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[资料] 康老师预测机经答案,11月-12月非牛考生必看 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-11-13 23:18:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 allyvv 于 2010-11-18 22:40 编辑

  • 写在前面的话:
这份总结适用于: 11月-12月考托福的同学

我11月13日刚考完托福,这是我根据台湾的康老师预测机经自己搜集准备的口语1,2题素材以及独立作文题目的论点论据。期间搜集了网上的一些资料,这里没办法查找到作者。 另外,也不乏好心人的帮忙出力才有了这份提纲,特别要感谢的有

QQ群:2011@老流氓里的Evelyn-Ecupl ,鹤舞风灵,aurora,考拉,木又土 ,天高地厚, bllack,小薇 童鞋。

QQ群:进军美利坚口语小组里的forever,926炮灰团团长 ,潜龙  ,孤鸿一片云

排版有点乱~ 不好意思啦~ 另外,个人英语水平确实有限,本篇仅限参考吖!

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然后自己根据这个范围比照一下我这份pdf文档,没有的自己补充一下,把这篇作文题删了: the best way to improve the quality of education is to raise the salaries of university professors.

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-11-13 23:18:57 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 allyvv 于 2010-12-24 10:58 编辑

考完试后一直在低落,感觉口语没尽力,所以发了前十页的同学们PDF文稿之后对自己的方法也没太大信心了,就没再发给后面的童鞋。其实那个PDF文件跟我楼下帖子的内容完全一致,没等得到我发PDF的童鞋,希望自己复制粘贴一下楼下的内容,自己做个DOC文档,完全一样,还少了广告;P  天助自助者!

Test Test Date Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
TELXMLNovember 13, 201028 27 26 27 108

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-11-13 23:21:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 allyvv 于 2010-11-13 23:23 编辑


1) Describe an old person (such as your grandparent or neighbor) that you respect. Explain why you admire this person, and how this person influenced you.

(爷爷, 与时俱进 up-to-date, never stop learning: computer, internet,--> check the latest news &. chat with me .  幽默:marriage is .. ,

The old person I respect the most is my Grandfather. He has influenced me greatly because he has so many good qualities.  Firstly, He' s very well educated and keeps an open mind. His thinking is very modern. He is able to understand people from different generations. FYI, My grandfather is 70 years old now, and he is trying to learn how to type chinese so that he could chat with me on the internet. Secondly,He is also petty hilarious, once he told me that, marriage is an institution where men lose their bachelor's degrees and women get their master's degrees, and he said it in front of me and my boyfriend. So this is why I respect my grandfather.

Q1. 好邻居要有什么品质(和某篇写作题目一样)
-  honest and easygoing
-kind and hospitable

I think what makes a good neighbor is that he or she should be honest and easygoing, kind and hospitable. I would like to talk about Michael, my best neighbor ever.

He's the kind of person that is hilarious, and easygoing, and he helped me a lot. Like last time, my internet service was due and I forgot to pay my internet service bills, my professor called me to send my paper  to her that afternoon, I told michael about my problem, he immediately gave me the access to his wireless internet.

He is also kind and hospitable,  and treats me as his friend. He invited me to his house and had dinner with his families,  He's an english teacher, so sometimes we talked in english, he would correct my pronunciations and told me how to improve speaking english. He's definitely the winner of nobel neighbor prize!

Task 1
What suggestion (也可能是复数) would you like to give to a child who is starting school for the first time? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this suggestion is (these suggestions are) important. [北美2008.12.5]

For children who is staring school for the first time, I highly recommend them feel free to ask questions.

(-resolve academic question, cuz lack experiences)

On one hand, in hopes of resolving their problems, for children, they have to ask help from others because they lack experiences, and there is no need to feel embarrassed to call for help.

On the other hand, talk to others about your problem brings you more friends.

When I started school , I was 5 years old, and I was too shy to talk to others, don't even mention ask help from others. Later I realized it is necessary, so I changed my attitude, I started to talk about my questions to others, and I find there are other people who share the same question as me, so we tried to address the problem together as a team, and then my academic performance improved and I gained friendships too.

Task 1.描述一下你的MODEL人物
well, i would like to talk about mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was the political and spiritual leader of the Indian independence movement.He has the bravest heart and smartest mind.  Firstly, he had been sent to jail and been beaten for so many times, but nothing stoped his dream of liberty. After he was released from prison, he attended the London Round Table Conference on India as the sole representative of the Indian National Congress.
Secondly, he is of great wisdom.  He's famous for his passive resistance against colonizer. He invented passive resistance to fight against the colonizer in a peaceful way and finally succeeded in liberating his nation.  So this is why I respect him a lot.

After he was released from prison, he attended the London Round Table Conference on India as the sole representative of the Indian National Congress.

    Task 1
    Describe a person who alway makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny. Include details and examples in your explanation.

Well, I would like to talk about Ryan, We were good friends since we were kids. He is funny because sometimes he would do some stupid experiments to try to verify his thoughts. Once he saw a video on youtube about popping corns by the radiation of cellphones, then he started to figure out if it's true . He borrowed cellphones from classmates, and position it as a circle with some corn in the middle, then he called each cellphone at the same time to see if the radiation is strong enough to pop the corns into popcorns. unfortunately, it didn't work out. corns are still corns.  he failed though,  the experience is funny, i laughed a lot when i'm with him, and if I have time, I would like to articulate every interesting story about him.

