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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-11 17:12:57 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 gy0510150556 于 2009-8-11 17:15 编辑


8.11 Agree or disagree with the following statement: it is more important to award students for effort (trying or hard working) than for achievement (good grades)'

提纲1. Good grades ,to some extent, can not guarantee that students acquire knowledge and meet the  academical requirements demanded by subjects, while by hard working ,students can handle it.

      2. More attention laid upon grades by social and families might lead students to be struggling in the burdensome academic life, ignoring the development of some essential qualities.

Examination is always considered as a powerful scale measuring the academical achievements of students. So grades, more or less, are representative of whether students have done well in a given subject. And some individuals hold the opinion that it is more important to award students for good grades than their hard working. However, Ideem hard working is more indispensable to cause people to award students than good scores ,and my reasons are as follows.

First of all, good grades ,to some extent, can not guarantee that students acquire knowledge and meet the academical requirements demanded by subjects, while by hard working ,students can handle it. It is common nowadays that to attain a good mark ,students cram for the imminent exam for a couple of days and one hour after they step out of the examination hall, their large quantity of subject knowledge in memory might more or less be gone with the wind , little being left. However, hard working indicates a student's serious attitude towards study. Take me for example, I am a girl working hard. When studying a subject, I will make a detailed schedule for allocatingtime properly, study diligently in the given time and review what I have been taught many times before the exam.Even if I don not get a good score, I will correct my mistake and strengthen the understanding of subject knowledge. So by hard working ,I can truly master knowledge .It is more important to award students like me for our efforts and performance than for grades.

Also, more attention laid upon grades by social and families might lead students to be struggling in the burdensome academic life, ignoring the development of some essential qualities. Wether a student has done well in one subject depends on his or her ability. For example, if the demand of a course is beyond my ability but parents require me to get a good score, I may be compelled to spend all day long studying it. In fact, apart from acquiring knowledge, I still need to learn how to communicate with others, how to develop interpersonal relationships , which is basic and critical in future career. So social and families should never put too much emphasis on the pursuing of good marks and instead, award students for hard working ,which means students have made sufficient effort to study .

To sum up, grades may not be that important because they can be attained by temporary effort and may force students to abandon other essential qualities to pursue .But hard working means students have a serious attitude to study and more time would be spared to develop key properties. So people should award students for their efforts than achievements.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-16 21:54:11 |只看该作者
66# gy0510150556

Hardly could we deny that most people (are) long for a stable job with a relatively high salary. However, I deem it is impractical for us to settle down to(是这样用吗) a job all of life and my reasons are as follows.

First of all, repeating what we are familiar with in jobs all day will exhaust our aggressiveness; instead, we should risk trying something new as breakthroughs in jobs. As we all know, if we feel too comfortable in a familiar environment, we will go lazy and lack of a sense of crisis. Obviously, the absence of aggressiveness will make us unconscious of the imminent crisis and get eliminated passively. Luckily, most people become ware(aware) of this point and try to make appropriate changes. For instance, I feel bored with follow similar work schedule almost every weekday and it seems that such repetition leads me to a state of stalemate- no more progress ever to make. So I decide to go abroad for further study in my realm and choose big business companies for my internship. In this manner, I can get a higher position to restart my career and find a better job. So staying in a familiar job environment will make people lose sense of crisis and it is a better idea to try something new, including a new job or a further study, to get breakthroughs.


Also, in modern life, more and more young people choose to create business and they just regard employee experiences as a precious opportunity of learning. It is truth that job markets, nowadays, are teeming with countless graduates. Compared with the limited amount of jobs available, the population of graduates is too much. Considering the fierce competition of job markets, many young people start their own undertaking. In addition, these young people are likely to get a part-time or full-time job in a related company and learn how to exert management strategies, the ways to build great interpersonal relationship and establish cooperation with clients. So once they get familiar with the operation process of a company, they will quite the old work and become self-employed. After all, young people have a bigger ratio of success with the advantage of ages and spirits of unyielding. So, today more and more people are less likely to settle down to a job all life and instead, prefer creating their own business.

