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[求助] CINDYNANA-WRITING 作业 请狠批 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-10 10:41:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Do you agree or disagree teacher who is a serious and strict person more effective than a teacher is humor and is easygoing person.

Spotting the accelerating decline of the educational condition worldwide, we notice the fact that we have distinguish views about what a qualified teacher should be, the rigorous one or affability? It is presumptuous to make any decision without a deep understanding of its verified demanding, based on the experience I have, for being a student over 10 years. Since both of the twin’s features of teacher are indispensible during one’s education.

Reasonable it is to conclude that a good teacher should be not only knowledgeable but gently deductive, the well-known western educational style. Thousands of celebrities perfectly prove the success of this pattern, Bill Gates, Hemingway, Einstein, or other beneficiaries, sharing the common of breaking the conservative shatter and being creative. Students always are the hosts in class rather than the tutors who just provide the screen for them to perform. In eastern, the image of teacher was seldom described as humorous and easygoing under the stress of examination-oriented education, but a “machine” to produce the similar “examination-oriented products”. Teaches pay more attentions to whether students following their requirements instead of their innovation. Furthermore, teacher’s expression has a great impact on the efficiency of student’s learning; students make more progress when their teachers behave positively like smile, enthusiasm and patience, according to the report of Scientific American in June this year.

Though rarely could we deny gentle education do inspire student’s academic performance to get ahead, merely “smile” without constriction will definitely serve to the misery of one’s future. Indeed, with the increasing number of adolescent crime rate caused by coddle, we urge strict teachers to restrain as well. It is easily that the immature student would smother their independence and probity by their “Greenhouse”, if there is no one could offer proper assistance. It is widely acknowledged, most of coddled children are not so motivated or vigorous in their lives as others, especially in their academic performance. Moreover, students gain more satisfaction from their serious teachers’ approval, an active impetus for students to achieve more.

It may be our Utopia to encounter the teacher that suit us perfectly, taking into account of other factors about the teacher or the human, emotional requirement, for instance. It is too harsh and unfair to enforce a teacher to be versatile. As a consequence, we have to compromise to the fact, by adapting and finally omitting such exogenous element. Fortunately, we have chances to come across hundreds of teachers in our path of growth, we could find one matches us most; unfortunately, we do not have the priority to decide their order, that is, we may meet the wrong one. That is why I believe that the most effective teacher to their students neither can be described easygoing nor strict, excluding synthesizing all factors a student possessed.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-10 23:45:32 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-11 09:12:09 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-11 11:15:49 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cindynana 于 2009-12-11 21:30 编辑

孩子应该是玩和学习还是做家务household chores

A traditional option is resurging among recent children; which one should possess the priority of their schedules, learning, relaxing or household chores? Considering the special mental and physical requirements of children, I have to vote all of above, in that, hardly could they act the solo individually in one’s life.

Tracing to the history, education always plays an essential role in childhood, especially taking account of the Royal families who forced their youth to study from 4 or 5 years old. The fact is reasonable based on the scientific evidence as well as the reliable experiences. A paper in Science vol. 2896 sited a research about the climax growing period of cerebrum, during 4 to 18, as its data shows ( with the figure of hormone and brain wave) . That is, over that span, people’s mental ability will be distinguished from each other, a so-called mental watershed. As a matter of fact, intelligence is the key to the surviving of human race. Albeit rarely could we deny the effect of heredity to that, education is vital to promote a mature brain for majority children.

Though we emphasis the importance of education, it is not panacea. Furthermore, without the assistance of other factors, children will become the victim of this unbalanced scale. To err is to human, to play is to children. Since we notice the picture that maintaining the need of surviving is not the only thing in one’s life, playing and relaxing are the leading roles in one’s memory. Just as what Churchill said when he was 86 years old; “most things floating over my mind is not what I did in politic, just the time I shared with my family and friends.” For children, they have the right and the nature to play and enjoy their lives, “the blithe kids” as we usually say. Therefore, naturally it is to conclude that the pale life a person has must associate with a blank children memory.

