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"Government should placefew, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development"
Does the government should (should the government)extremely use its unique power to(useits authority to 嗯~不确定英语中有用unique power表示特权的说法么) restrain the science’sdevelopment or let science alone to develop (extend,前面已经有了一个development了,咱们尽量避免重复嘛~不过其实我也经常一个词从头用到底的)freely as the statementioned? In my opinion, the authority’s support do act as a(an) extraordinaryvital(两个形容词了哈, 不妨改成 plays a vital role in
) role in science development, so the governmentshould judge the application of limiting certain science program according tothe essential purpose of that science without any prejudice. (judge the application 有点没看懂. 文章开头提出设问,第二句说政府对科学的影响很大,第三句以此推出政府应该控制科学以让其正确发展,不过感觉这个推出关系似乎不太充分呵~。
As I mentioned forward(above), the government’s attitude indeedinfluences the progress of science obviously(indeed和obviously,可以删掉一个的~). The financialsupport from government is one of the significant benefits to , which isdefinitely necessary to whatever programs.(不妨直接去掉定语从句the financial support from government is oneof the most significant factors to any programs,平时对定语从句放到后面的例子见得比较少,也不知道可以不,不过感觉这句有点过于绝对了,可以委婉一点: the fiscal expenditure, in many cases, maintains therunning of science programs) .What another benefit isthe tined talents’ converge which also absolutely promote the progress(And it is the government that has the ability togather top talents to overcome those tough projects. ). It is also can(is 去掉,it can also)accelerate/boost the headway of turning the scientific blueprint into practicalusage. While, (while 是连词呵,后面好像不用逗号吧~)restrain from government incontrovertibly withholds the vitality andcreation of science in some degree(抑制vitality似乎有点不妥,另外感觉这句有点多余了). The Christian church in middle ages Europe executed hundreds of thousandsof so-called heretics, which a large number of nature scientists were included( which included a large number of nature scientists).
Bruno,who is a famous astronomer (,)bravelysticking up(stuck to) and developing(developed)
Copernicus’sheliocentricism, were burned to death; M.Servetus also suffered the samehorrible torture for his finding and insisting of pulmonary circulatory systemwhich(was) cataloged(catalogued)as a typical ridiculous theory by Calvinist government of Geneva. Consequently,government as an authoritative organization, its influence to(on)science’sdevelopment is tremendous(ly) vital.(语法好像有点问题,the government, as an authoritativeorganization, has tremendous influence over science’s development)
Reasons do exit for thegovernment’s inhibiting actions(actions好像可以去掉,可以用inhibition 的) toward science(sciences 后面用的them), which part ofthem are reasonable(though part of them arereasonable). The government may place restrictions(on science) with the purpose of keep(keeping) the stability of the country. Plus,several researches(some of the researches )are quite controversial for such a long period(这一句没看懂呵)
especially in thelevel of moral and ethics, then, the government may make related laws orregulations varying with leader’s politics(intention). While, the government may use theirunique power to serve for the leader’sunreasonable political aspiration without take(taking) the common’s interestsinto consideration. During the Second World War, the Soviet Union’s performancesdo(did) disobey the government’s essentialfunction of struggling for(striving for)
people’shappiness. They concentrated extremely on the heavy industry in order to
(be)capable of competing with the United Statesin military strength. Controvertibly, the guarantee of daily life’s basicnecessities is(was) out (of ) the government’s plan. The Soviet Union invested fewon the science related to lightindustry(few?好像有点绝对哦). Thus, the behaviorobviously accelerated the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In my opinion, it is thepurpose of the certain science actually(actually可以去掉) can act as the standard and thus
facilitate the government’s impartial judgment.Some science method (methods)
definitelydeserves(deserve) rigid inhibition,
includingthe cruel human experiments which Nazi related,(which were taken by Nazi in WW2) . However, the majority of various tragedies, such as nuclearweapon war, are organized from some certain human nature including thelimitless greed. So, the government should restrain the absurd application ofscience fruits and give fully support to the research which with correctintention(which不用了with correct intention). It is unreasonable to attribute all responsibilities to sciencewhich (in) itself cannot be labeled withguilty or cruelty. If both the scientists and the official leaders are holdingexpect and purpose of struggling for the human welfare, the disturbing puzzleof science inhibition is easy to handle with(is easy to handle).
Generally speaking, thegovernment should take the research’s intrinsic purpose into consideration andtry their best to keep the usage of science fruits in an acceptable andreasonable domain.
Reasons do exit for the government’sinhibiting actions toward science, which part of them are reasonable. The government may place restrictions with thepurpose of keep the stability of the country.Plus, several researches are quite controversial for such a long periodespecially in the level of moral and ethics, then, the governmentmay make related laws or regulations varying with leader’s politics.
While, the government may use their unique power to serve for theleader’s unreasonable political aspiration without take the common’s interestsinto consideration.
分开来看就是1. Reasons do exit for the government’s inhibiting actions towardscience, which part of them are reasonable.
1. 政府对一些科学行为采取抑制措施是有必要的,尽管其中有一些是合理的。
2. The government may placerestrictions with the purpose of keep the stability of the country.
3. Plus, several researches arequite controversial for such a long period especially in the level of moral andethics,
then, the government may make related laws orregulations varying with leader’s politics.
5. While, the government mayuse their unique power to serve for the leader’s unreasonable politicalaspiration without take the common’s interests into consideration.
以上的东东纯属个人观点,由于水平极其有限,错误疏漏肯定是有的,千寻同学要谨慎采纳哈~ |