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[备考小组] 心就是宇宙 同主题作文练习贴~~~为二战加油!! [复制链接]

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发表于 2015-8-9 07:19:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

3月toefl ibt 94, 写作21……
GRE一战2015.10 准备2个月结果150+169+3...

本人为寄托ID 心就是宇宙的持有人,现通过本论坛参与tesolchina的GRE写作研究,在这里授权tesolchina和hj1313的ID持有人使用本人的所有习作及互改记录做教学与科研用途。

二战9.6 目标156+168+4

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发表于 2015-10-10 21:06:52 |只看该作者
28) The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

The average living standard of the majority is an important factor in judging whether it is a great nation. But take it as the only criterion will cause serious and unexpected problem which will lead the country to a dangerous road. Other factors of a great nation, economics, cultural and military power relay heavily on the achievement of scientists, rulers and artists.

The welfare of the public is always viewed as the most concern of a country, and greatly affect the evaluation of a country. every individual 的权利的实现是一个国家最重要的目标,因为人是社会最重要的因素。国家的强大也是为了维护个人的利益。比如美国尊崇自由主义,重视个人价值,而其政治体制和自由的经济完全为止服务, 反过来个人价值的实现最终实现了整个国家的强大。而某些国家将国家利益建立在个人利益之上,历史经验表明这总会导致失败。
However, when it come to the statement of the argument, which implicit that the general welfare is the only criterion of a great, I do not agree with it. Because it might cause populism and kidnap a country into a abnormal way.  Move house for construction.

Scientists rulers, artists and experts in their field should have their role and be fully respect  in their contribution to the greatness of a country, because for many aspect of the soft power of a country, expert people can play a indispensable role.

The general welfare is an important factor in judging the whether a country is a great country, as the argument puts it. However, take it as the only criterion of the greatness of a nation may cause unexpected problem and mislead future development of a country. While other commonly referred factor of a great countries, such as economics, culture and military power, might heavily depends on the achievement of scientist, artists and politician.

The welfare of the public is always viewed as an important concern of a country, which also greatly affect the evolution of a country. To protect and realize the happiness of every individual is the most important goal of a modern country, as is written in the constitutions of many countries. We never regards a countries who cannot even protect the safety of its citizens as a great country no matter what achievement it has in the past. On the other hand, the realization of the value of its people will in turn contribute to the strength of its motherland. American are always proud of their respecting for freedoms. The government and economic policy respect the effort and value of every individual and give them the freedom to pursuit it. When the power of individual American unite, the most powerful country is created.

However significant as individuals are, I cannot agree with the argument in implicating that the general welfare and their willingness is the only criterion of a great country. Because this idea might cause severe populism and kidnap the future development of a country. In many countries, urbanization is an inevitable progress during its economic development. When the city expand, land for transportation, housing, public facilities require the remove of old  housing. And when this the remove is well designed and legal, irrational boycott is the only obstacle. I do not means the property and right of individual is not important, but if others makes sacrifice and pay for the loss of the house to be removed, it is unreasonable for the owner to stick here require much more unreasonable compensation. What makes problem worse is that the public, mislead by the media, irrationally in support of the householder, with the cost of millions of dollars to relocated the railway station or build a bridge of highway over the house. We can imagine that, if every one of the old town are crazy with populism nail householders, there will be no room for the development of a country.

Scientists, artists, rulers and other experts in their fields should have their role and be fully respected in their contribution to the greatness of the country, for many aspect of the soft power of a country, experts can play an important role in their contribution for their country. It has been proved wrong for the general public to sentence the 'criminal' Socrates death penalty. We has also experience the failure of laissez-faire policy on economics when the politician drop the control of economics to the public. It is common sense that the announce of war should be made by the president or the commander, rather than the annoyed twitters who fight with others online just because the a boat of other countries come close to our island. The words, let expert people do expert things in always when it comes to how to run a great country.

To sum up, I agree with the statement that the welfare of the public. However, expert of different are the insurance of how to run a great country.

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发表于 2015-10-17 22:06:11 |只看该作者
119) When old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Whether we should preserve the old building mainly depend on the culture and historic legacy of the old building. Old buildings that don't have an culturing function or value of historic research can be removed for the purpose of urbanization. While a minatory of them, based on law and the opinion of experts from socialists, are precious sources of culture and historic values, should be well protected in various ways.

Buildings are comparable with human life, they all have the ages of young and old or even death. The buildings all servers as some primaries functions such as accommodates people, for business or for public services etc. While for the old buildings, when people no longer wants to live in or use it for safety or functions or other reasons,  the cost of maintences exceeds the its values, it indicates that it should be removed. It is commons case in most of the newly developed cities, where most buildings were poorly designed, with very limited service life for budget. In the period of economics and population blooming, those buildings which even without a name can be removed for better designed, robarts and profitable buildings or other sites such as public squares, high-ways or even business center. After the enhancement of public welfare is the top issue of the government.

However, some buildings, after their original missions has come to an end, can still be used as other public services function. In this case, the government should carefully consider the future values of those buildings make a budget to protect them. For example, most of the ancient Chinese palaces can be used as museums. An old building which was served as the Japan invader milltary headquator is now a public hospital in the city I live in. Of course, museum can not only make profits from the tourism and flourish the local economics, it is also the ideal place for the historists to study the anciten time closely and educate the people about the past literature culture and arts. As we all agree that new house can be built at other place, and high way can take another way and make it a bit further, but a building with history legacy will never come back when it is taken over.