To sum up, it is impossible for people to settle down to a job throughout life. For one thing, people are more aware that repetition in a job will exhaust their aggressiveness and instead, they would rather try new things; for another thing, more and more people prefer to start their own business today.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-16 20:27:48 |只看该作者
Hardly could we deny that most people long for a stable job with a relatively high salary. However, I deem it is impractical for us to settle down to a job all of life and my reasons are as follows.开头简洁清爽!. D+ n0 s* S# J
First of all, repeating what we are familiar with in jobs all day will exhaust our aggressiveness; instead, we should risk trying something new as breakthroughs in jobs. As we all know, if we feel too comfortable in a familiar environment, we will go lazy and lack of a sense of crisis. Obviously, the absence of aggressiveness will make us unconscious of the imminent crisis and get eliminated(get eliminated,不才,没看懂是啥意思) passively. Luckily, most people become ware(aware) of this point and try to make appropriate changes. For instance, I feel bored with follow(following) similar work schedule almost every weekday and it seems that such repetition leads me to a state of stalemate(很棒的词)- no more progress ever to make. So I decide to go abroad for further study in my realm and choose big business companies for my internship. In this manner, I can get a higher position to restart my career and find a better job. So staying in a familiar job environment will make people lose sense of crisis and it is a better idea to try something new, including a new job or a further study, to get breakthroughs.0 Z& b& F5 ]+ B% _% x/ k7 Q
: T; v- |(
Also, in modern life, more and more young people choose to create business and they just regard employee experiences as a precious opportunity of learning. It is truth that job markets, nowadays, are teeming with countless graduates. Compared with the limited amount of jobs available, the population of graduates is too much. (写的很好啊,学习)Considering the fierce competition of job markets, many young people start their own undertaking. In addition, these young people are likely to get a part-time or full-time job in a related company and learn how to exert management strategies, the ways to build great interpersonal relationship and establish cooperation with clients. So once they get familiar with the operation process of a company, they will quite the old work and become self-employed. After all, young people have a bigger ratio of success with the advantage of ages and spirits of unyielding. So, today more and more people are less likely to settle down to a job all life and instead, prefer creating their own business.
To sum up, it is impossible for people to settle down to a job throughout life. For one thing, people are more aware that repetition in a job will exhaust their aggressiveness and instead, they would rather try new things; for another thing, more and more people prefer to start(starting) their own business today.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-9-16 14:15:31 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 gy0510150556 于 2009-9-16 22:12 编辑

Hardly could we deny that most people long for a stable job with a relatively high salary. However, I deem it is impractical for us to settle down to a job all of life and my reasons are as follows.

First of all, repeating what we are familiar with in jobs all day will exhaust our aggressiveness; instead, we should risk trying something new as breakthroughs in jobs. As we all know, if we feel too comfortable in a familiar environment, we will go lazy and lack of a sense of crisis. Obviously, the absence of aggressiveness will make us unconscious of the imminent crisis and get eliminated passively. Luckily, most people become ware of this point and try to make appropriate changes. For instance, I feel bored with follow similar work schedule almost every weekday and it seems that such repetition leads me to a state of stalemate- no more progress ever to make. So I decide to go abroad for further study in my realm and choose big business companies for my internship. In this manner, I can get a higher position to restart my career and find a better job. So staying in a familiar job environment will make people lose sense of crisis and it is a better idea to try something new, including a new job or a further study, to get breakthroughs.

Also, in modern life, more and more young people choose to create business and they just regard employee experiences as a precious opportunity of learning. It is truth that job markets, nowadays, are teeming with countless graduates. Compared with the limited amount of jobs available, the population of graduates is too much. Considering the fierce competition of job markets, many young people start their own undertaking. In addition, these young people are likely to get a part-time or full-time job in a related company and learn how to exert management strategies, the ways to build great interpersonal relationship and establish cooperation with clients. So once they get familiar with the operation process of a company, they will quite the old work and become self-employed. After all, young people have a bigger ratio of success with
the advantage of ages and spirits of unyielding. So, today more and more people are less likely to settle down to a job all life and instead, prefer creating their own business.

To sum up, it is impossible for people to settle down to a job throughout life. For one thing, people are more aware that repetition in a job will exhaust their aggressiveness and instead, they would rather try new things; for another thing, more and more people prefer to start their own business today.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-12 22:50:55 |只看该作者
this evidence questions the first argument of the passage.4 L+ m/ V) T9 A7 o" T
the analysis above criticizes the second assertion of the passage.; N+ k$ I1 Q) v" T/ O9 s  t
this fact challenges the third argument of the passage.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-12 22:15:44 |只看该作者
63# gy0510150556

The passage mentions stripes offer zebras protection from predators in three different ways. However, the professor in the lecture does not agree that these three theories could accout(account) for the fuction(function) of zebras' stripes.

