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[i习作temp] 【Try Best】第一小组 issue99 by小红莓 [复制链接]

Rank: 4



发表于 2009-5-25 16:08:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE 99 - "In any realm of life-whether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superseded by simpler, more immediate options."

I agree with the statement in that pragmatic behavior guarantees survival because only pragmatic behavior could solve the immediate problems but I believe that holding idealistic views is also very important because it is the original power to pursue goals.

Practical behavior is crucial to the society because productive workers creative the value of society and determine the destiny of society. In the materialized times, everything in relevant of value means too much: the cost of time, money, effort and so on, the need for which is especially severe. So the whole society calls for pragmatic people to make immediate profit. Without socialized people, for instance, steps of academic research would be held back because academic researchers want to realize their subject by dreaming instead of experiments and investigations. If practical people of all realms of life stop working, how could the social programs and services work as usual? There are lots of problems needing to survival until now, such as the lack of food and medical equipment in poor countries and areas in the world, even in large cities there are people starve to death because of job-losing in the financial crises.

However, the idealists are of the same importance because they always pursuing long-term goals and have a broader vision than pragmatic individuals. As we all known, there are many standards to judge what is "success". The idealists may argue:" Is the immediate success real success? What if it is only short-term profit and means nothing to the future development?" Idealism is an important part of social life because it is the original impetus based on natural interests. Only the idealism would pursue their goals without being held back by practical concerns. What's more, the truly successful individuals always take an idealistic point of view. For example, Bill Gates abandoned his courses in Harvard, unlike all the practical students, and founded his own company at his 20s. It is no reason to conclude that idealistic views tend to be superseded.

In the daily life, it is hard to find someone who is totally practical or idealistic because no one could live without solving the immediate problems such as meals and sleeps or without holding a dream of future. Actually, everyone, as well as the society, is composed of both of the two elements. As so many immediate problems such as the job-losing and poverty in some areas are to be solved, pragmatic behavior is needed. At the same time, idealistic behavior is needed too because it give natural interests to us and is relevant to the long-term profit. It is not controversial to finish immediate tasks, hold broad visions and pursue long-term goals. In fact, knowing the direction, every step towards it is well worth.

In conclusion, both of pragmatic and idealistic behavior is crucial for individuals as well as the whole society. When we are doing our works, we should also know where we are going and what we are pursuing.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-5-27 17:54:04 |只看该作者
I agree with the statement in that pragmatic behavior guarantees survival because only pragmatic behavior could solve the immediate problems(the only?观点有点偏激吧,好像承认了topic一样) but I believe that holding idealistic views is also very important because it is the original power to pursue goals.

Practical behavior is crucial to the society because productive workers creative(creat) the value of society and,to a great extent,否则有点难服人)
determine the destiny of society. In the materialized times, everything in relevant of value means too much: such as the cost of time, money, effort and so on, the need for which is especially severe. So the whole society calls for pragmatic people to make immediate profit. Without socialized people, for instance, steps of academic research would (虚拟?用will吧!)be held back because academic researchers want to realize their subject by dreaming instead of experiments and investigations. If practical people of all realms of life stop working, how could the social programs and services work as usual? There are lots of problems (needing to survival until now)没看懂,是不是说required to be solved?, such as the lack of food and medical equipments in poor (countries and )可去areas in the world, even in large cities there are people who starve to death because of job-losing in the financial(economic) crisis
However, the idealists are of the same importance because they always pursuing( pursue)long-term goals and have a broader vision than pragmatic individuals. As we all known, there are many standards to judge what is "success". The idealists may argue:" Is the immediate success real success? What if it is only short-term profit and means nothing to the future development?" Idealism is an important part of social life because it is the original impetus based on natural interests. Only the idealism would pursue their goals without being held back by practical concerns. What's more, the truly successful individuals always take an idealistic point of view. For example, Bill Gates abandoned his courses in Harvard, unlike all the practical students, and founded his own company at in his 20s. it there is no reason to conclude that idealistic views tend to be superseded.(这两段感觉把各自的重要性夸得太大了,说这个就不给令一个留余地。这样的立论漏洞大,也不好展开更大更宽的论述,一般不是讲究这种嘛,可以试着走这个方向。

In the 去掉the daily life, it is hard to find someone who is totally practical or idealistic because no one could live without solving the immediate problems such as meals and sleeps or without holding a dream of future. Actually, everyone, as well as the society, is composed of both of the two elements. As so many immediate problems such as the job-losing and poverty in some areas are to be solved, pragmatic behavior is needed. At the same time, idealistic behavior is needed too because it give natural interests to us and is relevant to the long-term profit. It is not controversial to finish immediate tasks, hold broad visions and pursue long-term goals. In fact, knowing the direction, every step towards it is well worth.(与前面两段有点矛盾了,前两段分别说着一类人怎么样,怎么样,还举了bill gates这个例子,结果这里又说,没有完全的这种人,那举得列子和论叙的力度和说服性就大打折扣了。

In conclusion, both of pragmatic and idealistic behavior is crucial for individuals as well as the whole society. When we are doing our works, we should also know where we are going and what we are pursuing.(从实际出发,我觉得文章似乎只是对topic前半段阐述了,后半段没怎么说,如guantee survival 和 被简单选择取代的事没怎么说。用的词汇等级不是很高可以用点高级的词汇。)

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-28 21:01:46 |只看该作者
I agree with the statement in that 直接用that?pragmatic behavior guarantees survival because only去掉吧,不然显得太绝对 pragmatic behavior could solve the immediate problems. But I believe that holding idealistic views is also very important because it is the original power to pursue goals.Practical behavior is crucial to the society because productive workers creative the value of society and determine the destiny of society. In the materialized times, everything in relevant of value means too much: the cost of time, money, effort and so on, the need for which is especially severe. So the whole society calls for pragmatic people to make immediate profit. Without socialized people, for instance, steps of academic research would be held back because academic researchers want to realize their subject by dreaming instead of experiments and investigations. If practical people of all realms of life stop working, how could the social programs and services work as usual? There are lots of problems needing(needed??) to survival until now, such as the lack of food and medical equipment in poor countries and areas in the world, even in large cities there are people starve to death because of job-losing in the financial crises.However, the idealists are of the same importance because they always pursuing long-term goals and have a broader vision than pragmatic individuals. As we all known??, there are many standards to judge what is "success". The idealists may argue:" Is the immediate success real success? What if it is only short-term profit and means nothing to the future development?" Idealism is an important part of social life because it is the original impetus based on natural interests. Only the idealism would pursue their goals without being held back by practical concerns. What's more, the truly successful individuals always take an idealistic point of view. For example, Bill Gates abandoned his courses in Harvard, unlike all the practical students, and founded his own company at his 20s. It is no reason to conclude that idealistic views tend to be superseded.(例子不够有说服力)In the daily life, it is hard to find someone who is totally practical or idealistic because no one could live without solving the immediate problems such as meals and sleeps or without holding a dream of future. Actually, everyone, as well as the society, is composed of both of the two elements. As so many immediate problems such as the job-losing and poverty in some areas are to be solved, pragmatic behavior is needed. At the same time, idealistic behavior is needed too because it give natural interests to us and is relevant to the long-term profit. It is not controversial to finish immediate tasks, hold broad visions and pursue long-term goals. In fact, knowing the direction, every step towards it is well worth.(想说要同时有practical and idealistic views,但论证的不太有力,没有说服力)In conclusion, both of pragmatic and idealistic behavior is crucial for individuals as well as the whole society. When we are doing our works, we should also know where we are going and what we are pursuing.(总结的太少,我认为这篇文章结构很好,有条理,但是论证的不太有力)

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