Finally, here comes the housework,another indispensible composing of life. Just looking at some of campus students’ dorm, we will have a better understanding of the consequence of this scarcity served by parents’ coddle. Efficiency Lacking of some students is leaded by their mass and disordered room which used to be cleaned by their parents’ at home. Considered the requirement to avoid the fragile bookworms, house work is significant for children. Moreover, appropriate housekeeping does a fever to enhancing their ability of practices and esthetic. , m, s2 s% A& X; {/ a: i* L' F

In light of what I pointed out, Clearly it shows to us that if children’s schedule cannot be arranged reasonable, they will mow the product what they sow, definitely conducting to a catastrophe for themselves as well as the whole society.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-12-11 12:44:28 |只看该作者

A traditional option is resurging among recent children;(我觉得这里是不是不用用分号比较好,前后两个句子应该是解释的关系,改成that is怎样 which one should possess the priority of their schedules, learning, relaxing or household chores? Considering the special mental and physical requirements of children, I have to vote none of above, but all of them,in that, 我怎么觉得这里怪怪的, 改成I would not vote for the only one that is be most important , but instead all of them, hardly could they act the solo individually in one’s life.

Tracing to the history, education always plays an essential role in childhood, especially taking account of the Royal families who forced their youth to study from 4 or 5 years old. The fact is reasonable based on the scientific evidence as well as the reliable experiences. A paper in Science vol. 2896 sited a research about the climax growing period of cerebrum, during 4 to 18, as its data shows ( with the figure of hormone and brain wave) . That is, over that span, people’s mental ability will be distinguished from each other, a so-called mental watershed. As a matter of fact, intelligence is the key to the surviving of human race. Albeit rarely could we deny the effect of heredity to that, education is vital to promote a mature brain for majority children.这个论证真是太绝了,超级逼真,学习一下~

we emphasis the importance of education, it is not panacea. Furthermore这里应该是转折吧,however, without the assistance of other factors, children will become the victim of this unbalanced scale. To err is to human, to play is to children "wow!". Since we notice the picture that maintaining the need of surviving is not the only thing in one’s life, playing and relaxing are the leading roles in one’s memory. Just as what Churchill said when he was 86 years old; “most things floating over my mind is not what I did in politic, just the time I shared with my family and friends.” For children, they have the right and the nature to play enjoying, 你想说玩的时候同时enjoying了?不过我觉得有点怪,就paly and enjoy感觉好点 their lives, “the blithe kids” as we usually say. Therefore, naturally it is to conclude that a person has a pale life with a blank children memory. 这句我怎么怎么断都觉得怪?

Finally, here comes the housework, another indispensible composing of life. Just looking at some of campus students’ dorm, we will have a better understanding of the consequence of this scarcity served by parents’ coddle. Great deficient efficiency of some students is(are) leaded by their mass and disorder room which used to be cleaned by their parents’. Considered the requirement to avoid the fragile bookworms, house work is significant for children. Moreover, appropriate housekeeping does a fever to enhancing their ability of practices and esthetic.

In light of what I pointed out, Clearly it shows to us that if children’s schedule cannot be arranged reasonable, they will mow the product what they sow, definitely conducting to a catastrophe for themselves as well as the whole society.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-11 15:38:59 |只看该作者
12-11 热乎乎,刚出炉,请狠批

The media war between TV and newspaper has been lasting for years. Now, human has made distinguished conclusion about the two participants. Why? You may curious, majority choose Tv as their optimum choice to get more reliable news? To my best knowledge, I propose three possible explanations about it.

Promptly published news is counted on the pinnacle outstanding reason. Unlike newspaper, TV broadcasts any time it requires if its report was attractive enough. It was CNN who was the first releasing the catastrophe of 9/11, and published the live broadcast of the entire incident to worldwide. Moreover, according to the study from Rockefeller University in 2000, the less time people used to react, the more true feeling they express, to some degree, less opportunity they have to edit the truth driven by interest. Even if naked truth is never the eternal persuit of mass media, comparing to the newspaper whose postpone provides more possibility of furnishings, TV enjoys more confidence to be credited at least.

Animated expression makes TV more convincible to the audience, especially the unretouched pictures. As a matter of fact, newspaper adopt words and static pictures to describe what happened outside with the merit of portable and the drawback of inaccurate. There are a thousand Hamlets, in a thousand people’s eyes. The vista depicted by everyone must not be the same, let alone the same to the fact. Added the exaggeration by editors and critics, hardly could we tell which one is the reality. For example, we can say that, “Bush takes an apple from the table.” And “Bush robs an apple from the table rudely.” are expressing the similar meaning, but the images of Bush are totally different. Thus, the birth of TV exactly caters this requirement and unifies the views describe by every person.

