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[资料分享] issue 144-model essay [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-12-10 21:55:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
True success can be measured primarily in terms of the goals one sets for oneself.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

statement是否成立取决于个人目标是否能迎合当代社会的需要。1,对于危害社会的个人目标,即使被达成也不可能被认可;2,目标对社会有利,但不考虑个人利益,如牺牲了陪伴家人的时间或牺牲了个人原则conscience的目标,price is too high也不能算成功;3,只有统一了社会和个人需求的目标才能获得成功。
While I agree that one can measure his or her success based on his or her goals, the validity of such measurement depends on whether the goals are consistent with the values of the society, the means used to achieve the goals is ethical and the price of the “success” is reasonable.  In other words, success that is anti-social, unethical or too costly is not true success.  I will explain my position with some specific examples as follows.  

People can set virtually any goals for themselves; but only those that are beneficial for the society are considered worthy and accomplishments of such are true success.  Consider the case of September 11 attacks.  A group of terrorists set their goals as hijacking airplanes and killing innocent people to make their political statements.  They have succeeded phenomenally in terms of achieving their goals.  Such terrorist attacks would not be possible without careful planning for years and the coordination among a group of professionals.  But nobody in the civilized world would consider killing innocent people as true success.  Rather, such acts are considered shameful and cowardly.  As this example clearly shows, success can be measured based on goals only if the goals are beneficial for the society.  

In addition to the value of the goals, the means used to achieve the goals is also a relevant issue.  Suppose a student aims to perform well in the upcoming final exam.  Instead of working hard to study for the tests, he tried to cheat in the exam by bringing a crib sheet. The goal is certainly worthy and even admirable. But the means through which he achieves his goal is unethical.  His good exam results do not accurately reflect his academic performance.  Doing so is also unfair to other students who are honest in the exams.  Even if he was not caught cheating, he was not truly successful.  

Finally, we have to consider the cost of the “success” when measuring it. These days, many people focus on building successful careers in their life with the belief that doing so can bring happiness to themselves and their faimilies.  Nevertheless, to achieve such goals, they often have to work long hours and sacrifice the time they should have spent with their families.  The failure to achieve a work-and-life balance is too high a price for many who earned a successful career but ended up with poor relationships with their loved ones.  So true success has to be measured by considering not just the goals but the cost of achieving such goals.  

As I explain clearly above, we cannot measure success accurately based on our goals alone. We also need to think about the social value of the goals, the means we use to achieve the goals and the price we have to pay.  Without taking multiple perspectives on success, our judgment will be narrow and unreliable.

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