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[主题活动] 8月30日托福真题分析 [复制链接]

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发表于 2014-8-30 23:47:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
史上最全解析 新鲜出炉
听力阅读全英文背景 写作大小作文满分范文参考
                           By 新东方宁波学校托福项目阅读王晓妍老师


slight=small        approach=come nearer        indicative=suggesting        intensive=strong
exploitation        exploit=take advantage of        maintain=keep        confined=limited
make consensus of=agree on        provided=if               

主要内容:文章主要讲了Scandinavian岛的一些发展,分三个阶段发生在三个不同的地方,按照时间顺序讲述第一个是Mesopotamia,第二个是F,第三个是E。然后Scandinavian岛和欧洲其他的地方做了对比。尤其是Scandinavian岛气候适宜,不会extreme,人口(population)都聚集在一起;而别的地方只能依靠(rely on)一些可预测到的(predictable)食物供给。
TPO-26        Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East
The Scandinavian Peninsula is a peninsula in Northern Europe, which today covers Norway, Sweden, and most of northern Finland.
The name of the peninsula is derived from the term Scandinavia, the cultural region of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. That cultural name is in turn derived from the name of Scania, the region at the southern extremity of the peninsula which has during periods been part of Denmark, which is the ancestral home of the Danes, and which is now part of Sweden. The derived term "Scandinavian" also refers to the Germanic peoples who speak North Germanic languages, considered to be a dialect continuum derived from Old Norse. These languages are Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Faroese, and Icelandic, with the latter two being closest to Old Norse.
The Scandinavian Peninsula is the largest peninsula of Europe, larger than either of the Balkan, the Iberian and the Italian peninsulas. During the Ice Ages, the sea level of the Atlantic Ocean dropped so much that the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Bothnia, and the Gulf of Finland disappeared, and the countries now surrounding them, including Germany, Poland, the other Baltic countries and Scandinavia, were directly joined by land.
The climate across Scandinavia varies from tundra and subarctic in the north, with cool marine west coast climate in northwestern coastal areas reaching just north of Lofoten, to humid continental in the central portion, and marine west coast in the south and southwest. The region is rich in timber, iron and copper with the best farmland in southern Sweden. Large petroleum and natural-gas deposits have been found off Norway's coast in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
Much of the population of the Scandinavian Peninsula is naturally concentrated in its southern part, which is also its agricultural region. The largest cities of the peninsula are Stockholm, Sweden; Oslo, Norway; Gothenburg, Sweden; Malmö, Sweden and Bergen, Norway, in that order.