Well, I'm now kind of a people person, but i used to be poor at communication. I learned how to communicate in steps as follows. Firstly, I learnt the increasingly significance of communication and the fact that i'm not good at it at all, so I started to improve my communication skill. Secondly, I take insight to the Internet and searched for others' experiences concerning how to tackle this problem, also I inquired my friends and my parents for solutions.  I memorized a lot of jokes and try to be hilarious when i'm with others. Then I started to practice what I had learnt. I went to different occasions like cocktail parties and english corners to meet different people and tried to make friends. After a long period of practice, my effort proved effective, I'm more popular and confident than before.


1、讲你国家的development.  (internet 的发展:

过去 used to be difficult to access the internet, the internet bar charge 2 yuan per hour , and that's the amount of money you can take a bus to go from the southeast to the northeast part of the city.
现在:at present, you can find like 20 wireless internet signal if you stand at an open area in my neighborhood, also the 3G internet which is faster and more stable is coming on the rail.
For the future, the government is going to build more wireless internet over the city, by the time 2012, people can use their cellphones to access the internet and watch live Tv shows.  )

1 描述一件你感兴趣的历史事件 historical event (/boston tea party)

Well, I would like to talk about the Boston Tea party.  

Because colonists believed that their right to be taxed only by their own elected representatives were violated,

on that day, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor.

I'm so into it because it later led to the American Revolutionary War
and it is the iconic event of American history.

Also, It showed the bravery and wisdom of people of America protecting their rights.

Describe a positive change that has happened in your country. Explain how this change has influenced the way people live in your country.

1、讲你国家的development.  (internet 的发展: 过去 used to be difficult to access the internet, the internet bar charge 2 yuan per hour , and that's the amount of money you can take a bus to go from the southeast to the northeast part of the city. 现在:at present, you can find like 20 wireless internet signal if you stand at an open area in my neighborhood, also the 3G internet which is faster and more stable is coming on the rail. For the future, the government is going to build more wireless internet over the city, by the time 2012, people can use their cellphones to access the internet and watch TV shows alive.  )

一、题目理解的不是很好。大概的意思说你小时候变化最大的personality,以及way 和detail
(害羞到大方)improvement of communication skill.
Well, I'm now kind of a people person, but i used to be poor at communication. I learned how to communicate in steps as follows. Firstly, I learnt the increasingly significance of communication and the fact that i'm not good at it at all, so I started to improve my communication skill. Secondly, I take insight to the Internet and searched for others' experiences concerning how to tackle this problem, also I inquired my friends and my parents for solutions.  I memorized a lot of jokes and try to be hilarious when i'm with others. Then I started to practice what I had learnt. I went to different occasions like cocktail parties and english corners to meet different people and tried to make friends. After a long period of practice, my effort proved effective, I'm more popular and confident than before.

1. 你童年学到了什么东西?What did you learn in your childhood?
Well, I'm now kind of a people person, but i used to be poor at communication. I learned how to communicate in steps as follows. Firstly, I learnt the increasingly significance of communication and the fact that i'm not good at it at all, so I started to improve my communication skill. Secondly, I take insight to the Internet and searched for others' experiences concerning how to tackle this problem, also I inquired my friends and my parents for solutions.  I memorized a lot of jokes and try to be hilarious when i'm with others. Then I started to practice what I had learnt. I went to different occasions like cocktail parties and english corners to meet different people and tried to make friends. After a long period of practice, my effort proved effective, I'm more popular and confident than before.

1. Describe a special event or occasion that you have participate with your family or friends.
(春节spring festival, it's the largest holiday for celebrating new year's coming.

1 parents don't need to work,everybody get together.
2 Setting off fireworks which represent a new beginning and bring luck to the family. .
3.  the family will visit their neighbors in new clothes and children will get some lucky money. In the evening, all the family members will stay at home, they make , tasty dumplings together which are the traditional Chinese food

1 One of the advantages of living abroad and explain the advantages with details.

- Living abroad has an edge that it is the forcing house of learning a new language. I mean, the fastest way of learning skills is that you have to learn in order to survive, so living abroad probably is the fastest way for individuals to pick up new languages.

Firstly, You are immersed in the language everyday.  the information you get are mostly in the local language. For instance, If you wanna know what's happening around the city you live in, then you must have to learn what are the News on the local newspaper talking about.

Also,   no matter you go abroad to study or  to work or to do anything else, you meet locals everyday,  the interaction between you and the locals pushes you to forward your speaking level.

So, this is why I think living abroad gives you an advantage to learn language faster.


1. What is the important technique that change the life

(internet 的发展: now we can use the internet to receive distant education and purchase commodities without step out the door of our house过去 used to be difficult to access the internet, the internet bar charge 2 yuan per hour , and that's the amount of money you can take a bus to go from the southeast to the northeast part of the city. 现在:at present, you can find like 20 wireless internet signal if you stand at an open area in my neighborhood, also the 3G internet which is faster and more stable is coming on the rail. For the future, the government is going to build more wireless internet over the city, by the time 2012, people can use their cellphones to access the internet and watch TV shows alive.  )

09.09.19 (2007.7.7/2008.1.12北美/2009.3.22)
Describe an tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
(MAC电脑: 学习——学英语,看英文电影,查生单词; 娱乐——玩游戏,听音乐; 社交 socialize —— facebook.com, emails, msn)
Well, I would like to talk about my macbook. I like macbook more than most ordinary users. I almost take it to everywhere I go. For one thing, it enhances my learning efficiency.  For example, When i'm listening a lecture, it allows me to take notes by typing, which is more efficient, besides, I could use it to record the lecture so that I could later listen to the part I didn't follow. For another, my macbook is like my recreational center, I mean I watch movies on it, listen to music on it, and sometimes socialize on it. For instance,  I used my macbook to modify photos for my friends. Quite a few says they like the modified photos and want me to help them to modify their pictures, so I become friends with more and more people.  

