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[资料] 十八大及会议词汇(2) [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-11-12 15:35:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
3. 秘书处 3. Secretariat

  总干事 Director General (General Manager)

  副总干事 Deputy director General

  秘书长 Secretary General

  副秘书长 Assistant Secretary General

  执行秘书 Executive Secretary

  行政秘书 Administrative Secretary

  名誉秘书 Honorary Secretary

  司库,会计 Treasurer

  司库(会计)办公室 Treasurer’s office

  会议的秘书、文书 Secretary, Clerk of the Conference

  高级职员 Officials

  会议的职员 Conference officer

  顾问 Consultant

  (技术)顾问 (Technical) adviser

  法律顾问 Legal adviser

  行政处 Administrative Services

  翻译处 Language department

  负责文件人员 Document officer

  新闻处 Press department

  新闻官 Press-officer

  报导处 Reporting services

  摘要人员,记录 Precis-writer

  会计室 Accountant’s office

  速记人员 Verbatim reporters

  打字组 Typewriting service, pool

  油印组 Mimeographing roneographing department

  分发 Distribution

  招待员 Ushers

  失物招领处 Lost property department (office)

  问询处 Information desk

  4. 会场布置 4. Equipment of the Hall

  会议厅,大厅,会场 Hall, conference hall, main hall

  会场内部 Body of the hall

  主席台 Platform

  木槌 Gavel

  铃 Bell

  座位 Seat

  讲台 Rostrum

  扩音器 Loudspeaker

  放大器 Amplifier

  送话器,话筒,麦克风 Microphone

  耳机 Earphone

  表决指示牌 Vote indicator

  票箱 Ballot box

  贵宾席 Distinguished strangers’ gallery

  新闻记者席 Press gallery

  公众旁听席 Public gallery

  小间,箱子 Booths

  小会议室 Committee room

  前厅,休息室 Lobby

  公告栏 Notice-board

  存物柜 Locker

  分信箱 Pigeon-hole

  衣帽间 Cloak-room


  1. 表决或选举的目的和条件 1. Purpose and Conditions of a Vote or an Election

  把问题交付表决、进行表决 To put a question to the vote, to proceed to a vote

  请表明态度 Please signify

  宣布表决(投票)开始 To declare that the voting has begun

  参加表决、投票、选举 To take part in a vote, a ballot, a poll

  (我们)已足法定人数 The quorum is reached, we have a quorum

  检查是否已足法定人数 To ascertain that there is a quorum

  指派正式成员、代理人 To appoint a regular member, a substitute

  补缺 To fill a vacancy

  授命连任 To renew the term of office, the appointment

  延长任期 To extend the term of office

  接受连任 To accept the renewal of one’s term of office

  提议分开(分别)表决 To move that a separate vote be taken

  要求逐条表决 To ask for a vote article by article

  表决整个动议 To vote on the motion as a whole

  2. 表决的方式和方法,选举的程序 2. Forms and Methods of Voting, and Electoral Procedure

  表决,投票,参加选举 To vote, to cast a vote, to take part in an election

  弃权 To abstain

  赞成票 Affirmative vote

  反对票 Negative vote

  投反对(不同意)票 To cast a dissenting vote

  一致同意 Unanimous vote

  一致通过 Carried unanimously

  不经辩论的表决 Vote without debate

  鼓掌通过 Approval by acclamation

  举手表决 Vote by show of hands

  口头表决 Vote by “yes” and “no”

  起立表决 Vote by sitting and standing, rising vote (USA)

  无记名投票 Secret ballot

  唱名表决 Vote by roll call

  唱名表决(须登台表示意见) A vote by roll call at the rostrum

  代理投票 Vote by proxy

  通信投票 Vote by correspondence

  组成一个选举团 To be constituted as an electoral college

  表决票,选票 Voting slip, voting paper, ballot paper

  投票入票箱 To deposit a voting paper in the ballot box

  必要的多数 The requisite majority

  以特定的多数(四分之三,三分之二 To elect by a qualified majority (three

  多数)选出 fourths, two thirds majority)