花的祖先到底是什么呢?科学家从一些化石记录和现代存在的花进行了推断。科学家们展开了激烈的讨论(maintain,claim),大家没有一个定论(consensus,agreement),但是能确定的是祖先(common ancestor)只有一个。
TPO-22        Spartina        ;Tpo25        The Evolutionary Origin of Plants       
The ancestors of flowering plants diverged from gymnosperms around 245–202 million years ago, and the first flowering plants known to exist are from 160 million years ago. They diversified enormously during the Lower Cretaceous and became widespread around 120 million years ago, but replaced conifers as the dominant trees only around 60–100 million years ago.
Fossilized spores suggest that higher plants (embryophytes) have lived on land for at least 475 million years.Early land plants reproduced sexually with flagellated, swimming sperm, like the green algae from which they evolved. An adaptation to terrestrialization was the development of upright meiosporangia for dispersal by spores to new habitats. This feature is lacking in the descendants of their nearest algal relatives, the Charophycean green algae. A later terrestrial adaptation took place with retention of the delicate, avascular sexual stage, the gametophyte, within the tissues of the vascular sporophyte. This occurred by spore germination within sporangia rather than spore release, as in non-seed plants. A current example of how this might have happened can be seen in the precocious spore germination in Selaginella, the spike-moss. The result for the ancestors of angiosperms was enclosing them in a case, the seed. The first seed bearing plants, like the ginkgo, and conifers (such as pines and firs), did not produce flowers. The pollen grains (males) of Ginkgo and cycads produce a pair of flagellated, mobile sperm cells that "swim" down the developing pollen tube to the female and her eggs.
The apparently sudden appearance of nearly modern flowers in the fossil record initially posed such a problem for the theory of evolution that it was called an "abominable mystery" by Charles Darwin.However, the fossil record has considerably grown since the time of Darwin, and recently discovered angiosperm fossils such as Archaefructus, along with further discoveries of fossil gymnosperms, suggest how angiosperm characteristics may have been acquired in a series of steps. Several groups of extinct gymnosperms, in particular seed ferns, have been proposed as the ancestors of flowering plants, but there is no continuous fossil evidence showing exactly how flowers evolved. Some older fossils, such as the upper Triassic Sanmiguelia, have been suggested. Based on current evidence, some propose that the ancestors of the angiosperms diverged from an unknown group of gymnosperms during the late Triassic (245–202 million years ago). Fossil angiosperm-like pollen from the Middle Triassic, (247.2–242.0 Ma) suggests an older date for their origin.A close relationship between angiosperms and gnetophytes, proposed on the basis of morphological evidence, has more recently been disputed on the basis of molecular evidence that suggest gnetophytes are instead more closely related to other gymnosperms.[citation needed]
The evolution of seed plants and later angiosperms appears to be the result of two distinct rounds of whole genome duplication events.These occurred at 319 million years ago and 192 million years ago. Another possible whole genome duplication event at 160 million years ago perhaps created the ancestral line that led to all modern flowering plants.That event was studied by sequencing the genome of an ancient flowering plant, Amborella trichopoda, and directly addresses Darwin's "abominable mystery."
The earliest known macrofossil confidently identified as an angiosperm, Archaefructus liaoningensis, is dated to about 125 million years BP (the Cretaceous period), whereas pollen considered to be of angiosperm origin takes the fossil record back to about 130 million years BP. However, one study has suggested that the early-middle Jurassic plant Schmeissneria, traditionally considered a type of ginkgo, may be the earliest known angiosperm, or at least a close relative. In addition, circumstantial chemical evidence has been found for the existence of angiosperms as early as 250 million years ago. Oleanane, a secondary metabolite produced by many flowering plants, has been found in Permian deposits of that age together with fossils of gigantopterids. Gigantopterids are a group of extinct seed plants that share many morphological traits with flowering plants, although they are not known to have been flowering plants themselves.
In 2013 flowers encased in amber were found and dated 100 million years before present. The amber had frozen the act of sexual reproduction in the process of taking place. Microscopic images showed tubes growing out of pollen and penetrating the flower's stigma. The pollen was sticky, suggesting it was carried by insects.

