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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-8 12:23:19 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 perceptive558 于 2011-3-8 12:25 编辑

3.7 独立 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits?

There is a public debate concerning the issue that whether it is the advertising that leads us to unhealthy eating habits or not. To answer the question, it is wise for us to define the unhealthy eating habits first. I think three main factors of unhealthy eating habits involve reliance on fast food, unbalance nutrient absorbing and unreasonable diet. We could not blame advertising alone for twisting our eating regulation(我不知道这样合适不,可能我见到的少吧), as many other factors have more significant negative effects on ordinary meals.

The first element is the development of fast food industry, which serves as the basic imputes for bad eating habits. Admittedly, the popularity of fast food provides people a convenient way to have their meals, which has already became(become) the first choice for busy employees or fashion(fashionable) young people in most occasions. But majority of fast food shares the same undeniable drawbacks including obtaining high calories, extra fat and sugar, all of which are harmful to our body system. Whether there is advertisement broadcasting the advantage of fast food or not, people will keep their pace on pursuing this modern way to eat in order to save time, especially under the pressure of high-speed live
Another factor that has more importance than advertising is the misunderstanding of nutrient balance. Many people believe that more meat they eat, the healthier they will be. This is an old custom left by last generation because they had experienced a terrible fame. Therefore, lots of families prefer to cook meals consisted mainly of meat, since in their minds the energy of meat is exaggerated while the value of diversity of vegetable and fruit is underestimated. Unfortunately, this style never fit our cases any more. Advertising has nothing to do with this kind of behavior, in fact, some advertisements of vitamins or medicines correctly suggest people to take more fruit and vegetable.

The last contributor of(or to?) unhealthy eating habits is the changing recognition of beauty. I argue this is an additional reason because bad eating habits take place in so many females who eat only a little to keep an extremely thin figure which is considered to be beautiful nowadays. Apparently it is the culture that dominates the situation, rather than advertising, so not only advertising has been influenced by this main-stream idea, but also other mass media has adopted the theory that the thinnest, the best. As a result, hundreds and thousands of women, who want to possess a so-called demon's body, have to drop their former healthy recipes, and take minor food which is only enough for survive instead. Then, countless stomachs are suffering and women trend to be more vulnerable than before.  

In conclusion, I strongly posit that advertising is not the main factor for bad eating habits. It only supplies and reinforces the three principle contributors I mentioned above.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-8 23:25:37 |只看该作者
3.8 独立 这篇写得相当艰难
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 团队合作中,不能接受批评的人不会成功的.

There is a public debate concerning the issue that whether it is essential for team workers to tolerant critics in order to obtain personal achievement. As far as I am concerned, the major symbols of individuals' success in a team corporation involve establishing a friendly relationship with other team members and successfully playing one's role in the team, both of which require the present of the ability to accept others' criticize willingly.

The first feature of individual's success in a team work is getting along well with others, therefore, team members need to accept others' negative comments in order to prevent undesirable conflict. Considering human being's socialization system, everyone relies heavily on the complex network of relationships with others; personal relationship is a valuable prerequisite for one to survive in a corporation, as well as making impressive progress. Therefore, when it comes to the tough question dealing with others' critics, it is wise for team members to admit ones' fault immediately to avoid touching with the sensitive part of relationship. Even though other's advisement might be fault sometimes, team workers should explain their thought later, rather than arguing against advisers directly.

The second feature serving as an important quality in personal success in the corporation is devoting one's best efforts on the program. The greatest advantage of team work includes accumulating every single person's knowledge and strength. But with a group of excellent people working together, even minor mistakes will be pointed out in different occasions. So under this situation, one has to be aware of the fact that for the sake of the interest of the whole group, it is reasonable to absorb various opinions and better ideas to improve themselves, rather tan competing for individual's capacity. Only if all team members cut off their proud, show courage to confront their drawbacks and correct the faults, could they provide contribution to their position and make progress together which consist the essence of true success.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend that individual's achievement in a team work necessities the ability of accepting other's critics according to the two reasons mentioned above.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-3-8 23:51:40 |只看该作者
There is a public debate concerning the issue that whether it is essential for team workers to tolerant critics in order to obtain personal achievement. As far as I am concerned, the major symbols of individuals' success in a team corporation involve establishing a friendly relationship with other team members and successfully playing one's role in the team, both of which require the present of the ability to accept others' criticize willingly.(写的很流畅 最后一句写的很好)
/ K8 c  w) Q# r: c' ]* c4 A
3 a* o6 l6 y9 |
The first feature of individual's success in a team work is getting along well with others, therefore, team members need to accept others' negative comments in order to prevent undesirable conflict
(感觉用result比较好). Considering human being's socialization system, everyone relies heavily on the complex network of relationships with others; personal relationship is a valuablevaluable好想不大合适) prerequisite for one to survive in a corporation, as well as making impressive progress. Therefore, when it comes to the tough question dealing with others' critics, it is wise for team members to admit ones' fault immediately to avoid touching with the sensitive part of relationship. Even though other's advisement might be fault sometimes, team workers should explain their thought later, rather than arguing against advisers directly
The second feature serving as an important quality in personal success in the corporation is devoting one's best efforts on the program. The greatest advantage of team work includes accumulating every single person's knowledge and strength. But with a group of excellent people working together, even minor mistakes will be pointed out in different occasions.(感觉这本but转折和前面没多大关系) So under this situation, one has to be aware of the fact that for the sake of the interest of the whole group, it is reasonable to absorb various opinions and better ideas to improve themselves, rather tanthan competing for individual's capacity. Only if all team members cut off their proud, andshow courage to confront their drawbacks and correct the faults, could they provide contribution to their position and make progress together which consist the essence (有些别扭)of true success.$ j" _7 d( w$ O$ V- H) g! h
: j5 x  _# N5 @
In conclusion, I strongly recommend that individual's achievement in a team work necessities the ability of accepting other's critics according to the two reasons mentioned above.

