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Updated Information for Candidates and Members Education Redesign
( K" V+ u2 m2 L3 g! k
2 B: p) i H w0 s: q& x0 BIn August 2003, the Working Groups for the Education Redesign project, with; m3 v, u) n+ w1 i/ Q! E e
the supportand endorsement of the Board of Governors published its
8 l6 h* Z2 U. J( ?/ I. [9 grecommendations for the education and examination process of the Society of
6 O& ^% B$ @2 p5 e. T: LActuaries. That report is available at
9 f( j* x8 B) }$ e1 n/ d(http://www.soa.org/eande/report_membership03.pdf).7 Y. s6 F& i1 B
7 Y5 ~6 `: f6 s4 n' |1 ]4 y4 bWork on developing a final implementation plan ensued along with a2 U% ~8 N; H1 |
commentary period during which, you, our candidates and members, submitted" b- |6 @0 R( j
questions and comments. This update describes the final design, conversion
5 q" b! T. v6 Z) R' R; Gmapping and implementation plans.7 N* a2 F2 ~( ]( i- H
; K0 W1 l3 w @% Y2 Y6 }
A web cast "Town Hall" session to discuss the design and conversion plan,# i& f! X M" I2 A
is being prepared for the first quarter of 2004. Please be sure to watch+ | y& U# ~$ w; [. [/ }
your email boxes and our web site, www.soa.org for information as it) g, Z2 P5 f; V6 Q# `- `$ g, e
becomes available.0 M% M8 F; D, O0 |2 `2 {
0 T& M' V0 I5 E$ L
( p8 J6 m# f. ^. F& YAssociateship Requirements
% ~& S1 |9 h) Y y5 Z/ d3 u4 C, ^
) \3 u: x! k2 ?- X; k9 v, M; O, l" p0 t M j' T4 b. Z
Under the redesign plan, the candidate is required to complete the
. _/ |/ ~' `* W! mPreliminary Education requirements, the Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice3 }2 _* Z- S& C7 u4 A" v
(FAP) Course, and the Associateship Professionalism Course (APC) for the7 ~9 a) Y. B5 [4 m% X
ASA designation. The Preliminary Education requirements and the FAP Course1 N: x [$ E# {
may be attempted concurrently. }4 F, n4 S& }- Q$ N' Q; R5 ]
7 g- I+ T1 d7 f2 L. N N$ mThe Preliminary Education Component will consist of( J' O9 N; D+ F, ?0 Z, C( K
(i) pre-requisites,
/ @- Q9 w0 h3 K9 n3 y(ii) subjects to be validated by educational experience, and' U7 c% b3 [, [% `
(iii) four examinations.
: _) `, K3 }' H8 T/ C y3 J" h
Pre-requisites are topics that will assist candidates in their exam6 f1 F5 M4 l G. m/ s
progress and work life but will not be directly tested or validated:& J& _0 n) E* W: L- z
( {" G' m6 f8 p& V" K& G Linear Algebra
* t8 @- [+ m' b9 ]8 [ Introductory Accounting
; A! z" M6 s5 p Q$ d Business Law
3 B4 q1 I7 H2 v Mathematical Statistics
" U9 @7 a% A0 y' j$ J$ P; e1 v
Validated by Educational Experience (VEE) Subjects are subjects for which$ v9 I0 B3 m6 b1 o* o' ^
candidates will demonstrate knowledge by submitting transcripts and course
3 Y& u* z# H) o6 z/ w" fdescriptions from formal courses. Submissions will be reviewed to determine
" C; c4 v, }% ^3 C7 Wwhether they meet the stated criteria. Economics. The requirement will be
# F; G/ X% _* F$ u2 N, {0 l% q) `two semesters, one each of introductory microeconomics and macroeconomics.
2 c0 r& g3 v8 D: Z5 y1 @" tA one-semester survey course will not qualify.
) n+ z& I- z, { ]8 `Corporate Finance. The requirement will typically be met by a course with
5 j I& u. |3 |$ Y! wan introductory corporate finance course as a prerequisite.
6 I" X) x( U N* Q5 U1 j0 ^Applied Statistical Methods. The course must cover both time series and
# x Q# h2 c) c! A( V# g, Aregression (or a candidate may submit two courses). Detailed learning
8 V' x* B* G+ ^; {# j v dobjectives for the three VEE subjects will be included in the final
+ ]( s2 f0 I# V Lsyllabus publication, scheduled for Summer 2004. Candidates will be able to
: ^9 ]' P' j& ?( G) C6 W" Mcompare those learning objectives to the descriptions of the courses they- P* [# |& r) l# O/ T& z; u
will submit under this plan. VEE submissions will be accepted starting on
7 ^; _! S$ \6 v# U& k! RJanuary 1, 2005. Submission procedures will be published prior to that date.