解析:该篇文章整体难度较低 ,话题较简单。学员重点要去理解里面的细节内容即可。                              
TPO-27        Predator-Prey Cycles
While successful predation results in a gain of energy, hunting invariably involves energetic costs as well. When hunger is not an issue, in general most predators will not seek to attack prey since the costs outweigh the benefits. For instance, a large predatory fish like a shark that is well fed in an aquarium will typically ignore the smaller fish swimming around it (while the prey fish take advantage of the fact that the apex predator is apparently uninterested). Surplus killing represents a deviation from this type of behaviour. The treatment of consumption in terms of cost-benefit analysis is known as optimal foraging theory, and has been quite successful in the study of animal behavior. In general, costs and benefits are considered in energy gain per unit time, though other factors are also important, such as essential nutrients that have no caloric value but are necessary for survival and health.
Social predation offers the possibility of predators to kill creatures larger than those that members of the species could overpower singly. Lions, hyenas, wolves, dholes, African wild dogs, and piranhas can kill large herbivores that single animals of the same species could never dispatch. Social predation allows some animals to organize hunts of creatures that would easily escape a single predator; thus chimpanzees can prey upon colobus monkeys, and Harris's Hawks can cut off all possible escapes for a doomed rabbit. Extreme specialization of roles is evident in some hunting that requires co-operation between predators of very different species: humans with the aid of falcons or dogs, or fishing with cormorants. Social predation is often very complex behavior, and not all social creatures (for example, domestic cats) perform it. Even without complex intelligence but instinct alone, some ant species can destroy much larger creatures.
Size-selective predation involves predators preferring prey of a certain size. Large prey may prove troublesome for a predator, while small prey might prove hard to find and in any case provide less of a reward. This has led to a correlation between the size of predators and their prey. Size may also act as a refuge for large prey, for example adult elephants are, in general, safe from predation by lions, but juveniles are vulnerable.
It has been observed that well-fed predator animals in a lax captivity (for instance, pet or farm animals) will usually differentiate between putative prey animals who are familiar co-inhabitants in the same human area from wild ones outside the area. This interaction can range from peaceful coexistence to close companionship; motivation to ignore the predatory instinct may result from mutual advantage or fear of reprisal from human masters who have made clear that harming co-inhabitants will not be tolerated. Pet cats and pet mice, for example, may live together in the same human residence without incident as companions. Pet cats and pet dogs under human mastership often depend on each other for warmth, companionship, and even protection, particularly in rural areas.

                           By 新东方宁波学校托福项目听力 李俊毅老师

Conversation 1
学生想要和一个在Hotel做part time job的学生共同完成老师布置的项目,原则上是要个人完成,所以她来征求老师的同意。老师说这个项目很有意义,同意她们去做,但是可能Hotel不同意。学生说她们已经拿到了一个推荐信,还有一个Fund可以资助这个项目。

-TPO部分对应参考 (社团生活 TPO23-C1/TPO20-C2)

Lecture 1

-TPO部分对应参考 (生态学TPO13-L2/TPO3-L1)

A typical neuron possesses a cell body (soma), dendrites, and an axon. The term neurite is used to describe either a dendrite or an axon, particularly in its undifferentiated stage. Dendrites are thin structures that arise from the cell body, often extending for hundreds of micrometres and branching multiple times, giving rise to a complex "dendritic tree". An axon is a special cellular extension that arises from the cell body at a site called the axon hillock and travels for a distance, as far as 1 meter in humans or even more in other species. The cell body of a neuron frequently gives rise to multiple dendrites, but never to more than one axon, although the axon may branch hundreds of times before it terminates. At the majority of synapses, signals are sent from the axon of one neuron to a dendrite of another. There are, however, many exceptions to these rules: neurons that lack dendrites, neurons that have no axon, synapses that connect an axon to another axon or a dendrite to another dendrite, etc.
All neurons are electrically excitable, maintaining voltage gradients across their membranes by means of metabolically driven ion pumps, which combine with ion channels embedded in the membrane to generate intracellular-versus-extracellular concentration differences of ions such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium. Changes in the cross-membrane voltage can alter the function of voltage-dependent ion channels. If the voltage changes by a large enough amount, an all-or-none electrochemical pulse called an action potential is generated, which travels rapidly along the cell's axon, and activates synaptic connections with other cells when it arrives.

Lecture 2
博物馆发展史。一开始只给艺术家随时开放。目的是教育。普通人只有特定时候能去。French Revolution后某人运用Storehouse存放一些文物并发展一种系统给文物分类:按年代分,这种系统后来通用,结尾提出质疑。

-TPO部分对应参考 (历史学TPO18-L3/TPO17-L3/TPO10-L2)

A museum is an institution that cares for (conserves) a collection of artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, or historical importance and makes them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary. Most large museums are located in major cities throughout the world and more local ones exist in smaller cities, towns and even the countryside. Museums have varying aims, ranging from serving researchers and specialists to serving the general public. The continuing acceleration in the digitization of information, combined with the increasing capacity of digital information storage, is causing the traditional model of museums (i.e. as static “collections of collections” of three-dimensional specimens and artifacts) to expand to include virtual exhibits and high-resolution images of their collections for perusal, study, and exploration from any place with Internet.[citation needed] The city with the largest number of museums is Mexico City with over 128 museums. According to The World Museum Community, there are more than 55,000 museums in 202 countries.

