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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-24 22:05:50 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cslee 于 2010-8-29 22:31 编辑

8.24 日

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:  Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country. (Media) 09-2-21NA

Evidently, modern people have been showering the issue about the ways to learn about a foreign county with enormous attention. I am not the exception. Thus years of observation drive me to believe that newspapers and magazines are not the best ways to learn about a foreign country. Clearly, three reasons act as cornerstone of my view.

First and foremost, what I need to stress is that by reading newspapers and magazines, individuals can not get a good grasp of the economy of a foreign country.  Notably, on no account can we neglect the key fact that newspapers and magazines, especially on national economy, are dominated by commercial groups or political parties and the authors of articles also could benefit from giving either an accurate account or indeed misleading information, with or without the readers' awareness. As a consequence, what people obtain on a foreign country's economy from newspapers and magazines is unilateral and subjective. Seldom do people notice the fact that from newspapers and magazines, the rates of employment on some foreign countries seems high all the time and their poverty rates are always low. It deserves our attention that a host of examples help to consolidate my argument. Barack Obama's economic policy is a salient case. Deep down, Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Action of 2009, aimed at the economy recovering from deepening worldwide recession. However, several Chinese newspapers reported this issue as an action to enhance the current great depression. Therefore, it is not a appropriate means to get information on a foreign country's economic policies and development.

In addition, another equally significant reason is that hardly can people know about a foreign country's culture with newspapers and magazines. What I need to emphasize is that rarely do people consider the fact that there exists only meager amount of knowledge on foreign countries’ cultures inasmuch as articles on culture can not make a massive amount of profits. Apparently, information about the discussion of how to appreciate art masterpieces, the origin of some important festivals, the definition of  real romance and how the local costume built up is becoming less and rather ironically, tremendous amount of "culture" advertisements appear on newspapers and magazines that on festivals shopping malls would discount and a new place of interest comes out since it has been recognized as a former residence of a "celebrity" in some famous historical novel. It is noteworthy that a good many examples can be listed in order to support my view. Christmas Day is an eye-catching one.Deep down, since a giant amount of Chinese newspapers and magazines publish advertisements about stores' sales promotion on this festival, scores of Chinese have a understanding that Christmas is discounting and hardly can they really get a good command of Chirstmas’ kernel with newspapers and magazines. In conclusion, newspapers and magazines are not the best approach to a foreign country's culture.

The last but not least is that there is a certain number of other avenues to realizing a foreign country. Obviously, Internet, travel and books are salient examples. No fewer than a dozen of experts tend to believe that by Internet, people can reap an objective comprehension about a foreign country's economy when compared to newspapers and magazines. Besides, people can totally understand foreign countries' culture by traveling since this means offer opportunities to directly communicate with local citizens and experience the different traditions. As a result, there exists several better ways to know a foreign country when taking the newspapers and magazines into consideration.

To sum up, what I have discussed above supports an unshakeable idea that newspapers and magazines are not the best ways to learn about a foreign country since with them, individuals can not garner objective and useful information on economy and culture of a foreign country. More pivotally, Internet and travel are supposed to be exceedingly beneficial to step into a foreign country deeply.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-25 22:37:43 |只看该作者


Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-26 20:57:39 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cslee 于 2010-8-26 21:02 编辑

TPO 9 综合写作

Quite different from what has been stated in the reading passage, in the lecture, the professor thinks that hydrogen-based fuel-cell engines have some disadvantages.

First and foremost, in the listening passage, the lecture speakers that hydrogen is not easily available though it is from a variety of sources.The professor states that the hydrogen must be firstly obtained from a liquid state, which is technologically difficult to get. For instance, it must be kept under a very cold temperature.This is challenges the points in the reading that the hydrogen can be got easily.

In addition, in the lecture, the speaker discusses that the purification process of hydrogen would pollute the environment.She claims that in this process, it is a necessary step to burn a lot of coal and oil, which would produce pollution to the environment. This is in conflict with the point in the reading that hydrogen-based fuel cells will not create pollution problems.

