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发表于 2010-8-9 20:53:18 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country are more interesting than those made in other countries
When it comes to the controversial issue that whether movies and television programs from foreign country can provide more amusement than those from one's own country, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that they are impressed a lot with the foreign cultures and customs at which they are curious . Others would argue that they prefer to watch the movies and television programs made in their own country mainly because it is easy for them to understand. However, as far as I am concerned, movies and television made in one's own country intrigue people more. As I will discuss below.

To begin with, it is commonly acknowledge that the language that people are most familiar with is their mother tongue. Most of people who was born in their own country have great opportunity to learn mother language. They can easily be familiar with their surroundings and adapt to their lives. Immerging in the atmosphere of local culture ,it is so difficult for one to have a completely understanding of the foreign culture. Hardly can we have a clear understanding of the essence of movies and programs While watching those made in foreign countries. It is also obvious that this distinction in cultures can give rise to misunderstandings in the movies which usually mislead the audience. For instance, I always watch "FRIENDS" with Alex, my roommate, who is familiar with western culture. He always makes a big laugh that make me feel amazed. He can understand what the characters say and get amusement from that because he knows the western culture more clearly than I do. To be frank, I show less interested in watching movies or television programs from foreign countries because of lacking the background of foreign cultures.

Furthermore, people usually are distracted by the translations that help them to understand what characters are saying. While one is watching the movies and television programs from foreign countries, the translations are of great importance for him/her even when he/she can not fully understand the content of the movies. Audience has no choice but to pay much attention to these translations. As a result, they will miss some details of the movies which can not enable them to have a good appreciation of the movies. For example, my father usually complains that he always have missed some important details when he is watching the foreign movies. It is mainly because he concentrates most on the translations of the movie neglecting some movie scenes. Therefore, it is really difficult for people to make a balance between paying attention to the translations and concentrating on the scenes of movies and television programs.

Finally, we can not deny that some of the movies and television programs from foreign countries are more appealing to people. They utilized some advanced technologies that can better represent the effects that the movies intend to bring to us. These movies give us a great impression. Nevertheless, outweighing pros and cons, I am prone to agree that movies and television programs made in one’s own country are more interesting than those made in other countries.

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发表于 2010-8-11 21:57:00 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children’s future for them
When it comes to the controversial issue that whether parents should determine their children's future instead of permitting them to decide by themselves, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that parents should do this because the children are not mature enough to make their own decisions about their future. Others would argue that children should learn to plan their future life and being independent. However, as far as I am concerned, it is necessary for children to make their own choice which can bring more advantages to their future life. As I will discuss below.

To begin with, it is universal convince that children can develop themselves better with the help of the ability to make their own choice.Parents,sometimes, can not get fully understand of  their children's real thought and interests  even if they believe that they know their children better.In addition, as the saying goes " interests are the best teacher" , it is children themselves that know their interests.  Parents should advise their children about future but not detemine their future.  Under some circumstances, some determinations made by  parents would exert  negative effects on  children's development. For instance, when I  finished my high school education, an important task I was facing is choosing my major before attending the college. My parents asked to me to study economics. They made this decision mainly because they thought it is better for me to get a good job if I chose economics as my major. However, I determined myself to be a mathematics teacher so that I chose mathematics as my major.Mathematics definitely intrigue me so much. Although they rejected my choice, I insisted on it. I made my own choice for my future. I tried my best to learn mathmatics duting the  four years time in the university and at last my dream came true. Therefore, children should learn the abilty to think independently and make their own choices.

Furthermore, children's making their own choice is of great assistant to  improve their abilities to cope up with the difficuties that they may have encountered with. There is no deny that children who are not mature enough will make some  mistakes while they are making their own choices. However.making mistakes is also one of the important steps that children have to undertake before they become independent. As a philosopher said" the trial the error, the trial the rightness" . Making mistakes is inevitable if we try to make  great progress. Nowadays, more children become less indepedent and rely most on their parents' determinations. The long time reliance on their parents will absolutely lead to their lacking abilty to deal with the problems by themselves. For example, my borther,Wangming, who just follow their parents ' determination always ask me for help even doing some simple things. He has belief that making his own chocie really require too much time and enery that he can not anticipate in. He had great  trouble in solving the probelms and often be thrown into trouble.

