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[i习作temp] issue54 0806Gstrive作文小组 第三次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-29 22:44:38 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
54. History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.

The education of history constantly arouses much concern among the general public. In this issue the author asserts that history has nothing to do with our development as knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today. As far as I am concerned, however, this statement stands far from telling the truth. As a matter of fact, history has provided much more than we could ever imagine.

To begin with, through learning historical events and relevant great figures we are able to value their precious qualities and get enlightened from those. Consequently, when encountering new problems, with the assistance of these qualities we will face them bravely and eventually make resonable decisions. The experience of conquering the South Pole or the Himalayas presents the courage to challenge the biological limitation of human beings. The discovery of gravity as well as he apple tree in front of Newton’s office shows the amazing insight of locating breakthrough from quotidian details. The breaking out of The Civil War and the following emancipation of The American Blacks makes the belief of equality and freedom deeply engrained into our hearts. These vivid examples are better materials for the current education compared with emphasizing pure conceptions of virtues and qualities. Only through this absorbing precess can we be well-qualified to handle the impending circumstances of more complexity and difficulty and figure out the solutions..

Apart from that, during the course of history mistakes happens all the time. These mistakes can serve as beneficial lessons for us to avoid repeat them. Such examples involves all the fields of human behavior. The failed research on perpetual motion machine has pointed out the inaccessibility of creating energy from none. Therefore, scientists and engineers do not waste time creating energy, instead they work on transformation of energy. The integration of Former Soviet Union has helped our human being realize that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Since then the institution aimed to supervize operation of governments and behaviors of political leaders are widely put into reality. The tragedy of space shutter Challenger’s crash has revealed the truth that the seemingly insignificant detail concerns the whole win or lose. Accordingly, carefulness has been an inalienable quality of engineers.In a word, the book of mistakes writtened by our predecessors should be given much attention, for the season that they function as a alarm to warn us where we cannot go.

Also it is worth mentioning that some of our current problems originates from historical reasons. Viewed from this perspective, learning history is absolutely helpful to make important decisions about comtemporary issues. It can be perfectly exemplified by the conflict between Isaeli and Palestinian, which has continued for more than a half century. The focus of conflict seems on the surface to be the territory and sovereignty. However, if we look into it historically to find its similarities with some wars happened before, the answer is that it is actually a collision between different religions and cultures—The Moslem world and the Christian world. These essential diverges of values are the major fator contributing to this long-lasting conflict and in order to completely fix it we have to focus on this point. That is what history tells us.

In sum, if all the aspects I have enumerated above are conprehensively contemplated, we can safely draw the conclusion that history is invaluable knowledge for our human being.
Knowing about the past tremendously help people to make important decisions today.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-3-4 12:05:28 |只看该作者
The education of history constantly arouses much concern among the general public.(前面这句话可以不要) In this issue the author asserts that history has nothing to do with our development as knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today. As far as I am concerned, however, this statement stands far from telling the truth. As a matter of fact, history has provided much more than we could ever imagine.

To begin with, through learning historical events and relevant great figures we are able to value their precious qualities and get enlightened from those. Consequently, when encountering new problems, with the assistance of these qualities we will face them bravely and eventually make resonable (reasonable) decisions. The experience of conquering the South Pole or the Himalayas presents the courage to challenge the biological limitation of human beings. The discovery of gravity as well as he apple tree in front of Newton’s office shows the amazing insight of locating breakthrough from quotidian details. The breaking out of The Civil War and the following emancipation of The American Blacks makes the belief of equality and freedom deeply engrained into our hearts. (例子举得详细生动,充实,学习)These vivid examples are better materials for the current education compared with emphasizing pure conceptions of virtues and qualities. Only through this absorbing precess (process) can we be well-qualified to handle the impending circumstances of more complexity and difficulty and figure out the solutions..

Apart from that, during the course of history mistakes happens (happen) all the time. These mistakes can serve as beneficial lessons for us to avoid repeat them. Such examples involves(involve)all the fields of human behavior. The failed research on perpetual motion machine has pointed out the inaccessibility of creating energy from none. Therefore, scientists and engineers do not waste time creating energy, instead they work on transformation of energy. The integration of Former Soviet Union has helped our human being realize that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Since then the institution aimed to supervise( supervise ) operation of governments and behaviors of political leaders are widely put into reality. The tragedy of space shutter Challenger’s crash has revealed the truth that the seemingly insignificant detail concerns the whole win or lose. Accordingly, carefulness has been an inalienable quality of engineers. In a word, the book of mistakes writtened (written  )  by our predecessors should be given much attention, for the season (reason)that they function as a alarm to warn us where we cannot go.(例子充实,学习)

Also it is worth mentioning that some of our current problems originates (originate ) from historical reasons(history). Viewed from this perspective, learning history is absolutely helpful to make important decisions about comtemporary (contemporary )  issues. It can be perfectly exemplified by the conflict between Isaeli (  Israeli) and Palestinian, which has continued for more than a half century. The focus of conflict seems on the surface to be the territory and sovereignty. However, if we look into it historically to find its similarities with some wars happened before, the answer is that it is actually a collision between different religions and cultures—The Moslem world and the Christian world. These essential diverges of values are the major fator( factors) contributing to this long-lasting conflict and in order to completely fix it we have to focus on this point. That is what history tells us.

In sum, if all the aspects I have enumerated above are conprehensively contemplated, we can safely draw the conclusion that history is invaluable knowledge for our human being.
Knowing about the past tremendously help people to make important decisions today.


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