1. describe a special experience that has changed you in life. give reasons why it changed you with examples/details。大意是这个,具体的话不记得了

Well, I'm now kind of a talkative person, but i used to be poor at talking. It was an special opportunity that asked me to have a debate with my classmates that had changed me.  If my memory serves, the topic of the debate was , does strange clothes in school distract students from learning? After I got this topic, I did a lot of research on the internet and prepared a lot for defending myself. However, during the debate,when I saw hundreds audiences sitting under the stage, i was so nervous that i could hardly squirt a word out of my mouth. It was so embarrassing. So I said to myself, I have to overcome the terrible tension of facing crowd. Firstly, I take insight to the Internet and searched for others' experiences concerning how to tackle this problem, also I inquired my friends and my parents for solutions.  Then I started to practice what I had learnt with a debate in a small group of people. After a long period of practice, I attended a larger sized debate, and i finally overcame my problem and can speak as fluently as usually on the stage.

1.  Describe a news or a story that you are interested in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting。
Include reasons and details in your response
Recently, i'm interested in a news about the development of the internet in my country.
I find it interesting because it is a vivid example to show the gap of the past china and the present china. The news says that in the past, it used to be difficult to access the internet, the internet bar charge 2 yuan per hour , and that's the amount of money you can take a bus to go from the southeast to the northeast part of the city. However, at present, you can find more than 30 wireless internet signal if you are at any open area in the center of the city, also the 3G internet which is faster and more stable is coming on the rail. For the future, the government is going to build more wireless internet over the city,  and by the time 2012, people can use their cellphones to access the internet and watch TV shows alive.

Describe a place where people in your town like to gather.你镇上的人常去的集散地。
Well, I would like to talk about Shanghai beach beside my school. It is very famous in my country and people like to gather there. There are a couple of reasons to name. The first reason I wanna say is beach is a wonderful place for sport lovers like me because I can enjoy jogging, swimming, fishing, and playing volleyball on the beautiful beach, thus I can improve my health condition and prepare myself for physical challenge in the future. The second reason is citizens can have all kinds of delicious seafood there, such as lobsters, crabs and various fishes, it’s so fascinating. So that’s why I often go to Shanghai beach beside my school.

    Task 1
    Describe a person who alway makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny. Include details and examples in your explanation.

Well, I would like to talk about Ryan, We were good friends since we were kids. He is funny because sometimes he would do some stupid experiments to try to verify his thoughts. Once he saw a video on youtube about popping corns by the radiation of cellphones, then he started to figure out if it's true . He borrowed cellphones from classmates, and position it as a circle with some corn in the middle, then he called each cellphone at the same time to see if the radiation is strong enough to pop the corns into popcorns. unfortunately, it didn't work out. corns are still corns. This is just one example of his style of  being funny, i laughed a lot when i'm with him, and if I have time, I would like to articulate every interesting story about him.

1、talk about something you wanted to do but never had time to do yet. Describe the details and explain the reason.

Well, I would like to throw a big party and invites all the people i know to come. there are a couple of reasons why i would like to do so. Firstly, I'm kind of a  people person, I like to meet many different people in a huge party.  i used to join some party hosted by others, and I find it interesting because  I could expand my acquaintance pool.  Also, I would like to let my friends in different periods to meet each other, because more people means more fun. For instance, if we are going to visit some other cities together,  the more people we go together, the better discount we can get when we buy air tickets. So all in all, I want to throw a big party and invites everyone i know.

第一题: 描述你最喜欢的一个时期,是说自己经历的吧
Well, my favorite period of time would be that when I was a college student. There are a couple of reasons that I want to name. Firstly, I started to know what kind of person I want to be. Before I entered my university, my parents took care of me almost on everything, all I did was to work hard on study and get good scores. After entering the university, I lived in the dormitory with other 3 roommates, and I made friends with many people and we talked about stuffs like career plans, and it gave me some clues about my dream. Secondly, I started to learn how to manage my money. In high school, I used to be a little extravagant at that time, I spent money spontaneously on things I don't need to buy at all, such as dozens of fancy notebook and other stationery. After I entered the university, I received limited amount of money from my parents, so I have to make wise choices. My manage skill turned out to be efficient and I use it to buy myself a laptop.  So this is why my favorite time was the period when I was in the university.

09.11.21na TASK 1

A country or a culture you want to explore

Well, I would like to talk about the United States and there are a couple of reasons to name. Firstly, the history of the revolution of United states is of legends and heros. After the boston tea party, the independent War began and it led America gradually to become a superpower.  Secondly, I agree with the value  and culture of America that life,liberty and property of individuals are unalienable rights that  should be cherished and protected. Also, examples of many people proved the American Dream to be feasible that as long as you work hard enough , you will succeed someday. For instance, Arnold Schwarzenegger,the 38th governor of California. he was born in Austrian, he came to america 20 years ago, give or take a few, through hard working, he successfully turned himself from a bodybuilder to a famous hollywood movie star and then governor of the state California.  So, this is why I would like to explore the United States.

