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[i习作temp] issue40 的两种写法,请大家提一下意见 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-4-11 21:43:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

TOPIC: ISSUE40 - "Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem."
WORDS: 497
TIME: 00:43:43
DATE: 2011/3/25 15:53:48

In the development of the intellectual history, there is a claim that asserts the most important thing scholars and researchers need to concern with is to pursue their individual interests, to work upon to their own judgment rather than pay too much attention to his contemporaries or his administration. In my opinion, this is justified only if they live in a well developed country which can provide them the necessary support and academic freedom.

Once and once again, I wondered why most talented people in our society must contribute themselves year after year in the labs or the libraries in Harvard or Yale, what are the exact things they are seeking for? Though I could not decode the real thoughts of them, I explained this phenomenon according to my understanding eventually. They devote themselves to those exploring work to mount the potential height (reach the level) we human being could get in our time. Excellent scholars and researches are known as the most talented people in our society, and it is what they research today that matters in the future. No matter when we retrospect to the post, we will inevitably be stun by the cutting edge of those famous talents. Just because in the time of carriages, there were some people beginning to try to make the plane, we can flight so conveniently these days. Just because there are many people focusing on what is the optimal
(fairest) government, we can witness the long lasting prosperitycontinuous (standing) prosperous of American administration of justice today. We should admit that without these great scholars and researchers, we cannot make progress of our society. Just imagine what a mess the society is today if all of these talents had choose to obey to their elders----made carriages like most of their peers did or thought about how to maintain the governance of a noble court.

Of course, i need to mention that only in a continuous prosperous society can the freedom of the scholars and researches be guaranteed. Only by fulfilling their basic need of living can the researchers and the scholars get opportunities to develop (extent) their ideas. Several reasons back this. First, the existence of these scholars and researchers relied on the boom of the economy, and they can communicate with each other to accomplish a great invention only in a peaceful and prosperous environment. Second, the demands of the mass often inspire them to create kinds of new things, including the information technology products, the digital products, or even the prominent novels. We can hardly imagine that researchers and scholars can advance (impulse) the development of the society relying on them only.

To sum up, we should provide the most talented scholars and researchers in our time the cozy environment to pursue their own interests to explore the level of highness (extent) we human being can get. But, we must first ensure we can get a well substantial society that can afford such researches.

TOPIC: ISSUE40 - "Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem."
WORDS: 549
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2011/4/11 21:24:52

As the development of the society, the importance of scholars and researchers are lealized by more and more people. Many people regard that scholars and researchers should be occupied by their own interests to explore the potential progress of our technology and theory. Although I agree with this popular statement, I think scholars and researchers should not ignore the role they play in our society.

To begin with, scholars and researchers should be free to pursue their own interests. This can be demonstrated in many aspects. First, scholars and researchers are ahead of the progress of society mostly. If we control them with the normal statutes, maybe we will kill their talents and thus impair the development of our society. Second, scholars and researchers need freedom in deciding the field of researching. If they were affected by the administration, they cannot propel the progress of the society correctly. For example, scholars and researchers in the Soviet Union were encouraged to invent atomic bomb and other weapons according to the wrong lead of their politics, and evently lead to the decrease of their economic and people's living standard. So, scholars and researchers need to pursue their own interests some time.

There are many talented people in scholars and researchers who often are transcendent in his time, and this make they had the ability to predict the trend of technology most time. If the society can guarantee them with substantial funds and apparatus, they can invent many new items which may change the society one day. For example, the inventors of google were two Ph.D candidates in UCB at the beginning of their invention, they lacked money and time at that time, but fortunately, their tutors provided them with enough money and permitted them to leave from the school lab for a long time, and eventually they found a big company and change the Internet, and spontaneously their invention leads to the transformation of the society. This is a late case that demonstrates the necessity of leaving scholars and researchers to pursue their own interests.

However, not every interest of scholars and researchers should be treated tolerantly. Because many of them are contradict with our social principles. The optimal example I can remember is the clone. Although many researchers are keen in cloning a true man after their success of giving birth to the first cloned sheep several years ago, the whole society cannot allow them to clone a baby at this time. It is obvious that in this case, it is not only the technology difficulty scholars and researchers need to settle, but also ethics dilemma. Since we cannot find a compromising way between these puzzles, we'd better left them to the future, and what we need to do nowadays is to persuade scholars and researcher in this field to change their interests.

Of course, I need to mention that only in a continuous prosperity society can the freedom of the scholars and researchers be guaranteed. Only by fulfilling their basic needs can the scholars and researchers have the energy to develop their talents. Several reasons back this. First, the existence of scholars and researches rely on the boom of economy. Second, the demands of the mass often inspire them to pursue the most valuable things in their interests, including the information technology products, the digital products, or even the prominent novels. We can hardly imagine that researchers and scholars can impulse the development of the society relying on them only.

