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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-11 15:08:12 |只看该作者
7.10& g6

From my point of view,given that daily homework is an indispensable part of school education, It is basically beneficial for students to do homework everyday,despite the fact that there are some genius children, who are hardly in need of assignment to help with their study.Because, for most full-time students,daily homework, an effective measure,does
(句子太长把助动词丢了) not just makes them to review after school, but assists them to understand the lesson.
Admittedly,some geniuses are so clever that they can remember almost everything that teachers speak in class, and are capable of quickly respond to any thorny question.So It appears that (
这个That不能省略)they do not require homework at all.
However,that is not true when it comes to most children
(改成ordinary,与genius的对比更明显). after all,geniuses only stand for a small percentage of all children,and the majority of children have to review through homework assigned by teachers.For example, it always happen to me that I can not understand the knowledge very well in class, especially those abstract ones,puzzling me a lot.But when i am home,i could gradually grab every points with the assignment,  helping me in a way of changing abstract knowledge into practical problems, which is more easily absorbed. From the teacher' side, it is their duties to let students know what they should know, and homework is just one of effective ways they employ to help children understand and memorize the knowledge.  Thus homework really helps children understand the lesson, and make it quite necessary(建议把老师和自己的两个方面分开说,逻辑关系更清楚)

What is more,many children are lack of self-control.if teachers do not assign homework,perhaps children play with their children or watch TV instead.In this case,the lesson has no effect on them. From what I can see,assignment is more like a helpful routine than a burden on children, helping children form the habit of going over the knowledge after class.And such a habit is very important to their future careers. According to a recent report,many successful businessman like to reflect when they are off work. Daily reflection and review are the same inherently, both in order to rethink of what they do in the daytime, and then expect to learn a lesson or obtain some experience.Therefore, As long as students do homework every day,they could learn more than they get from games or TV programs.

(结尾另起一段)To sum up, it is doubtless that most children are very ordinary,and many children might be not aware of the importance of homework, so teachers should give homework to students to help them digest the knowledge

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-12 08:11:04 |只看该作者

From my point of view, given that daily homework is an indispensiable part of school education, It is basically beneficial for students to do homework everyday,despite the fact that there are some genius children, who are hardly in need of assignment to help with their study.Because, for most full-time students,daily homework, an effective measure, not just makes them to review after school, but assists them to understand the lesson.
( N: b" v. W- }" M9 ?
Admittedly,some geniuses are so clever that they can remember almost everything that teachers speak in class, and are capable of quickly responding to any thorny question.So It appears they do not require homework at all.
; j" z" M9 \. m0 m  x
However,that is not true when it comes to most/common children. after all,geniuses only stand for a small percentage of all children,and the majority of children have to review through homework assigned by teachers.For example, it always happen to me that i can not understand the knowledge very well in class, especially the abstract(knowledge是不可数名词)those abstract ones,puzzling me a lot.But when i am home,i could gradually grab every point with the assignment,  helping me in a way of changing abstract knowledge into something practical problems, which is more easily absorbed. From the teachers' side,(我不知道有没有这个用法)  it is their duties to let students know what they should know, and homework is just one of effective ways they employ to help children understand and memorize the knowledge.  Thus homework really helps children understand the lesson, and make it quite necessary.

What is more,many children are lack of self-control.if teachers do not assign homework,perhaps children play with their children or watch TV instead.In this case,the lesson has no effect on them. From what I can see,assignment is more like a routine than a burden on children, helping children form the habit of going over the knowledge after class.And such a habit is very important to their future careers. According to a recent report,many successful businessmean like to reflect when they are off work. Daily reflection and review are the same inherently, both in order to rethink of what they do in the daytime, and then expect to learn a lesson or obtain some experience.Therefore, As long as students do homework every day,they could learn more than they get from games or TV programs.9 N) m, \' `6 M' ]! v; n5 s
% K# m9 N1 Z4 u5 N) T
To sum up, it is doubtless that most children are very ordinary,and many children might be not aware of the importance of homework, so teachers should give homework to students to help them digest the knowledge

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-13 20:14:12 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lxg198607 于 2010-7-13 20:16 编辑

Nowadays movies have become a part of people's lives and influenced them in a good way, by bringing about a lot of entertainment in their spare time, and by telling people many things they know a little about.From my point of view,some movies that could make people happy are prior to some others that intend to educate people.