Conversation 2
老师找学生想问问她为什么Art History这门课表现不好,但学生说是因为她退出了这门课。她得到了另一门课程教授的同意可以免修Art History。最后老师建议她推掉这门课,同时去向Art History教授道歉。

-TPO部分对应参考 (选课选专业 TPO21-C2/TPO23-C2)

Lecture 3
讲极光研究的历史。发现是受太阳黑子和Solar Wind运动的影响,因为两者会emit chargeable particles, 与地球大气层的氧原子和氮原子作用。最后还提到人类通过电子设备来发现极光的intensity与其的关系。

-TPO部分对应参考 (天文学类 TPO14-L3/TPO19-L2/TPO24-L4)

An aurora is a natural light display in the sky (from the Latin word aurora, "sunrise" or the Roman goddess of dawn), especially in the high latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) regions, caused by the collision of solar wind and magnetospheric charged particles with the high altitude atmosphere (thermosphere). Most auroras occur in a band known as the auroral zone, which is typically 3° to 6° wide in latitude and observed at 10° to 20° from the geomagnetic poles at all local times (or longitudes), but often most vividly around the spring and autumn equinoxes. The charged particles and solar wind are directed into the atmosphere by the Earth's magnetosphere. A geomagnetic storm expands the auroral zone to lower latitudes.

Lecture 4

-TPO部分对应参考 (地理地质类 TPO15-L2/TPO16-L1/TPO7-L4)

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, about 2 miles (3 km) west of Amesbury and 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthworks. It is in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds.
Archaeologists believe it was built anywhere from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. Radiocarbon dating in 2008 suggested that the first stones were raised between 2400 and 2200 BC, whilst another theory suggests that bluestones may have been raised at the site as early as 3000 BC.
The surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC. The site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1986 in a co-listing with Avebury Henge. It is a national legally protected Scheduled Ancient Monument. Stonehenge is owned by the Crown and managed by English Heritage, while the surrounding land is owned by the National Trust.
Archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2008 indicates that Stonehenge could have been a burial ground from its earliest beginnings. The dating of cremated remains found on the site indicate that deposits contain human bone from as early as 3000 BC, when the ditch and bank were first dug. Such deposits continued at Stonehenge for at least another 500 years. The site is a place of religious significance and pilgrimage in Neo-Druidry.

                           By 新东方宁波学校托福项目口语胡琴清老师

  这次托福考试的口语是新题,不像上周23号ETS出了两套题目但是都全中机经。这周口语没中机经,因此很多考生在做完Task 1之后就开始慌,其实只要平时扎扎实实打基础,不管有没有中机经口语分数出入都不会很大,关键是备考时要调整好心态,不要因为太依赖机经而疏于练习。下面我们来具体分析下这次的托福口语题。

Your friend is always late for appointment. To help him deal with this bad habit, what would you suggest him to do?

Some suggestions:
a.        write a reminder and put it in some obvious position to remind himself
b.        set more than one alarms on that day
c.        make a schedule and try to settle things down before the appointment
d.        ask somebody to remind him on that day such as parents or friends

Task 2.
Which one do you prefer?
A: ask student to sit in fixed seats everyday  
B: allow students to sit in different seats where they want.