口语1:which person you want to know more

Well, I would like to talk about Michael, We were good friends since he came to China 3 years ago, but one month ago he and his family moved back to the US. I would like to know him more because He is funny and always have some interesting ideas. Once he saw a video on youtube about popping corns by the radiation of cellphones, then he started to figure out if it's true . He borrowed 10 cellphones from his friends, and positioned 5 of them as a circle with some corn in the middle, then he used the other 5 cellphones to call each cellphone positioned as the circle at the same time to see if the radiation of those cellphones is strong enough to pop the corns into popcorns. unfortunately, it didn't work out. corns are still corns.  He's so funny, So this is why i want to know him more.

1 type of movie you do not like。

Well ,i would like to talk about THE REMAKES. there are a couple of reasons to name why I don't like this type of movie.

Firstly, the remakes are usually exact copy of the original movies.

Some people watch remakes because they like the story of the old movie, but not a repetition.
For instance, While I was watching the karate kid filmed filmed in 2010, I knew exactly what was going to come.

In addition, the remakes sometimes change the original story and make it worse only to meet the demands of the film market, i mean, in order to be box-office, Some of the dialogue in the remake lacks the quality or depth of the original.
it's as if the director only wanted to make people laugh but forget about the original meaning of the story.
So this is why I hate to watch remakes.


1.如果别人去你国家,你推荐什么食物给他?and why?  
Personally, I would like to prepare chongqing hot pot myself for the foreign friend. There are a couple of reasons to name. The first reason I wanna say is hot pot is delicious and nutritious, such as spicy chicken and hot fish, which contain a lot of body- building nutrition and vitamins, and thus it can improve the health condition and prepare themselves for physical challenge in the future. The second reason is Chinese food represents Chinese traditional culture, it can help the foreign friend refine the taste for art and improve the understanding of the culture, custom and history of my country. So that’s why I would like to prepare Chinese food for the foreign friend.

a book:
Personally, I would like to say that the book I think is interesting is the Lord of the Rings.  There are a couple of reasons to name. The first reason I wanna say is I could learn a lot of English vocabularies and sentence structures from it, which are very useful in my preparation of GRE. The second reason is it would courage me when I feel depressed and wanna give up, I want to be the hero in the story to reach the final destination by great efforts. So that’s why I think the lord of the ring is interesting.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-11-13 23:21:54 |只看该作者
2. Some people think that attending team sports may develop children’s sense of competition. Others think that attending team sports will help children to develop their sense of cooperation. What’s your opinion?

-在team sports 中,合作 >个人能力
-提高skills, sports skills and communication skills

the vital part of playing team sports is cooperation. Firstly,  in my opinion,if you want to win the game you must work as a team with cooperation rather than fighting by individuals, evening if some players in your team have extraordinary abilities. The best example would be the  football match between argentina  and  germany in the 2010's world cup. Germany won because they showed a good cooperation among team members, even though argentina got great foot players like Messi,who was said to be the predecessor of Maradona, argentina still failed. Secondly,  playing team sports also provides us opportunities to learn sports skills from others and improve communication skills. People can make a lot of new friends  with team members, .  They can talk and discuss everything they like, such as  sports skills and maybe they can have a big get-together after the game.They can share not only happiness but their sorrow with their teammates. It will be great.

Some people prefer to live in places where climate doesn’t change very much
all year long. Others like to live in places where
climate changes with seasons. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. [北美2008.12.5]
prefer places where climate change very much all year long.
First, I could wear different clothes in different seasons, and that would be fun.

Second,  play different sports in different seasons. such as go swimming in summer and go skating in winter.

-每天看新闻给了我更多的机会,  ——比如,交朋友时, 有很多话题

—有一些父母自己并不知道怎么教孩子, 相对来说学校里的老师更好,他们专业,而且可能更博学。所以孩子们能学到更多知识。
—有些父母自身有坏毛病, 孩子很容易也学会这些坏毛病。 比如父母喜欢抽烟,孩子从小接触烟草,很容易以后也有抽烟的习惯。

二、孩子应不应该去上一些practical courses,比如什么烹饪阿,理财阿等等


-有一些专长会在以后的工作竞争中更有竞争力, 比如会跳舞,弹钢琴
例子,我有个同学跳舞跳得很好,她去应聘律所的实习律师时,另外一位应征者 apply for the job. 条件和她差不多,但是没有什么特长,最后我朋友赢得了这个工作机会。
-调节压力:balance the pressure from learning maths, science and history, etc.  比如学习cooking, 学习过程中可以享受自己做的食物,很快乐,而且还可以做饭给朋友吃,增进友谊。

2.        Task 2.小孩应不应该学习draw or paint

-enhance children's ability of learning other subjects, such as the ability of imagination ,concentration, and thoughtfulness, which are considerably crucial throughout one's whole life.  for instance, there are many genres of arts, learning portrait requires a highly concentrated mind in order to present the details of the subject.
-调节压力balance the pressure coming from learning maths, science and history, etc.  it involves much fun in the process of painting, a good example would be that the drawing of oil painting. when I started to learn oil painting at the age of 5, I was so into it, because i could mix two colors together and make it into another color, it's fantastic~

2. 有人喜欢把时间排得很满,有人喜欢留很多free time。你呢?

