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[未归类] 独立作文20070323 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-4-29 23:19:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use reasons to support your answer.

Most people choose to see movies as one of their part-time activities aiming to relax their exhausted minds after a long period of working. Some people would like to enjoy the serious movie which may make them think critically, while there is a portion of people are fond of comedies stand. To some extend, having fun is really an indisputable need for us when the purpose of making films , leading us to think critically concerning human beings or society, is taken into consideration.

The decisive factor that should be pointed out to support the serious movies is that it provides people access to promote/cultivate the ability to search for the nature of soul or something on philosophy imperceptibly. The story told by a serious movie is often adapted by a real experience which might once moved the director, an shocking event happened in the history which triggered the thinking of society’s system, or an old legend told through the generation to generation which could be a firm belief for most people. For instance, the scent of a woman is a film leading us to think a lot of questions. to say real words or go with the flow under interest’s control, which is the better choice?
Is it worthy to possess integrity in today circumstance? Will we feel incompetent and become pessimistic in the wake of retirement from a high-position? Could we determine a right direction at the vital turning point in our life? Each of them impact us deeply for their considerable meaning.

What is indispensable factor contributing noticeably to the advantages of serious movies is the function to enhance the communication between people and decrease the discrimination among society. As it is impossible sometimes in reality, we see them on the screen which shock us time by time. The TITANIC and PRECIOUS are the classical movies in terms of love gap among people. No one can resist the attraction when true love is coming, yet how many of us dare to give up reputation , money and statue to achieve the so-called true love? Moreover, although we realize many low class people are dealt with unfairness, we never stand out to assist them to attempt the normal treating. Is it necessary for us to consider if we should do some actions into practice to make the world more harmonious.

But all the above does not mean that we can turn a blind eye to the benefit that comedies bringing to us. They always play a significant role on releasing pressure which is good for our mental health. The majority comedies make people laugh with a large amount of humors or ridiculous acts such as FRIENDS which is accepted widely in America. After all, we do not live in a situation emphasizing on serious problems all the time.

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that serious films is the better choice for my taste. Anyway, the society’s development or depression is much worthy for us to concentrate on and only we learn how to be in concert with the society can we finally come to the ideal orientation we all expect to.

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