Admittedly, some serious movies are very meaningful, hoping to help people think. For example, a recent popular movie" The cove" attempted to tell the audience what dolphins are suffering,and appealed to capable people to help these sea animals. But any movie like this might be not the first choice of most people, for the reason of less interesting story and demanding requirement for audience’s ability to appreciate art movie.And people have to think a lot before they can get the idea of the movie, so this may be a torture to people who just treat movies as a recreation. All they need is not education but some fun from movies

In addition,in modern society,many people are under much pressure along with a fierce competition, and eager to find some ways to relieve pressure.Movies might be the best choice. Especially comedies are able to make people laugh a lot.I want to take my experience for example,Every time i am back from work with a tiring body,i prefer to watch comedy. Because the story is interesting, for example, the main characters always get themselves in trouble, and make thing worse than it was. So when the movie comes to an end,i feel much better, with all my fatigue and troubles immediately forgotten, being in a good mood to confront the challenging work of next day. Thus movies really help people in relaxation.

What is more, no one would like to deny a movie that has much fun. So this type of film would tempt the whole family to sit together to enjoy the time with each other.Nothing could be happier than staying with the family.As we all know many parents are very busy with their work,in order to provide their children good lives. So there is a chance that with little time of communication,the whole family has a weak family bond.While an interesting movie may be able to help them strengthen the bond. Because parents could have some time with their children to watch the movie and talk about the movie, with laughers and joy flowing the whole family.What else could be better? Therefore, a movie filled with amusement could help people find a common thread to enjoy their family life.

To sum up,i prefer interesting movies to serious movies, since people who are stressed out can benefit, and the family who is in need of family bond can benefit.
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-13 21:27:38 |只看该作者
Nowadays movies have become a part of people's lives and influenced them in a good way, by bringing about a lot of entertainment in their spare time, and by telling people many things they know a little about.From my point of view,some movies that could make people happy are prior to some others that intend to educate people.' H& K* T% z, I& \& ^7 m& f
9 {& D4 k4 o/ p5 j7 b6 T

Admittedly, some serious movies are very meaningful, hoping to help people think. For example, a recent popular movie" The cove" attempted to tell the audience what dolphins are suffering,and appealed to capable people to help these sea animals. But any movie like this might be not the first choice of most people, for the reason of less interesting story and demanding requirement for audience’s ability to appreciate art movie(s).And people have to think a lot before they can get the idea of the movie, so this may be a torture to people who just treat movies as a recreation. All they need is not education but some fun from movies
7 K6 k% r+ \0 C: x; f
In addition,in modern society,many people are under much pressure along with a fierce competition, and eager to find some ways to relieve pressure.Movies might be the best choice. Especially comedies are able to make people laugh a lot.I want to take my experience for example,Every time i am back from work with a tiring body,i prefer to watch comedies (comedy). Because the story is interesting, for example, the main characters always get themselves in trouble, and make (a) thing worse than it was. So when the movie comes to an end,i feel much better, with all my fatigue and troubles immediately forgotten, being in a good mood to confront the challenging work in(of) next day. Thus movies really help people in relaxation.

What is more, no one would like to deny that a movie (that) has much fun. So this type of film would tempt the whole family to sit together to enjoy the time with each other.Nothing could be more happier than staying with the family members. As we all know many parents are very busy with their work,in order to provide their children for good lives. So there is a chance that with little time of communication the whole family has a weak family bond.(While an interesting movie may be able to help them strengthen the bond. Because parents could have some time with their children to watch the movie and talk about the movie, with laughers and joy flowing the whole family.What else could be better? 有点重复)Therefore, a movie filled with amusement could help people find a common thread to enjoy their family lives( life). : x+ J5 M( R  M8 e

To sum up,i prefer interesting movies to serious movies, since people who are stressed out can benefit, and the family who is in need of family bond can benefit.
但是我认为这篇的题目是关于是否 can help think的主题;另外我认为前两个观点有点重复! (只是我的意见,别着急上火啊!)