What is more, its multi-functional design promote TV become the cosset of people seeking for the truth. With its function of Retrospection and Slow Still, TV plays an increasing role in our lives. The appearing of TV sets a milestone for competitive sports, rendering more technological possibility to record the result. Before the invention of TV, it is unimaginable to detect who is the winner, when 2 runners reached the terminal point closely, if only judged by naked eyes. The analogs example is DVMS (digital video monitor system), which helps people to focus on the details, particularly efficient to the detectors. By contrast to the newspaper producing merely by human intelligence, camera is likely to attract more agreement of equality.     

In light of all above, TV owns more persuasive supports than newspaper, considering its promptly published news, animated expression and multi-functional design. As any audience desire the world in front of his face is true, mass media, the global eyes and ears, should take more responsibility to fulfill what others counted them on.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-11 15:48:35 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-12-11 17:15:55 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 shirley072 于 2009-12-11 17:18 编辑

A traditional option is resurgingamong recent children; which one should possess the priority of theirschedules, learning, relaxing or household chores?
(这句话的表达有点中国话,建议改变一下句式,并且跟前面一句a option没有什么内在联系) Considering the special mental andphysical requirements of children, I have to vote none of above, but all ofthem, in that, hardly could they act the solo individually in one’s life.

Tracing to the history, educationalways plays an essential role in childhood, especially taking account of theRoyal families who forced their youth to study from 4 or 5 years old. (我觉得royal families这个只能算做一个例子,而不能算做education有重要影响或者很重要的一个因素,因此不能用take account of来考虑进去) The fact isreasonable based on the scientific evidence as well as the reliableexperiences. A paper in Science vol. 2896 (记得这个很强大..) sited a research about the climaxgrowing period of cerebrum, during 4 to 18, as its data shows ( with the figureof hormone and brain wave) . That is, over that span, people’s mental abilitywill be distinguished from each other, a so-called mental watershed. As amatter of fact, intelligence is the key to the surviving of human race. Albeitrarely could we deny the effect of heredity to that, education is vital topromote a mature brain for majority children.

Through (?though吧?) we emphasisthe importance of education, it is not panacea. Furthermore, without theassistance of other factors, children will become the victim of this unbalancedscale. To err is to human, to play is to children (这样的表述我非常的不确定). Since we notice the picture thatmaintaining the need of surviving is not the only thing in one’s life, playingand relaxing are the leading roles in one’s memory. Just as what Churchill saidwhen he was 86 years old; “most things floating over my mind is not what I didin politic, just the time I shared with my family and friends.” For children,they have the right and the nature to play enjoying
(and enjoy) their lives, “the blithe kids” aswe usually say. Therefore, naturally it is to conclude that a person has a palelife with a blank children memory.2 r6 m1 Z7 F6 `4k

Finally, here comes the housework,another indispensible composing of life. Just looking at some of campusstudents’ dorm, we will have a better understanding of the consequence of thisscarcity served by parents’ coddle. Great deficient efficiency of somestudents is leaded (?) by their massand disorder (disordered) room which used to be cleaned by their parents’ at home. Considered the requirement toavoid the fragile bookworms, house work is significant for children. Moreover,appropriate housekeeping does a fever to enhancing their ability of practicesand esthetic.

In light of what I pointed out,Clearly it shows to us that if children’s schedule cannot be arrangedreasonable, they will mow the product what they sow, definitely conducting to acatastrophe for themselves as well as the whole society.

有一个问题,我觉得楼主要注意一下题目。首先应该给出一个清晰的论点, I have to vote none of above这句话太要命了让我觉得楼主觉得都不好,但是后面的阐述明显就是在说两个都好嘛。并且第一个说智力的那个,应该是第二段吧,内容过多的围绕在描述4-18岁的时候教育跟大脑的关系,但是跟题目是孩子应该是玩和学习还是做家务household chores?没有一点关系。教育跟大脑的关系这个例子本身是很好的,但是我觉得楼主没有好好运用,在描述完关系之后要趁热打铁的强调一下所以要从小就让孩子多学习



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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-12 14:16:11 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 smerkwuker 于 2009-12-12 14:27 编辑