文章语法错误很少 结构清晰 论点明确 一起加油哦

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-9 12:04:13 |只看该作者
3.8 独立修改
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-9 13:18:52 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-9 22:26:24 |只看该作者
3.9 独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Teacher should or not talking their social or political views to student in the class.

There is a hot debate concerning the issue that whether teacher should express their personal social or political opinions to students in the class. Some people argue that teachers could help students establish constructive view points towards social problems by introducing their attitudes. However, I think talking these views has negative effect on every student according to several reasons.

Firstly, teachers' responsibilities lay within the arrange of teaching academic knowledge and direct students to conduct right behaviors, while, helping them form social or political views expands far beyond educators' ability. It is not wise for a teacher to talk about his social opinions in the class since it would take up students’ time which is supposed to be spent on learning knowledge or useful skills in academic field. For example, a group of students in my school once complained to me about their biology professor who always boasted his attitudes about the latest news instead of introducing biological term. He took almost more than a half of time in each class to show his brilliant explanations for each major social event. As a result, many students quit this course due to the fact that they learn nothing practical in such class.

Furthermore, this behavior not only hurt the students' interest in academic learning, it also prevents students from forming independent and critical thinking abilities. As we all know, evaluating sensitive social and political events should be based on accumulated personal experiences, as well as requiring careful consideration, which should be an independent process. If teachers express their opinion, it might change the children's perspectives, even interrupting their analyzing system, because it is commonly believed that students tend to trust and adopt their teachers' words. What make the situation worse is that teachers' views often mix with their personal emotions, which could never be treated as an acceptable reference for ignorant students. Therefore, every teacher should be aware of their special role and avoid mentioning any political criticisms in the class.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend that teachers should prevent to express their social and political attitudes in front of student.

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-10 13:32:05 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Teacher should or not talking their social or political views to student in the class.

There is a hot debate concerning the issue that whether teacher should express their personal social or political opinions to students in the class. Some people argue that teachers could help students establish constructive view points towards social problems by introducing their attitudes. However, I think talking these views has negative effect on every student according to several reasons.

Firstly, teachers' responsibilities lay within the arrange(arranging) of teaching academic knowledge and direct students to conduct right behaviors, while, helping them form social or political views expands far beyond educators' ability. It is not wise for a teacher to talk about his social opinions in the class since it would take up students’ time which is supposed to be spent on learning knowledge or useful skills in academic field. For example, a group of students in my school once complained to me about their biology professor who always boasted his attitudes about the latest news instead of introducing biological term. He took almost/ more than(用一个就行) a half of time in each class to show his brilliant explanations for each major social event. As a result, many students quit this course due to the fact that they learn nothing practical in such class.

Furthermore, this behavior not only hurt the students' interest in academic learning, it also prevents students from forming independent and critical thinking abilities. As we all know, evaluating sensitive social and political events should be based on accumulated personal experiences, as well as requiring careful consideration, which should be an independent process. If teachers express their opinion, it might change the children's perspectives, even interrupting their analyzing system, because it is commonly believed that students tend to trust and adopt their teachers' words. What make the situation worse is that teachers' views often mix with their personal emotions, which could never(有点绝对) be treated as an acceptable reference for ignorant students. Therefore, every teacher should be aware of their special role and avoid mentioning any political criticisms in the class.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend that teachers should prevent to express their social and political attitudes in front of student.