To sum up, we should provide the most talented scholars and researchers in our time the cozy environment to pursue their own interests to explore the level of highness we human being can get. But, we must first ensure we can get a well substantial society that can afford such researches.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-4-12 21:34:38 |只看该作者
1# zuotianzai

TOPIC: ISSUE40 - "Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem."
WORDS: 497
TIME: 00:43:43
DATE: 2011/3/25 15:53:

In the development of the intellectual history, there is a claim that asserts the most important thing scholars and researchers need to concern with is to pursue their individual interests, to work upon to their own judgment rather than pay too much attention to his contemporaries or his administration. In my opinion, this is justified only if they live in a well developed country which can provide them the necessary support and academic freedom.

Once and once again, I wondered why most talented people in our society must contribute themselves year after year in the labs or the libraries in Harvard or Yale, what are the exact things they are seeking for? Though I could not decode the real thoughts of them, I explained this phenomenon according to my understanding eventually. They devote themselves to those exploring work to mount the potential height (reach the level) we human being could get in our time. Excellent scholars and researches are known as the most talented people in our society, and it is what they research today that matters in the future. No matter when we retrospect to the post, we will inevitably be stun by the cutting edge of those famous talents. Just because in the time of carriages, there were some people beginning to try to make the plane, we can flight so conveniently these days. Just because there are many people focusing on what is the optimal (fairest) government, we can witness the long lasting prosperity
continuous (standing) prosperous of American administration of justice today. We should admit that without these great scholars and researchers, we cannot make progress of our society. Just imagine what a mess the society is today if all of these talents had choose to obey to their elders----made carriages like most of their peers did or thought about how to maintain the governance of a noble court.

Of course, i need to mention that only in a continuous prosperous society can the freedom of the scholars and researches be guaranteed. Only by fulfilling their basic need of living can the researchers and the scholars get opportunities to develop (extent) their ideas. Several reasons back this. First, the existence of these scholars and researchers relied on the boom of the economy, and they can communicate with each other to accomplish a great invention only in a peaceful and prosperous environment. Second, the demands of the mass often inspire them to create kinds of new things, including the information technology products, the digital products, or even the prominent novels. We can hardly imagine that researchers and scholars can advance (impulse) the development of the society relying on them only.

To sum up, we should provide the most talented scholars and researchers in our time the cozy environment to pursue their own interests to explore the level of highness (extent) we human being can get. But, we must first ensure we can get a well substantial society that can afford such researches.

确实感觉有点散,而且第二段感觉和你的point of view没什么太大关系。

TOPIC: ISSUE40 - "Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem."
WORDS: 549
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2011/4/11 21:24:52

As the development of the society, the importance of scholars and researchers are lealized by more and more people. Many people regard that scholars and researchers should be occupied by their own interests to explore the potential progress of our technology and theory. Although I agree with this popular statement, I think scholars and researchers should not ignore the role they play in our society.

To begin with, scholars and researchers should be free to pursue their own interests. This can be demonstrated in many aspects. First, scholars and researchers are ahead of the progress of society mostly. If we control them with the normal statutes, maybe we will kill their talents and thus impair the development of our society. Second, scholars and researchers need freedom in deciding the field of researching. If they were affected by the administration, they cannot propel the progress of the society correctly. For example, scholars and researchers in the Soviet Union were encouraged to invent atomic bomb and other weapons according to the wrong lead of their politics, and evently lead to the decrease of their economic and people's living standard. So, scholars and researchers need to pursue their own interests some time.

There are many talented people in scholars and researchers who often are transcendent in his time, and this make they had the ability to predict the trend of technology most time. If the society can guarantee them with substantial funds and apparatus, they can invent many new items which may change the society one day. For example, the inventors of google were two Ph.D candidates in UCB at the beginning of their invention, they lacked money and time at that time, but fortunately, their tutors provided them with enough money and permitted them to leave from the school lab for a long time, and eventually they found a big company and change the Internet, and spontaneously their invention leads to the transformation of the society. This is a late case that demonstrates the necessity of leaving scholars and researchers to pursue their own interests.

However, not every interest of scholars and researchers should be treated tolerantly. Because many of them are contradict with our social principles. The optimal example I can remember is the clone. Although many researchers are keen in cloning a true man after their success of giving birth to the first cloned sheep several years ago, the whole society cannot allow them to clone a baby at this time. It is obvious that in this case, it is not only the technology difficulty scholars and researchers need to settle, but also ethics dilemma. Since we cannot find a compromising way between these puzzles, we'd better left them to the future, and what we need to do nowadays is to persuade scholars and researcher in this field to change their interests.

Of course, I need to mention that only in a continuous prosperity society can the freedom of the scholars and researchers be guaranteed. Only by fulfilling their basic needs can the scholars and researchers have the energy to develop their talents. Several reasons back this. First, the existence of scholars and researches rely on the boom of economy. Second, the demands of the mass often inspire them to pursue the most valuable things in their interests, including the information technology products, the digital products, or even the prominent novels. We can hardly imagine that researchers and scholars can impulse the development of the society relying on them only.


To sum up, we should provide the most talented scholars and researchers in our time the cozy environment to pursue their own interests to explore the level of highness we human being can get. But, we must first ensure we can get a well substantial society that can afford such researches.





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