  以绝对(简单)多数选出 To elect by an absolute (a simple) majority

  以相对的多数选出 To elect by a relative majority

  (按特殊票权)分配(所得)多数 Distributed majority

  出席并投票的会员的多数 The majority of members present and voting

  大会会员的多数 The majority of the members of the assembly

  就单个侯选人进行选举 Voting (ballot) for a single candidate

  就整个侯选人名单进行选举 Voting (ballot) for a list of candidates

  按比例的代表 Proportional representation

  当选票额 Electoral quotient

  一次投票 Single ballot

  连续投票 Successive ballots

  不投票的主席 Non-voting Chairman

  有表决权,有权投票 To be entitled to vote, to have the right to vote

  被取消表决(投票)权 To be deprived of the right to vote

  行使表决(投票)权 To exercise the right to vote

  对所投的票加以说明 To explain one’s vote

  担任侯选人 To stand for election

  提名 To nominate …

  支持某一个提名,支持(某人)的侯选资格 To support a nomination, a candidature

  保持、撤销某人的侯选资格 To maintain, to withdraw one’s candidature

  同意担任侯选人,接受提名 To agree to be a candidate, to accept nomination

  送交提名名单 To present a panel of nominees

  声明某一侯选提名是可以接受的,不可以 To declare a candidature receivable,

  接受的(符合规则,不符合规则) irreceivable (in order, out of order)

  有被选权,有被连选权,无被选权 Eligible, re-eligible, ineligibility

  有被选权,无被选权 Eligibility, ineligibility

  与职务不相称 Incompatibility of duties

  3. 表决或选举终了 3. Conclusion of the Vote or Election

  指派计票人 To appoint tellers

  实行表决 To go back upon a vote

  停止、延期、中断表决(投票) To defer, postpone, interrupt a vote (a ballot)

  宣布表决(投票)结束 To declare the vote (ballot) closed

  改投他票 To change one’s vote

  经声明的弃权也将计算在内 Declared abstentions will be reckoned, taken into account

  未填写的选票(无效的选票)将不计算在内 Voting papers left blank (null and void)will not be reckoned, taken into account

  点票,计算票数 To count the votes

  检查表决结果 To check the result of the voting

  否决,行使否决权 To veto, to impose a veto

  4. 宣布结果 4. Announcement of the Result

  报到(登记)的会员 Registered members

  投票的会员 Members voting

  票数 Number of votes

  已投的票 votes cast

  有效票 Valid ballot papers

  空白票 Blank ballot papers, voting papers

  无效的票,废票 Ballot papers null and void

  宣布当选 To declare elected

  以年长当选 Elected on grounds of seniority

  抽签 To draw lots

  票选无结果 The ballot is inconclusive

  票数相等 Equality of votes, a draw, a tie

  无结果的表决 Inconclusive vote

  投裁定票,投决定的一票 To give a casting vote

  动议是以12票对9票通过,2票弃权 The motion is adopted, carried, by 12 votes to 9 with 2 abstentions

  动议被否决 The motion is rejected, lost

  获得多数 The majority is obtained

  第一次投票表决 First ballot

  第二次投票表决 Second ballot

  再次投票表决 Additional ballot

  宣布除两票外以一致同意当选 To declare unanimously elected less two votes

  宣布以绝对(简单)多数当选 To declare elected by an absolute (a simple) majority

  5. 表决(选举)的后果 5. Consequences of the Voting (the Election)