Thirdly, the lecture classifies the third point in the reading passage as being falsely grounded. Rather, her logic is that fuel-cell engines can not save money. She notes that the fuel-cell engines need a component made of platinum, which is rare and very expensive. What is more, there is no substitute for this material until now. However, the author of the reading passage thinks that fuel-cell engines will cost money than internal-combustion engines.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-27 10:02:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cslee 于 2010-8-27 10:06 编辑

8.26日 独立写作

Evidently, modern people have been showering the issue about the requirement of studying art and music for younger children with enormous attention. I am not the exception. Thus, years of observation drive me to believe that for younger children, it is necessary for them to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history. Clearly, three reasons act as the cornerstone of my view.

First and foremost, what I need to emphasize is that learning art and music is exceedingly beneficial to younger school children’s psychological health, which is a propeller of their growth. Specifically, inasmuch as the current developing pace of society is exceeding fast and even younger school students are forced to learn a tremendous amount of “useful" knowledge regarded as the bedrock for their future career by their parents, a wealth of younger school boys and girls are suffering from psychological diseases and find it quite difficult to release their pressure. Notably, if schools begin to widen access to art and music, a huge number of younger students will reap an unparalleled opportunities not only to foster their interests in art and music, but also to reduce their stress from their real life by totally addicting them into art and music, which will make them return to other courses with passion, motivation and dedication. More pivotally, a happier psychological state will be the foundation of healthy development. It deserves our attention that a host of examples help to consolidate my argument. New Zealand is a salient case. Deep down, since the government called on all schools to require five-years-to-ten-years students to study art and music, the suicide rate of juveniles decreased from 0.5% (2008) down to 0.1% (2009).To sum up, the demand of learning on art and music apart from other courses can make a great contribution to healthy growing up for most juveniles.

Another equally significant reason is that the study of art and music contribute positively to the mastery of culture. Rather, no fewer than a dozen of educational experts tend to believe that culture plays an irreplaceable role in individuals' success and schools, especially elementary schools, are supposed to ask young students to take art and music classes. Notably, in the process of taking art and music courses, younger individuals are able to learn what the elegance is, how their custom be built up, what the real meaning of romance of love is, how to appreciate art masterpieces and etc. It is noteworthy that a good many examples can be listed in order to support my view. Barack Obama is an eye-catching one. Deep down, when he was young in Honolulu (1971-1977), he often took part in classes on art and music. Reflecting later on his formative years in Honolulu, he wrote “The opportunities that those art and music courses that I took in Honolulu offered---to experience a variety of culture of mutual respect----became an integral part of my world view, and a basis for the values that I hold most dear." Those courses contribute positively to improving his speaking skills, building up a charming personality and reaping respect and trust from others. In conclusion, asking younger students to take art and music classes is massively beneficial to their future success.

Admittedly, for some geniuses on other fields, it is an inappropriate must to learn art and music. No one can refute the fact that nothing can prevent talents addicted into their interested subjects. Obviously, if they are forced to sit in the art and music classes, their mind would not be there and they will be thinking problems such as some mathematics puzzles, the universalities of some physics laws, chemic reaction equations and etc all the time. More importantly, hardly can some younger talents live without doing their interested work. Therefore, for those younger geniuses, schools should provide them with freedom to do their own interested work and not ask them to study the art and music.

In a word, except for a few of geniuses, younger boys and girls are supposed to learn art and music since they are incredibly influential in their psychological health and understanding of culture, which plays an peerlessly significant role in their future career. No longer can we ignore the importance of art and music, it is high time elementary schools called on all juveniles to focus their attention on them.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-28 10:45:39 |只看该作者
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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-8-28 14:07:58 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 longxue26 于 2010-8-28 14:09 编辑

19# cslee 实在抱歉 这几天家里有些事儿 心情也不是很好  改的晚了 不好意思
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God Bless me!


Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-31 00:08:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cslee 于 2010-8-31 00:10 编辑

2010830 周一:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Some people think making sure that others (influential people or potential employers) know about your strengths and accomplishments can help you succeed, if you do not do this, you
won’t have a successful life. (2009.8.1NA)

Evidently, modern people have been showering the issue about success with enormous attention.  I am not the exception. Thus, years of observation drive me to believe that making sure that influential people and potential employers know about your strengths and complishments can help you succeed; otherwise you won't have a successful life. Clearly, three reasons act as the cornerstone of my view.

First and foremost, the most crucial reason for my inclination is that the powerful leaders' or potential managers’ awareness about accomplishments of engineers and scientists could be exceedingly beneficial to their success. Specifically, owing to the fact that the research and development on new equipments in money guzzling, a host of engineers and scientists are hungry for the injection of fund. Notably, the governmental budget plans or premier companies’ funding proposals are dominated by several critical leaders. Thus, if these leaders understand the importance of those achievements and channel a huge amount of budget into them, engineers and scientist will reap a giant amount of money to upgrade their core technology and generate more sate-of-the art or cutting-cutting facilities, which will be a catalyst to their success. To sum up, for technology workers, only by making heavyweights know about their accomplishments can they be successful easily.

Students, in addition, are supposed to let teachers, their influential people, know about their strengths so that they would learn more knowledge and have a successful school life. Rather, no fewer than a dozen of educational experts tend to believe that only by realizing students' strongpoint can teachers teach students according to their talents, which plays an unparalleled role in successful education.Notably, equipped with a totally grasp of students' strengths and accomplishments, instructors can provide different students with different group discussions, interdisciplinary research assignments, workshops and team research assignments, which makes a great contribution to developing students' critical thinking skill, analytical skill, judgment skill, decision-making skill and communication skill and making them become the backbones of the society. It deserves our attention that a wealth of examples can help to consolidate my argument. Barack Obama is a salient case. Deep down, since Obama's teachers know about his strengths and accomplishments when he was in Honolulu (1971--1977), Columbia University (1981-1983) and Harvard University (1988--1992), he always received the suitable education which developed his strong points and made up his weakness and contributed positively to improving his speaking skills, building up a charming personality and reaping respect and trust from others. In a word, it is essential for students to make their influential people, their teachers know about their strength and accomplishments in their successful life.

In conclusion, what I have discussed above supports an unshakeable idea that making sure that influential people and potential employers know about your strengths and accomplishments can help you succeed, otherwise you won't have a successful life. No longer can we ignore the importance of letting powerful people' acquaintance on your excellence, it is high time individuals set out their merits to masters.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-31 13:24:35 |只看该作者


Rank: 1

发表于 2010-9-1 19:46:51 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 chenxingjian0 于 2010-9-1 19:50 编辑

语言挺不错的,有很多高级词汇我都不认识,呵呵。句法多样,结构清晰,逻辑没问题。找不到太多的错误。很羡慕。当然,如果句子再地道一点就无敌了。还有第一段这句(that making sure)可以删掉。
Thus, years of observation drive me to believe that making sure(可以删掉) that influential people and potential employers know about your strengths and accomplishments can help you succeed; otherwise you won't have a successful life.  Clearly, three reasons act as the cornerstone of my view.


Rank: 2

发表于 2010-9-10 22:40:35 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cslee 于 2010-9-10 22:41 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Some people think making sure that others (influential people or potential employers) know about your strengths and accomplishments can help you succeed, if you do not do this, you won’t have a successful life. (2009.8.1NA)

Evidently, modern people have been showering the issue about success with enormous attention.I am not the exception. Thus, years of observation drive me to believe that influential people and potential employers know about your strengths and accomplishments can help you succeed; otherwise you won't have a successful life.
Clearly, three reasons act as the cornerstone of my view.