Finally, we can not deny that the determination made by parents are useful to children because parents are full of life experience and responsible for their children. Parents can offer their children more advice to choose. They have a strong desire to make their children develop better in future. Nevertheless, outweighing the pros and cons ,I am prone to agree that  parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children’s future for them.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-13 15:47:40 |只看该作者
17# jiangskysky


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发表于 2010-8-14 20:19:45 |只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.

When it comes to the controversial issue that whether taking a secure job  with a low salary can provide us more advantages than taking a job with a high wages but easy to lose, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that a secure job can offer a stable working conditions that make people more concentrate on their work. Others would argue that a job with a high wages can satisfy their demands to purchase their favorite things even though they have to change jobs more frequently. However, as far as I am concerned, people can get more benefits from taking a  secure job with a low salary ,As I will discuss below.

To begin with, in our modern society, competitions become more and more drastic. Even a simple job or low position can attract hundreds of candidates to apply for . It seems that taking a job is not a simple thing that we consider as before. Taking a secure job is of great importance to these job seekers because it can offer them more opportunities to practice by themselves. Although they have gained lots of knowledge and skills during their studying time, it is difficult for them to get succeed without enough practice. The working experiences accumulated during the time that taking secure job without changing can help the employees to become more outstanding and competitive especially in the fields they are working. For instance, Tom, one of my classmates, who have just graduated from the university chooses his job as being a teacher . I feel amazed at his choice because being a teacher is a job with a low pay,He tells me that being teacher can not only practice  his teaching skills but also have more chances to get promotion. It definitely exerts positive effects on his future career.

Furthermore, it is commonly acknowledged that taking a secure job with a low salary can provide a stable working conditions for the employees so that they can concentrate on their work. The employees can concentrate on work so that they can accomplish their tasks more efficiently. They can make great efforts to do their work without caring about being fired. Taking a secure job can enable employees get familiar with their jobs and also their colleagues. The employees can ask for help from their colleagues especially when they have encountered with difficulties. The cooperation set on the solid foundation of trust between each other can perform excellent teamwork which, to some extend, contribute the whole team to move forward. In addition, it can of great assistance for their basic survival in the society. The job with a high salary can not provide us a stable life .If we have lost the job, the salary we 've got from  the job can not account for the energy and time that we spend on finding another job. Consequently, taking a secure job can be thoughtful for us even though the salary is low.

Finally, every coin has its two sides, taking a job with a high salary but easy to lose also has its advantage .We can not deny that taking a job with more salary can enable us to purchase more things. Frequently changing the job can have more working experiences in different fields. However, outweighing the advantages and disadvantages , I am prone to agree that  is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-8-16 19:43:58 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 jjooyy 于 2010-8-17 00:22 编辑

When it comes to the controversial issue that whether taking a secure job  with a low salary can provide us more advantages than taking a job with a high wages but easy to lose, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that a secure job can offer a stable working conditions that make people more concentrate on their work. Others would argue that a job with a high wages can satisfy their demands to purchase their favorite things even though they have to change jobs more frequently. However, as far as I am concerned, people can get more benefits from taking a  secure job with a low salary ,As I will discuss below.

/ f4 E! c8 j7 L
To begin with, in our modern society, competitions become more and more drastic. Even a simple job or a low position can attract hundreds of candidates to apply for . It seems that taking a job is not a simple thing that we consider as before(as we considerd before). Taking a secure job is of great importance to these job seekers because it can offer them more opportunities to practice by themselves(?). Although they have gained lots of knowledge and skills during their studying time, it is difficult for them to get succeed(success) without enough practice. The working experiences accumulated during the time that taking secure job without changing(when doing the secure job) can help the employees to become more outstanding and competitive especially in the fields they are working. For instance, Tom, one of my classmates, who have just graduated from the university chooses his job as being a teacher . I feel amazed at his choice because being a teacher is a job with a low pay, He tells me that being a teacher can not only practice  his teaching skills but also have more chances to get promotion. It definitely exerts positive effects on his future career.
9 D, }& S: P& T- [* }: w* ]
, C- F( q- n4 L! v, ~. s
- g3 z1 n* J  R. @5 w
Furthermore, it is commonly acknowledged that taking a secure job with a low salary can provide a stable working conditions for the employees so that they can concentrate on their work. The employees can concentrate on work so that they can accomplish their tasks more efficiently. (这句话的前面有点重复了)They can make great efforts to do their work without caring about being fired. Taking a secure job can enable employees to get familiar with their jobs and also their colleagues. The employees can ask for help from their colleagues especially when they have encountered现在时就可以了 with difficulties. The cooperation set on the solid foundation of trust between each other can perform excellent teamwork which, to some extend(extent), contribute the whole team to move forward. In addition, it can of great assistance for their basic survival in the society. The job with a high salary can not provide us a stable life .If we have lost the job, the salary we 've got from  the job can not account for the energy and time that we spend on finding another job. 赞这个观点Consequently, taking a secure job can be thoughtful for us even though the salary is low.