0 }8 N/ K- ^# SThere are three mechanisms by which VEE can be accomplished:; H, P/ s; @8 O
1. Completion, with a pre-set grade, of one or more courses offered by a7 {4 a# b% s' W/ l
recognized college or university and approved by the sponsoring9 y0 G) u$ K# L6 n7 N7 L3 M
organizations.8 c2 B" W' X& v; Z& a8 C- P7 F4 S
a. Candidates or faculty members would submit a course or courses for
i, Q) e( J# W' G2 G6 A Nconsideration./ d3 ~( X Y3 m" z) `
b. Generally, the only submission required for course approval will be the
0 j; r0 G6 R8 v9 [entry in the catalog, including pre-requisites and a description of the
$ `7 S J5 y% x0 _course. At its discretion, the committee making the determination may
* {# `$ j6 _1 y) @0 h2 qrequest additional information.3 S S$ o H0 B8 n' l1 U
c. To earn validation for an approved course, a candidate must receive a8 U; S$ K7 z& w+ w8 v# ]4 E" n' r* u
grade of B- or better. If the course is repeated, the highest grade earned
6 X& a% C) g5 Z3 s$ @5 W5 lcan be used. If the institution does not use letter grading, the9 \' `9 W6 E/ {1 V: n
institution will be consulted to determine an appropriate translation.8 F9 z. }8 D' [3 z
2. Achieving a pre-set score on a standardized examination, as determined
7 V+ c8 y3 ]8 Iby the sponsoring organizations.; i8 M9 i7 i9 i. ?
a. Specified score minimums on the Advanced Placement (AP) tests and5 k' c: ~: Y! u" t6 g4 ]
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests for micro and macroeconomics& F+ Y/ S" U% v) H
will be accepted as VEE credit for economics.1 I L/ m5 Y$ m( j1 `" Y$ @$ j
b. The committee responsible for VEE implementation will determine which
! Q: _* Z5 c$ q9 B* ]other examinations qualify and the score required for credit. Additional
/ w# ]% @$ G' J% {4 l; `research will be done regarding options such as the CFA exams.; }- t8 i; H( ? S5 G! P
c. Two of the actuarial exams for which specific course credit was not
. C3 y$ H; \( a# h; e+ [6 {received during the 2000 conversion can satisfy VEE, as follows:3 i0 A7 H5 M- p9 e( m. B( F
i. Unused PD credits earned from passing the pre-2000 Course 120 (Applied
5 B. r+ D5 U- A3 a& r6 d8 |: v/ {Statistical Methods) examination may be used for validation of Applied
; d( E7 T+ Q! ?Statistics.
1 o# E$ h- o5 u6 R f( \8 `- D' Qii. Unused PD credits earned from passing the pre-2000 Course 220! p' Q8 C$ v5 l7 f& X: B! o
(Introduction to Asset Management and Corporate Finance) may be used for
/ @8 A, z6 T+ }validation of Corporate Finance and Economics. Additional details on these4 {" |, _8 V) f' r( H
two options are included under the conversion mapping section of this/ g! ?2 P2 e" U* n8 a
document.! ~8 e' V) ~1 @; d% H1 @/ L8 O" @
3. Completion of educational experiences as approved by the sponsoring
q1 _/ k+ _$ l7 U' q% A1 l( R. A8 Yorganizations. The CAS or SOA may choose to offer educational experience in4 L+ Q1 t& ?1 p& A' y
a particular subject. Other vendors of educational programs may provide
8 Q( k2 Z+ p6 p: z3 W8 D) ?8 Ueligible educational experiences. By definition, a CAS or SOA experience
& n- X7 |. f, r1 P; mwould be accepted. All other options would need to be approved by the# u% X3 w# `# _
committee responsible for VEE.
# C6 _0 a9 i0 Q4 l
2 k& Z! d: d; l* E7 mPreliminary Education Examinations
2 w; O) @1 c5 |2 u: w/ v) F+ t* P" T0 d. V
Exam P, Probability: Probability and supporting calculus; validated by a: c! N1 I6 T: a$ ?& G+ s1 z: U
three-hour examination.
$ H% M3 o$ L4 B/ _" ^ Exam MF, Mathematics of Finance: Theory of interest and introduction to$ B m" |( Q5 L* y
financial economics; validated by a two-hour examination.