  接受当选 To accept an election

  不接受委任、职务 To refuse an appointment an office

  让给… To yield in favor of …

  请把你的票改投… Please transfer your votes to …

  质问表决结果 To challenge a result

  取消所投的票 To cancel a vote

  使有效,使无效 To validate, to invalidate

  调查选举时的情况 To investigate the circumstances of an election

  结果是最后的,不能改变的 The result is final, definitive

  认定表决、投票、选举为有效 To confirm a vote, a ballot, an election

  宣布某次表决、投票是最后的 To declare a vote, a ballot, to be final


  1. 辩论开始 1. Opening of the Debate

  现在开会了 The sitting is open, is called to order

  委员会在开会 The committee is in session, is holding a sitting, is sitting

  开会 To be sitting in session

  开始讨论,进行讨论 To take up, to come to the discussion, to initiate a discussion

  宣布讨论开始 To declare the discussion open

  复会,继续开会 To resume a sitting

  继续辩论 To resume a debate

  2. 主席 2. Chairmanship

  担任主席 To take, to occupy the Chair

  继续担任主席 To resume the chairmanship

  让副主席担任主席 To hand over the chairmanship (the Chair) to the Vice-chairman

  放弃、辞去主席的职务 To give up, to renounce, the office of chairman

  请发言人不要离开本题 To request the speaker to keep to the point under discussion

  请对主席讲话 Please address the Chair

  可不可以请你要求某代表… May I through you ask the delegate of …

  请发言人简单扼要些 To invite speakers to be brief

  征求与会者的意见 To take the sense (the consensus of opinion) of the meeting

  征求与会者的意见 To consult the meeting

  请大会决定 To ask the assembly to decide upon

  作出裁定 To give a ruling

  作出最后裁定 To give a final ruling

  行使斟酌行事的权力 To exercise a discretionary power

  要求(主席)作出裁定 To ask for a ruling

  使用主席的权力 To invoke the chairman’s authority

  由主席处理,把事情交由主席决定 To be in the hands of the chairman, to leave the matter to the chairman’s decision

  提请主席(注意,决定等) To appeal to the chairman

  接受主席的决定、裁定 To accept the chairman’s decision, ruling

  尊重主席的决定 To bow to the chairman’s decision

  对主席的裁定、决定提出异议 To challenge the chairman’s ruling, decision

  驳回,宣布无效 To overrule

  3. 项目的次序 3. Order of Items

  (暂时)通过议程 To adopt (provisionally) the agenda

  列入议程 To place on, to include in, the agenda

  从议程中删掉 To delete, to remove from the agenda

  改变项目的次序 To change the order of the items

  遵照议程 To adhere, to stick to the agenda

  确定讨论项目的次序 To establish an order of priority

  有优先权 To have priority

  给以优先权 To accord priority preference

  绝对优先项目 First priority

  重要优先项目 A high priority

  更重要优先项目 A higher priority

  次重要优先项目 A lower priority

  要求把某事当作紧急事项处理 To ask that a matter be treated as urgent

  一般辩论 General debate

  对专门问题的辩论 Debate on special question

  开始程序问题的辩论 To open a debate on procedure

  开始讨论实质问题 To come to the substance (the merits) of the matter

  进行讨论条款 To proceed to the discussion of the articles

  其他事项 Any other business

  把某一问题跟…分开来 To separate a question from

  搁置 To set aside

  排除、抛弃 To exclude, to discard

  安排各次会议的时间表 To fix the timetable of the sittings

  4. 给与和取消发言权 4. Granting and Withdrawal of the Right to Speak

  我请…(发言) I call upon, I give the floor to, I recognize (USA)

  我请发言人停止发言 I direct the speaker to discontinue his speech

  我要求发言 I ask to speak, I ask for the floor (USA)

  发言 To take the floor (USA),to address the meeting

  我既然在发言… Since I am speaking, since I have the floor (USA)

  如果让我继续发言 If I may be allowed to continue

  把自己的发言机会让给 To give up one’s turn to speak in favor of, to yield to (USA)

  我放弃发言权 I waive my right to speak

  参加辩论 To intervene in a debate

  要求发言机会 To ask to be heard

  登记发言 To put one’s name on the list of speakers

  发言登记已经截止 The list of speakers is closed

  限制发言时间 To restrict, to limit, the time accorded to speakers

  保留以后再答复的权利 To reserve one’s right to answer at a later stage

  在座席上发言 To speak from one’s place

  走到讲台上去 To go up to the rostrum

  在讲台上 To be at the rostrum

  从讲台上走下来 To come down from the rostrum

  正对话筒讲话 To speak into the microphone

  5. 执行议事规则,先例 5. Enforcement of the Rules of procedure, Precedents

  应用议事规则 To apply the rules of procedure

  遵守议事规则(习惯,传统) To adhere to the rules of procedure (the custom, the tradition)