First of all, although the vertical stripes on zebras create optical illusion and predators may falsely judge the distance between them and the zebras seems smaller, yet these stripes prove useless in actual attacks by predators. That is because predators such as lions tend to keep chasing zebras and manage to capture them when zebras become exhausted, not just start attack on first sight. So this evidence questions the first argument of the passage.

Also, the author asserts that all the zebras keep together as a large group, the pattern of each zebra's stripes blend together and creat(creates) a confusing image to predators like a large. moving, striped mass. However, according to the lecture, it does not make predators become confused because lions or othes(others) predators do not merely use their eyes to spot preys ; instead, they often also use smell to locate zebras. So the analysis above criticizes the second assertion of the passage.

Finally, contrary to the belief that zebras often stay in a place with tall grass and then generate a perfect camouflage to protect them from predators, as mentioned in the passage, the professor points out zebras, in fact, tend to stand out on the open ground, which can spot predators easily. Once they find predators, they will run fast and then avoid the attack by predators. So this fact challenges the third argument of the passage.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-9-12 13:43:37 |只看该作者
The passage mentions stripes offer zebras protection from predators in three different ways. However, the professor in the lecture does not agree that these three theories could accout for the funtion of zebras' stripes.

First of all, although the vertical stripes on zebras create optical illusion and predators may falsely judge the distance between them and the zebras  seems smaller, yet these stripes prove useless in actual attacks by predators. That is because predators such as lions tend to keep chasing zebras and manage to capture them when zebras become exhausted, not just start attack on first sight . So this evidence questions the first argument of the passage.

Also, the author asserts that all the zebras keep together as a large group,the pattern of each zebra's stripes blend together and creat a confusing image to predators like a large. moving, striped mass. However, according to the lecture, it does not make predators become confused because lions or othes predators do not merely use their eyes to spot preys ; instead, they often also use smell to locate zebras. So the analysis above criticize the second assertion of the passage.

Finally, contrary to the belief that zebras often stay in a place with tall grass and then generate a perfect camouflage to protect them from predators, as mentioned in the passage, the professor points out zebras, in fact, tend to stand out on the open ground, which can spot predators easily. Once they find predators, they will run fast and then avoid the attack by predators. So this fact challenges the third argument of the passage.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-11 17:49:01 |只看该作者

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... xtra=#pid1773139686


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-11 17:46:54 |只看该作者
如:sb has equal rights to make use of sth
enjoy the convenience brought by....
it makes no secse of ...


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-11 16:43:49 |只看该作者
It is almost every driver's experience that they have to endure up to three or even more hours to wait in a traffic jam during rush hour, especially on rush-roads. It is no wonder that government should take powerful measures to improve transportation conditions. However, I don't think it is a good idea to charge tolls for rush-hour and rush-roads. My reasons are as follows.很喜欢你的写作风格,不过我们的观点总是相反,呵呵。
$ M8 M8 ?/ u5 f$ R% h; |1 t: @0 X
, z7 S& @. o& p- x' B- }First of all, it is unnecessary that drivers on rush-roads during rush-hours should pay the charge and government can come up with more feasible projects to handle transportation problems. As we all know, every citizen has equal rights to make use of and enjoy the convenience brought by public facilities including roads, of course. That is because actually(这几个词在一起有点拥挤的感觉,能分开些吧) we citizens including drivers pay taxes and part of these taxes could be used for ameliorating transportation conditions. So it makes no sense to require drivers to pay extra expenses for rush-roads. In addition, just simply charging tolls for rush-roads during rush-hours would be seen as a negative measure to deal with traffic problem for it deprives drivers of rights and (后面这句与前面不太搭,感觉少点什么)needs to arrive at the downtown via rush-roads. Instead, government should shift more energy and money to handle the issue positively; establishing more highways, opening underground channels or encouraging more people to choose buses or subways as transportation tools, for instance. So such rule as charging drivers for rush-roads and rush-hours should not be set and enforced(个人感觉这句不要也行).  h, V6 _# L" S3 B8 k, N5 Y- \) \
2 R9 ?2 t3 g% M5 K& \# P
Also, the negative effect of enforcing the rule is manifest, which could not be overlooked. It is well known to us that rush-roads always are connected to the downtown. The downtown can be seen the most prosperous, crowded and busy area, where stand countless shopping halls, companies, restaurants, hotels. What if the passages to this area are blocked, to some extent, by charging tolls for rush-hours and rush-roads? Maybe the number of people for entertainment would be declined greatly for the extra transportation output; office clerks might complain for the increased driving cost and companies might decide to move to a new area out of the downtown. All of these assumptions would lead the downtown area to a state of great depression. So this rule should not be made for the possible negative effects.
' Q5 U/ |" _; e) k  |
0 |. u% M- e: Z; }4 ?/ V" f) MTo sum up, for one thing, it is unfair that drivers should be charged for extra expenses for each citizens(citizen) has equal rights to enjoy the convenience brought by roads(这里强调citizen也有义务更好一点). For another thing, we must take into account the possible disadvantages if the rule is made. So government should not set such rule and instead have to handle transportation issues more positively.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-9-10 22:35:01 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 gy0510150556 于 2009-9-10 22:39 编辑