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-14 21:02:03 |只看该作者
Nowadays movies have become a part(前几天学到的integral segment感觉替换一下好些) of people's lives and influenced them in a good way, by bringing about a lot of entertainment in their spare time, and by telling people many things they know a little about.From my point of view,some movies that could make people happy are prior to some others that intend to educate people.
Admittedly, some serious movies are very meaningful, hoping to help people think. For example, a recent popular movie" The cove" attempted to tell the audience what dolphins are suffering,and appealed to capable people to help these sea animals. But any movie like this might be not the first choice of most people, for the reason of less interesting story and demanding requirement for audience’s ability to appreciate art movie.And people have to think a lot before they can get the idea of the movie, so this may be a torture to people who just treat movies as a recreation. All they need is not education but some fun from movies

In addition,in modern society,many people are under much pressure along with a fierce competition, and eager to find some ways to relieve pressure
(换个词,relieve them from the depression.Movies might be the best(prior) choice. Especially comedies are able to make people laugh a lot.I want to take my experience for example,Every time i am back from work with a tiring exhaustedbody,i prefer to watch comedy加上和serious movie的对比更好. Because the story is interesting, for example, the main characters always get themselves in trouble, and make thing worse than it was. So when the movie comes to an end,i feel much better, with all my fatigue and troubles immediately forgotten, being in a good mood to confront the challenging work of next day. Thus movies really help people in relaxation.

What is more, no one would like to deny
refuse a movie that has much fun. So this type of film would tempt the whole family to sit together to enjoy the time with each other.Nothing could be happier than staying with the family.As we all know many parents are very busy with their work,in order to provide their children good lives. So there is a chance that with little time of communication,the whole family has a weak family bond.While an interesting movie may be able to help them strengthen the bond. Because parents could have some time with their children to watch the movie and talk about the movie, with laughers and joy flowing the whole family.What else could be better? Therefore, a movie filled with amusement could help people find a common thread to enjoy their family life.

:To sum up,i prefer interesting movies to serious movies, since people who are stressed out can benefit, and the family who is in need of family bond can benefit.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-15 21:51:19 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lxg198607 于 2010-7-15 21:53 编辑

From my point of view, most people, in their whole lives,should move at least once from the city to country, or from the country to the city, rather than spend their lifetimes staying in the same place,despite that some people might have strong attachments to their old places.

Admittedly, It happens very often that many people are so attached to their present home that they are unwilling to move out. Because they have their own circles with a large group of friends there,and are familiar with surrounding areas.But if they want to move to a new place, many factors should be taken into consideration. They might be wondering whether new neighbors are friendly or not, and whether they can soon adapt to a new environment. So all these possible problems may weaken their desires of moving to another place.

Nevertheless,moving to another place is still worthy,as it offers a good opportunity to experience different lifestyles. Nowadays, many people's lives are mechanical and dull, because of their sticking to their present lifestyles. For example, people living in urban areas, like robots, repeating every day, are stressed out to catch up with fast pace.If they live different lives, i believe they would have some feelings they never felt before, and take different views of their lives. I want to take my personal experience for example, although I am living in urban area, almost every year, my family take summer vacation in nearest village.It feels nice to stay away from the pressure and pollution, not to say being surrounded by nature where there are a lot of plant, flowers and animals to see. Besides, study is never needed here, the only thing i need to do is to water flowers and enjoy fishing.So when it comes to an end, i feel myself in a good state to be ready for the tough study of next semester, as a result of the positive effect of refreshing long stay in countryside.That is what i can get from a different life. So if there is a chance to move out, why not take a try?

Similarly, moving to cities also have an positive impact on country people.Given that infrastructure constructions and public facilities in rural areas are less developed than those in cities, Fast-paced lives still have many upsides. For instance. Free access to internet help people in communicating with friends and work associates instantly. And net-like public transportation makes their going out and travelling quite convenient. What is more, Since urban population density is much higher,they are able to get to know more people in the city than they could in the country, Then hanging out with new friends is likely to add to their enjoyment in lives. Therefore, if they could move to another place, they would benefit from good sides of urban lifestyle, and possess something different in their lives.