  服从有关…的规则 To submit to the rules governing…

  合乎规则,符合规则的要求 To conform to the rules, to comply with the requirements of the rules

  要求遵守规则 Call to order

  提醒规则的条款 To recall, remind of, the terms of the rules

  解释规则 To interpret, to construe, the rules

  违犯规则 To commit an infringement

  指出对规则的违犯、破坏 To note an infringement, a violation of the rules

  暂停、放弃对规则的适用 To suspend, to waive the rules

  除规则第…条不在此例外 By exception (derogation) to article … of the rules

  在权限以外越权 Ultra vires

  对权限提出疑问 To challenge the competence

  自称有(无)权 To declare oneself to be competent (incompetent)

  援引先例 To invoke a precedent

  避免造成先例,惟恐造成先例 To avoid creating a precedent, to fear that a precedent might be created

  依据(参照)法理学 To refer to the jurisprudence

  参照现存有惯例 To refer to existing traditions

  参照原文 To refer to the text

  6. 辩论 6. The Debate

  委员会要讨论一个报告 The committee has a report before it

  发表演说(讲话) To make, to deliver, a speech (an address)

  表示意见 To make a remark

  我国政府指示我… My Government instructed me to …

  我国政府授权我… I am authorized by my Government to …

  以个人名义(身分)发表声明 To make a personal statement (in a personal capacity)

  我以…身分发言 I speak in my capacity of …

  表示同意前一位发言人的意见 To express agreement with the previous speakers

  打断一个发言人的话(在发言中插话) To interrupt a speaker

  回答插话的人 To reply to the interrupters

  离开本题 To depart from the question

  一个试探性的(不成熟的)建议 A tentative suggestion

  关于(根据)…的建议 On the proposal of …

  这样做合乎规则吗? Am I in order?

  我收回所说的话 I withdraw what I said

  提出一个附带的问题 To raise an incidental matter

  提出一个先决问题 To raise a previous (preliminary) question

  提出一个在讨论继续进行前必须加以 To raise a question which must be solved

  解决的问题 before the matter can be pursued further

  提出书面问题 To put a written question

  考虑到 To take into consideration

  考虑到(不考虑)所提出的反对的意见 To take (not to take) into account the objection raised

  我建议把这件来信从记录中删掉 I move that the communication struck (expunged) from the record

  我建议我们对这件来信置之不理 I move that we take no cognizance of the communication

  不受理 To refuse to entertain

  拒绝考虑(一个论点,等) To refuse to take into consideration (an argument, etc.)

  提出原则性的反对意见,在原则上反对 To raise an objection of principle, to object in principle

  否决、不理反对的意见 To overrule, to disregard an objection

  采取主动,带头,倡议 To take the initiative

  有倡议权 To have the initiative

  拒绝带头 To refuse to take the initiative

  认为某一条款(建议)已经失去时效 To consider an article (a proposal) as obsolete

  援引某一条款 To invoke an article

  认为某一建议根本无效 To consider a proposal as null and void

  共同商量 To consult together

  为澄清某一点 On a point of clarification

  在技术(名词)问题上 On a technical point (USA)

  征询法律意见 To request a legal opinion

  一个法律问题 A legal issue

  发动调查 To cause an investigation to be made

  下令调查 To order an enquiry

  进行调查 To make an enquiry

  下令进行专家检查(反检查) To cause an expert examination (counter-examination) to be made

  接受、同意专家们的意见 To accept, to endorse the opinion of the experts

  对专家的资格(权限)提出疑问 To challenge the qualifications (authority) of the experts

  对专家的结论提出异议,加以拒绝 To contest, to dispute, to reject the findings of the experts

  通过某一个建议、草案、条款、报告、 To adopt a proposal, a draft, an article,

  修正案 a report, an amendment

  修正(更改)一个建议、草案、条款、 To amend (to alter) a proposal, a draft, an

  报告、 修正案 article a report, an amendment

  提出书面修正案 To present (submit) an amendment in writing

  反对一个建议 To oppose a proposal

  由多数决定 To leave it to the decision of the majority

  将一个声明载入记录 To note a statement, to place a statement on record

  声明已经注意到 To acknowledge a statement

  我要求把我的…记录在案 I want to be on record as having …

  援引本人的话 Reference was made to me

  载入记录,记入会议记录 To place on record, to record in the minutes

  把未宣读的发言稿列入记录 To read into the record (USA)

