subjects are those Computer Science and Finance. Subjects emphasizing theory such as history and Mathematics, on the contrary, might be seldom offered to students. Consequently, such curriculum fails to offer students a necessarily comprehensive basis of knowledge. Hence, moderation should be made for the participation of parents and communities. 恩 这段写的蛮好的 我的让步段写的太差了 呵呵

In sum, educationis a project ofvital and lasting importance, and anyone who cares about the growthof youth should pay some attention to it, not only our professional educators,but also parents as well as the whole society. Only through this, can weeffectively cultivate qualified successorto prosper our civilization.
恩 前面我觉得有点偏 应该是 Involve in school啊 通体蛮好,句式比较多变,让步段的论证比较好

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-12 23:10:06 |只看该作者
Issue154 "Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators.

When at the mention of education, no people would deny its importance in this era of rapid science and technology development. Yet, as for the problem that whetherparents as well as communities should engage in education or not, a debaterises. Insofar, education should include the role of parents and communities.

Firstly, parents shouldbe involved in the children’s education. As we all know that after we wereborn, family is the first and nearest place, in which we grow up, so parents playan important role in shaping children’s character and interest. We can see nofurther than Curie’s family to illustrate this. This family is distinguished byits scientific contributions to the world. Being influenced by parents’ passionand persistence in science, lrene Joliot-Curie, the daughter of Pierre Curieand Marie Curie, devoted herself into the scientific research and finally wonthe Nobel Prize. It is a convincing example to demonstrate the importance of parents’influence. Without parents’ engagement, education may fail to achieve itssupposed effect. (家长应该参与)

Secondly,communities should also engage in children’s education. For one thing, as apart of the society, children must be affected by the value, ideas and morality of the whole society. It is said that a healthy society can bring our childreninto healthy personalities both physical and mental. It ensures a peaceful andgo-ahead atmosphere for children to grow up and learn. In addition, lots ofuniversities and colleges cooperate with firms in the community. Students aresent to the companies to do some practical work or explore some new productsthat meet the needs of the market. After having finished the task, they willalso finish their papers or even academic dissertations. In doing so, not onlycan they apply knowledge in practice, also they have more opportunity to knowthe outside world. Thus, communities’ role is of importance to children’seducation.(社团应该参与)

Doubtlessly, over involvement of parents and community may affect the effect of education. Toillustrate this, we can see no further than the seat arrangement. Every parent hopes his/her child could find a good seat in the classroom, and he/she tends to ask the school give special treatment.(这个例子好国产化呀....) As a result, all parents require such treatment, and no people are willing to take seats at the two sides as well asthe back of the classroom. While, disappointingly but truly, seats in the frontor middle of the classroom are limited to meet so many students. This mayaffect school's normal teaching arrangement. Hence, if parents merely taketheir children’s interests into account, conflicts may occur, which wouldaffect the school teaching. (说真的,这个例子有点牵强...这不是家长参与教育子女,而是家长干涉学校如何教育子女...额...反正感觉有点weird)Similarly, as society highly value practical subjects, if it participate the education overmuch, it may convey its practicalview to school and affect the curriculum design. As a result, most of thesubjects are those Computer Science and Finance. Subjects emphasizing theorysuch as history and Mathematics, on the contrary, might be seldom offered tostudents. Consequently, such curriculum fails to offer students a necessarilycomprehensive basis of knowledge. Hence, moderation should be made for theparticipation of parents and communities.(过度参与的坏处.恩,感觉是为了让步而让步啊.)

In sum, educationis a project ofvital and lasting importance, and anyone who cares about the growthof youth should pay some attention to it, not only our professional educators,but also parents as well as the whole society. Only through this, can weeffectively cultivate qualified successorto prosper our civilization.


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