Then the question comes who should take the responsibility for judging which buildings should be preserved and which should be removed. Considering the buildings can be the legal privaty property or its historic values might be uncovered careful research, this decision should be made according to law and the opinion of experts from sociology and architecture. The process of legistation should fully respect the privaty property. Negoition with the owner and resonable compensation should be applied before a legal agreement is made. Which building should be protected, what function will be realize and to how much budget should be set for total protection, reformation or repairment.The answers to those questions can be made by the experts of theit own fields.

City needs room for development, but when it have to take space from the old building, convincing argument should be made condidering the law, economy and the its historic legacy.

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发表于 2015-10-18 19:14:48 |只看该作者
D3 艺术
80) Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

Many people agree that artists should get support especially when they are temporarily unrecognized by the public have to fight for a life. However, in time of special period, when the country is experiencing great depression or invasion, every country might and should suspend the very limited budget to save the lives of its citizens. However, even in time of peace, poverty can hardly be eliminated, but I don't agree the poverty should be the excuse for suspend the support for art.

People definitely can live without art. Though it sound extreme, but come to the ancient time, or simple take a glance at the vast area of the rural area in Africa, it should come to a census. Once my friends from Canada in a project to build house in Uganda, she thought to study the original style of Africa architecture. But as she arrived, she was shocked by the poverty of the majority of local people. Many houses cannot even cover the wind and rain, needless to say any form of beauty and art. What people want is the basic need of human life. The responsibility of government of Uganda as well as many other most undeveloped country is to provide people with food and the most basic houses. Otherwise, if they invested in building beautiful city hall for organize art exhibition, they would certainly be criticized for corruption.

However, for most of the counties, which are not facing the choice of life or death, it might be unreasonable to suspend the support for art with the excuse of solve the problem of poverty. Since those two problem are both the duty of the government, it is not a question of choose one and drop another. Of course, solve the problem of hungry and unemployment is a crucial responsibility of government in every county. Even in America or Switzerland, unemployment are always the issue of public discussion. The solving of those questions require patience and effort of several generations. However, it doesn't not hinder them to development their art industrial. Since as arts become an industry, it will help in economics flourishing and create millions jobs. Take China for example, merely the film industry created over 4 billion dollars of income in 2014, and created half a millions of jobs opportunities. While the Chinese film industry is still in its young age, it is likely that movies and other art industries will make greater contributions to improve people's lives standard.

Some people may argue that art should be independent and just rely on the market to determine its future instead of government support. However, the reality is that the most of the young artists are still fighting for a life in the society where the public aesthetic need further cultivated. In this case, many pianists cannot even afford the cost of art exhibition or receive scientific education before their talents are submerged in daily life. The support from the government is simply created a fair stage for them to enter the competition of the market.

The issue of living is always the top of common problem every country facing. We should also realize that the development of art industrial can be a solution of economics development. While government support can be helpful to create a healthy development for artists.

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发表于 2015-10-25 20:38:26 |只看该作者
9) In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

As China is experiencing the rapid economic growth, some people and even some experts believe that with increasing expansion of Chinese university, the academic achievement will soon overtake that of America. I hardly agree with this argument since it overlooks the importance of the accumulation of knowledge and research experience which is quite vital for the breakthrough in many fields of scientific research. I believe a long term of fundamental research and following the pace of world leading researchers in America, Europe or Japan is a necessary step for Chinese colleges to make significant contribution in various fields. 20’

The most important factor for the endeavor is not taking more workforce and more investment from with the country's own effort, but to follow the previous study and experience of the leading researchers. Scientific research is very laboring. Any break through is originally come from the effort of lots of preparing work on previous graduate students and Ph. D. students. Take the research of chip design as an example, the work of art of the many chips are open sources now. But if the inexperienced researcher has no knowledge and experience in the fabrication, it is likely that the researcher have no idea of every parameter and notices during the fabrication process. It is the same case for other discipline. That is why the research and development personal of a company of a lab in China are required to have relevant experience in abroad.  15’

Besides, even when some of our laboratories in colleges can make independent design and research work, it is still necessary for them to take reference of their previous works since it will give them the guidance on improvement and avoid mistakes. For example, my work is to find a solution to enhance the accuracy of a sensor. As I have already familiar with the research procedure and the key things of the formal researcher, I am now clear about my task and destination contributing to the previous works. Maybe I will encounter various problems on the computer software and devices, but I can get lots of information from senior graduate students. What's more, international conference offered me a good chance to communicate with other researchers in the same fields, which really broaden my knowledge scope and gave new ideas. 8’

Some people may argue that the previous works may block people from innovative ideas which is more likely to be the break point of the old theory. However, this idea just show the ignorant of the outsider. The research groups in the world leading area, seemingly quite bold in their ideas and methods, comes from numerous unknown experiment and failures in fact. Our school used to take part in the designing or the screen glass of iPhone 4. The key issue is to make the glass thinner while keeping the same mechanism property. You can never imagine how many failed sample and designs have we tried before we came to the ideal result. Needless to say how many tests and previous researches are needed to the design of the impressive smartphone. 3’

Science research needs eye-catching innovation, but no skyscraper is based on pompous clouod and air. No matter it is to be built on the original basement or to make reform on it, careful investigate on the past things should always be the first step.

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