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[活动] 小心littleheart的独立作文,自1.27,更新至2.14 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-3-4 19:59:23 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? scientists should be responsible for the negative impacts of their discoveries.

Recently, there is an ongoing discussion online, with sharply rising volume, which is about whether scientists should be responsible for the negative impacts of their discoveries or not. Conventional wisdom suggests that scientists are indeed supposed to be responsible for their discoveries because some inventions bring drawback to human life, and a few may even cause serious damage to the earth, such bomb. However, I hold the belief that it is unfair for scientists if we call for their responsibility for inventions owing to the following reasons.

Initially, the intentions of most scientists are pursuing the inventions that will benefit human beings. What they are discovering are the things that would improve our life. That is to say, the scientists' original aim is to help people have a higher living standard. For instance, the invention of bulb is well-welcomed because it is convenient for us to work or study at night, while if one is hurt by the broken bulb, he/she have no excuse to ask Edison to understand the responsibility. As can be from the example, in most case, the negative impacts that some discoveries caused are not the inventor's responsibility, but the users' fault due to the improper behavior. The same is true for some weapons, the scientist make an effort to produce some weapons, such gun and bomb. It follows that they desire to let people learn how to protect themselves, rather than fight with others. Therefore, we cannot deny the accomplishment of scientists because of the war.
From another perspective, as I mentioned above, it is so unfair when scientists should be responsible for their inventions. Just imagine that if we take such strict measures for scientists, no one would ever want to be a scientist. It is not hard to think that scientists try their best to invent and some even take all their life in researching, while the result for them is to assume the bad consequence they lead to. How sad they would feel! On the other hand, it would also prevent our scientist from making new invention if we ask them to be responsible for their products. Accordingly, scientists would scare about their every step which might adversely affect our life. In that case, the mobile phone will not be discovered because they will cause more noise to our daily life. Meanwhile the computer which we regard as an indispensable implement in our life will not shape either for the reason that some young are addicted to them, resulting in the bad performance in school work. Then what the society would be? May be we would return to the ancient times without any high technology.

By and large, based on what I mentioned above, it is unreasonable to let the scientist undertake the bad consequence of their inventions.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-3-4 21:29:29 |只看该作者
Recently, there is an ongoing discussion online, with sharply rising volume(好像没见过这种用法,), which is about whether scientists should be responsible for the negative impacts of their discoveries or not. Conventional wisdom suggests that scientists are indeed supposed to be responsible for their discoveries because some inventions bring drawback to human life(human being), and a few may even cause serious damage to the earth, such (as nuclear?)bomb. However, I hold the belief that it is unfair for scientists if we (觉得可以这么表达:if we count the negative consequences on them)call for their responsibility for inventions owing to the following reasons.

Initially, the intentions of most scientists are pursuing the inventions that will benefit human beings.(上句是比较中式思维的表达,感觉是直译的结果,可以考虑用 most scientist discover or create something with the intention/purpose to benefit the human beings) What they are discovering are the things that would(suppose to) improve our life. That is to say, the scientists' original aim is to help people have a higher living standard.(我觉得上句重复了,因为之前的两句已经把意思说清楚了) For instance, the invention of bulb is well-welcomed because it is convenient for us to work or study at night, (看看这句是否好些: the bulb is regarded as a revolutionary invent because we don't have to worry about the dark any more,from then on,working or studying at night became a reality)while if one is hurt by the broken bulb, he/she have no excuse to ask Edison to understand the responsibility.(中文表达思维和英文表达思维很多时候是相反的,所以把前句讲述顺序调换一下来使文章更地道,更简洁:while it is unreasonable to blame Edison if we got hurt by the broken bulb.) As (it) can be(concluded) from the example, in most case, the negative impacts that some discoveries caused are not the inventor's responsibility(fault), but the users' fault due to the improper behavior.(建议but the ones who use it in a improper way) The same is true for some weapons, the scientist make an effort to produce some weapons, such gun and bomb. It follows that they desire to let people learn how to protect themselves, rather than fight with others. Therefore, we cannot deny the accomplishment of scientists because of the war. (这个weapon的例子不合适,因为武器是兵工厂制造出来用于战斗的,主题却是说出于"研究/探索目的"的科学发现所造成的负面影响,因此举例最好着眼那些原本旨在造福人类,或科学研究的发现结果被误用造成负面影响,如生物,化学的研究成果被用于战争,无线通信技术的应用却威胁人类的健康,海洋探测技术用来捕鱼...)

