Dear XXX ,
Congratulations on receiving an offer of admission from McMaster University.
Deciding on a university is an exciting point in life. In choosing McMaster you can be assured that you are selecting one of
Canada's premier universities. We are committed to your success. Our innovative teaching and learning opportunities will
help you develop a passion for learning that will open doors of opportunity for your life.
McMaster's reputation for being among the best in the world is well recognized both across Canada and internationally. The
2010 Globe and Mail Canadian University Report Card student satisfaction survey places us among the best in Canada for
the most satisfied students, quality of teaching and education, overall campus atmosphere, libraries, and recreational and
athletic facilities. In the 2010 Times Higher Education World University Rankings McMaster has placed in the top 100, one of
only four Canadian universities with this distinction. McMaster is a research-intensive university that focuses on students and
in the 2010 Research Infosource Inc's ranking of Canada's research universities we hold sixth place overall and place second
in research intensity.
When you also consider our beautiful, pedestrian-friendly campus, award winning food services, commitment to
sustainability, and our rich and diverse student body, McMaster has much to offer to you.
I hope that you will choose to make McMaster your university this Fall. My best wishes for your continued academic and
personal success.
The following 30 units of credit are approved upon transfer to McMaster University to the Honours Computer
Science Co-op program:
Subject Course Credit
Comp Sci 1FC3 0003
Comp Sci 1MD3 0003
History 1* 0003
Human 1* 0003
Math 1ZA3 0003
Math 1ZB3 0003
Math 1ZC3 0003
Philos 1* 0003
Physics 1* 0003
Stats 3Y03 0003
Total Transfer credits granted: 30