First and foremost, the most crucial reason for my inclination is that the powerful leaders' or potential managers’ awareness about accomplishments could be exceedingly beneficial to engineers and scientists. Specifically, owing to the fact that the research and development on new equipments is money guzzling, a host of engineers and scientists are hungry for the injection of fund. Notably, the governmental budget plans or premier companies’ funding proposals are dominated by several critical leaders. Thus, if these leaders understand the importance of those achievements and channel a huge amount of budget into them, engineers and scientists will reap a giant amount of money to upgrade their core technology and generate more sate-of-the art or cutting-cutting facilities, which will be a catalyst to their success.
To sum up, for technology workers, only by making heavyweights know about their accomplishments can they be successful easily.

Students, in addition, are supposed to let teachers, their influential people, know about their strengths so that they would learn more knowledge and have a successful school life. Rather, no fewer than a dozen of educational experts tend to believe that only by realizing students' strongpoint can teachers teach students according to their talents, which plays an unparalleled role in successful education. Notably, equipped with a totally grasp of students' strengths and accomplishments, instructors can provide different students with different group discussions, different interdisciplinary research assignments, different workshops and different team research assignments, which makes a great contribution to developing students' critical thinking skills, analytical skills, judgment skills, decision-making skills and communication skills and making them become the backbones of the society. It deserves our attention that a wealth of examples can help to consolidate my argument. Barack Obama is a salient case. Deep down, since Obama's teachers know about his strengths and accomplishments when he was in Honolulu (1971--1977), Columbia University (1981-1983) and Harvard University (1988--1992), he always received the suitable education which developed his strong points and made up his weakness and contributed positively to improving his speaking skills, building up a charming personality and harvesting respect and trust from others. In a word, it is essential for students to make their influential people, their teachers know about their strength and accomplishments in their successful life.

Finally, what I need to emphasize is that letting team leaders know about individuals’ strengthens can enable them to get appropriate tasks in their team work, which is massively beneficial to team’s success and plays an exceedingly significant role in their own success. Apparently, no one can refute the fact that today works usually are supposed to be completed by a team instead of a single person. Therefore, how do team members cooperate with each other effectively? This problem becomes pivotal and crucial in team’s success and team members’ success. Specifically, if team leaders have a better awareness of team members’ strengths and accomplishments, every team member can exert his/her strongpoint and make the greatest contribution to their team, to their team work, finishing their tasks in advance and getting more opportunities to promotion in their career , which lays a solid foundation to their success in life. Thus, making your team leaders having a better awareness of your strengths would contributes positively to your success in their career and in the life.

In conclusion, what I have discussed above supports an unshakeable idea that making sure that influential people and potential employers know about your strengths and accomplishments can help you succeed, otherwise you won't have a successful life.  No longer can we ignore the importance of letting powerful people' acquaintance on your excellence, it is high time individuals set out their merits to their masters.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-9-10 22:44:16 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cslee 于 2010-9-10 22:45 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: serious teachers are more important than humorous teachers.

Evidently, modern people have been showering the issue about teachers' character with enormous attention. I am not the exception. Thus, years of observation drive me to believe that humorous and easygoing teachers are superior to serious and strict teachers. Clearly, three reasons act as the cornerstone of my view.

First and foremost, what I need to emphasize is that humorous and easygoing teachers is exceedingly beneficial to students’ psychological health, which is a propeller of their healthy growth. Specifically, no fewer than a dozen of educational professionals tend to nurture the belief that a host of students are suffering from psychological diseases and find it quite difficult to release their pressure inasmuch as their workload is marvelously heavy. Obviously, if their teachers are humorous and easygoing, scores of students will reap an unparalleled opportunity not only to talk about their difficulties encountered in study, but also to share their happiness and sorrow from their real life, which will prevent them from mental problems and help them return to class with passion, motivation and dedication. More pivotally, marinating psychological fitness will be bedrock of progress in learning and act as the cornerstone of future career success. Conversely, hardly can strict and serious teachers play such a role in students' psychological development. It deserves our attention that a wealth of examples can help to consolidate my argument. Barack Obama is a salient case. Deep down, as his high school teachers were strict and serious in the first semester when he was in Honolulu(1971-1976), he could not find anyone to share his
distress about his origin and he used drug to "push questions of who I was out of my mind ", which was regarded as "greatest moral failure" by him. However, in the next semester, one of his new teachers, Andrew Lim, was humorous and easygoing and young Obama confided his sufferings to Andrew. Finally, with the help of Andrew, a peerlessly kind person, Obama cast off his depression and returned to class enthusiastically. To sum up, humorous and easygoing teachers play more significant role in education than the ones serious and strict.