It is almost every driver's experience that they have to endure up to three or even more hours to wait in a traffic jam during rush hour, especially on rush-roads. It is no wonder that government should take powerful measures to improve transportation conditions. However, I don't think it is a good idea to charge tolls for rush-hour and rush-roads. My reasons are as follows.

First of all, it is unnecessary that drivers on rush-roads during rush-hours should pay the charge and government can come up with more feasible projects to handle transportation problems. As we all know, every citizen has equal rights to make use of and enjoy the convenience brought by public facilities including roads, of course. That is because actually we citizens including drivers pay taxes and part of these taxes could be used for ameliorating transportation conditions. So it makes no sense to require drivers to pay extra expenses for rush-roads. In addition, just simply charging tolls for rush-roads during rush-hours would be seen as a negative measure to deal with traffic problem for it deprives drivers of rights and needs to arrive at the downtown via rush-roads. Instead, government should shift more energy and money to handle the issue positively; establishing more highways, opening underground channels or encouraging more people to choose buses or subways as transportation tools, for instance. So such rule as charging drivers for rush-roads and rush-hours should not be set and enforced.

Also, the negative effect of enforcing the rule is manifest, which could not be overlooked. It is well known to us that rush-roads always are connected to the downtown. The downtown can be seen the most prosperous, crowded and busy area, where stand countless shopping halls, companies, restaurants, hotels. What if the passages to this area are blocked, to some extent, by charging tolls for rush-hours and rush-roads? Maybe the number of people for entertainment would be declined greatly for the extra transportation output; office clerks might complain for the increased driving cost and companies might decide to move to a new area out of the downtown. All of these assumptions would lead the downtown area to a state of great depression. So this rule should not be made for the possible negative effects.

To sum up, for one thing, it is unfair that drivers should be charged for extra expenses for each citizens has equal rights to enjoy the convenience brought by roads. For another thing, we must take into account the possible disadvantages if the rule is made. So government should not set such rule and instead have to handle transportation issues more positively.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-10 18:09:15 |只看该作者
The prefessorcasts doubt on the passage's assertion that three theories have been proposedto explain how birds navigate a long distance to reach a particulardestination. He provides three reasons to disprove the arguments in thepassage.
First of all, contrary to the sun theoryabout birds'  navigation in the passage, the professor mentions thatalthough the sun plays a helpful  role in birds' migration, yetactually many species of birds can navigate at night without the help of thesun我觉得晚上飞行这个论点应该说一下的). So it is obivious that the suntheory is questionable. In addition, the professor refutes the star theoryabout the migration of birds by pointing out that only one species of birds konwn have the ability to use stars to guid their navigation, while other birds lack suchcapacity. So the professor uses evidence above to challenge the first argumentof the passage.
Also, although it does work for landmarksto orient birds during migration as the passage cites, yet the prerequisite(你应该考过G了吧) is that birds must evermake the journey before and get familiar with these landmarks. According to theprofessor, birds can also find way home even if they are located(located么,我怎么记得是changestrange) in a strange area without the help of previous landmarks. So suchevidence disproves the second argument of the passage.
Finally, in the lecture, the professordeems the possible internal magnetic compass can merely distinguishdirections of North and South, by sensing the earth's magnetic field. And infact, this equipment proves useless because birds' home always exist in complexterrains, even human navigation equipment could not find access to birds'destination. So the professor thinks  it is unconvincible(unconvincing)to conclude that birds can guided by the earth's magnetic field.

