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9# hichangke
Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching, agree or disagree?
The boom of the film industry has provided copious movies for modern people and movies, undoubtedly, have become an indispensible part of our lives. Determining which type of movies to watch is an individual choice which, definitely, should not be interfered by others. Consequently, it is a highly subjective judgement that only movies that teach us something about real life are worth watching, and I disagree with it for the following reasons.
Admittedly, watching movies that teach us something about real life is thought-provoking and rewarding. Limited by personal angle and experience, some people always fail to see the big picture of the whole thing (Anything is a ‘thing’. What is this ‘thing’, anyway?), and thus they tend to be caught in an impossible dilemma (What exactly is this ‘impossible dilemma’? A dilemma could be anything as long as you have two equally undesirable choices, so it could be as small as choosing between two equally terrible restaurants or as big as choosing between liberty and order. What exactly is yours?). Under this circumstance, movies with truth of life allow them to rethink their lives and get out of the depression. Moreover, the inspiring stories of the heroes (So, you mean movies that teach us something about real life are always inspiring stories of heroes? Hmm..several great tragedies by Akira Kurosawa 黑泽明 would then not meet your criteria but they are nevertheless among the few movies that taught me so very much about life. I don’t mean to say your definition of such movies is wrong. I mean to show you how important it is to start with a clear outline of what the question means to you. For this particular question, the definition of ‘movies that teach us something about real life’ could be very, very subjective, and this is a potential grey area in the discussion. It’s thus very important that we write out clearly what kind of movies we’re discussing in the opening paragraph.) in the movies motivate people to take a positive attitude towards life. For instance, the hero in the movie The Pursuit Of Happiness impressed me greatly by his persistence and optimism towards the difficulties in his life. Whenever I feel frustrated, I always think of him and try to persevere and face up to those setbacks. (So are you actually agreeing with the statement? You said ‘I disagree..with the following reasons’, so I’d of course expect you to follow with reasons rather than 让步. If you intend this paragraph to be 让步, then you need to state this preferably in the opening paragraph, and also make this paragraph as short/concise as possible. Do not use a particular essay layout just because a sample essay does so. You need to know why such a layout works for that sample essay and judge for yourself whether this layout suits your purpose and your choice of language.)
Objectively speaking, it is somewhat narrow to claim that only movies that teaches us something about real life are worthwhile, as some people believe. There are a variety of movies of great benefit to us: historical movies always enable us to learn lessons from history; a movie about Egyptian life may offer us a glimpse of their culture and religious belief. (Does a movie about Egyptian life belong to ‘historical movies’? Or you actually mean that it is a different ‘variety’ of movies? This mix of generic and specific ‘varieties’ of movies is very confusing.) In addition, watching varied types of instructive (If you do mean ‘instructive’ then you’ll end up agreeing with the question’s statement somewhat..because ‘instructive’ does not mean ‘instructional’. It means exactly ‘being able to teach a lesson; enlightening’ in the figurative way..so you’re saying watching movies that can teach us a lesson is good..) movies extensively is an effective and enjoyable approach to learn new things, which would definitely broaden our horizons. Therefore, besides those that teach us something about real life, there are other abundant movies else that are worth watching. (Again, I have to ask: so you seem to think a movie about ‘Egyptian life’ does not teach us anything about real life? What makes you think so? If that movie is about modern life in Egypt, won’t it teach you a lot about real life in Egypt? (This again shows you why it is important to define what exactly ‘movies that teach us something about real life’ means to you, UP FRONT, before you even start the discussion.)
On the other hand, people watching movies not just for the purpose of learning something, but more importantly, for relaxation and fresh experience. With the intense pressure in modern life, people in increasing numbers consider watching movies as their major avenue to reduce stress. Combined with enjoyable stories and remarkable visual experience, movies successfully attract people’s attention and provide an easily accessible means of entertainment. Moreover, tasting others’ lives by watching movies offer us a fascinating tour. The immortal love in the movie Titanic , for instance , touched every audience deeply and was regarded as a representative work of romantic moivies. (Now I don’t really get you. If this paragraph is a reason of your disagreement with ‘only movies that teach us something about real life are worth watching’, and you cite how romantic movies are very good – do you mean that romantic movies do not teach us anything about real life? Then again I have to question you: why do you think this is even a valid definition? If you have established your definition early in the paragraph, and I understand that ‘romantic movies are NOT movies that teach us something about real life’ is your basis of the entire paragraph, then yes, this paragraph is valid, but you didn’t.)
In conclusion, although the movies that teach us something about real life are worth watching, there are various other movies else (‘else’ is used with indefinite pronouns e.g. ‘something else’.) that are not only rewarding but also instructive. On the other hand, movies provide us an enjoyable ways of relaxation, thus it is subjective and somewhat narrow to maintain that we must learn something by watching movies.
主要的问题很简单,就是定义不清。题目给了你一个定义,你连这个定义到底是什么都没搞清楚,就开始哗啦哗啦地按电影题材分类写,于是论述中就会出现各种混淆 – xx电影不算题目说的那种吗?还是题目中的那种电影实际是xx类电影呢?xx类电影又算不算xx类电影呢?诸如此类。当然不是所有的题目都需要一上来就厘清定义,但是这个题目本身的可讨论性就在它给出的定义的模糊性上 – teach us something about real life的电影可以是任何题材的电影,可以是恐怖片、爱情片、励志片、战争片甚至动画片,如果你按普通的题材分类法来论述这个题目就会有分类定义不清的问题。所以你如果要按题材分类讨论,请在一开始就定义好‘我认为题目所说的电影是xx,xx,xx类的电影’,否则根本无法进行清晰的论述。 |