The media war between TV and newspaper has been lastinglasted for years. Now, human has made distinguished conclusion about the two participants. Why? You may curious, themajority choose Tv as their optimum choice to get more reliable news? To my best knowledge, I propose three possible explanations about it.
Promptly published news is counted on the pinnacle outstanding reason. Unlike newspaper, TV broadcasts at any time it requires if its report wasis attractive enough. It was CNN who was the first releasing the catastrophe of 9/11, and published the live broadcast of the entire incident to(删去toworldwide. Moreover, according to the study from of Rockefeller University in 2000, the less time people useduse to react, the more true feeling they express, to some degree, less opportunity they have to edit the truth driven by interest. Even if naked truth is never the eternal persuit of mass media, comparing to the newspaper whose postpone provides more possibility of furnishingsTV enjoys more confidence to be credited creditableat least.
Animated expression makes TV more convincible
convincing或者objective,reliableto the audience, especially the unretouched (?)pictures. As a matter of fact, newspaper adopt words and static pictures to describe what happened outside with the merit of portable and the drawback of inaccurate. There are a thousand Hamlets, in a thousand people’s eyes. The vista depicted by everyone must not be the same, let alone the same to the fact. Added the exaggeration by editors and critics, hardly could we tell which one is the realitytruth. For example, we can say that, “Bush takes an apple from the table.” And “Bush robs an apple from the table rudely.” are expressing the similar meaning, but the images of Bush are totally different. Thus, the birth of TV exactly caters this requirement and unifies the views describedescribed by everydifferent
What is more, its multi-functional design promotemakes TV become the cosset of people seeking for the truth. With its function of Retrospection and Slow Still, TV plays an increasing role in our lives. The appearingadvent of TV sets a milestone for competitive sports, rendering more technological possibility to record the result. Before the invention of TV, it is unimaginable to detect who is the winner, when 2 runners reached the terminal point closely, if only judged by naked eyes. The analogs example is DVMS (digital video monitor system), which helps people to focus on the details, particularly efficient to the detectors. By contrast to the newspaper producing merely by human intelligence, camera is likely to attract more agreement of equality. (最后一句没读懂)    5 h: e% p7 S( C; U% K4 b
5 ^) ~/ Y5 q: O+ h
In light of all above, TV owns more persuasive supports than newspaper, considering its promptly published news, animated expression and multi-functional design. As any audience desire the world in front of his face is true, mass media, the global eyes and ears, should take more responsibility to fulfill what others counted them on.

6# cindynana

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-12-12 21:46:05 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lmsleeper 于 2009-12-12 21:50 编辑

A traditional optionchoice question is resurging among recent children; which one should possess the priority of their schedules, learning, relaxing or household chores? Considering the special mental and physical requirements of children, I have to vote all of above, in that, hardly could they act the solo individually in one’s life.

y( n9 S6 r1 F2 r; J" d
Tracing to the history, education always plays an essential role in childhood, especially taking account of the Royal families who forced their youth to study from 4 or 5 years old. The fact is reasonable, based on the scientific evidence as well as the reliable experiences. A paper in Science vol. 2896 sited a research about the climax growing period of cerebrum, during 4 to 18, as its data shows ( with the figure of hormone and brain wave) . That is, over that span, people’s mental ability will be distinguished from each other, a so-called mental watershed. As a matter of fact, intelligence is the key to the surviving of human race. Albeit rarely could we deny the effect of heredity to that, education is vital to promote a mature brain for majority children.

Though we emphasis the importance of education, it is not panacea. Furthermore, without the assistance of other factors, children will become the victim of this unbalanced scale. To err isto (去掉)human, to play is to children. (to err is human是人就会犯错,学习了)Since we notice the picture that maintainingsatisfying the need of surviving is not the only thing in one’s life, playing and relaxing are the leading roles in one’s memory. Just as what Churchill said when he was 86 years old; “most things floating over my mind is not what I did in politic, just the time I shared with my family and friends.” For children, they have the right and the nature to play and enjoy their lives, “the blithe kids” as we usually say. Therefore, naturally it is to conclude that the pale life a person has must associate with a blank(bland) children memory. 9 y0 q3 g8 V/ F  w9 O

Finally, here comes the housework, another indispensable composing of life. Just looking at some of campus students’ dorm, we will have a better understanding of the consequence of this scarcity served by parents’ coddle (coddling). Efficiency Lackinginefficiency of some students is leaded (revealed)by their mass(mess) and disordered room which used to be cleaned by their parents’ at home. (这句不太懂:学生的缺乏效率源于他们习惯于被父母打扫的混乱的房间?)Considered the requirement to avoid the fragile bookworms, house work is significant for children. Moreover, appropriate housekeeping does a fever to enhancing their ability of practices and esthetic. , m, s2 s% A& X; {/ a: i* L' F9 _) X+ S; t: B) u' W) }- x

In light of what I pointed out, Clearly it shows to us that if children’s schedule cannot be arranged reasonable, they will mow the product what they sow, definitely conducting to a catastrophe(
有点夸张了trouble) for themselves as well as the whole society.