恩,很好的啊,没啥问题,verygood 注意拼写,然后最后最好总结一下,

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-10 16:25:29 |只看该作者
1 three reasons to disprove the arguments in the passage  ---这里作者不是给了三个理由,而是从三个方面一一驳斥了作者的论点。

2the professor mentions that although the sun plays a helpful  role in birds' migration----汗,偶怎么没有找到教授说过这句话阿。他貌似没有肯定过太阳的作用。

3教授之所以驳斥了stars compass,给出的关键理由是:只有一种鸟被“明确证实了”拥有这种能力,其他鸟还没有被明确证实过可以利用star。“while other birds lack such capacity. ”这本身和事实稍微有点出入。

4 第三段Finally后面,理解错误。那教授貌似没有否定鸟可以定为南北,他只是说“尽管鸟可以定为南北极,也不足以让他们精确找到位置。”


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-10 16:19:25 |只看该作者
不好意思,我老是评的很晚,因为要做实验,很是烦呢,不过你放心,我肯定会改的。见谅。Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Hardly could we deny that it is teachers' main responsibility to cultivate students to pursue their academic achievements. And it seems common for teachers to assign homework to students every day to guarantee the educational quality. As far as I am concerned, I deem it is necessary to do so and my reasons are as follows。第一句的倒装用的真得很好,我要学习一下了。

First of all, homework can be seen as a significant feedback for teachers to know the level of students' mastery of knowledge.As students, we often are required to accomplish homework as well as possible. In fact, we still have weakness in the system of course knowledge and thus the homework can work to reveal honestly what we are yet not good at in lessons. Therefore, teachers can get a full understanding of our drawbacks and then try to help us correct them more concisely. Take me for example. I am now prepared for the IBT examination;the fact is that I am very poor in listening section and this weakness exists in my homework paper. My IBT training teacher Mary get(gets) to know the situation through it and then teaches me how to make my schedule more properly so that more time would be left to specially make up for my listening. What is more important, she asks me to build confidence and emphasize only with more courage and confidence could we get access to success more probably. So I am really appreciate it for her instruction and I have made remarkable progress in my English listening. It turns out dramatically important to let teachers know students' mastery of lessons and in this sense, the significance of homework is manifest.very good!真羡慕~~

( P+ l" Q* Y1 w9 b/ Z7 U

' M' Q" U) @) Z! D- D% U, N) z

Also, homework can enable students to allocate their time after school more properly, avoiding just playing or sleeping all the time.We have to admit too much homework means an excessively heavy burden on students' shoulder beyong their capacity of endurance(真的很好). However, it does not indicate no homework would definitely have positive effect on students. In fact, without homework, students would tend to kill the time aimlessly and meaninglessly. It is possible that they will choose to become a couch potato and watch TV all evening or surf the internet around with nothing of value to accomplish. So homework can help make students keep what they have learned in mind and allocate their time for study and play more scientifically. What is more, the stress of a certain amount of homework force(forces) students to become more efficient and then have a better performance on course at school. In this sense, barely could anyone deny the importance of homework.

. Y7 F5 i, o) L1 S

: K) U) u% A+ ~" ~* n# W0 q* B+ j* [

To sum up, for one thing, homework works as feedback to let teachers know whether students have got disadvantages in understanding knowledge. For another thing, homework compels students to stick to what they have learned when(when 不要吧) after school, avoiding all-time playing or sleeping. So it is necessary for teachers to assign homework to students


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-9-10 09:45:58 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 gy0510150556 于 2009-9-10 09:48 编辑

小狗 9.9日作业
The prefessor casts doubt on the passage's assertion that three theories have been proposed to explain how birds navigate a long distance to reach a particular destination. He provides three reasons to disprove the arguments in the passage.

First of all, contrary to the sun theory about birds'  navigation in the passage, the professor mentions that although the sun plays a helpful  role in birds' migration, yet actually many species of birds can navigate at night without the help of the sun. So it is obivious that the sun theory is questionable. In addition, the professor refutes the star theory about the migration of birds by pointing out that only one species of birds konwn have the ability to use stars to guid their navigation, while other birds lack such capacity. So the professor uses evidence above to challenge the first argument of the passage.

Also, although it does work for landmarks to orient birds during migration as the passage cites, yet the prerequisite is that birds must ever make the journey before and get familiar with these landmarks. According to the professor, birds can also find way home even if they are located in a strange area without the help of previous landmarks. So such evidence disproves the second argument of the passage.

Finally, in the lecture, the professor deems the  possible internal magnetic compass can merely distinguish directions of North and South, by sensing the earth's magnetic field. And in fact, this equipment proves useless because birds' home always exist in complex terrains, even human navigation equipment could not find access to birds' destination. So the professor thinks  it is unconvincible to conclude that birds can guided by the earth's magnetic field.

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