感觉这段的分论点都很不错,为什么不直接把这些分论点展开呢 感觉放在一段里 论证就不够充分了* T: q. @/ j  B) M& j! {( o
: p# K2 Y2 d# {9 @5 k/ \. N0 ]+ f

Finally, every coin has its two sides,前面的算是一句话。。 taking a job with a high salary but easy to lose also has its advantages .We can not deny that taking a job with more salary can enable us to purchase more things. Frequently changing the job can have(很别扭,不太对) more working experiences in different fields.

However, outweighing the advantages and disadvantages , I am prone to agree that  is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.

the opinions are appealing, and usage of some words is excellent!
However, there do exist some minor errors.
keep moving!

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-8-17 20:28:43 |只看该作者
独立:     Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:  Students who can keep their own rooms organized are more likely to succeed. 

When it comes to the controversial issue that students can get a easy success by keeping their own room organized, owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experience, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that good habits of the students can contribute to students ' success. Others would argue that there is no relationship between arranging their rooms and achieving the success. However, as far as I am concerned, students can get more benefits from keeping their owm rooms organized which can lead to their success. As I will discuss below.

To begin with, it is commonly acknowledge that good habits can offer students more mertis especially when they are shaped in  earlier time. Some habits  such as politeness and optimistic whcih are shaped during  students' time can exert positive effects on their ways of getting along with other people. Keeping the rooms tidy and well organized  is considered as one good habit which plays an important role in students' later life. Placing the right things at the right positions seems like a simple thing to do. However, lots of students hesitate to do this for numbers of reasons . For most of time they consider it as a trouble some thing and avoid doing it. Many parents are likely to ask their children to organize their own room because they have the thought that children can shape good habits by doing this. With the time passing by, keeping the rooms organized can help the students to cope with problems in a better consequence, step by step, which contribute their success.

Furthermore, it can provide one opportunity for the students to make their own decision and being independent by keeping their rooms organized. It is the students themselves that are the hosts of their own rooms. They can make the determination about the designs of their own room and put them into practice. This determination can help the students have good arrangement of their private rooms all by themselves. Students can locate the things in the place which is easy to find. Making their own rooms well organized is the first step for students become independent and depend less on their parents. In addition, organizing the rooms can simulate the creativity of the students. Students can have better imagination about the organization of their private rooms which can lead to the rise of creativity. The creativity is of great importance to the students because it enables he students to continue their exploring in their later career.

Finally, there is no deny that some people also get succeed without well organization of their own rooms. For example some artists who care nothing about the organization of their own rooms can also achieve great success in the art field. Nevertheless, considering advantages that students can get by keeping their own room organized, I am prone to agree that students who can keep their own rooms organized are more likely to succeed. 