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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-10 22:03:29 |只看该作者
9th.Feb 作业


Sometimes one idea may come across into your mind; it is so cool to have a million years old fossil lying in the cell of your house. Yet in the fact, that is not that “cool” judged by the people standing in another angel. Why, you may wonder, the possession of a valuable historical souvenir turn out to be pernicious to the society? The following possible explanations assist us uncover the veil.

The first and pinnacle importance point is the fossil obtains more attention than kept in private and may lead to an amazing discovery after academic researches. After exposal to the public, archaeopteryx, for instance, biologists make a colossal progression decoding the evolvement of birds. On the country, privately kept fossil will definitely be losses to human, most of them have no opportunity to have a glance at scientists, let alone acting roles in academic field. Hardly could we realize the value of the little stone, that distinguished history witness will exist as common as the stone under your feet.

Following the first comes to the second; fossils are better protected by federal efforts. Presumptuous it is to imagine all private-fossils can be appropriate maintained, some private-fossil even involved in owners’ daily chaos, murder, fire, tornado, flood, or barely as an object paying for the debt. Say nothing of the indispensible but high-tech and costly requirements for preservation, such as infrared ray detector or anaerobic germfree room, all of which rendering the surviving of fossil great uncertainty. The private investment to the fossil is not a smart dealing for both sides, since that has no different with the insane behaviors like wearing your thousand dollars jewel went to a battle.

Although fossil protected by community is weighty, under certain circumstances, significant it is for the private-hold fossil to avoid some tragedy. Fascists pillaged and destroyed the precious fossil from all the European Museums, during World War Two, for example. Thanks to the conscious people who bought the stone pretending to be theirs (later returned to where it previous belonged to), the fossil evaded their calamity and directly gave birth to prosperous modern paleontology.

In light of the respects I mentioned before, albeit rarely could we deny the positive of private-owned fossil, especially during some special times, over a prudent evaluation about each alternative, I vote blackball to the private fossil, because its rival enjoys more merits in general.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-11 21:15:37 |只看该作者
Study animals will help people have a better understanding about themselves

Luckily as I did, having a brief tour to a bio-lab and giving birth to a fresh view about lab-animal which used to be considered as the pathetic creature for experiments. Lab-animals, on the country, dedicate to academic field, rewarded as the avant-guard to life science, their sacrifice are consequential. Three possible explanations are given as follow.

The pinnacle reason why animals play such important role in sciences is their similarity to human beings. As a matter known to all, all the mamal share the similar feature from apperence, insider structure, to gene. Accidentally, most of the lab animals are mamals, such as monkey, rats, sheep. Just take monkey as an example, the well-knowned cloest animal existing in the world to human, 75.3% of the medical triumph ascibe to the effort of monkey,(the number comes from Medical Department of NewYork Uni. in 2004) not only because they are the twins with human being in the evolvement system or the analogous developed cerebrum, but their similar behaviors to human. They live as a social group, they express every feeling a man have, what is more important they are self-conscious, the distinguish character of man. Due to that, our adaptation of monkey as well as other lab-animals is credibility to make a better understanding of ourselves.

Following the first, here comes the second, their relatively short life span and their efficient reproduction rate render them more possibilities plunge into the reserch about heredity. Gene is the code of life. In order to discover the mystery of human we have to turn to decode our DNA . As the increasing reports about the gene sequence has been published, the code is no longer that blur to us, at least more than 60% gene can be found from other animals. And their “fast paced” life provide us more crediable information about ours, for example, Dorie, the first clone sheep in the world, died before it was mature all of which just cost 5 years, then scientists found out the reason and made progress in human gene decoding. It is hard to image how long it will take if they take human as experiments.(under the circumstance it was moral permitted).

The last but of course not the least, comparing to the cost of clinical trial, pre-test’s expense on lab-animals is lower than expected. In the experiment of an antibiotic, the cost of whole lab-animal is 10 percent of the anticipants’. The money saved by animals can be used for other  more significent things enhencing our awareness about human such as replace to an advanced equipment or a more reliable information resource.

In light of the aspects I mentioned above, easily could we discover the fact that through the cost of lives is inevitable, the result comes from theirs is inspiring and meaningful, assissting people overcome the barriers of ignorance and step into the intelligent new ages.

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