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[i习作temp] Issue50 【0710G-HIT坚持交作业小组作文大帖】第十四次作业 ambitionxx [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-14 19:46:52 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
WORDS: 588         TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-14上午 11:31:22

With the development of the society and technology, many students have to hunt the jobs after their graduation and many professors have to put the theories into the practice to create production, and then there comes a question: whether all faculty should be required to spend the time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach. However, as far as I concerned, not all the faculty should do this. The faculty should make the decision according to their cases and subjects. To better present the viewpoint let me illustrate in details.

Admittedly, in order to keep pace with the technology and give more opportunities to their students after the graduation, the faculties are necessary to spend the time outside the academic world, especially, the professions of engineer. As we all know, the engineering is the subject who use the theories from the books to direct the production in the practice. In addition, the competition in the job market is very serious due to millions of the college or university students streaming into the job river after their graduation. If the students not only know the theories but also combine them with the practice, they are trend to get appreciate from the employer and have more chances in the future. For example, a professor from the Material science engineer always spends the time in the industrial world, on one hand, they can always keep conscious about the differences between research direction in the industry world and the academic world, on the other hand, they can refine his course in time to keep pace with the industrial advancement. Consequently, the students can learn more practical knowledge and instructions from the faculty, and benefit themselves when they step into society after graduation.

In addition, in the realm of the literature, the professors should also accumulate materials and get the inspiring from the life rather than always stay in the academic word. The literature is the subject that expresses the life with the help of the author’s creation. Consequently, the life is the source of the literature and only the author experiences the life that the works can be the real masterpieces. Without the experience in the life, the Goethe can not finish the work of Faust; without the careful scrutiny of the life, the Maxi can not finish the work of the Capital, which seriously influences the society.

However, emphasizing spending the time outside the academy field, it is unwise for the professors who engage in the theories, especially, the physics and mathematics. With the development of the subjects, like the physics and mathematics, they have step into a stage that break away or go beyond the society and practice, so their works ask the scientists to create the theories with the creation and imagination rather than working outside the academy world. The Einstein, the outstanding physics, creates the Theory of Relativity that combines the space and time with a new angle and can not be found in the life. The Chen Jinrun, a famous Chinese mathematics, proves the Goldbach's Conjecture for many years staying at the home. If required them to study outside the academy, they will have nothing. So it is not necessary for them to spend time working outside the academic world.

In summary, through all the discussion above, we can safely draw the conclusion that the professors should spend outside the academy if the subjects are practical subjects, while other scientist engaging the theories should spend more time in their academic world.

[ 本帖最后由 ambitionxx 于 2007-8-15 18:16 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-15 19:54:37 |只看该作者
With the development of the society and technology, many students have to hunt (加for比较好,hunt这里是不及物)the jobs after their graduation and many professors have to put the theories into the practice to create production, and then there comes a question: whether all faculty should be required to spend the time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach. However貌似这里没有很强的转折意味,去掉也可以), as far as I concerned, not all the faculty should do this. The faculty should make the decision according to their cases and subjects. To better present the viewpoint let me illustrate in details.

Admittedly, in order to keep pace with the technology and give more opportunities to their students after the graduation, the faculties are necessary to spend the time outside the academic world, especially, the professions of engineer. As we all know, the engineering is the subject whowho不适合作subject的引导词) use the theories from the books to direct the production in the practice. In addition, the competition in the job market is very serious(severe好些) due to millions of the college or university students streaming into the job river after their graduation. If the students not only know the theories but also combine them with the practice, they are trend (tend?)to get appreciate(appreciation) from the employer and have more chances in the future. For example, (加个if比较好,毕竟是假设的情形)a professor from the Material science engineer always spends the time in the industrial world, on one hand, they(前文是单数a professor,这里用he比较好) can always keep conscious about the differences between research direction in the industry world and the academic world, on the other hand, they(同前) can refine his course in time to keep pace with the industrial advancement. Consequently, the students can learn more practical knowledge and instructions from the faculty, and benefit themselves when they step into society after graduation.
这一段的求职一部分发展的有些欠缺。开头点出了如果学生不仅知道理论而且它们跟实际结合起来,就更受青睐。但是在后文的例子里主要还是说了教授把理论和实际联系起来,而且学生learn more practical knowledge and instructions 并没有点出“理论和实际结合”这一点。如果点出来会好一些。
for example的举例部分跟前文衔接不够自然,比较突兀。上一句话的求职和例子之间没有很强烈的关联,加上一个过渡句会好一些。

In addition, in the realm of the literature, the professors should also accumulate materials and get the inspiring(inspiration好些) from the life rather than always stay in the academic word. The literature is the subject that expresses the life with the help of the author’s creation. Consequently, the life is the source of the literature and only (加个when好些)the author experiences the life that the works can be the real masterpieces. Without the experience in the life, the Goethe can not finish the work of Faust; without the careful scrutiny of the life, the Max can not finish the work of the Capital, which seriously influences the society.

However, emphasizing spending the time outside the academy field, it(it代替的是emphasizing后的内容?) is unwise for the professors who engage in the theories, especially, the physics and mathematics. With the development of the subjects, like the physics and mathematics, they have step(stepped) into a stage that break away or go beyond the society and practice, so their works ask(ask for?) the scientists to create the theories with the creation and imagination rather than working outside the academy world. The Einstein, the outstanding physics, creates the Theory of Relativity that combines the space and time with a new angle and can not be found in the life. The Chen Jinrun, a famous Chinese mathematics, proves the Goldbach's Conjecture for many years staying at the home. If required them可以去掉,整个部分作为分词结构) to study outside the academy, they will have nothing. So it is not necessary for them to spend time working outside the academic world.

In summary, through all the discussion above, we can safely draw the conclusion that the professors should spend outside the academy if the subjects are practical subjects文学也是实际学科?总感觉practical subjects把文学给漏了), while other scientist engaging the theories should spend more time in their academic world.


[ 本帖最后由 SavileRow 于 2007-8-15 19:58 编辑 ]

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