整理感觉错误比较少,语言流畅,结构也不错 加油

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-10 15:39:15 |只看该作者
3.9 独立. K! K7 F" z8 H* I: r
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
6 a" m& ~# B7 z2 U, ~" eTeacher should or not talking their social or political views to student in the class.
. K& z5 q! p0 T9 O  K4 a
3 e5 P# [* z! O+ O# ], i4 Y
There is a hot debate concerning the issue that whether teacher should express their personal social or political opinions to students in the class. Some people argue that teachers could help students establish constructive view points towards social problems by introducing their attitudes. However, I think talking these views has negative effect on every student according to several reasons.
6 A- ?' F4 A7 V& B! I& h- ?8 M2 t) O6 H
Firstly, teachers' responsibilities lay within the arrange of teaching academic knowledge and direct students to conduct right behaviors(学习~~), while, helping them form social or political views expands far beyond educators' ability. It is not wise for a teacher to talk about his social opinions in the class since it would take up students’ time which is supposed to be spent on learning knowledge or useful skills in academic field. For example, a group of students in my school once complained to me about their biology professor who always boasted his attitudes about the latest news instead of introducing biological term. He took almost more than a half of time in each class to show his brilliant explanations for each major social event. As a result, many students quit this course due to the fact that they learn nothing practical in such class.还是觉得例子还可以简洁点,嘿嘿

+ m- y8 F. K- ]! ~' o
4 f0 O+ L2 ]; X* l
Furthermore, this behavior not only hurt the students' interest in academic learning, it also prevents students from forming independent and critical thinking abilities. As we all know, evaluating sensitive social and political events should be based on accumulated personal experiences, as well as requiring careful consideration, which should be an independent process(好句). If teachers express their opinion, it might change the children's perspectives, even interrupting their analyzing system, because it is commonly believed that students tend to trust and adopt their teachers' words. What make the situation worse is that teachers' views often mix with their personal emotions, which could never be treated as an acceptable reference for ignorant(innocent是不是好点点) students. Therefore, every teacher should be aware of their special role and avoid mentioning any political criticisms in the class.
$ z0 S! G' o( ?1 `( t
& {0 D/ Q( P! _, e! V. V" eIn conclusion, I strongly recommend that teachers should prevent to express their social and political attitudes in front of student.


我只是路过哈,呵呵! q. L- `, ?3 V. c

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-10 22:18:56 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-10 22:19:19 |只看该作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-10 23:54:37 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-3-11 00:13:37 |只看该作者
Many young people often lose themselves in deciding which kind of job they should take after graduation. Although long-term job which provide security and constancy are the first choice for a great number of young graduates, I agree with the statement that taking a few jobs in various areas before finding a relatively stable one could help people improve themselves and get prepared for the final decision.

To begin with, it is undoubted that different jobs filled with countless adventures and challenges fit young people's appetite perfectly. When people just graduate from school, they might have dozens of dreams and are eager to demonstrate their abilities in any occasions, therefore, taking a try in multiple jobs serves as a great platform for them to exhibit themselves. To contrast, if someone gets a permanent job immediately after graduation, he might get bored and lost their vigor in a short time since he has to repeat the same task for so many times.

Secondly, doing various jobs first benefits young people to perform more excellently when they get the permanent career, because they could forgo proficient skills to handle unexpected events and accumulate knowledge through this process. Every new job means a total new start. The new strange environment of each job will force people to focus tightly on their work and require them always being ready to response correctly to tough emergencies, both of which are indispensable qualities for career success. The more types of jobs young people experienced, more valuable skills they could obtain. Thus, it is more likely for them to gain success in the long-term job.

Thirdly, trying diverse jobs in various fields helps people find where their interests lie, therefore, they could locate the most suitable job which they want to work for a long time. It is commonly believed that the real career differs significantly from the knowledge written in the text book. Then students can hardly realize what subject attracts them as well as which area they could be competitive in when they begin to search a career. A scientific research indicates that over half of young graduates who quit their job due to the fact that there is an obvious gap between the content of the job and their former imagination. Fortunately, experiencing different jobs offers a best way to solve this problem; actual feeling of the job enables them to understand such area insightfully.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend that it is wise for young people to taste kinds of jobs before they make up their mind to devote great efforts and spend lots of time on a certain area.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-12 17:58:57 |只看该作者
3.11 独立
Taking financial responsibility plays an indispensable role in adults' daily live. Some people suggest that it is beneficial for forgoing this important quality if letting children learn to manage money by themselves at a young age. However, I don't agree with this idea for several reasons.

Firstly, mastering the skills of money management requires accumulated experiences as well as advanced psychological analyzing ability, which can only be obtained by adults. Money is such a sensitive topic that a child can hardly understand its special meaning. Whether investing extra money on a house or pursuing a small business could lead more money? There is no way for an ignorant kid to solve such a problem due to lack of professional skills or related experiences.