From another perspective, as I mentioned above, it is so unfair when scientists should be responsible for their inventions. Just imagine that if we take such strict measures for scientists, no one would ever want to be a scientist. It is not hard to think that scientists try their best to invent and some even take all their life in researching, while the result for them is to assume the bad consequence they lead to. How sad they would feel! (让科学家承担造成负面的责任和给他们设限将导致的结果不应该是影响科学家们的主观感受,而是需要说明对人类福祉和进步更广泛的影响,毕竟科学研究的利大于弊)On the other hand, it would also prevent our scientist from making new invention if we ask them to be responsible for their products. Accordingly, scientists would scare about their every step which might adversely affect our life. In that case, the mobile phone will not be discovered because they will cause more noise to our daily life. Meanwhile the computer which we regard as an indispensable implement in our life will not shape either for the reason that some young are addicted to them, resulting in the bad performance in school work. Then what the society would be? May be we would return to the ancient times without any high technology.


By and large, based on what I mentioned above, it is unreasonable to let the scientist undertake the bad consequence of their inventions.

  别担心! 小心,以上只是我个人的看法,其实独立作文本来就是抒发自己意见的平台,没有

  祝 3.6 的战役能旗开得胜,相信自己,就一定能实现自己的梦想!
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小心littleheart + 1 谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O~

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2010-3-5 17:00:21 |只看该作者
61# 小心littleheart

Recently, there is an ongoing discussion online, with sharply rising volume, which is about whether televisions and movies have more positive effects than negative effects on young people or not. Some may insist that televisions and movies play a crucial role in our life for the reason that we feel relaxed, as well as that we get a variety of information from them. However, I hold the belief that televisions and movies will bring young people more drawbacks (The question is very particular because it specifies 'on the way young people behave'. In other words, you need to be aware in your topic sentence that the drawbacks you're talking about here need to focus on behavior too.) And my reasons are listed below.

Initially (This word means to be the first in terms of time, or occurence. It's not an equivalent of 'firstly'.), we (The question is about 'young people'. I undersand that you probaby do belong to 'young people' yourself, but this kind of coincendence cannot be taken for granted as an assumption that 'young people' equals 'we'.) would waste a lot of time while watching television or seeing a movie. Among people of all ages, the young are the most busy busiest group (A personal comment on this: I would fancy mid-aged males are the busiest people because they are expected to deal with everything in the world, from earning money for the household to changing the blown fuse to taking the kids out to the zoo. Once you have kids, I guess you'll really start to appreciate the luxury of youth XD) . because they are exposed to all kinds of affairs, such as school work or job assignments. Accordingly, if they take the precious time to watch television, their work or study might be delayed, as well as and their productivity would be lowered. Take one of my friends for example: Jane is was my high-school classmate and she studied so hard that she had an excellent mark record before senior 3 (An average American will not know what 'senior 3' is. Think about how you can express your ideas in a more 'universal' matter, e.g. 'the final year of high school'.). Whereas, in the year of senior3, when other classmates were busy with all kinds of exams and preparing for the college entrance examination, Jane was addicted to the soap operas and she even became a watch couch-potato after school. More badly, she often talked with us about the scenes of in the opera soap? and meanwhile had no interest in learning her subjects. Unfortunately, she failed at the college entrance examination. What a pity! As can be seen from the example, it is the tedious television programs that adversely affect Jane's study and even her future. I argue that Jane will regret about her former behavior at the moment. (Whether she regrets about it has nothing to do with the question. By the second last sentence, you've already illustrated the point well enough.)

From another perspective, on the one hand, watching television or seeing a movie would greatly reduce the opportunity for the young to communicate with others. Just imagine that if a young man usually sits in the sofa and stares at the TV, he would have no desire for chatting with his family (This is definitely a stereotype. He can sit in the sofa and stare at his book and still have no desire for chatting with his family. You need to be very clear that 'TV' is not the direct cause of reduced communication, but the 'stare' part is, and it just happens that many people like to stare at TVs rather than books because TV shows are generally considered more interesting and attention-grabbing.). Thus it would cause a bad effect on the relationship between family members. On the other hand, it would also go against (This means 'disagree'. How can you 'disagree' with health?) the young's health when they touching such media. A person will become much lazier when he/she is attracted by a movie or television program. As for me, a few months ago, after went going through the term exam, I really wanted to relax myself by watching movies day and night. As a result, I was in a bad health condition and even got a cough a few days later. Luckily, one of my friends gave me some advices, and she told me that I needed more exercise to keep fit. Therefore, I began to swimming in the afternoon and now I feel better. Regarding this issue, televisions and movies indeed do harm to the young' health (Now you're jumping a little ahead. If you use this example, then it's the excessive watching of TV/movies that's damaging your health, not the TV/movies themselves.) whether among mental health or physical health.

By and large, based on what I mentioned above, due to lack of the self-control, televisions and movies have more negative effects on the young. (Again, if you compare this conclusion to the question, I think you'll immediately see that you're arguing a slightly different topic, one that doesn't have the word 'behave'. You actually had a concious effort to address the behavior part of the question during your essay, but please remember that topic sentences need to be accurate and right-to-the-point as well.)