-first i want to say that i'm a spontaneous person,if there is  a lot of free time i'd lost and don't know what to do. For instance, I used to be unfamiliar with time management, and I left a lot of free time in my schedule, later I found out that these periods of time were all wasted, because i was either having chitchat with others or doing nothing. So later in order to utilize the gap,  such as 10 minutes of time waiting for someone to come, I would memorize some new english words. And it really helped me to enlarge my vocabulary.
-second, having a full schedule makes life more efficient. a wise busy schedule would include both time for work and time for study. so that it could let me finish my works in a shorter time and have a regular time for hanging out with friends. For example, my best friend Vivian knows that my recreational time was on  tuesday and saturday night, so she altered her schedule so that we both would be available in those days and could hang out together.

Q2. 你喜欢看entertainment program还是educational program

entertainment program
-balance the pressure from learning maths, science, history, etc. For instance, I like watching the bachelor pad, a Tv dating show, there are so many interesting and funny competition among the participants. such as that they were asked to eat a pie without using hands, in the end, each one's face was covered with pie.
- second, entertainment programs also could impart knowledge, such as American Idol, I watched a couple of seasons of it, and leant a lot about the culture and geography of America.
So this is why i'd love to watch entertainment programs.

2. Do you like travel to somewhere you have never been to or the place you have ever been?
I'd rather go somewhere I've never been to.
-enlarge my  travel experience.  learn more about the culture of different places. To illustrate, i would like to go to the north pole, so that i might have the chance to have a glance at the real polar bear and the spectacular  glaciers.
-Second, travel to somewhere you've never visited might also let you see the real color of the world, i mean, to know the world in reality, so that you would know what information you learn from books is true and what isn't.

口语2:do you like to go to the same place for your vacation, or different places and spend little time at each place for you vacation

I'd rather go to different places and spend little time at each place for you vacation

-go to different places to enlarge my travel experiences.  learn more about the culture of different places. To illustrate, i would like to go to the north pole, so that i might have the chance to have a glance at the real polar bear and the spontaneous glaciers. and i would like to visit hawaii, to feel the sunshine  there, and then go somewhere else to explore the diverse climate and culture.
-Second, travel to different places might also provides you chances to see the true color of the world, i mean, to know the world in reality, so that you would know what information you learn from books is true and what isn't.

2 dress show 是否体现personality

of course one person's dress shows his or her personality. there are a couple of reasons to name. the colors, patterns, textures and style of clothing can tell you a lot about the personality of it's owner.
Firstly, I want to talk about the color of the dress. as we all know that Red represents passion, yellow shows vigorous, blue means sadness. Someone  who  is always in colorful clothes maybe quite sensitive and optimistic. on the other hand, if a person always wear either black or white, it is likely that  he or she is meticulous.
Second, the pattern, texture, and style of clothes also has different meanings. The pattern of leopard represents sexy, and the texture, silk, represents delicacy, and casual clothing represents spontaneous and easygoing.
So, this is why..

09.08.22na missed

2.        Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due day. Other students prefer to prepare their project much earlier before the due day. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response

在任务期届满时完成作业 还是 提前完成?


- have time to review and polish the work. to illustrate, if i'm writing something in a hurry, there could be a lot of misspelling, if I have time to check it, I could correct them.  However, if I'm writing it one hour before the due time, probably that i won't have the chance to check and correct it.
- leave some time to cope with accidents.
For instance,   写毕业论文的时候,我很早就完成了论文,后来得知the deadline was shifted to an earlier date and our monitor  thought all classmates could get the information from the website of our faculty, so she didn't inform us in person,我的一些同学was busy with seeking jobs and don't have a clue about this, thus they 不得不因此要晚一点毕业了。


2. Should children grown up in cities or small town?
Small town. the surrounding is better for children's growth

- for that it's quite so children could sleep well and grow faster.
- less contamination, air is fresh and clean, less chances to get sick. Flu easily gain currency among children in the big cities .

2.        Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves. Others prefer to depend on other people's help. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

i won't be hesitated to say that i will turn to other's help.

- wise to learn from the experience of others, so to tackle my own problem more easily.
- strengthen friendship. it's like a 良性循环,to illustrate, this time i turned to him, next time he could also ask me to do some favor, thus the relationship  bond were strengthened.


2 .You prefer learn from people and events in the past or from current events.
1 wise to learn from the past , so that you could predict the future .
2 easier to learn, cuz stories of people or events in the past may have been written down, you can get a more articulate information.

2. Some students prefer to take a essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you prefer? Give reasons and examples in your explanation.

Objective questions
- easier to prepare and get a higher score only by memorizing
-more fair to the students, cuz the result of the test will be valued objectively.

2.        Some people think that students will benefit more from a large class than a small class, do you agree or not? 大班授课是小班授课

small class
- less distracting and more efficiency
- more opportunity of discussions

Task 2
Some people prefer to live in a place most of their life. Other people prefer to move to different places. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

- to get more career chances
- to meet more people and be friends with them

2、do you prefer to do couples of small assignments or one or two big assignments.

one or two big ones.
- learn more from achieving a difficult task than finish a couples of small ones. Eg. host an anniversary for the university needs sponsorships
-more joy for achievement

第二题: 更喜欢去音乐会听音乐还是使用recording music。。
recording music
- economical, save money
- flexibility, can listen to it whenever you want.