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-18 10:04:56 |只看该作者
When it comes to the controversial issue that students can get a(an) easy success by keeping their own room organized, owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experience, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that good habits of the students can contribute to students ' success. Others would argue that there is no relationship between arranging their rooms and achieving the success. However, as far as I am concerned, students can get more benefits from keeping their owm(own) rooms organized which can lead to their success. As I will discuss below (As I discuss below).(长了点,有模板痕迹)
2 i0 [/ z5 F. w" H1 Y
% r1 a1 T% [6 u' t, M: l7 v1 h( [To begin with, it is commonly acknowledge that good habits can offer students more mertis especially when they are shaped in earlier time. Some habits  such as politeness and optimistic whcih(
which) are shaped during  students' time can exert positive effects on their ways of getting along with other people. Keeping the rooms tidy and well organized is considered as one good habit which plays an important role in students' later life. Placing the right things at the right positions seems like a simple thing to do. However, lots of students hesitate to do this for numbers of reasons. For most of time they consider it as a trouble
。(, some thing(something) and(that they) avoid doing it(去掉it). Many parents are likely to ask their children to organize their own room because they have the thought that children can shape good habits by doing this. With the time passing by, keeping the rooms organized can help the students to cope with problems in a better consequence, step by step, which contribute their success.
6 M$ l8 \  q$ b; @  c6 f( ^! h
" z: ^5 |0 u2 g) Q  g
9 t% T8 j, Q6 B( Q) `+ r  I

Furthermore, it can provide one opportunity for the students to make their own decision and being independent by keeping their rooms organized. It is the students themselves that are the hosts of their own rooms. They can make the determination about the designs of their own room and put them into practice. This determination can help the students have good arrangement of their private rooms all by themselves. Students can locate the things in the place which is easy to find. Making their own rooms well organized is the first step for students become independent and depend less on their parents. In addition, organizing the rooms can simulate the creativity of the students. Students can have better imagination about the organization of their private rooms which can lead to the rise of creativity. The creativity is of great importance to the students because it enables he students to continue their exploring in their later career.
(两个分论点很清晰) 5 z! C1 ~: ~# X/ D! d
$ N6 [+ `. |- n

/ {# d* Z3 Y2 R6 ?6 GFinally, there is no deny that some people also get succeed without well organization of their own rooms. For example some artists who care nothing about the organization of their own rooms can also achieve great success in the art field. Nevertheless, considering advantages that students can get by keeping their own room organized, I am prone to agree that students who can keep their own rooms organized are more likely to succeed.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-18 11:30:06 |只看该作者

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-8-19 18:41:32 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Telephone has greater influence on people's lives than television has.

When it comes to the controversial issue that which of the next two medias would have exert more profound effects on people 's life, telephone or television? Owing to the different backgrounds and personal experience, people will hold divergent viewpoints. Some people will hold the opinion that they can have a chat with our friends or family members in a more convenient and direct way by utilizing the telephone. Other people would argue that television makes our life colorful by providing the programs to us. However, as far as I am concern, television has brought more benefits to our life than telephone has. As I will discuss below.

To begin with , it is universally convinced that the development of the advanced technology makes our life easier and more convenient. Numbers of inventions including telephone, television and computer are not only easy to handle but enable us to solve so many difficulties in our daily life. The status of television in our daily life is undisputable. This "small box " that people have thought at their first glance which may seem strange to them become  popular at present. Almost each home in our country has a set of television which become an indispensable part of our life.. The television ,of course, provides more entertainment which makes our life more colorful and relaxed. For instance, I can get a completely relaxation while I am watching my favorite TV program. When I get home after a day 's heavy work, the first thing I choose to do is turning on the television and select the programs that I like to watch .From my perspective, it is the best way that I can release my stresses physically and psychologically . In addition, television can help the family members or friends to have better communication when they are watching television. They can share ideas or opinions while watching the programs which can enhance their mutually understanding.

Furthermore, television can offer us more information and enable us to gain more knowledge and skills in a appropriate way. Through the television, we can have a better understanding of what has happened in the outside world even without stepping out of our living room with television in it. From the vivid pictures that television presents to us, we are able to know  more clearly about the process of the events in accurate as if it has happened in front of us. For example, the earthquake of which magnitude was about 7.8 strikes the area of BeiChuan and MianYang in SiChuna province of China. From the broadcasting of this critical event by the CCTV-1 , we get to know the enormous damage that this disaster had made to these cities more clearly. Most of the houses collapsed and quantities of people were trapped in the ruins. we also learn that when the earthquake has taken place and some speculations about how it has happened. What's more, some knowledge and skills that we can learn through the television. The images that television presents will offer us a deep impression. For this reason we can master the knowledge and skills more solidly.

