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[i习作temp] 【Try Best】第一小组 issue13 by小红莓 [复制链接]

Rank: 4



发表于 2009-6-1 18:01:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

题目:ISSUE 13 - "Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."


Languages, having been used by human to communicate with each other for thousands of years, are signs of the history of different nations and convey national expression. As many of the world's lesser-known languages are disappearing, more and more people realize the deep meaning of them and try to save the losing languages. As far as I am concerned, languages are precious legacy given by our ancestors, but at the same time, they are just tools.

Language is a character that only belongs to human being and as a result distinguishes human from ordinary animals. An independent nation always has its own languages and regards it as nation's sign and pride. As has been put by Alphonse Daudet in the short story The Last Class, in a small village which was to be invaded in the Franco-Prussian War, teacher give students the last class in French and the school was forbidden to teach in French in future. All the villagers went to the class and said goodbye to teacher, as well as their mother tongue, in sorrow. The lost of their language, to some degree, means the lost of their belief and their nation. Language is not only words and expressions, but also the net that carries human's love knot of their homeland.

Language is also a sign of history without which the past of a nation would be forgotten by the descendent. Culture is conveyed by language because it must be recorded by language. Until now, there are still many discovered cultures can't be understood by modern people for the reasons that the languages recorded them have been lost as time went by. The symbols on the stones hardly mean anything if no one could read them.

However, language is only a tool by which human could survive and have high-level civilizations, rather than the destiny of developing. From the first time language born, the goal of basic word such as "hey”,"yeah" or something else, is to make communication among individuals easier. Even though can be transferred to other modes such as writing, the intention of language has never changed during thousands of years. The world is becoming smaller and smaller as the technology developing in an ever high speed, and the unifying language can promote the developing of high-tech. It's a common rule that some lesser-known languages are being lost because it is a process of the developing of world-wide civilization and accord with the ordinary rules. The great thinker Karl Marx has said:” Everything that promotes the developing of social process is to be assisted."
As a consequence, it's not necessary for governments of countries to prevent the languages from becoming extinct.

In sum, the language is a sign and pride of a nation and records the culture of human beings, but at the same time, it’s just a tool. Considering both cultural and practical aspects, the best way is just record the languages that becoming extinct so that on the one hand, cultural research could not be influenced by the extinction, and on the other hand, social efforts could be largely decreased in saving those languages.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-4 19:27:13 |只看该作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-6-6 01:23:36 |只看该作者

Languages, having been used by human to communicate with each other for thousands of years, are signs of the history of different nations and convey national expressions. As many of the world's lesser-known languages arebeing disappearing, more and more people realize the deep 用profound meaning of them and try to save the losing languages. As far as I am concerned, languages are precious legacy given by our ancestors, but at the same time, they are just tools  没表明你对政府要不要保护的观点啊。这样的话你第一段写的是什么呢,中心。

Language is a character that only belongs to human being and as a result distinguishes human from ordinary用any other吧 animals. An independent nation always has its own languages and regards itthem as nation's sign and pride. As has been put by Alphonse Daudet in the short story The Last Class, in a small village which was to be invaded in the Franco-Prussian War, teacher gave students the last class in French and the school was forbidden to teach in French in future. All the villagers went to the class and said goodbye to teacher, as well as their mother tongue, in sorrow. The lost lose of their language, to some degree, means the lost同前 of their belief and their nation国家?语言有这功能吗?丢了就丢了国?. Language is not only words and expressions, but also the net that carries human's love knot of their homeland.

Language is also a sign of history without which the past of a nation would be forgotten by the descendents. Culture is conveyed by language语言是文化的一种,怎么能说文化被语言承载,应加个partially because it must be recorded by language不对吧,coustom 等都可以吧. Until now, there are still many discovered culturesthat can't be understood by modern people for the reasons that the languages recorded them have been lost as time went by. The symbols on the stones hardly mean anything if no one could read them.你是吧language包括verbal language and words 吧我觉words可以不算做language因为topic也说了,being extince是因为fewer and fewer people speak them说明主要只口头language

However, language is only a tool by which human couldcan survive and have high-level civilizations, rather than the destiny of developingdevelopment. From the first time language born, the goal of basic word such as "hey”,"yeah" or something else, is to make communication among individuals easier. Even though can be transferred to other modes such as writing, the intention of language has never changed during thousands of years. The world is becoming smaller and smaller as the technology developing in an ever high speed, and the unifying language can promote the developing development  of high-tech. It's a common rule that some lesser-known languages are being lost because it is a process of the developing of world-wide civilization and accord with不懂这样用,事态也好像不对 the ordinary rules. The great thinker Karl Marx has said:” Everything that promotes the developing of social process is to be assisted."我没看懂这句话对文的帮助,怎么不来句解释的话。
As a consequence, it's not necessary for governments of countries to prevent the languages from becoming extinct.

In sum, the language is a sign and pride of a nation and records the culture of human beings, but at the same time, it’s just a tool. Considering both cultural and practical aspects, the best way is justto record the languages that are becoming extinct so that on the one hand, cultural research could cannot be influenced by the extinction, and on the other hand, social efforts could be largely decreased in saving those languages.

收藏 分享 评分    恩,写得不错,但是有些观点还待思索,还有词汇的使用和句型的变化可以跟多。

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