To sum up,Staying for a long time in a place make lives less enthusiastic. many people really need a change of air, and it is good for them no matter moving from the city to the country, or from the country to the city. It can help them enjoy lives in another way.
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-16 11:45:10 |只看该作者
From my point of view, most people, in their whole lives,should move at least once from the city to country, or from the country to the city, rather than spend their lifetimes staying in the same place,despite that some people might have strong attachments to their old places.
Admittedly, It happens very often that many people are so attached to their present home that they are unwilling to move out. Because they have their own circles with a large group of friends there,and are familiar with surrounding areas.But if they want to move to a new place, many factors should be taken into consideration. They might be wondering whether new neighbors are friendly or not, and whether they can soon adapt to a new environment. So all these possible problems may weaken their desires of moving to another place. 7 A6 H6 m+ l* x
7 z$ K9 d9 U! C
Nevertheless,moving to another place is still worthy,as it offers a good opportunity to experience different lifestyles. Nowadays, many people's lives are mechanical and dull, because of their sticking to their present lifestyles. For example, people living in urban areas, like robots, repeating every day, are stressed out to catch up with fast pace.If they live different lives, i believe they would have some feelings they never felt before, and take different views of their lives. I want to take my personal experience for example, although I am living in urban area, almost every year, my family take summer vacation in nearest village.It feels nice to stay away from the pressure and pollution, not to say being surrounded by nature where there are a lot of plant, flowers and animals to see. Besides, study is never needed here, the only thing i need to do is to water flowers and enjoy fishing.So when it comes to an end, i feel myself in a good state to be ready for the tough study of next semester, as a result of the positive effect of refreshing long stay in countryside.That is what i can get from a different life. So if there is a chance to move out, why not take a try?
! g. j/ X& t7 @! k! F3 r3 Q: `. C3 b" L
Similarly, moving to cities also have an positive impact on country people.Given that infrastructure constructions and public facilities in rural areas are less developed than those in cities, Fast-paced lives still have many upsides. For instance. Free access to internet help people in communicating with friends and work associates instantly. And net-like public transportation makes their going out and travelling quite convenient. What is more, Since urban population density is much higher,they are able to get to know more people in the city than they could in the country, Then hanging out with new friends is likely to add to their enjoyment in lives. Therefore, if they could move to another place, they would benefit from good sides of urban lifestyle, and possess something different in their lives.
4 e! B+ T' B/ Y4 `+ K: g/ U- n+ v: D' K3 B7 @& D, X& W
To sum up,Staying for a long time in a place make lives less enthusiastic. many people really need a change of air, and it is good for them no matter moving from the city to the country, or from the country to the city. It can help them enjoy lives in another way.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-16 12:10:44 |只看该作者
From my point of view, most people, in their whole lives,should move at least once from the city to country, or from the country to the city, rather than spend their lifetimes staying in the same place,despite that some people might have strong attachments to their old places.

Admittedly, It happens very often that many people are so attached to their present home that they are unwilling to move out. Because they have their own circles with a large group of friends there,and they are familiar with surrounding areas.But if they want to move to a new place, many factors should be taken into consideration. They might be wondering whether new neighbors are friendly or not, and whether they can soon adapt to a new environment. So all these possible problems may weak (weaken) their desires of moving to another place.

Nevertheless,moving to another place is still worthy,as it offers a good opportunity to experience different lifestyles. Nowadays, many people's lives are mechanical and dull, because of their sticking to their present lifestyles. For example, people living in urban areas, like robots, repeating every day, are stressed out to catch up with fast pace.If they live different areas(lives), i believe they would have some feelings they never felt before, taking(and take) different views of their lives. I want to take my personal experience for example, although I am living in urban area, almost every year, my family take summer vacation in nearest village.It feels nice to stay away from the pressure and pollution, not to say being surrounded by nature where there are a lot of plant, flowers and animals to see. Besides, study is never needed here, the only thing i need to do is to water flowers and enjoy fishing.So when it comes to an end, i feel myself in a good state to be ready for the tough study of next semester, as a result of the positive effect of refreshing long stay in countryside.That is what i can get from a different life. So if there is a chance to move out, why not take a try?

Similarly, moving to cities also have an positive impact on country people.Given that infrastructure constructions and public facilities in rural areas are less developed than those in cities, Fast-paced lives still have many upsides. For instance. Free access(ing) to internet help people in communicating with friends and work associates instantly. And net-like public transportation makes their going out and travelling quite convenient. What is more, Since urban population density is much higher,they are able to get to know more people in the city than they could in the country, Then hanging out with new friends is likely to add to their enjoyment in lives. Therefore, if they could move to another place, they would benefit from good sides of urban lifestyle, and possess something different in their lives.( W, g5 _9 H  E

