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argument241 [tsubasa] zyp8756 []

Rank: 6Rank: 6

2009-7-18 23:37:00 |ֻ |
TOPIC: ARGUMENT241 - The following appeared in a memo at the XYZ company.

"When XYZ lays off employees, it pays Delany Personnel Firm to offer those employees assistance in creating resums and developing interviewing skills, if they so desire. Laid-off employees have benefited greatly from Delany's services: last year those who used Delany found jobs much more quickly than did those who did not. Recently, it has been proposed that we use the less-expensive Walsh Personnel Firm in place of Delany. This would be a mistake because eight years ago, when XYZ was using Walsh, only half of the workers we laid off at that time found jobs within a year. Moreover, Delany is clearly superior, as evidenced by its bigger staff and larger number of branch offices. After all, last year Delany's clients took an average of six months to find jobs, whereas Walsh's clients took nine."

In the argument, the author advises that Walsh which is substantiated worse than Delany should not replace Delany to offer employees assistance for XYZ. But what I find a lot of flaws below reveals the unreliable argument.

For a start, there lacks evidence to prove the quality of Delany. Though the author says Delany' service helps employees find jobs much faster, other possibilities can deny the assumption. Perhaps people who join the train to ameliorate skills always own an intense enterprise. The enterprise, as we know, can be the most significant factor to success. Consequently, finding a job will be easy. Or perhaps for a better repute, Delany laid the true situation of jobs and acclaimed an unreliable data. Yet the skills of the employees have not got progress. Thus, the Delany quality is dubious.

In addition, if the quality of Delany is reliable, Walsh may be better than Delany. Half of workers found works eight ago through the service of Walsh looks worse than the appearance of Delany. Yet myriad of diverse situations can impact the final results. Economy crisis might come to make finding jobs be a difficult thing. Or the position of that patch of employees is low eight years ago. In common sense, employees who are in low position always own a low level of technology that retarded a lot to find a new job. It therefore is rash to make sure the level of Delany is more excellent.

Finally, even if a prominent quality Delany owns and the work of Delany is much better than that of Walsh. It is curly to draw the conclusion that XYZ should keep using Delany without considering choosing Walsh. Other factors can affect the last choice. The bad work of Walsh that cost much more time to help client find work can results in its client reduction. The company is excited to try its best to improve the service and considerably emphasize new client. So choosing Walsh can be a good choice. Or the less cost can turn into a vital condition. The financial situation of XYZ may not sanguine that causes decreasing the payout will help XYZ a lot. So it is necessary to ponder carefully about the choice.

To sum up, the author does not persuade me to believe his assertion. To strengthen the argument, concrete and related information concerning true finding work fact of the employees and diverse conditions between the two companies ought to be provided.

Brian78 + 1 OK

+ 1   鿴ȫͶ

choose,do and never give up.

ʹõ ٱ

Rank: 5Rank: 5

2009-7-21 00:13:05 |ֻ
TOPIC: ARGUMENT241 - The following appeared in a memo at the XYZ company.

"When XYZ lays off employees, it pays Delany Personnel Firm to offer those employees assistance in creating resums and developing interviewing skills, if they so desire. Laid-off employees have benefited greatly from Delany's services: last year those who used Delany found jobs much more quickly than did those who did not. Recently, it has been proposed that we use the less-expensive Walsh Personnel Firm in place of Delany. This would be a mistake because eight years ago, when XYZ was using Walsh, only half of the workers we laid off at that time found jobs within a year. Moreover, Delany is clearly superior, as evidenced by its bigger staff and larger number of branch offices. After all, last year Delany's clients took an average of six months to find jobs, whereas Walsh's clients took nine."

In the argument, the author advises that Walsh which is substantiated worse than Delany should not replace Delany to offer employees assistance for XYZ. But what I find a lot of flaws below reveals the unreliable argument.
For a start, there lacks evidence to prove the quality of Delany. Though the author says Delany' service helps employees find jobs much faster, other possibilities can deny the assumption. Perhaps people who join the train to ameliorate skills always own an intense enterprise. The
ɾ enterprise, as we know, can be the most significant factor to success. Consequently, finding a job will be easy. Or perhaps for a better repute, Delany laid the true situation of jobs and acclaimed an unreliable data. Yet the skills of the employees have not got progress. Thus, the Delany quality is dubious.

In addition, (even) if the quality of Delany is reliable, Walsh may be better than Delany. Half of workers found works eight ago through the service of Walsh looks worse than the appearance of Delany. Yet myriad of diverse situations can impact the final results. Economy crisis might come to make finding jobs be a difficult thing. Or the position of that patch of employees is low eight years ago. In common sense, employees who are in low position always own a low level of technology that retarded a lot to find a new job. It therefore is rash to make sure the level of Delany is more excellent.

Finally, even if a prominent quality Delany owns and the work of Delany is much better than that of Walsh. It is curly to draw the conclusion that XYZ should keep using Delany without considering choosing Walsh. Other factors can affect the last choice. The bad work of Walsh that cost much more time to help client find work can results in its client reduction. The company is excited to try its best to improve the service and considerably emphasize new client.
ʲô˼ So choosing Walsh can be a good choice. Or the less cost can turn into a vital condition. The financial situation of XYZ may not sanguine that causes decreasing the payout will help XYZ a lot. So it is necessary to ponder carefully about the choice.

To sum up, the author does not persuade me to believe his assertion. To strengthen the argument, concrete and related information concerning true finding work fact of the employees and diverse conditions between the two companies ought to be provided.




ʹõ ٱ

RE: argument241 [tsubasa] zyp8756 [޸]

argument241 [tsubasa] zyp8756
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