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[i习作temp] 几篇作文(I38,41,136,144,154,185)求拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-3-27 19:57:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE38 - "In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."
WORDS: 666
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2011/3/22 19:07:02

As the society advances, many people think there are plenty of information provided by television and reading books is no longer as important as they used to be. I concede that television indeed brings us some benefits and massive information, however, it still cannot replace the position of books by any means.

Admittedly, the invention of television amounts to significant improvement in our society. Through it, we may get to the news in no time and always keep ourselves updated. One should consider no further than a pop-news which reported a war burst out in Lybia or a natural disaster hit Japan recently. Not only did they inform us on time but also did they bring us vivid pictures about the situation there, keeping us directly involving in the issue. Such cases indicated there is various positive values which television contributes. All in all, a television is a better media to convey the information which requires great time efficiency but not emphasizing on the deep level that much.

However, this does not necessarily suggest that television can replace books or that reading is becoming less important in the age of television. Supporting reasons come as follows. Consider the access to those master pieces through watching TV series adapted from them, yet, we find that one can never truly understand the hidden meaning behind those elaborated plots and articulated descriptions. For example, by depicting a dawn as a dark lake, Shakespeare might want to arouse some depression mood in the readers and therefore trigger an interaction with the audience, or he might want to cultivate a sorrow atmosphere. However, though a television drama uses hundreds of technical methods to achieve that goal, they were doomed to suffer from a failure because an imagination inspired by the words is always beyond the reality. No matter how hard the director try, common audience tend to express their discontent toward the series and render the television unsuitable to exhibit beauties from literature. According to a study conducted by Literature Department of Peking University recently, over half of the respondents claimed that they were disappointed at the new series Stone Stories, which is a famous piece written by Cao Xueqin, and they further reported that it failed to demonstrate any beauties in the original book. Clearly, people cannot learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books, at least in the art area.

Moreover, it can be easily understood that a television may never be able to bring advanced science theories into our lives. Our science knowledge base is mainly built by reading text books in our primary schools, middle schools and attending lectures in colleges. Though we may find ourselves abhor toward the homework or assignments, it is undeniable that previous reading had contributed greatly to building our concrete base which then shapes our minds and trains our analyzing abilities. One should consider no further than a class on television. Given that some courses in social science may be well designed to cater the special methods to deliver it, it is not likely we can get similar results in science inquiries. Simple experience in mathematics learning may exhibit a convincing feature. When we find some difficulties in understanding the theory on the book, thanks to the materialized media, we are able to go over it repeatedly. But when it is on the television show, it is unlikely that this will be the case. It is obvious we cannot learn that much by watching televisions instead of reading books.

To further my conclusion, television programs may lead to some misunderstanding and create some illusions upon certain issues. Audience is easily influenced by the politics speech given in the television programs. However, those who read books about principles of politics may keep a clear mind in any situation and stay rational in any zest environments. We may than draw the conclusion that reading books may help us keep a cool head instead of being kidnapped by the entire society.

TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
WORDS: 670
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2011/3/21 13:54:15

Is it true that nonmainstream areas of inquiry plays a significant role by satisfying human needs in the society or is it merely an illusion human kind created themselves? Deep reflection upon such issue reveals that the discussion should be based on the influence such subjects bring into our lives, whatever positive or negative.

Admittedly, astrology, fortune-telling and psychic and paranormal pursuits did influence people greatly in the past time. Mostly through providing predictions toward uncertainty or explanations to those things could not be explained at that time, these nonmainstream inquiries contributed significantly to satisfying human needs. One should consider no further than some ritual ceremonies in the ancient time which mainly targeted for predicting future or favoring God in order to get them blessed. These ceremonies not only serve to fulfill a ritual function but also lead to an establishment on defining different kinds of cultures. Another example involved in the long believed story in Iceland. According to the folklore, a thunder is the punishment laid by triggering angriness of God. Thus, residents there always endeavored to keep the society disciplined to avoid such frightening natural phenomenon. It carries great weight in satisfying human needs and ensuring a social order and therefore glorifies itself. It is true that without such nonmainstream inquiries, we are not likely to identify ourselves and achieve such a civilization nowadays.

However, as the progress of the whole society and the globalization in the international stage, these static inquiries can no longer withstand all kinds of dynamic impacts, ranging from science developments to culture conflicts. Consider the examples of Copernicus, the one who cast doubt on the misleading theories in astronomy in the past time. Though Copernicus had not received justified treatments toward his contribution, we cannot neglect the impact he brought into the traditional perception which totally reassure inquiries like astrology. The collision between Eastern and Western culture also served to promote the development of various areas of science. Since that time, people no longer lend all of their interests and believes to the nonmainstream inquiry mainly due to the fact that these inquiries can no longer meet their spiritual demands.

