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[i习作temp] 0910AW 同主题写作第二期 ISSUE13 by pojun.cn [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-6-3 23:08:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE13 Rebuilt the Tower of Babylon

Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.

0910AW 同主题写作第二期 ISSUE13 by pojun.cn
I agree with the speaker’s broad assertion that the governments of countries in which there are some lesser-known evanescent languages should do something while facing this type of tragedy. Moreover Languages’ disappearance often accompanies the extinguishing of the culture in corresponding areas, so it needs attentions of the whole globe. However, not all lesser-know languages should been given hundred-percents great efforts, because of their different conservation value.

Protection of evanescent languages is just like protection of animals on the brink of extinction, it is an important job, and I will explain its necessity and urgency at first.

If one language became extinct disappears, it means the culture corresponding to this language will get out of our eyes for ever. For example: Mayan civilization, we human being alive now even has no idea about its decline, in our brains there is only some imperfect limited imagination through few relics like stone building coldly. Losing of the cultural diversity is non-recoverable, just like reducing of species diversity similarly. Consider the dinosaurs which have been extinct for millions of years, we can know what they looked like only through reconstructing from their bones. So the job of saving both of language and animals closing to extinction is absolutely necessary. But steps of protecting language should take precedence, because of that if animal protection is closely interrelated to surviving of human being on the earth, then language saving is of the utmost importance to the heritage of our civilization.

It is noticeable for all of us that the situation is getting more seriously while we are discussing the matter here, now. Our time is precious, little more waiting may bring more consequences sadly. So our government need to act quickly.

Secondly, it’s not duty of only one countries nor only one government, neither. Language is one of mediums that the culture spread by, while people who speak languages are the carrier. We’re pressed for time as mentioned above. All of human, everybody, no matter where he is living, no matter which language he speaks, we had evolved from the same ancestor, then created different civilizations including variety languages while living in different position on our planet. There are still many elements in common, it is enlightening while study idiographic aspect in civilizations of other races. So civilizations, especially languages are our communal property. Moreover, the protective job of the language being extinct is a large-scale, durative task. Just one government can not afford it. We need a group like the United Nations to combine power of all countries. Solidarity means strength.

But before we make efforts, we should do an evaluation of the language. If people who speak it are too few, the protection is not worth. Because the corresponding culture is completely helpless. Just think about this case: if we have 10 thousand soldiers, they can be called a army; if we have only five soldiers, situation is fundamental different. Facing the fact, what should we do is creation. Creation is one of our missions in life.

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0910AW 同主题写作第二期 ISSUE13 by pojun.cn
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