2 空闲时候是愿意做 reading, thinking and studying alone 还是参加集体活动和朋友们在一起。

reading alone.
-I'm kind of indoor type, so most often I read. I'm interested in reading all kinds of books and newspaper or magazine articles, especially those on current issues. I just want to keep myself informed of what's going on in the world. 9 ~( s3 R! n9 H4 e6 S$ `% b Now I spend most of my spare time reading on the Internet by browsing the screen. It's fast though it might do harm to my eyes. It's just fast and I can read fast. I also watch TV, especially the NBA game ‘cause I'm a big basketball fan, even though I'm not very good at playing basketball myself. I love to watch and I will get excited and overjoyed whenever I see Yaoming do a nice shot. 1 g6 e$ f9 }$ \. `

有些人认为paper version such as newspapers or books will be replaced by their electronic version, others.. will not be replaced...What's your opinion? 注意不是prefer,是问你认为traditional会不会被替代.

-阅读纸张更方便 more readily to read character's in paper.
-阅读纸张对眼睛的损害较小,reading  on paper do less harm to one's eyesight,

2 agree or disagree students should do part-time job before attending college。
I think it’s a good idea for college students to do a part-time job before attending college.
1.First, a part-time job provides practical work experience. would provide them with a different and great experience. They would have the opportunity to see different things and know more about life.
2.Sometimes they may think more by having a part-time job, connect their real world experience to their schoolwork and thus improve their efficiency . Somehow, students who take part-time jobs before entering universities always wind up going back to school with more incentives(动力) to get more out of their education.(
So I think of taking a part-time job before attending college as a way of rejuvenating(使恢复,使更新) oneself

I think it’s a good idea for college students to do a part-time job before attending college. First, a part-time job provides practical work experience. It offers students a great
opportunity to connect the classroom learning to the world outside.(理论与实践相结合)
Also, this can help students either confirm a career choice or make a decision to choose
a different path. And that would be an informed decision about whether they are
interested in a particular career. ( ?6 ~1 R+ u2 \9 @7 s
Furthermore, students who have completed internships would find employment more
quickly following graduation. And they are more likely to be employed within their fields
of study, and are more satisfied in their jobs. , G# j5 L8 c( Q h7 z' _
Therefore, I agree that college students should do an internship before graduation. ! {, t& C! I;

As far as I'm concerned, I think a gap year is a good idea for college students. Going away instead of directly going to university would provide them with a different and great experience. They would have the opportunity to see different things and know more about life. Taking a break from study is not only beneficial for their body, but also for their mind. It's like self–refreshment. After the break, they would be eager to return to college with a fresher outlook and clearer mind. Sometimes they may think more, connect their real world experience to their schoolwork and thus improve their efficiency . Somehow, students who take one year off either to work or to see the world, always wind up going back to school with more incentives(动力) to get more out of their education.(m G8I6{:|.i So I think of taking one year off as a way of rejuvenating(使恢复,使更新) oneself.1 l0 r! C( m2 E. K27. Some people choose a major that may gurantee a good job. Other people choose a major out of their personal interest in that area. Which do you think is a good idea and why? (06. 8.26; 07. 3.3 考题)


 2.老师是不是应该要求学生参加regular discuss?

-on the other hand,  teachers should focus on improve their teaching skills to appeal to students . 我一个英语老师很受欢迎, 因为他总是很humors, 经常将枯燥的概念与幽默的笑话衔接起来,使他的课显得生动vivid有趣interesting.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-11-13 23:22:47 |只看该作者
▪        2008.8.23na
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  A serious and strict teacher is more effective than a teacher who is humorous and easygoing.

        ⁃         stimulates interests in study. proverb, interest is the best teacher,  instance: vivid examples, jokes to ease the atmosphere. 尤其是primary school students
        ⁃        communicate better with easygoing teachers . ask questions, not blame me but encourage me to study harder.
        ⁃        influence on the forming of personalities of students. easygoing students, more welcome in groups, good at socialize, readily to succeed in future.

With the magnificent development of education rises an issue debating what kind of teacher students should choose. Some people will choose a strict teacher because disciplining badly behaved students will lead to more effective studying. In contrast, I prefer the view that an easygoing teacher will let students learn more efficiently.
First of all, an easygoing teacher stimulates students' interests in study.As a proverb says, "interest is the best teacher", only when students are truly interested can they have motivation and energy to learn knowledge. For instance, when it comes to a difficult subject, an easygoing and humorous teacher will use great amount of vivid examples and jokes to ease the atmosphere. What is more, students will gain better understanding through examples and jokes. Especially to primary school students, according to their age and mentality, the loose teaching method will increase students' curiosity and creativity. Under these circumstances, students learn more effectively.
Furthermore, students communicate better with easygoing teachers. Compared with strict teachers, students are eager to ask questions and are not afraid of making mistakes when facing easygoing teachers. Through my own experience, when I confront a difficult mathematic problem, I usually try my best to solve it. However, sometimes, though studying for a long time, I cannot figure out the right answer and I will ask my teachers for help. The easygoing teacher, rather than the strict teacher who may blame me for not studying hard, will answer my question patiently and encourage me to carry on. The relationship between an easygoing teacher and students is similar to that of friendship, under this harmonious atmosphere, students obtain confidence and learn more efficiently.
In addition, students' personalities will be influenced by easygoing teachers and eventually acquire outstanding characteristics such as humor, collaboration, and geniality. Easy going teachers will not only teach students knowledge, but also help students form excellent personalities. Gradually, students are effected by the teacher and some of which, potentially, become easygoing people. Being nice people contributes to active participation in group discussion in class. Statistics show that easygoing people are more likely to listen to other's advice and express their opinions in an acceptable way. For this reason, easygoing students are welcomed in any study groups and they are the people that offer help the most.
In a nutshell, easygoing teachers bring students tremendous benefits. Students gain interest in their study, are more confident and form brilliant personalities. These traits not only enable them study effectively, but also be successful in future

        ▪        2008.12.5na
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  Sports teaches us lessons about life.