Step back to the current society, we may still find people indulged in such nonmainstream inquiries. Consider students who expect a good grade merely by following the fortune-telling guidance, the trust in such inquiry can no longer bring them benefits, instead, it tend to expose themselves to self-doubts and sloth. As we are all informed, a student cannot achieve a satisfying score unless he/she paid great efforts in the study. Then how can fortune-telling predicts the score without even a basic understanding of certain situations? Apparently, the inquiry is not aimed to satisfying the human needs any further, rather it fabricates an illusion in which we may lost ourselves. Therefore, the value of such inquiries should be undermined for that there hardly exists any positive influence.

The true value of all of the inquiries, both nonmainstream ones like astrology or mainstream ones such as science, is that through them we will better understand the whole world and the understand ourselves. According to the time span, in the ancient time, those nonmainstream inquiries should be credited due to their undeniable contributions. However, this is not the case anymore. With advanced knowledge and the improvements in the science and social science fields, we human beings had already achieved a vast progress in exploring the nature and the inner world. Though there is still massive room remained to be explored, it is mainstream inquiries which we should turn to, to better equipped ourselves and get fully preparation instead of indulging ourselves in an illusion of demand-satisfying process.

From the reasons given above, I conceded that such nonmainstream inquiries might play a vital role in the past, they no longer take the lead in nowadays for reasons that the mainstream subjects reveal their values in exhibiting a harmonious world in front of us which render it unnecessary, if not harmful, to cherish the nonmainstream ones any longer.

TOPIC: ISSUE136 - "The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."
WORDS: 694
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2011/3/21 21:59:23

Is such situation with an absence of choice a common one or is it rarely the case?
Deep reflection upon the issue reveals that though different subjects have various kinds of experience, the situation without choice is very rare. To justify the opinion, we will simply take an overview through the fields of personal experience, scientific development and political decision.

Consider a cornered situation we have ever faced, what was the result? The answers seldom set us frustrated since lots of them were left handled instead of being given up. It is true that there had been some extreme difficulties we encountered on the way of growing. However, according to a recent study conducted by the Pedagogy Department of Yale University, over 90 percent of the respondents reported having experiences in which a satisfying result was achieved in the end because they turned themselves to a new method, a method that they think will never work but did offer help at that time. This study result also accords with my observation and experience. It seems much likely that there is always a way, the question is that whether one can find it in a short time or with great efforts. Chinese adage goes like ' When there is a will, there is a will'. This famous quotation is long considered to serve as some encouraging methods when people were encountered by the problems. However, close examination of the sentence invites us food for thoughts. Even there seemed no place to improve or change, as long as we can hold on that, a choice will be there sooner or later.

Stepping into the scientific developments, we should consider no further than hundreds of up-coming inquiries established in the past century. Academic areas were once distinctive in a clear board, let us say, a historian will never be viewed as a biologist. Yet this is not necessarily the case nowadays. People tend to focus on the combination of different areas and bring various thoughts together to create something fresh and to name themselves as pioneers in certain field. Apparently, all of the inquiries would never achieve a fast and vast development merely through the past limited scope. It is quite possible that when you stand on a giant's shoulder, as indicated by Issac Newton, you can see much further. But with the aid of two giants, you will not only see further but also move faster. It is the freedom of choice which should be credited to the development of old theories and establishment of new subjects. The one who claimed that there is little choice in research is the one who burden himself and constrained his ideas. To facilitate the development of science or other subjects, we should be open to all kinds of choices, no matter how awkward it may look like.

As the political decision making, it becomes a little bit complex since politics is never an easy issue. However, we still find plenty of choices in the decision making. Consider the relationship between US and China, the two super powers in the international stage nowadays. It is true that they had lots of problems ranging from different attitudes toward political structure, culture conflicts to environment issues and trade frictions, however, both of the two nations act in a friendly way and endeavored greatly to seek the common interests or to maintain the world order. In recent cases, China had played a significant role in boosting the world economy after sub-prime crisis. Lots of countries, including America, are benefited through the prosperity. As it is suggested by Confucius, ancient sage in Asian, a competitor is not necessarily to be an enemy, but one should cultivate a friendship with him and look for a mutual support. I found it greatly apt to the issues nowadays though thousands years past.