Humorous and easygoing teachers, in addition, contribute more positively to teaching efficiency when compared to serious and strict teachers. Why? Because humorous and easygoing instructors usually make the best of time in class and reduce students’ essential work after class. Rather, under no circumstances can experts neglect the key fact that it is hard for individuals to understand what students learned in school today. However, humorous and easygoing lecturers are adept at citing popular and easy examples to illustrate the complicated theories and principles, which would make it easier for students to have a good grasp of that knowledge and cut down the extra work. In sharp contrast, strict and serious teachers can hardly achieve such a degree of effective teaching. It is noteworthy that a good many examples can be listed in order to support my view. My brother, Jack Lee, is an eye-catching one. Deep down, since he was instructed by a humorous teacher in his high school and when he learned image of function of cube x, his teacher said “how can we remember this image? Well, we may regard this curve as a outline of a charming lady. Do you think so?" and Jack got it easily. On the contrary, when I learned this curve, my old strict and serious match teacher used complex math functions to illustrate this image and those boring functions made it harder for me to understand.  What is worse, after class, I had to do a massive amount of extra work to make it. In a word, students easily reap tremendous amount knowledge from humorous and easygoing teachers.

The last but not least is that students instructed by humorous and easygoing teachers have a high sense of self-reliance. Owing to the fact that with deep communication with humorous and easygoing teachers, students have a appropriate daily schedule of their study and they clearly know what and how fast they are supposed to study.
More importantly, without their humorous instructors, they would work on usual and follow their plan, which develops their independence. Contrarily, inasmuch as strict and serious teachers always force their students to finish assignments, only students know is to meet their teachers' request. To make matters worse, without their commander, their strict and serious teachers, students would not be aware of what to do and finally, their ability of self-reliance are not developed.

In conclusion, what I have discussed above supports an unshakeable idea that humorous and easygoing teachers play more significant role in education than strict and serious ones since the humorous can narrow the generation gap between teachers and students make class more effective and foster students' self-reliance.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-9-11 10:24:12 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cslee 于 2010-9-11 10:25 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try several different jobs before they take a career in a long time?

Evidently, modern people have been showering the issue about career with enormous attention. I am not the exception. Thus, years of observation drive me to believe that young individuals are supposed to try several different jobs before they take a career in a long time. Clearly, three reasons act as the cornerstone of my view.

First and foremost, what I need to emphasize is that trying several distinct jobs makes a great contribution to individuals’ psychology health, which is a propeller of successful life. Specifically, inasmuch as the current working pace is marvelously fast, a host of workmen and workwomen are suffering from psychological diseases and find it difficult to release their pressure. Notably, if attempting to do a certain number of works, a huge number of aspiring young men will garner scores of opportunities not only to communicate with colleagues from different arenas, making all kinds of friends, but also to share their happiness or sorrow with them, which will help them to return to work with passion, motivation and dedication. More importantly, a happier workforce will be bedrock of economic betterment and act as the cornerstone of economic prosperity. It deserves our attention that a host of examples help to consolidate my argument. A recent study in China shows that suicide rate in the group that 18-years-to-30-years people have one job or no job is 1.0% while the rate in group that young people have tried several jobs is only 0.5%. Therefore, alpha-seeking individuals should try several different jobs before they take a career in long time.