Wisdom about life can be ignited by playing sports.
        ⁃Better personalities
such as persistence and patience, honesty.
marathon,fishing,  track and field players (stimulant, excitant )

        ⁃Face success and failure fairly 良好的心态对待成功和失败  
successes and failures are, as we all know, ubiquitous in battles.

        ⁃ improve ability of socialization.
communication skills, cooperation, have more friends

        ⁃        2009.1.23na
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Young people should take several different kinds of jobs before they decide which career to take in the long term.


Agree, young people should embrace job hopping, benefit enormously from these transfers
-  discover one's ideal vocation

-  gain experiences from different field , more competitive.

-  meet more friends.

        ▪          2009.2.27na
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

Compare to a high-stress position, MORE VACATION TIME gives individuals chances to balance personal life and career, and
The inner peace and balance that I enjoy are invaluable to me,
        ⁃         for family and friends
a million dollars in the bank would be worth nothing if I didn't have the time to enjoy these riches with my families and friends.
Vacations with families and friends can provide excellent memories.
        ⁃         for self-refreshment ,  
Attend a part-time graduate school, learn new skills, be more competitive
        ⁃         ???

        ▪        (2009年3月27日北美)
Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Teachers should make their political or social views known in the classroom.
(Teachers should not show their political or social views known in the classroom.)


First of and foremost, school is a mini-society, where students should develop their independent points of view on social and political issues. By referring to teachers' comments, students can either accept or criticize those viewpoints. In this way, they can gradually construct independent thinking styles and their horizon is broadened to a large extent.

-在学习正业之外,应该了解社会事实,以后更有竞争力。所以学生受到老师的影响,关注政治社会issue, 在今后的生活工作中更有竞争力

Topic: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should make their social or political views known to students?
  It must be emphasized that teachers’ significant role in the cause of education can never be neglected, because teachers are not only instructing but also inspiring groups of students who attend their classes. Admittedly, teachers’ comments on political or social affairs can affect their students. As to the necessity of making students aware of teachers’ social or political views, people’s attitudes differ.
  Those who deem that teachers should not convey their personal views on society and politics mainly reckon that it is a waste of time. First, from the perspective of academy, they argue that school is a place where students should primarily concentrate on learning. Therefore, what teachers actually need to do is to pay more attention to the foster of students’ academic capability. In addition, they claim teachers’ views on society or politics, sometimes, are nonsensical, which probably mislead a number of students. To conclude, they believe that these views disturb the normal academic study and work in school life.
  Despite some negative attitudes towards this issue, there are others who are in favor of teachers’ expressing those views. First of and foremost, what convinces them is that school is a mini-society, where students should develop their independent points of view on social and political issues. By referring to teachers' comments, students can either accept or criticize those viewpoints. In this way, they can gradually construct independent thinking styles and their horizon is broadened to a large extent. More importantly, being aware of some social or political affairs can definitely assist students, graduates in particular, in preparation for future social life and work. After all, modern society is a highly competitive place, where opportunities always favor those who are prepared. To sum up, teachers’ social or political views, they believe, can be favorable for students’ range of knowledge and future social life.
  Personally, I can hardly agree with the first view. What makes me convinced is that the ultimate goal of education is to foster talents who are not only excellent in academy, but also capable of completing practical social or political work successfully. That is the key to the all-around development of students. In this sense, it is indispensible for teachers make their social or political views known to students.

        ▪        2009年3月28日北美
Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
In 20 years from now, students will not use printed books anymore.
(printed book)

-阅读纸张更方便 more readily to read character's in paper.

-阅读纸张对眼睛的损害较小,reading  on paper do less harm to one's eyesight,

- 成本低,容易接受,即使是20年后

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  The best way to improve education is to raise teachers’ salaries.

        ⁃        don't gild the lily.   工资多了之后,老师更关注享受物质生活,不再关注教学质量了。例子,年轻老师才进校,很有冲劲,上课前准备很多vivid example and jokes. 第二学期涨了工资之后,就不再关心课堂,关心怎样进一步提高自己的工资和生活品质。have a quality life.
        ⁃         the wool comes from the sheep it self. 工资涨,学费肯定也会涨,afford 得起的学生和家庭减了,至少他们精神压力pressure was raised 涨了,对他们不公平,影响education quality.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
People will spend less time on cooking food.
『分析』总体上,“食物变得越来越容易准备”是一种进步[37],所以自然会带来improvement。使人们的生活方式发生了一些变化:好的:节省时间,越来越方便,一定程度上把妇女从繁杂的家务中解放了出来;也有不好的变化:准备食物是一种重要的家庭活动,可是食物变得容易准备一定程度上使家人在一起的时间减少了,比如“速冻饺子”[quick-frozen dumpling];快餐业的高速发展的一个直接结果是,人们普遍变胖了,尤其是孩子

        ⁃         工作生活压力增加,没有时间准备食物,有更多更重要的事去处理deal with. 例子,快餐店fast food restaurant生意business 的红火busy. 请佣人hire someone to take care of daily houseworks including preparing food.

