之前发过一次email问KM录取情况,是这么回复的:Thank you for applying the NTU, MSc KM programme.
We are still in the midst of shortlisting and reviewing the application forms and it is still pending university’s final approval. Graduate Studies Office (GSO) will announce the final admissions results by end of May 2013.
因为今天有好多人用偏方刷到了offer,所以又发了一次,这次感觉没有上次态度那么好了,thank you for 。。。。。什么的也没有了,只有三句话:The SGO is pending the application. The results will be announced but the end of May. Please check the application status.(手贱一下子把邮件给删了,只能按记忆打了,还原度有90%吧)