Trying several different jobs, in addition, is enormously beneficial to develop individuals’ ability and enhance their core competitiveness, which play an exceedingly significant role in making them become outstanding elites of the society. Specifically, no fewer than a dozen of experts tend to nurture the belief that, in the process of doing different work, the young would discuss with different workmates and leaders and encounter various problems and challenges, which is incredibly pivotal and crucial in developing their critical thinking skill, analytical skill, judgment skill, decision-making skill and communication skill and etc.  More vitally, nothing can compare these transferable skills in young people's career success.  It is noteworthy that a good many examples can be listed in order to support my view. Barack Obama is a salient case. Deep down, since, before running for the U.S. president, Obama have served in different fields including universities and communities, he reaped a massive amount of desirable skills, which contribute positively to improving his speaking skills, building up a charming personality and harvesting respect and trust from others. Thus, it is essential for young people to try several different jobs before taking a career in a long time.

Finally, trying several different jobs also enable young men and women to have a better self-awareness, an important factor in their career life. Rather, under no circumstances can career professionals ignore the key fact that only by doing different jobs can young people really know their interests and strengths and weakness and what they really want to do.
More importantly, with a better understanding of themselves, young individuals can choose a suitable career in a long time which would arouse their enthusiasm and bring success to them.

In conclusion, what I have discussed above supports an unshakeable idea that young people should try different jobs before taking a career in a long time since it will help them keep mental health, enhance their core self-competitiveness and develop their self-awareness. No longer can we ignore the importance of attempting on different jobs, it is high time young people tried a variety of jobs, various life and chose an interested career, creating miracles with passion, motivation and dedication!
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-9-11 16:15:49 |只看该作者
TPO 15 Integrated Writing

Quite different from what has been stated in the reading passage, the professor thinks that the proposed means to stop the spread the cane toads would cause unwanted ecology problem or can not prevent the spread of cane toads.

First and foremost, in the listening passage, the lecturer states that national fences are not able to keep cane toad from going to other parts of Australia. Specifically, the lecturer notes that young toads or toad eggs are usually found near river or water stream and in some points these flowing water can carry young toads or eggs to other parts of Australia, which would make them establish population in new places. This challenges the points in the reading that a national fence can keep cane toads from going into other parts of Australia.

In addition, in the lecture, the speaker claims that these untrained volunteers would destroy the native frog because it is hard for them to tell the difference between young frogs and young cane toads. Thus, although they can stop the spread of toad, they would destroy frogs and cause new ecological problems.  This is in conflict with the point in the reading that volunteers can destroy toads and the government is supposed to organize more citizens to join.

Thirdly, the lecturer classifies the third point in the reading passage as being falsely grounded, rather, his logic is that that virus could cause ecological disaster in Central and South America because infected reptiles and amphibians may be transferred to Central and South America and they can destroy the local toads, their native species. Whereas the writer of the reading passage notes that this virus can stop the increase of cane toad populations.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-9-11 18:11:35 |只看该作者
TPO14   Integrated Writing

Quite different from what have been stated in the reading passage, the professor thinks that salvage logging would cause long-term problems and its economic benefits are also questionable.

First and foremost, in the listening passage, the lecture states that clearing up dead trees after fire immediately is harmful to the soil and the nature process of decomposition in fact enrich the soil, which is really good for the new trees' growth. This challenges the points in the reading that salvage logging assist forest areas recover from the fires and severe storms.

In addition, in the lecture, the speaker claims that spruce bark beetle would not cause disasters and dead wood is also a suitable habitat for other birds and insects, which would make a contribution to the forest in a long term. This is in conflict with the point in the reading that salvage logging could decrease the population of spruce bark beetle by clearing decaying wood.

Thirdly, the lecturer classifies the third point in the reading passage as being falsely grounded. Rather, his logic is that salvage logging is not able to create economic benefits. Specifically, those lumbers must be transferred by helicopters and other vehicles which is very expensive and those jobs are temporary and should be done by experienced or  trained workers instead of local residents. Whereas the writer of the passage notes that salvage logging would contribute to local economic prosperity by offering trees and jobs.
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