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[备考小组] 毉易-牧羊人练习帖 ISSUE 4 [复制链接]

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发表于 2015-6-30 21:44:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
4) Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

Scandals, just as the name implies, is a shameful thing, for they can expose one's privacy and have a disastrous impact on the main characters of those scandals. However, as far as I know, scandals could be useful in some extent particularly in politics and recreational industry, that's without those scandals, we couldn't know the true personality of a person or a government.

To begin with, it is axiomatic that almost no one willfully to expose one's privacy to others and nobody wants to the victim of scandals, which has a negative effect on one's mood and physical healthy. According to a survey conducted over a long periods of time by the Institute of Science and Technology, this investigation was conducted among as many as one hundred thousand people over ten years in American, and the scientists of this Institute found that, on average, those people who were the victims of the scandals would develop as much three times the probabilities of cardiovascular or other diseases as common people, which emphasized the detrimental effect of those scandals to people.

However, in the atmosphere of politic, scandals can reveal something that no media or reformer could acquire despite that those scandals are not welcomed by the victims, what's more, those scandals could even be used by the opposite party to win a political election. Take the former president, Clinton for example, even though the Incidence of the Lewinsky's skirt can be justified today, the incidence indeed brought many problems of the government of White House over that period; clearly, without the scandals, we could not understand how the complexity of the politics in the White House and it is our right to know as we could know about the leaders of our government. Certainly a scandal like this would not exposed by any speaker of the government and any reformer for the possibilities of revenge.

Last but not least, scandals which take place on the movie actors or singers could also make us more familiar with the personalities of those heroes or heroines in our mind. Take Jay Chun for example, before the sex scandals, he was endeared by millions of followers, there were no seats left when his movies were released over the world. However, a piece of sex scandal indeed undermines his fames and let us know that an excellent actor does not necessarily mean his or her moral is also out of competence. Also, without the accident exposition of the scandals, we have no way to know the actor in his private life, and those scandals would not be revealed by his speaker or any reformer either.

Taken together, scandals could be beneficial to our government as far as the justice and our rights are concerned; what's more, scandals could keep us awake during the illusions of a charming actors or singers even though those scandals could defame them and bring a disaster to them. However, when weighs the pros and cons of scandals, we could certainly prefer to the beneficial side of those scandals.


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毉易-牧羊人练习帖 ISSUE 4


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