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[未归类] yy的抽象哲学的提纲... [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-9 16:53:37 |只看该作者 |正序浏览


Position: the claim is too absolute.
正:The increasing number of scientific discoveries always makes theworld to be more complex.

The people, whoare equipped with more knowledge, have to face with more consideration, whichoften forces a case into mystery, before making decision.
反:But the more we know, the closer we get to the essence.
Truly comprehension ofthings relies on understanding of their essence. Essence always comes perfect,but the way to abstract it from numerous factors can be full of difficulties.

Position: the claim may convince me only ifthe premise is revised.
正:Contrast points can both supplement and promote each other.
反:Although contradictionsexist everywhere, they are not required as the form ofcontrast opinions. In fact, there are situations, in which progress can stillbe obtained without contrast opinions.
反:The way to achieve progress is the way to get a final agreement. Variedopinions come first, doubt and compromise with each other are required latter, andachievement of agreement is reached finally.

Position: different attitudes towarddisagreement cause different effects the disagreement causes.
正:Support from the people with same opinions affirms one’s self valueand ability. Confidence result from this kind of affirmation motivates one tolearn more efficiently. By contrast, stress from disagreement may bring negativeeffects to one’s self-affirming.
: but this is not always the case. Firstly, the reason does not runwell in any situation.

Secondly, even if we accept the reason, claim inferred from it is problematic.Disagreement brings not only stress, but also advantages like inspiration whichcan stimulate one to learn. By contrast, too much affirmation may result in aconceited person.
合:Attitudes to others’ opinions decide the influence these opinionsbring.


Position: if the claim is accepted by mostpeople, consequence it brings can be serious.
正:Particular means are required for the worthwhile goals; some can berather extreme even need some sacrifice.
: this cannot be the reason to justify the claim which is contraryto common sense and everyday experience.

First, the worthof goals is based on different standard, a worthwhile goal for certain one canbe harmful to others.

Second, even if a goal is high valuedaccording to reasonable standard, the immoral or high cost mean it required issufficient to remove its benefits.
反:Extreme methods can be applied in special case, but even the extremeones cannot abbey the fundamental principal or limited condition.

Position: it is not always the casedescribed as the claim.
正:There is a song named “love leads to hatred”, meaning of the namecan be seemingly puzzled, but actually can be supported by everyday experience.
反:Totally faith still exists, it is exactly the one with opposite opinionsto be the most critical of what they contrast with.
A skeptic can be the one doubt with any cases whether he is deeplycommitted or not.
反:attitudes toward a particular or policy can be effected not only byone’s faith, but also by one’s world outlook


Position: rhetoricians are not qualified as judgment oftruth.
正:An opinion which is easily shaken by opposite has its flaws in practice.
反:Although ancient philosophy benefitted a lot from debate, things maychange present. Value of a certain idea can be justified with so many efficientways.

Even if debate isthe only way to discover value, the claim should not be acceptable. A theoristmay persuade people with opposite opinion but failure in the test of theory application.
The < Art of War> by Sunzi is widely spread exactlyfor the practical book content which are contrast with armchair strategy.
反:Valuable idea requires comprehensive consideration, which is farfrom enough to be achieved only with debate.

Position: even the inaccurate informationproved to be false later deserves respect and can be valuable.
正:Sufficient examples can be provided support the factor.

Firstly: part of a certain thing cannot represent the whole of it.

Secondly: trust in information is the first step to verify its validity.Other possibilities should not hastily be ruled out for the seeminglyinaccurate of the information.

Even if the information is doubtable, purelyabandon induced by mistrust lead to the abandon of its concealed value.
反:trustthe information is the premise to acquire knowledge.

Digvalue out from varied information even if the one proved to be truth.

Position: time is a revealer of a man’s sincerity.
正:inmany cases, appealing image achieves a better first impression. Furthermore, some new-born occupationsset appealing image as one of the main standard when interview job seekers.
反:Contemporarysociety pay more attention to one’s image, at the same time, requirement to one’sinternal self-cultivation is becoming more and more restrict.

Even if success or trustcan be obtained by appealing image, it is hardly to be sustain with appealingimage only. It is reality or truth behind the image, instead of changeable image,that can be perpetual.

反:One’sappealing image can be both helpful and destructive.

Position: ration is equally important aspassion in the way to achieve best ideas.

正:Passionateinterest is the motivation of learning; people are more easily inspired with voluntarymental activities.
反:First,sustainable passion is contrast with one’s limited energy.

Second,passion sometimes deterred one from rational analysis.

反:Passionwill be diminished while ration is always sustainable. A well combination ofpassion and ration assures best ideas.

Position: the claim seems misevaluates the worthof imagination.
正:Innocentof established habits and attitudes set one free from constraints.
反:Admirableimagination is high-valued not for it breaks stereotype, but for its usage inresolving something or inspire something.

Experience is the fundamentof imagination, without which, imagination can be illusion.

反:Onecannot make bricks without straw. To make a valuable imagination, ability toimagine is not enough; a well application of experience is equally required.

Position: the claim is partly right.
正:Toomuch compromises is harmful to one’s confidence in self-cognition.

Whentruth is proven to be held in a handful of people, one may be regret ofcomprise the majority.

:Compromise is not equal to failure, sometimes people make a retreat in order toadvance.

a wisdom one insist his beliefs most of timeand compromise in proper cases

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