Finally, there is no doubt that telephone can shorten the distance between us which also provide more convenient for us. What you need to do is just dial the numbers on the telephone, you can get contact with people you want to talk to no matter how far it is. Nevertheless, outweighing the advantages that brought by television and telephone to people's lives .I am prone to agree that television has greater influence on people's lives than telephone has.

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-8-20 19:38:20 |只看该作者
Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.

When it comes to the controversial issue that whether making advertisment is the root cause of raising the unhealth eating habits, owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experience, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that unheathly eating habits have nothing to do with advertising because advertisement is only a tool used by producers to attract customers. Others would argue that advertiment exerts negative effects on the people resulting in the unhealthy eating habits. However, as far as I am concern, advertising ,of course , can directly lead to the raising of unheathy eating habits.As I will discuss below.

To begin with, it is commonly acknowledge that our life is filled with advertisement. We can see the advertisement in almost everywhere.For example ,while we are watching the television programs, advertisment is broadcasted during the break between the two television programs.He/she has to wait for a long time until  advertisment is over. During one's waiting time, people watch the advertisement conciously and unconciously.Some products will be well represented to the audience and make them have a deep impression especially fast food. The fast food enable people spare more time to do their work because people  spend less time having it. The advertisement make  great emphasis on the short time that the fast food can be prepared  comparing with the regular dinner. Thus, people will  be mislead easily by the advertisment which contributes to the unhealthy eating habits.

Furthermore, advertisement can have profound effects on people who are watching it in a psychological way. The advertisers make great efforts to design the strategies that used in the advertisement to attract more customers. They usually invite celebrities to act as hero in the advertisemet. It is true that some people can not resist the tempatation of the advertisment and purchase the product intentionally .They are attracted by the celebrities  but not by the product described in the advertisemnt. The unheatlthy eating habits can be shaped in the way that we have discuseed. For instance, There are some advertisement about some medicine which is used to reduce quantities of fat in a short time. The advertisers invite many celebrities who are very beautiful and slim. Some girls who are affected by the advertisement follow  these celebrities blindly and have the medicine instead of having their regular meal. It definitely change their healthy eating habits.

Finally, there is no deny that other factors can also lead to the raising of the unhealthy eating habits, such as depression. When one feels depress, he/she has no appetite to have their meals. If the depression lasts for a long time, the eating habits of one will be disturbed. It will cause the forming of the unhealthy eating habits. Nevertheless, from all that we discuss above, advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-20 21:06:24 |只看该作者
8-19 独立修改好了
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-21 09:44:50 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cslee 于 2010-8-21 11:47 编辑

cslee 修改 8.20

When it comes to the controversial issue that whether making advertisment(改为:advertisements,用复数形式吧!) is the root cause of raising the unhealth eating habits, owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experience, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that unheathly(拼写错误,unhealthy) eating habits have nothing to do with advertising because advertisement is only a tool used by producers to attract customers. Others would argue that advertiment(加s) exerts negative effects on the people resulting in the unhealthy eating habits. However, as far as I am concern, advertising, of course , can directly lead to the raising of unheathy(拼写错误,unhealthy) eating habits. As I will discuss below.

To begin with, it is commonly acknowledge that our life is filled with advertisement. We can see the advertisement in almost everywhere. For example, while we are watching the television programs, advertisment(拼写错误:advertisement) is broadcasted during the break between the two television programs. He/she has to wait for a long time until  advertisment(拼写错误,同上) is over. During one's waiting time, people watch the advertisement conciously and unconciously(拼写错误:conscious and unconscious). Some products will be well represented to the audience and make them have a deep impression especially fast food. The fast food enable people spare more time to do their work because people  spend less time having it. The advertisement make great emphasis on the short time that the fast food can be prepared  comparing with the regular dinner. Thus, people will  be mislead easily by the advertisment(advertisement) which contributes to the unhealthy eating habits.

