小弟最近收到南洋教授回信如下,我对这个research associate很好奇,这个4年后能或得phd学位吗
Dear XXX
Your background is interesting and fit my project.
I wish to take you into my group as a PHD student or research associate?
The differences are explained below. Do you have any particular preference?
You want to come in Aug 2015 or Jan 2016?
For a PHD student, your stipend will be SGD 2000/month for first 18 months, and SGD 2500/months for the remainder 30 months. Your tuition will be covered by the scholarships.
For a research associate, you will work also on your PHD topic, but you will be paid a salary of 3500/month for 48 months, but you should be enrolled as a PHD student for 12 months in
the beginning and 12 months at the end. You need to pay NTU tuition for the 24 months and the tuition fees is approximately 20K SGD/year (but please check NTU website for the actual amounts),
and I shall pay half your tuition fees for 24 months.
Best Wishes