语法上请注意时态的使用。。你的表达还是倾向于比较中式的感觉,不过意思不会完全不清楚,另外就是注意一下as well as的用法。

论述方面整体不错,只是说开头结尾说明观点的句子的表意一定要准确。这篇里面出现的就是只看你开头结尾的话会觉得你可能跑题,但读了正文发现你其实没跑题,所以就是说要注意一下总结性质的topic sentence一定要清楚。

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-3-6 23:37:28 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? cell phones should be allowed to use in public transportation (buses, trains, airplanes).

Recently, there is an ongoing discussion online, with sharply rising volume, which is about whether cell phones should be allowed to use in public transportation. Conventional wisdom suggests that cell phone would cause much noise which may impede the driver to concentrate on driving. Nevertheless, I hold the belief that cell phone should be allowed to use in public transportations owing to that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
Initially, the first and most important point I should emphasize is that the original intention of the invention of cell phones is to facilitate our life, making it available for us to communicate with our friends and families everywhere and anytime. My mom could know where I am through calling me even though I am in public transportation. Just imagine that if we cannot use cell phone in trains, our family and friends are worried about us for they are not sure whether we are in safety or not. Take my own experience for example, I have to take trains to arrive at Shanxi province where my university located every semester, and meanwhile on the trip, I usually need to spend two nights on the train. While at that time, my mom is so anxious about my safety that I ensure to call her by using cell phone every half day. Therefore, she feel relieved when receiving my call each time and sometimes I could often tell her some interesting things happened on the journey. As can be seen from the example, nowadays, cell phones have become an indispensible implement in our life, especially when we are away from home. In order to connect with our friends and family members, we require using cell phones in public transportations.
From another perspective, in some cases, our bosses or friends may have certain immediate affairs to announce us. Thus if we do not have the right to use cell phone in public transportation, we may lose an important meeting or a sudden exam in school, which may lead to a serious consequence. Admittedly, some may insist that cell phone is main factor to traffic disasters because the noise may adversely affect the driver's thought. While I tend to argue that various noises would be still extremely loud without mobile phones, but due to the belling of a large number of cars and buses.
By and large, based on those mentioned above, considering the dramatic convenience cell phones bring us, I personally agree that they should be permitted to use in public transportations.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2010-3-14 00:41:28 |只看该作者
65# 小心littleheart

那个那个小心童鞋你不是3.6已经考的了吗?=.= 你3.6求改的都排到今天了啊,不要紧吗。。希望没有耽误你。。=.=bb

Recently, there is an ongoing discussion online, with sharply rising volume, which is about whether cell phones should be allowed to for use in public transportation (I do suspect that the question is not authentic, because people use cell phones, and cell phones don't 'use'. Rather they are 'used'.). Conventional wisdom suggests that cell phones would cause much noise which may impede the driver to in concentrating on driving. Nevertheless, I hold the belief that cell phones should be allowed to use in public transportations, owing to that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Initially (I remember I've talked about this word before, and I said it is not an equivalent of 'firstly'. Now if that's not clear enough, I'm making my point here: use 'firstly', or 'to begin with', not 'initially'.), the first and most important point I should emphasize is that the original intention of the invention of cell phones is to facilitate our life, making it (What?) available for us to communicate with our friends and families everywhere and anytime. My mom could know where I am through calling me even though I am in public transportation. Just imagine that if we cannot use cell phone in trains, our family and friends are worried about us for they are not sure whether we are in safety or not. Take my own experience for example. I have to take trains to arrive at Shanxi province where my university is located every semester, and meanwhile on the trip, I usually need to spend two nights on the train. While at that time, my mom is so anxious about my safety that I ensure that I to call her by using cell phone every half day. Therefore, she feels relieved when receiving my call each time and sometimes I could often tell her some interesting things that happened on the journey. As can be seen from the example, nowadays, cell phones have become an indispensible implement in our life, especially when we are away from home. In order to connect with our friends and family members, we require (A bit too strong. 'Need' would be sufficient.) using cell phones in public transportations.

From another perspective, in some cases, our bosses or friends may have certain immediate affairs to announce to us. Thus if we do not have the right to use cell phones in public transportation, we may lose miss an important meeting or a sudden exam in school, which may lead to a serious consequences. Admittedly, some may insist that the cell phone is the main factor to in traffic disasters because the noise may adversely affect the driver's thoughts. While I tend to argue that various noises would be still extremely loud without mobile phones, but due to the belling? of a large number of cars and buses. (This is an incomplete sentence.)

By and large, based on those mentioned above, considering the dramatic convenience cell phones bring us, I personally agree that they should be permitted to use in public transportations.



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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-3-14 11:35:18 |只看该作者
66# mpromanus 呵呵~~没有啦~~~谢谢企鹅同学~~3.6是我第一次考,有些没信心~可能还得再考的,所以希望多多指教~O(∩_∩)O~

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RE: 小心littleheart的独立作文,自1.27,更新至2.14 [修改]
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