  注意到某一个辞呈 To take note of a resignation

  沿用紧急程序 To apply the emergency procedure

  7. 动议和决定 7. Motions and Decisions

  提出提案、对案 To make, to move, to table (UK) a proposal, a counterproposal

  提出决议草案 To submit a draft resolution

  实质性动议 Substantive motion

  替代的决议 Substitute resolution

  提出修正案、提案草案、对案 To present an amendment, a draft proposal, a counter-proposal

  进行二读 To proceed to a second reading

  提出程序问题 To raise a point of order

  赞成(反对)提案 To take a stand for (against) a proposal

  提出信任问题 To put the question of confidence

  附议,支持一个提案 To second, to support a proposal

  反对一个修正案、决议、提案 To oppose an amendment, a resolution, a proposal

  宣布接受(不接受)一修正案(动议) To declare an amendment (a motion) receivable (irreceivable)

  可接受性 Receivability

  不可接受性 Irreceivability

  延期决定,暂不决定 To postpone, to adjourn, to put off a decision

  接受一个修正案(决议,提案) To accept an amendment (a resolution, a proposal)

  把几个修正案(决议草案)合并起来 To merge together several amendments (draft resolutions)

  撒回提案 To withdraw a proposal

  无限期搁置动议 To table a motion (USA)

  对动议作出决定 To take a decision upon a motion

  暂时决定 To decide provisionally

  不经辩论作出决定 To decide without any debate

  立刻决定 To decide forthwith

  取消决定 To rescind a decision

  这个动议符合程序吗? Would this motion be in order?

  8. 维持秩序 8. Maintenance of Order

  维持会场秩序 To maintain order in the hall

  扰乱辩论 To disturb the debate

  造成混乱 To cause a disturbance

  请发言人遵守秩序 To call a speaker to order

  列在议程末尾 To place at the end of the agenda

  转入下一个项目 To proceed to the next business

  延到下一届(次)会 To postpone, to adjourn, to the next session (sitting)

  送交主管的委员会 To remit to the appropriate committee

  停止辩论(会议,讨论) To suspend the debate (the sitting, the discussion)

  决定暂停(结束)辩论 To decide to adjourn (to close) the debate

  休会 To adjourn, to stand adjourned

  休会到第二天,休会一星期 To adjourn to the next day, to a week’s time

  给以考虑的时间 To grant time for reflection

  中断辩论(会议,讨论) To interrupt the debate (the sitting, the discussion)

  暂停、延期辩论(会议,议论) To adjourn, to postpone the debate (the sitting, the discussion)

  无限期休会 To adjourn sine die

  辩论的结束 Closure of the debate

  警告 To give a warning

  要求遵守秩序 To call to order

  被提醒遵守秩序 To be called to order

  逐出会场 To expel from the hall

  以武力驱逐 To expel manu militari

  通过指责决议 To pass a vote of censure

  决定驱逐 To decide to expel

  交给警察当局 To hand over to the police authorities

  禁止进入会场内部 To forbid access to the body of the hall

  下令会场里(旁听席上)的人退出会场 To order that the hall (the gallery) be cleared

  能进入会场内部 To have access to the body of the hall

  维持秩序 To maintain order

  9. 辩论结束 9. Closure of the Debate

  决定延期、休会 To decide to postpone, to adjourn

  动议结束辩论 To move the closure

  就结束辩论作出决定 To decide on the closure of the debate

  结束辩论 To close the debate

  闭幕词 Closing speech

  大会申谢 Vote of thanks

  (最后)闭会 To adjourn (finally) the meeting

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