Reasons for A:
1)        students may have a better performance in pair work or group work as they are familiar with their surroundings
2)        it is also much easier for teacher to remember student’s names if students sit in fixed seats
Reasons for B:
1)        students may have more opportunities to communicate with different classmates
2)        students who sitting far from blackboard or in corners may cause eyesight problems, which is unfair  

Task 3.
有人写信建议让学生提前知道textbook list,原因一:留出时间让同学们去买便宜的书 原因二:可以提前做reading assignment
对话中男生同意这个观点 第一 学校书店很贵,有便宜的书也很快卖完了。所以这个proposal可以给学生省钱,让他们去网上买到便宜的书 第二 每个学期一开始总是很忙啊,所以学生可以提前做准备,读一些书

The author of the letter proposes that the textbook list should be announced earlier because it enables students to purchase less expense books and it gives students enough time to read the books and prepare for the course before the beginning of each course. In the conversation, the man agrees with the proposal because it will save students a lot of money by purchasing books online instead of bookstores. Also,  students can start to conduct the reading assignment before each semester.

Task 4.
Term 是procedural memories, 例子是教授自己的经历。他小时候学吉他,学了好多年,练得特别棒。但是上了大学之后就好几年没有练习了。有一天他突然找到吉他,发现他尽管好几年没碰吉他了,竟然还会弹他最喜欢的曲子。

Procedural memories refer to the memories of promoting people to do a task automatically if the task has been frequently practiced before. The professor uses his own experience to explain the term. He had a guitar course before and his teacher taught him how to put his fingers on the strings and he played many hours per day and he had practiced playing guitar for a few years before he stopped. Many years later when he found his old guitar, he could still play it without thinking how to play.

Task 5.
一个女的在暑假选了一个网上课程学习一门Russian语言,但是因为选的人太少了,结果被取消了。 男的建议她 一、还选择这一门课,但是在学校教室上课。女的说,她暑假不想呆在学校,而且她一直在中国工作的姐姐回来了,想回家和家里人团聚。 第二个建议是在网上上课,但是选择学习西班牙语。女的说对西班牙语不感兴趣。

The woman is planning to take a foreign language course during summer break and she wanted to take the Russian language online at home because she want to take a trip to Russia. However, the course was cancelled since few students signed up the course. The first solution is to take a Russian course at school during the summer break but she wants to stay at home to have fun with her sister and her family. The second solution is to take a Spanish online course as an alternative and does not need to go to campus. But she is not interested in Spanish.

Task 6.
  第一个是 很容易暴露在捕食者眼中,一个个体不容易被发现,但是一群就很容易被发现。例子是一种鱼总是群居,然后鲸鱼是他们的捕食者,因此很容易抓到他们。
 第二个是母亲很容易认错孩子。例子 一个cave里面有上千个幼年个体,然后孩子他妈捕食回来认不出来哪个是她们孩子。

The lecture discusses two disadvantages of living in groups. One is visible and exposure to predator: a group of small fish is easier to be noticed by whales. Another is less care from the mother animals. For instance, bats living in the same cave and the baby bats sometimes can’t get care from their mothers who may take care of other babies by mistake.

新东方宁波学校:2014年8月30 日托福考试写作解析
                    By 新东方宁波学校托福项目写作余丹阳&张希尔老师


综合写作= 121207NA 讨论humpback whales 通过星星来navigate

        Topic 议题:Humpback Whale’s navigation
        Reading        Listening
Thesis 总论点        Agree         Evidences are unconvincing
Sub-point 1
分论点1        Whales have high intelligence to navigate by stars.        There is no connection between the abilities to navigate and intelligence. Eg. Ducks can also navigate by stars, but their intelligence is on average.
分论点2        Whales navigation routes are straight, so they navigate by external objects or forces.        Whales do need objects and forces to navigate, but Whales’ brains contain a special chemical substance called Biomagnetite, which are sensitive to earth magnetic field.
Sub-point 3
分论点3        They always keep the floating behaviors with their heads straight up , which is called sky hopping        Sky- hopping does not mean they are looking stars. Eg. Some sharks also have the floating behavior, but they are going to hunt, but not to navigate.  Besides, Humpback whales will float during the daytime, when there is no star in the sky.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The ability to maintain friendship with a small number of friends for a long period of time is more important for happiness than to make many new friends easily.