To sum it up, the absence of choice is a circumstance that is very rare. Conceded that there may be some occasions in which we are not accessible to certain choices, situations without choice is indeed very rare. What we should focus is how to find the choices and solutions both effectively and efficiently.

TOPIC: ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
WORDS: 612
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2011/3/21 11:43:17

Is it true that critics instead of the artists bring us the permanent value upon those master pieces? Deep reflection toward that question reveals that it depends on how we understand the meaning of lasting value.

Different people tend to have various value systems and all kinds of tastes on arts. 'There are one thousand Hamlet in one thousand eyes.' This famous adage well illustrates that no static value remains according to the dynamic world. It is true that artists create the pieces which place the base of the aesthetic value. But the original meaning may diminish or even being altered since the time goes by. However, to better understand the essence of art requires not only a technique understanding ability but also individual's capability to feel the real topic of arts. Of course, that is placed on their own value system. Only through that way can we, common audience, keep touch with the advanced thoughts and therefore, invited ourselves a significant echo toward the advanced perception. To be more specific, people who view Vincent Van Gogh's pieces may experience differently, varied from a depression mood to a delighted mind state. As long as they draw some benefits from the arts, there is the lasting value which brought by the artists.

Contradictorily, critics also contribute greatly to interpret the meaning of arts. As mentioned above, true meaning of the original piece may fade away, however, their aesthetic value did not. So, to help to judge the value of the arts, we need experts who can provide us contemporary understanding toward that piece. Consider that the ancient Greece painting extremely emphasize on the inspiration and laid great concerns on pursuits to the vivid features, yet critics nowadays may find significant values in the name of history. According to their eyes, the painting may provide great clues of the real image of ancient Greek and it is the artists which portrayed it. Another example here reminded us of those naked statues and Bull games which reflect the artists' attention toward brutal force and original beauty of human kinds. From the discussion above, we simply come to the conclusion that critics' comment on the pieces may translate the awkward arts into a easy-understanding one. The process is not limited to this scope, but critics add their own understanding and creation upon the pieces and give them totally fresh meanings.

However, it is not always beneficial for critics to do so. Although the fault should be attributed to the political figure, critics were actually involved in it as well. We have heard that some comments are taken advantages of by the political leader to exert some political means. One should consider no further than propaganda and the zest environment in China, from 1967 to 1977. During that time, lots of the artists are thrown into the prison for merely some comments which disobeyed the authorities' willingness. Unfortunately, their temporary meaning was indicated by the critics. Apparently, the lasting values seemed insignificant at that time for under certain political surrounding, human beings find them potent to survive, not to mention enjoying the lasting value of the arts.

True lasting value of arts is to pacify the whole human kinds. It is suggested to bring us strong emotional feelings as well as eagerness toward life triggered by the piece. If this is the case, both artists and critics may bring us lasting values. It is much likely that upon the same statues, paintings or even literal masterpieces. Those who created them and those who place further opinions on them may think differently which happened to cater all kinds of tastes and therefore, results in a lasting value.

TOPIC: ISSUE154 - "Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."
WORDS: 653
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2011/3/22 20:25:08

Should parents take the responsibilities of teaching their children or should the communities give concern to general education? Deep reflection upon such question reveals that both of the two parties have duties to some extent whereas the most effective method to improve education relies on the cooperation between the two sides.

Parents have long been considered play a significant role in their children's growth. Parents may even be the first teacher of their children since they teach their babies how to speak and how to walk. With great love and concerns, parents demonstrate their value in raising a child, which consists both of the material level and spiritual world. Children are naturally close to their parents. It is much likely that once their parents teach them something, they tend to keep it in the memory for a longer period, if not permanently. But this not necessarily indicates that all those had been suggested by the parents is worth trusting and memorizing. Consider some cases in that the parents give negative influence to their children by acting as some bad models. It is obvious that this is not a desirable education. Therefore, a parents' education requires a promise of parents themselves. Otherwise, it will serve as a double edge sword.

When considering communities, it is true that they have more power and influence on the education. One should consider no further than the current education system, never a single tiny change could be credited to some specific person, instead, it is always the authority or the communities who take the control and lead all of those changes in the education. Even the system itself is created by such communities. Conceded that all advices come from a positive purpose, they still fail to provide specific concern to every individual. But by meeting the demand of every child and facilitating the growth reveals the real meaning of education. As long as the current system cannot fulfill such function, we cannot name it a successful one. For example, a child may be viewed as a loser in Chinese education system but performed quite well in American one and invite him lots of honors. All in all, nothing has ever changed except the surroundings. Those who show no interests in their main course may be considered a rebellious kid. But they may show great talents in literature or music or art which is highly regarded in Western culture. Some detailed examples of this are Han Han, the top famous writer in China nowadays and Bill Gates, who dropped from Harvard at his early age. Only by the community operations will we find those 'bad examples' in a limited scope while it is also true that only by them can we better improve the education.