To sum up,Staying for a long time in a place make lives less enthusiastic. many people really need a change of air, and it is good for them no matter moving from the city to the country, or from the country to the city. It can help them enjoy lives in another way.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-16 16:56:28 |只看该作者
From my point of view, most people, in their whole lives,should move at least once from the city to country, or from the country to the city, rather than spend their lifetimes staying in the same place,despite that some people might have strong attachments to their old places.8 q9 M& A8 c' o2 H
' b1 u2 h% X2 P5 H4 ]% S
Admittedly, It happens very often that many people are so attached to their present home that they are unwilling to move out. Because they have their own circles with a large group of friends there,and are familiar with surrounding areas.But if they want to move to a new place, many factors should be taken into consideration. They might be wondering whether new neighbors are friendly or not, and whether they can soon adapt to a new environment. So all these possible problems may weaken their desires of moving to another place." Z: w4 j+ T; u* W

Nevertheless,moving to another place is still worthy,as it offers a good opportunity to experience different lifestyles. Nowadays, many people's lives are mechanical and dull, because of their sticking to their present lifestyles. For example, people living in urban areas, like robots, repeating every day, are stressed out to catch up with fast pace.If they live different lives, i believe they would have some feelings they never felt before, and take different views of their lives. I want to take my personal experience for example, although I am living in urban area, almost every year, my family take summer vacation in nearest village.It feels nice to stay away from the pressure and pollution, not to say (不知有没有这种用法,not to mention 或者let alone更地道点)being surrounded by nature where there are a lot of plant, flowers and animals to see. Besides, study is never needed here, the only thing i need to do is to water flowers and enjoy fishing.So when it comes to an end, i feel myself in a good state to be ready for the tough study of next semester, as a result of the positive effect of refreshing long stay in countryside.That is what i can get from a different life. So if there is a chance to move out, why not take a try?
0 R/ W2 D+ Z3 ?4 k+ N. h6 X, g
Similarly, moving to cities also have an positive impact on country people.Given that infrastructure constructions and public facilities in rural areas are less developed than those in cities, Fast-paced lives still have many upsides. For instance. Free access to internet help people in communicating with friends and work associates instantly. And net-like public transportation makes their going out and travelling quite convenient. What is more, Since urban population density is much higher,they are able to get to know more people in the city than they could in the country, Then hanging out with new friends is likely to add to their enjoyment in lives. Therefore, if they could move to another place, they would benefit from good sides of urban lifestyle, and possess something different in their lives.  y& b' ?  {* E- B) c7 ]- o

To sum up,Staying for a long time in a place make lives less enthusiastic. many people really need a change of air, and it is good for them no matter moving from the city to the country, or from the country to the city. It can help them enjoy lives in another way.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-16 20:24:00 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-16 22:11:57 |只看该作者
哈哈,谢谢所有的意见。 我会针对地进行改进地。。
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-17 11:02:42 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lxg198607 于 2010-7-17 11:04 编辑

From my point of view, For any student who wants to succeed in his field, the importance of basic science classes can not be overemphasized, as they are probably the foundation of all advanced subjects.For any student in the hope of managing their daily lives, some knowledge of basic sciences are also indispensable. Both of them make it quite necessary for every student to study basic science classes even though he is not majoring in these subjects.

The first reason why i support the contention above is obviously that basic science classes are of great importance,just like the groundwork of a tall building.If students wish to climb to the top,they must make sure the basics is firm enough, in case of falling off.I want to take my personal experience for example.As a material engineering major, i am required to attend physics courses.Considering that physics seems to be irrelative to my major, a very practical subject,i took it a lot less seriously.Not until i explored a little further into my major had i realized the importance of this basic science, which gave me so much theoretical support in my field.Almost all the design of products rely on formulations and equations in physics.Thus, if i am very weak in physics, i might have achieved a little in my field.It works the same way that no one is able to go further without through and solid knowledge of basic science.

Secondly,taking basic science not just benefits students' future studies,but plays a role in their daily lives.The first thing in my mind is mathematics, it is hard to imagine people's lives with poor mathematics.They might always make mistakes in financial issues.For instance, they may pay more for their stuff because of miscount. What is more, a man with a little knowledge of chemistry is also likely to get himself in troubles.if someone is spilled by the concentrated acid by accident,any wrong emergency measure like washing the wound with running water only make things worse.But I believe most student who has attended chemistry classes must know how to deal with such an emergency. They should wash the burning injury with alkalescent substance like some kinds of soap.Therefore, studying some basic classes indeed bring about a lot of benefits to people's daily lives.

