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[i习作temp] issue157 球拍 (還有最後四天了) [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-17 14:43:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 TEFouDAF 于 2010-2-17 17:32 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE157 - "There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires."
WORDS: 543
TIME: 0:45:00
DATE: 2006-2-6

Does purely objective observation really exist? The statement claims that all observation is subjective. I agree insofar as though it may be guided by the observer's expectations or desires. However, as we endeavour to reach the truly objective observation, there is no denying of the existence of the purely objective observation.

Admittedly, constrained by the level of science and technology and fettered by the religion and customs, our ancestors may not objectively observe the nature and society around them. The telling example is not far to seek. In the medieval era, people once thought that the earth was the center of the universe, for the fact that the sun, the moon and the stars, the planets were pinning around us. Moreover, in accordance with the creed of the religion, this thought which was regarded as orthodox and publicized, was not allowed to be profaned. As this theory suffers difficulty in explaining a series of particular phenomenon and since the technology and science develops, however, it has to be modified or even give way to a new theory which is based upon more observations. So in the history, there are many examples illustrating that we are prone to describe our observation according to our own expectation and desires, thus resulting subjectivity.

However, even limited by the condition of the age, some observations is far from subjective, irrespective of the absurdness of the theory or explanation they rely on. Let us take the way our ancestors make the calendar for example, they undertake this task just on the basis of observation of the operation of the sun and the moon, the stars and the planets. Even though they unfairly assume that the earth is static and is the center of the universe, they are faithful to the fact of how the stars are operating. So strictly our predecessors stick to the subject observation that they make adjustment of the calendar from time to time accordingly. Furthermore, any objectivity in the observation will bring about flaws in the calendar, which would in turn exert a negative impact on the harvest of the nation or other big event. In short, we cannot deny the existence of the objective observations that are free from our inclinations and willing even in the time that we think is laden with distortion and subjectivity.

Moreover, it is too hasty to generalize that there is no such thing as purely objective observation today. Common sense informs us that science is aimed at searching the truth and verity, but there are inextricably foibles due to the limit of the epoch which may undermine its credibility. However, as the science is developing, we are confident to conclude that every effort is paid to inquire the truth. that is, even there exists some subjective explanation or theory, we try our best to get rid of the subjectivity by modifying them on the current objective observations. In other words, we should not equate the subjective theory with subjective observation. Observations are the essence every researcher should insist on.

In sum, there are surely some observations distorted by our expectations or desires, but the observation is blameless for the lack of objectivity. Happening and evolving regardless the human's willing, the observation, which are mostly objective, should be paid attention to and evaluated fairly.

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发表于 2010-2-21 13:53:08 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 霁月难逢 于 2010-2-21 14:44 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE157 - "There is no suchthing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it isalways guided by the observer's expectations or desires."

WORDS: 543
TIME: 0:45:00
DATE: 2006-2-6

Does purely objective observation reallyexist? The statement claims that all observation is subjective. I(写作要回避第一人称,尤其是I、me,这个要注意,习作的时候最好使用,这个改起来应该不难) agree insofaras though it may be guided by the observer's expectations or desires. However,as we endeavour(endeavorto reach the truly objective observation, there is no denyingof the existence of the purely objective observation (这句和”吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮“很神似,很容易让人看晕的,尤其是加上了没有必要的双重否定(there is no denying),不知道你实际的意思是什么,主题句一定要清晰明了,让rater可以迅速得知你要写什么)

Admittedly, constrained by the level of(没有这个搭配) science and technology and fettered by the religion and customs, our ancestors may(这个字用的就很别扭了,认识层面上的局限性是必然存在,may is used to indicate a certain measure of likelihood or possibility) not objectively observe the nature and society around them. The tellingexample is not far to seek. In the medieval era(没有这个搭配,in the Middle Ages才是), people once thought that the earth(Earth) was the center of the universe, for the fact that the sun, the moon and the(不觉得the用的多点了么,定冠词误用的现象很常见,因为错误的语感以及不连贯的写作思路,国内考生经常在不需要的地方加乱the,是很不必要的失分点。而且从阅读舒适感来说,要减少用词重复,即使是这类基础词汇也是) stars, the planets were pinning around us(前面说the Earth和our ancestor,这里说我们,混乱了。而且,这个例子里没有任何跟主观客观相联系的论述,不能有效帮助rater去建立联系,属于无意义信息。). Moreover, in accordance with the creed of the religion, this thought which was regarded as orthodox and publicized, was not allowed to be profaned. As this theory suffers difficulty(没这种用法,倒是有suffer difficult time,同时,注意时态) in explaining a series of particular phenomenon and since the(定冠词特指,你这里特指什么?) technology and science develops(主语是technology and science,而且是过去时态,用第三人称单数怎么也不对), however,(这个插入语是可以用,但是常用在的是转折意刚开始的一两个词之后,你已经让过了since之后半句话,这个用的很别扭) it has(注意时态)to be modified or even give way to a new theory which is based upon more observations. So(这个so用的很没道理了,前面你只说了一个例子,然后就总结到:所以历史上有很多事例。这个说不通的) in the history, there are many examples illustrating that we are prone to describe our observation accordingto our own expectation and desires(这个论断和前面的论述没有关联,而且和段落首句并不是在论述同一点,是论述结尾的大忌), thus resulting(缺少介词in,resulting in是固定搭配) subjectivity.


However, even limited by the condition of the age, some observations is far from subjective, irrespective of the absurdness of the theory or explanation they rely on(没懂). Let us take the way ourancestors make the calendar for example, they undertake this task just on thebasis of observation of the operation of the sun and the moon, the stars andthe planets. Even though they unfairly assume that the earth is static and isthe center of the universe, they are faithful to the fact of how the stars are operating.So strictly our predecessors stick to the subject observation that they makeadjustment of the calendar from time to time accordingly. Furthermore, anyobjectivity in the observation will bring about flaws in the calendar, whichwould in turn exert a negative impact on the harvest of the nation or other bigevent. In short, we cannot deny the existence of the objective observationsthat are free from our inclinations and willing even in the time that we thinkis laden with distortion and subjectivity.

段落中的表达对于阅读理解有很多障碍,同时有一个重要问题就是key words missing

Moreover, it is too hasty to generalizethat there is no such thing as purely objective observation today(一大忌讳就是把ISSUE写成ARGUMENT,rater天天遭受模板残害的,你这句话写的实在是自找没趣,写串了的话可是跑题,考试的时候别这么做). Common senseinforms us that science is aimed at searching the truth and verity, but thereare inextricably foibles due to the limit of the epoch which may undermine itscredibility. However, as the science is developing, we are confident to conclude that every effort is paid to inquire the truth. That is, even there exists some subjective explanation or theory, we try our best to get rid of the subjectivity by modifying them on the current objective observations. In otherwords, we should not equate the subjective theory with subjective observation.Observations are the essence every researcher(题目说的是什么?) should insist on.

In sum, there are surely some observations distorted by our expectations or desires, but the observation is blameless for the lack of objectivity. Happening and evolving regardless the human's willing,the observation, which are mostly objective, should be paid attention to and evaluated fairly.没看懂



2、宁可牺牲一个body paragraph也要保证语法以及表达的准确性,因为你写不全好歹还能得个中等的分数,但是如果写得让rater看不懂,那就很惨了。rater在判阅的时候是不带背景知识而且是仅仅通过一篇文字去理解,不要希望他们有多么强大的逻辑跳跃衔接的本事,要自己把有坑的地方都要填平。



5、translation words用的不好,有空的话自己补充一下,那个背完就能用,实效度高。背的时候记得看好例句和用法。

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