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[i习作temp] Issue152, 45分2秒, 778 words。昨天过生日没改文章,好像欠了2篇,谁的来着?进来 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-17 14:58:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分2秒     778 words
The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies.
What are responsibilities of the corporate executives? I agree with the speaker that profits maximization is one of the most important duties for corporate leaders, in the sense that this measure indeed do great benefits to the corporation as well as the society. Aside from this agreement, most of us should realize that there exist other approaches which the executives must take into consideration, and merely operating within the bounds of laws does not ensure that the activities of the company will not do harm to the whole community.

First and foremost, it is obvious that pursuing profits really go a long way towards the survival and development of the corporate. Firstly, profits are the prerequisite of the existence of the company. Without enough profits, the company can not pay the salary of its staff, do marketing of its products, afford the cost for its raw materials, and so forth. And eventually, the corporation will disappear in this world of competition. Secondly, for public owned enterprise, maximizing profits equals to promote the value for shareholders, which should be a ultimate goal for corporate executives. In this sense, profits should be one of most significant duty of the executives of corporations.

Moreover, in the process of pursuing profits within the legal bounds, the companies also do well to the entire society. In the first place, one can not neglect the tax of enterprise, which is a good source of government outlay. In the second place, when these corporations thrive in their own fields, they can offers large numbers of employee opportunities for the nation, or even the whole world, which plays an important part in solving the unemployment problem. In the third place, the extent of development of one nation’s enterprises always indicates the international status of the state itself. To witness these three points, one need only to look around at large numbers of information technology companies of the United States, including Microsoft, IBM, Sun microsystems, Oracle, and the like. There is no need to say their contributions respecting tax and job opportunities, and everyone should admit that the growth of these corporations determine the position of America in this world of technology. In short, maximizing profits will accelerate the progress of the society.

However, the benefits of earning money do not mean that it should be the sole responsibility of enterprise leaders. In fact, there are large numbers of other approaches which can exert desirable influence on both the company and the world. For one thing, the corporation should be engaged in some commonweal activities. On and above their positive effects on the entire community, this suggestion also benefits the corporation itself, in terms of enterprise image. Firstly, enterprise image is closely related to the sense of pride of stockholders, the staff, and the leader themselves. Secondly, the promoting enterprise image can be deemed as a effective step of good advertisement. For another thing, besides put emphasis one maximizing profits, the corporate executive also should bear in mind some investment which prepares for the long-term viability of the corporation. Take Microsoft, who has established one of the most famous research centers in Asia, as a striking illustration. Not only did Microsoft Research Center Asia contribute a lot of research attainment to the corporation, it also attracted a host of excellent students for the company. In the nutshell, being executives of corporation, one should not only consider the immediate profits, but also should take into account some other aspects.

Finally, what I must point out is the fact that, just keeping within the law does not make sure the enterprise will not exert negative effect of our community. In many countries, the poorly development legal systems are far from reliable to ensure this point. What is more, even in the most developed nation, the law systems still can not keep up with the quickening pace of technology progress. For instance, the fast development of Internet brings the society a multitude of problems. In the sphere of Internet, a myriad of download for music and films construct a world without copyright, and many websites rely on this kind of service to attract people's focus. In a word, the laws, in itself, does not ensure the social orders, thus the corporate executives have the duty of ensuring their enterprise not to violate the order of the world in this manner.

All in all, albeit I concede that corporate leader should deem profits maximization as one of the most significant duty, there exist other responsibilities he or she should pay attention to. Moreover, pursuing profits within the bounds of laws can also do harm to our society.

[ Last edited by echostate on 2005-8-17 at 15:00 ]

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发表于 2005-8-17 15:09:34 |只看该作者

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RE: Issue152, 45分2秒, 778 words。昨天过生日没改文章,好像欠了2篇,谁的来着?进来 [修改]
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Issue152, 45分2秒, 778 words。昨天过生日没改文章,好像欠了2篇,谁的来着?进来
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