To sum up, since that there are so many advantages of taking basic science, such as configuring the solid basic of advanced classes, and providing some basic survival skills.All students should be asked to study them, no matter they are majoring in these courses or not.
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 Scorpio天蝎座 律政先锋 枫华正茂 德意志之心

发表于 2010-7-17 18:18:04 |只看该作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-7-17 20:00:51 |只看该作者
From my point of view, For any student who wants to succeed in his field, the importance of basic science classes can not be overemphasized, as they are probably the foundation of all advanced subjects.For any student in the hope of managing their daily lives, some knowledge of basic sciences are also indispensable. Both of them make it quite necessary for every student to study basic science classes even though he is not majoring in these subjects.

The first reason why i support the contention above is obviously that basic science classes are of great importance,just like the groundwork of a tall building.If students wish to climb to the top,they must make sure the basics is firm enough, in case of falling off.I want to take my personal experience for example.As a material engineering major, i am required to attend physics courses.Considering that physics seems to be irrelative to my major, a very practical subject,i took it a lot less seriously.Not until i explored a little further into my major had i realized the importance of this basic science, which gave me so much theoretical support in my field.Almost all the design of products rely on formulations and equations in physics.Thus, if i am very weak in physics, i might have achieved( a)(删除) little in my field.It works the same way that no one is able to go further without through and solid knowledge of basic science.

Secondly,taking basic science not just benefits students' future studies,but plays a role in their daily lives.The first thing in my mind is mathematics, it is hard to imagine people's lives with poor mathematics.They might always make mistakes in financial issues.For instance, they may pay more for their stuff because of miscount. What is more, a man with a little knowledge of chemistry is also likely to get himself in troubles.if someone is spilled by the concentrated acid by accident,any wrong emergency measure like washing the wound with running water only make things worse.But I believe most student(s) who has(have) attended chemistry classes must know how to deal with such an emergency. They should wash the burning injury with alkalescent substance like some kinds of soap.Therefore, studying some basic classes indeed bring about a lot of benefits to people's daily lives.

To sum up, since that there are so many advantages of taking basic science, such as configuring the solid basic of advanced classes, and providing some basic survival skills.All students should be asked to study them, no matter they are majoring in these courses or not.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-20 16:28:48 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lxg198607 于 2010-7-21 12:52 编辑

From my point of view,  Although pursuit of money may be the largest motivate of businessmen, it is biased to state that making money is the only reason for being businessmen. Because, there are many other factors that could influence their choices, such as reputation, interest and so on.

Admittedly,  Almost every merchant, who lives by their business, pursues the maximal profit in every possible way.  They long for money as much as all others do.  Money provides their family the finest lives, and offers their children the best education. In some cases, they are in need of a big money to expand their business. Thus, that is the way they are supposed to be, and as long as they play by law,  no one can doubt their motivations involved in money.

Nevertheless,  many businessmen are not only motivated by money. Their purpose in being business are various, and the interest might be one of them. For example, Jenny,  one of my best friend,  is present selling cosmetics online.  From a rich family,  She seems to have little difficulty in getting as much money as she want from her parents.  It has been her interest since high school that makes herself a businessman, despite that her business does not bring much money. In her perspective, business is not a way of making money, but the means of having much fun in dealing with different customers,  and tasting a sense of accomplishment in giving their customers useful suggestions. Therefore, people's interest is also one of many motivations of being businessmen.  It gives them pride and fun that money can not buy.

Moreover,  reputation is as well an important factor of carrying on business. It is often seen that some businessmen consider reputation more important than profit.  As money is a matter of period, but reputation is a matter of lifetime. A good reputation passes down from one generation to another, and takes many generations to keep and spread. So there is no surprise that some businessmen, in a sense, motivated by their reputations.  I want to take a successful businessman, Jack, for example.  Jack is in charge of the largest pharmacy in my city.  His brand dated from 1910's, and has a good reputation among citizens. people are willing to buy medicine there because of low price and warm service.   Just several years ago,  a severe flu epidemic stoke my city,  all kinds of medicine are in great demand.  Many pharmacies took this chance to raise their prices.  However, in face of huge profit,  Jack still sold all of his medicine at original prices, even gave away some needed drugs to poor people. As a result of his kindness and perseverance of reputation,  an increasing number of people became his frequent visitors. So, in some cases,  businessmen think of reputation over money as their motivations.  They would prefer to give up some temporary interest rather than ruin the reputation.

To sum up,   i admit that major aim of businessmen is to make money, but it may be an overstatement that businessmen are entirely attached to money.   There are some other motivations like interests,  reputation promote businessmen to move forward in their field.
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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