        ⁃         科技进步, 速冻食品easy-prepare food's innovation,比如quick-frozen dumpling,可以长期long expiration 放在冰箱里保存起来,想吃的时候放进开水里煮10分钟就好了。

        ▪        2009年07月25日
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Being creative, rather than planning carefully, will come up with best solution to a problem?
(creative vs. planning carefully)
planning carefully
        ⁃        planning carefully is more reliable.                         
            being creative is not good enough for coming up with the best solution to a problem. 例子,朋友学广告设计,要在规定时间里依靠创意完成广告很难,更多时候是通过研习他人的广告作品,仔细分析所代理的产品特征,完成作品之后还要继续改良adjust,如,仔细思考这个作品是否有意义,客户是否会满意,市场反响会如何。有时候很有创意的广告不经过仔细打磨,不会称为一条好广告。

        ⁃         Planning Carefully 是基本要素, basic, essential.
            比如,建筑,蓝图blue print ,admitted, being creative is important in artistic works, 固然重要,但是planning carefully 更vital, 是基本essential key of architectural design

        ⁃        更 down-to-earth. 例子, 处理deal with law cases, 要赢case , 必须找到充足的evidence, thereby 排除一切合理怀疑going beyond reasonable doubt , 必须仔细寻找一切可能的有利证据, a counsel should suggest many possible alternatives to the client's guilt, enough that the jury could not say the defendant was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children’s future for them.

        ⁃        interests is the best teacher
        ⁃        cultivate independent mind
        ⁃         foster children's sense of responsibility

2009年08月22日NA     missed

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Only movies can teach us something about real life worth watching.

        ⁃        For entertainment and relaxation,
        ⁃        to support people's beloved movie stars or directors
        ⁃        socialization, make friends faster and easier, same taste of movie. common topic

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Some people think children should study and play, other people think children should help with household chores.
(children, household chores)

适量的 first, learn and playing, greater mind and stronger body, then proper amount of household chores boosts children's growth in aspects as follows.
        ⁃        cultivate independent ability 独立生活能力。
        ⁃        foster children's sense of responsibility ,为家人分担,
        ⁃        ease stress from study maths, science and history.

 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds. (Government & Money)

-Swimming pools and play ground is must, so every person need health first

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is easier to succeed nowadays than in the past.
forever(497653101) 20:52:56
forever(497653101) 20:53:08
forever(497653101) 20:53:10

09.10.10 NA
现在人多,到处busy and crowed,没必希望别人将礼貌.

1 . merits,virtue, no excuse to discard them 礼貌是必要的,是传统的美德,使社会更和谐。
2 . more harmonious relationship,

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Movies and televisions should always show audience that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  Parents should help their children prepare for future life through encouraging them to take part-time jobs.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  It is not good to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old friends.
  (Move to new places &. old Friends)

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  To achieve successful development of a country, a government should focus its budgets more on young children’s education rather than on universities.
  (Government )

1,young children’s education,发展这个是很必要的,因为会学很多基础的知识,比如数学,语文,物理等,为以后specialize and deep 研究奠定了很好的基础,比如写作的能力,什么研究,策划啊,都需要的。
2,young children’s education,发展这个是很必要的,因为人生下来是张白纸,在小时候的教育会孩子的性格会有很大的影响,我们该帮助孩子建立正确的人生观,价值观,才会发展的更成功,社会更和谐。
3universities.也不能忽视, 大学的运行需要大量的经费支持,没有政府的支持,.what happened is that they couldn't pay staff appropriately and had such poor resources that they failed to meet the criteria as a proper university.一些实验室会被关闭,department closures,The closure of such departments is causing alarm not only in the academic community but also in industry and government.。 没有经费支持The major cause for the closure of university departments。 Laboratories need to be maintained and chemicals constantly replenished making chemistry one of the most expensive subjects to teach,大学里很多时候是要选的专业,和我们以后的职业,社会的角色等密切相关。

10.13 北美
你是希望邀请许多人举行一个大Party还是只邀请closed friends and family members举行小party

11.21 北美
       Whether parents should give money to praise their child for high marks, you agree or disagree that parents should give school-age children money for get a high mark (grade) they get in the school.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  People should buy things that are made in their own country, even if the price of these products is higher than that of the products made in other countries.

奥巴马 的讲话给出了完美答案
bllack- 北洋(532477872) 21:21:21

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  Parents do not understand their children as well as the parents did 50 years ago.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  People would be happier with fewer possessions.

virtuous cycle

virtuous cycle 良性循环
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发表于 2010-11-14 14:40:28 |只看该作者
6# dinahs 谢谢~ 希望到时候成绩出来了能破百呀~

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发表于 2010-11-14 15:05:51 |只看该作者
13# pingu 具体是否适用要看12月的预测jj有哪些了,不过应该跟现在这个范围出入不大,虽然针对性不如11月的考生,不过可以当积累用

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发表于 2010-11-14 15:20:47 |只看该作者

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RE: 康老师预测机经答案,11月-12月非牛考生必看 [修改]
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