Michael G. Chang─>Late Imperial China
10小時 ·
Wondering how (or if?) the strident tone of this ideological turn at CASS will affect the perception of Late Imperial China amongst our colleagues in the PRC?
h/t Jim Millward (who is directly implicated).
"持 '新清史' 说的美国学者,站在帝国主义的立场,以帝国主义的观点、帝国主义的眼光看待中国历史,把 '传统' 中国看作“帝国”,把清朝视为 '清朝帝国主义'。 在他们的言论与论著中,充斥着一股帝国主义的霸气。" http://www.cssn.cn/zx/201504/t20150420_1592588.shtml
Matthew Sommer Appalling, if predictable -- no doubt some of our Chinese colleagues have always felt this way, but this development seems to reflect the new effort under Xi Jinping to exclude foreign ideas
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Josh Fogel FYI, 欧立德
10小時 · 讚
Josh Fogel FYI, 欧立德 is Mark Elliott, a well-known imperialist who now represents the devil's own institution of China studies in the US. Why does anybody take any of this stuff seriously?
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Michael G. Chang No doubt, Matthew. I've heard that the author of the piece already has a reputation for denouncing those who might hold differing views/interpretations of the past. Depressing.
10小時 · 已編輯 · 讚
Jim Millward I'm learning a lot of useful vocabulary, for when I pen my own polemic! And he singled out my favorite phrase ( "modern China can be read as a palimpsest of imperialisms") for particularly approbrium--it's representative of the pathology afflicting American scholarship. Which is true in a way--a pathology of over-fancy writing. But the idea should not be anathema even given PRC understanding of "imperialism" Sun Yat-sen said the same thing, I recall: Manchus and then Europeans beset China as imperialists.
9小時 · 讚 · 4
Wenqing Kang 有点儿口诛笔伐的劲头。
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Matthew Mosca Not sure if I should call myself a running dog of Millwardism or an Elliott-roader.
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Josh Fogel Time to revive China-watching from Hong Kong?
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Jenny Huangfu One wonders why it's written in such blatant Maoist tone if it's meant to be read seriously. It seems that they can do better than this if they want the public to actually read it without dismissing it as ideological propaganda.
8小時 · 讚 · 2
He Bian It's interesting to see this thread at the same time when some Chinese colleagues were bemoaning (on Weibo) the fact that this article gets published at all. Cf. a recent piece by Professor Yao Dali http://www.dfdaily.com/html/1170/2015/4/5/1256982.shtml.