From the discussion above, we may then step into a clear conclusion that neither parents nor communities can effectively take the responsibilities. Actually, neither of them was able to take that as well. The only way to improve the education thoroughly involves cooperation between two parts. By a common goal set by the community and basic aid offer by public education as well as the specific concern for children from their parents, we can expect the whole education operates in an improved way.
Through this way, we can promote the general education without sacrifice of individual personality. However, some questions remained since the recommended method requires a higher standard to both of the two parties. On one hand, both of them should compromise with each other in order to avoid some conflicts. On another hand, both of the parties were required to give more efforts toward education compared to the former situation due to the specific concerns for every child. However, education, the one which shape human beings and help to create future, surely deserve such attention and efforts.

TOPIC: ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."
WORDS: 722

TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2011/3/21 20:12:35

The speaker asserted that scandals can serve to reveal the secrets and invite us improvements. Deep reflection upon the issue reveals that it should be discussed on a case-by-case analysis base.

Firstly, as in the cases of academic field, I would agree with the author's opinion that scandals may bring us benefits. One should consider no further than the recent examples of certain professors in MIT, who fabricated the experiments data and committed a notorious plagiarism. When the news burst out, it definitely creates a huge impact toward the whole academic area and we are all shocked since we can hardly imagine such a famous faculty in the top universities may ever be connected with those accusation. We were greatly sorry and angry hearing the news, but this would also serve to establish some positive meanings. From the news, we came to realize that the authorities may not be that reliable and respectful at all times and a tendency is now being aroused to challenge the current authorities. Though it may come up with some potential annoying experience, it is indeed a virtue in the academic pursuit, which allows no cheating and is always required to operate on a scrutiny base. To be more specific, the news exposes the whole academic area into the sunlight, and promised it a healthy progress. As it is known to all that the challenges toward authorities seldom make us disappointed. Just take a glance though the Classical Mechanics system to the Relativity Theory will we expect another new achievement in the near future.

However, conceded that scandals play some useful parts in the academic area, I do not agree that it will also bring the similar results to politics. Politics is business never allows a tiny flaw, not to mention a scandal. Some people may refute the idea by giving an example of Water-gate scandal which, according to their opinions, greatly facilitates the progress of American democracy. Yet, this is a limited scope and its claim is premature. Since common audience will never have opportunities to get touch with the real picture of politics and the elite class, who take the power of the whole country, we are not likely to be informed that there are endless combats and struggles to the distribution of powers. That is to say, an opponent may just use the strategy of exaggerating or even fabricating such scandals to achieve his aim to drive the current leader away. This might operate in the name of justice and democracy and it may indeed look so in the superficial level. However this is greatly dangerous since we have not been given complete information and it is much likely that we will fail to give a fair judgment toward certain issues. The only result it brings us is negative instead of the promised positive one. By looking through the histories, we will find tons of information reminding us a following dynasty is not always as good as they portrayed themselves.

Moreover, the scandal in business depends on their particular context. It is hard and unfair to judge whether a certain one is positive or negative. Consider an example of a monopoly defeated by the Anti-trust Law, the success in exerting the law significantly contributes the prosperity of the whole economics. And we are all able to enjoy merchandise with high quality but in a low price level. Therefore, the scandal seem to amount for some positive values. However, the failure of Lehman Brothers, giant in investment banking industry, can be hardly to label some positive values. The scandal emerged in the beginning of the sub-prime crisis and therefore resulted in a chain effects which totally broke down the worldwide economics. We should confess that the over-optimistic operation in the financial industry should take the responsibility. However, the scandal facilitated the eruption and left us no space to take effective measures. This might exhibit the other side of business scandal, which is cruel and extremely awful.

To sum it up, the value of scandals depends on their specific areas. Though the speaker's statement sounds reasonable to some extent, we still find another side of it in areas other than the academic one. Before we hastily lead ourselves to the conclusion, we should take a close look and give it a full consideration.

The only easy day is yesterday.

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发表于 2011-3-28 10:28:27 |只看该作者
The only easy day is yesterday.

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The only easy day is yesterday.

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The only easy day is yesterday.

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