Furthermore, if young children are forced to manage money at a young age, their viewpoints of value might be twisted, pursuing only maximize of financial benefit. A scientific research indicates that people's social opinions are greatly determined by the education received when they are children. Then telling a seven-year-old boy not to borrow his cash to unfamiliar classmates for no reason, would make him form a thought that friendship is less important than money, though this instruction follows one essential principle of controlling money effectively. As a result, in his mind, many valuable things, such as polite, love, honor, will be ignored and replaced by money, which is totally a disaster for the whole generation.

Another point also worthy to be mentioned is that teaching young people the significance of money might add a unsustainable burden on their shoulders. It is commonly accepted that children are supposed to have fun, leaving nothing to worry about. However, allowing them touch the money when they are not ready will definitely bring more troubles since they have to calculate the total money spent everyday, pay attention to the prize of each toy they want to buy, even compare their economic ability with others. Once children's lives have turned into that situation, childhood would mean nothing to them but unhappiness.

To sum up, I strongly recommend that children are not suitable to deal with money too hurry, this assignment not only expands far beyond their capacity, but also would harm children's healthy development.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-12 22:03:32 |只看该作者
Taking financial responsibility plays an indispensable role in adults' daily live.(life) Some people suggest that it is beneficial for forgoing this important quality if letting children learn to manage money by themselves at a young age. However, I don't agree with this idea for several reasons.- M0 C+ d- p- }$ A

Firstly, mastering the skills of money management requires accumulated experiences as well as advanced psychological analyzing ability, which can only be obtained by adults. Money is such a sensitive topic that a child can hardly understand its special meaning. Whether investing extra money on a house or pursuing a small business could lead more money?( 主语从句 ?) There is no way for an ignorant kid to solve such a problem due to lack of professional skills or related experiences.

Furthermore, if young children are forced to manage money at a young age, their viewpoints of value might be twisted, pursuing only maximize of financial benefit. A scientific research indicates that people's social opinions are greatly determined by the education received when they are children. Then telling a seven-year-old boy not to borrow (lend)his cash to unfamiliar classmates for no reason, would make him form a thought that friendship is less important than money, though this instruction follows one essential principle of controlling money effectively. As a result, in his mind, many valuable things, such as politeness, love, honor, will be ignored and replaced by money, which is totally a disaster for the whole generation.

Another point also(删掉 also) worthy to be mentioned is that teaching young people the significance of money might add a unsustainable burden on their shoulders. It is commonly accepted that children are supposed to have fun, leaving nothing to worry about. However, allowing them touch the(删掉 the) money when they are not ready will definitely bring more troubles since they have to calculate the total money spent everyday, pay attention to the prize of each toy they want to buy, even compare their economic ability with others. Once children's lives have turned into that situation, childhood would mean nothing to them but unhappiness.
! {  c! X- a; d' n
To sum up, I strongly recommend that children are not suitable to deal with money too hurry(hurriedly), this assignment not only expands far beyond their capacity, but also would harm children's healthy development.

论点很充分  学习了

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-12 22:07:15 |只看该作者
Taking financial responsibility plays an indispensable role in adults' daily live.(life) Some people suggest that it is beneficial for forgoing this important quality if letting children learn to manage money by themselves at a young age. However, I don't agree with this idea for several reasons.- M0 C+ d- p- }$ A

Firstly, mastering the skills of money management requires accumulated experiences as well as advanced psychological analyzing ability, which can only be obtained by adults. Money is such a sensitive topic that a child can hardly understand its special meaning. Whether investing extra money on a house or pursuing a small business could lead more money?( 主语从句 ?) There is no way for an ignorant kid to solve such a problem due to lack of professional skills or related experiences.

Furthermore, if young children are forced to manage money at a young age, their viewpoints of value might be twisted, pursuing only maximize of financial benefit. A scientific research indicates that people's social opinions are greatly determined by the education received when they are children. Then telling a seven-year-old boy not to borrow (lend)his cash to unfamiliar classmates for no reason, would make him form a thought that friendship is less important than money, though this instruction follows one essential principle of controlling money effectively. As a result, in his mind, many valuable things, such as politeness, love, honor, will be ignored and replaced by money, which is totally a disaster for the whole generation.

Another point also(删掉 also) worthy to be mentioned is that teaching young people the significance of money might add a unsustainable burden on their shoulders. It is commonly accepted that children are supposed to have fun, leaving nothing to worry about. However, allowing them touch the(删掉 the) money when they are not ready will definitely bring more troubles since they have to calculate the total money spent everyday, pay attention to the prize of each toy they want to buy, even compare their economic ability with others. Once children's lives have turned into that situation, childhood would mean nothing to them but unhappiness.
! {  c! X- a; d' n
To sum up, I strongly recommend that children are not suitable to deal with money too hurry(hurriedly), this assignment not only expands far beyond their capacity, but also would harm children's healthy development.

论点很充分  学习了

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