Furthermore, advertisement can have profound effects on people who are watching it in a psychological way. The advertisers make great efforts to design the strategies that used in the advertisement to attract more customers. They usually invite celebrities to act as hero in the advertisemet(advertisement). It is true that some people can not resist the tempatation(temptation) of the advertisment(advertisement) and purchase the product intentionally .They are attracted by the celebrities  but not by (改为instead of) the product described in the advertisemnt(advertisement). The unheatlthy(unhealthy) eating habits can be shaped in the way that we have discuseed(discussed). For instance, There are some advertisement about some medicine which is used to reduce quantities of fat in a short time. The advertisers invite many celebrities who are very beautiful and slim. Some girls who are affected by the advertisement follow  these celebrities blindly and have the medicine instead of having their regular meal. It definitely change(s) their healthy eating habits.

Finally, there is no deny(denying)that other factors can also lead to the raising of the unhealthy eating habits, such as depression. When one feels depress, he/she has no appetite to have their meals. If the depression lasts for a long time, the eating habits of one will be disturbed. It will cause the forming of the unhealthy eating habits. (这个观点建议单独写一小段,并比较一下说depression 是minor的,因为人们并不总是depress,但是人们却可以天天看到advertisement,因此advertisement是更加important的cause)Nevertheless, from all that we discuss above, advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.

点评: 总的来讲还是很不错的。
1. 最大的毛病:拼写错误太多了,建议写完先自己用word找错!!!
2. 第一个理由段说明广告误导人们购买fast food,在结尾用fast food能够快速准备作为理由,我觉得这样不好。因为我个人觉得,广告之所以误导消费者是因为它通常夸大食品的好处,不提或省略食品的缺点或者不好的地方。而fast food只是广告宣传食品好处的理由之一,还有其他被广告误导或者夸大的食品的优点。
建议改写:将fast food在广告中出现的“节约时间”的优点扩展成一段,主要从节约时间,提高工作效率,而广告为其提供选择的范围这个角落来说明广告误导消费者的。单独组成一段。(即为从时间角度)
  另外一段,从广告中标榜的fast food“营养也很不错”的角度来说明广告中fast food所说的“营养”并不是人体所必须的主要营养成分,它不利于身体健康。(即从生理角度)

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-21 23:58:55 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-23 11:59:20 |只看该作者

我的820那天的作文 你好像还没有帮我改呢?

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-8-23 18:36:25 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a country
When it comes to the controversial issue that whether the improvement of schools contributes  most to the successful development of a country, owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experiences, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will argue that education is one of the most fundamental factors that should be considered for the development of a country. Others will hold the opinion that other factors, such as  the development of economics and the culture of a country , are more important to the development of a country than the education. However, as far as I am concerned, education which most of people have received since their childhood exerts profound effect on the development of a country. As I will discuss below.

To begin with, it is commonly believed that most of the success that we human have achieved has a closely relationship with the education we have got. We can not get a better understanding of the theory without the basic knowledge and skills that we have learnt in schools. Education in school is essential to people in a country not only because it is fundamental but also people can learn how to cope up the problems involving in their learning. For instance, in my country, China, most of the parents will send their children to the primary school when they are seven years old. It is just a starting point for a person’s education. During the long process of pursuing the knowledge, people will become mature physically and psychologically. People learn to be creative .The strong desire to solve the problems usually stimulate them to consider the affairs that they have never thought of .Creativity plays an important role in the development of a country whatever at present or in the past. It give rise to lots of inventions that brings more advantages to our life .The improvement of the working efficiency which these inventions lead to also attribute to the successful development of a country.

Furthermore, increasing the numbers of the schools absolutely provide more opportunities for the student to receive the education. Actually, in some places, there is no school because the local government is not aware of the positive effects that the education has taken on the development of a country. Numbers of families can not afford the tuition fees is also one of the reason that the children can not receive education. Because of lacking enough knowledge , people with less education have great difficulty  contacting  with the others .They can only do some labor work which of little importance comparing with the  contributions made by the elites of the society. For example, according to a statistics data, 90% of people with better education usually can receive their decent job .It help them to be more competitive. The knowledge and skills they have got in schools help them to devote their efforts to the society. Therefore, we can not emphasize the importance of the importance of improving schools so much.

Finally, there is no deny that some other factors  also attribute to the development of a country, such as development of economics .The accelerate speed of growing economics can better reveal the development of a country. Nevertheless, outweighing the advantages of  education that I have discussed above. I am prone to agree that improving schools is the most important factors in the successful development of a country.

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