同学们, 今天的考题属于我们之前讲的利弊类的题目。从背景来分属于朋友类话题,也是我们托福考试中常见的一种类别。以下是题目的思路。

1.        老朋友更加了解你。遇到了困难可以和老朋友无所顾忌的发泄自己内心的情绪,丝毫不需要有任何顾忌, 可以使在底谷的心情迅速复原,很快有一个好的心情。
2.        老朋友更加愿意在困难的时候提供帮助。 新的朋友可能适合玩乐,但是一旦遇到困难,就会很犹豫,不愿意伸出帮助之手。但是老朋友会不遗余力的提供帮助,把你的事情看作是她自己的一样。
3.        让步。 诚然新的朋友可以给你带来新鲜感,并且让你感受到短暂的快乐。但是这样的友谊在困难面前就变得无比脆弱。相反老朋友即使有摩擦,但是还是马上能够得到解决,友情会变的更加坚固。

1.        新朋友可以给你带来新鲜感。很多时候老朋友接触多了,生活变得很单一。相反新朋友能够给你的生活带来新的活力。让你的学生生活不再是一尘不变。
2.        新的朋友能让有更多的经验。 老朋友很多都是一个圈子的人,时间久了,自己很难得到提升。快速的结交新朋友,可以让你接触不同的圈子,将来更容易成功。
3.        让步。诚然维持老朋友的关系很重要,因为老朋友很了解你,但是社会不断在更新,很多时候我们需要换工作环境以及居住环境。结交新朋友的能力再现在这个社会更加重要。

Sample answer
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The ability to maintain friendship with a small number of friends for a long period of time is more important for happiness than to make many new friends easily.

True friends provide us with the sense of belonging and always stand firmly behind us. Though time is not the only proof to justify friendship, people scarcely deny that friends are like wines—the older, the better. One can face countless passers-by in a life, and finally seize the happiness shared with those who always keep company. For me, I am of no exception.

Firstly, old friends usually have the magic power to read a person’s mind due to thorough understanding. Consideration and understanding of each other are characters gained only through long time cultivation. However, it may be too demanding to expect someone you have just got acquaintance with to back you up in an embarrassing situation. Let’s assume the following hypothetical situation. A girl, who has just broken up with her boy friend, fells extremely upset. Free of any worries about appearance or awkwardness, she can call her old friends to hang out and simply pour out her thoughts. And later, she may get quick recovery with warm comfort and company given by those bosom friends. By contrast, she may not breathe a word to her newly made friends,for the girl wants to maintain her elegant manners before those of less intimacy. Old friends, in that situation, are like saviors to pull people out of sad emotions.

Second, old friends are more willing to help you when you are mired into troubles. Just as an old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Newly made friends are, more often than not, hesitate to give their hands, and what you will receive is just a blank check. My experience has proven to me the chilling end. Unfamiliar with financial terminology, once when I was handling a financial report, I resorted to a new acquaintance for help. What disappointed me is his disregarding to my situation. I had no choice but to contact one of my old friends. Surprisingly, she set aside her own work and spared no efforts to assist my report. The precise data and professional expression in the report then won me the praise from my boss. Had I not had such warm-heated old friends, I would have never settled the tough problem so efficiently.

Admittedly, some may argue the importance of newly made friend for the new blood instilled in people’s life as a result. They possibly bring a lot of short-period fun to lighten the monotonous life. However, such friendship is fragile, thus cannot endure. It is not hard to see those easy-come-easy-go friendships surrounding each person. By contrast, solid friendship, though conflicts may sometimes emerge, will never be corrupted.

Obviously, while new acquaintances do act as catalyst in the way to happiness, the old ones are the preservatives to prevent happiness from being perished.

1.        easy-come-easy-go friendship 来的快去的快的友谊
2.        embarrassing 尴尬的
3.        new acquaintance 新朋友
4.        fade away消失
5.        let out 发泄
6.        comfort and company 慰藉和陪伴
7.        be conducive to 有助

1 2


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