0 f/ s1 X: N$ P Exam M, Models for Quantifying Risk: Life contingencies, frequency models) w3 V% a8 I. R1 d2 o
and aggregate loss models; validated by a four-hour examination.: `+ {5 K$ N+ k! ~0 O/ q: I4 o
Exam C, Construction and Evaluation of Risk Models: Fitting parametric2 N+ H4 M M' ~* G# E3 X7 Y
and nonparametric models and credibility; validated by a four
* ]. E2 W! l! K' z( [/ u4 rhour-examination." S& p6 b7 v6 [2 ?' a# g# F6 h
4 P$ D% V6 L9 \; {, S/ RFundamentals of Actuarial Practice/ C8 u) d1 L5 I+ i) O: I- y" f5 n
3 Y2 `- F* x- L1 {( X7 {
The e-Learning component of ASA level education (previously referred to as
* X: P; {, o% \1 s5 t% C" V! jthe ASA Course) has an official new name - Fundamentals of Actuarial
9 n. R2 }) M* l- R$ u7 gPractice (FAP) Course. As introduced in the August 2003 report, the module3 i+ v* P t3 c/ ?
topics will be presented in the context of a control cycle.& z+ F$ ^/ \$ d8 f# U2 }7 [; d
7 c2 @- y5 w6 {" p( U1 UModule 1, Role of the Professional Actuary: Provide the basic framework for
5 g. p2 d/ @7 u! P# u% factuarial work and functions using a control cycle as a framework./ ^/ h! V1 h8 |! `+ `+ [
2 G \* [# W' }) w9 G+ W: ^ l. p
Module 2, Core External Forces: Provide an understanding of how core
6 X" p& S8 q# {" p3 Y8 V0 }; L+ y: ?external
2 A w) C% e; _forces, outside of the actuary's sphere, integrate into actuarial work.5 V$ S$ \- Y& ]$ k" c, y1 ~
( E; J# K/ \9 w0 b4 nModule 3, Typical Actuarial Problems: Provide an introduction to concepts
8 \2 u( G. z# E! q$ U3 u- F' Mwithin the context of common actuarial problems and assignments." Q1 u' M& D2 h3 U0 Z% G0 a' P
9 Q3 j8 s. T- ~" X; q' ?& \Module 4, Solutions to Selected Actuarial Problems: Demonstrate how a
" `* u7 n! I/ H1 m z! F( ?complete control cycle is applied, through selected examples and sample4 c' H' Z/ W1 h, x; m
9 g! V! l6 `: _- V, _: S+ A7 {& @
- R6 X0 I* L0 vModule 5, Design and Pricing of an Actuarial Solution: Introduce and define/ K" C9 ?, Q$ w. V w- X* ^/ q* m! b8 l z# Z
common models for each area of practice.# c: C u4 \4 h% Q
! f9 l* m' z1 ~* F5 a
Module 6, Selection of an Actuarial Design and Model: Given a problem, find
/ r7 B$ H2 c. S+ @* v: o- ha solution by going through the entire process to select a model.7 W2 z7 t. P( j+ s0 _
3 X" i+ f3 C ?' w4 X" g$ b( ^Module 7, Selection of Initial Assumptions: Introduce the process and
' l2 N1 x2 p/ i) b, y1 N; qconsiderations in selecting assumptions as a component of finalizing the
) {" I# s0 @( C5 c) w& Kdesign solution and moving toward monitoring results.& K" {2 [% u6 U- S/ R6 O/ G
" S- }0 f) Y9 T# e/ KModule 8, Monitoring Experience - Model and Assumptions: Establish the link
7 h9 L& H' a8 P7 t8 W ~between designing the solution and monitoring the results via techniques for
' H/ y" l0 S# ~: n |9 Bmonitoring experience.
' V3 y5 l2 s C& u! n
# [. F L* N& P* [- f4 V% QValidation Plan for Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice! s o+ H" x8 s6 K! J# l4 L
$ }, y* t$ ]/ Z
1. To maintain standards, validation (including interactions embedded in* M% ~/ N) J' X0 J6 |* a3 c2 p
the content, end-of-module tests and end-of-module exercises) will occur
: M" Z/ ^' T; E$ ~( Q% I! f/ Jthroughout the course.
/ Y$ m. M3 B1 o2. Candidates will also be formally evaluated via computerized,6 X4 y1 z8 r# \. i
multiple-choice+ U1 e: p) s8 N7 Q
examinations. The first examination will cover content in Modules 1-5 and5 \3 Q0 \+ l5 N* M, K3 f4 S4 W( R( s
the) E8 K. y. r4 V
second examination will cover content in Modules 6-8. These exams will be! f1 q {2 o9 ` W
administered securely and frequently, with a potential to evolve to "on7 {) _; I' z0 @- c
demand"4 V4 v$ @# v% ~* S
over time.; h$ K* z8 v% b
: |" R7 k/ x% }2 O$ M; m+ }! p7 K0 v
Associateship Professionalism Course (APC)+ v1 J! M7 u( @$ n# J" \9 f7 e3 b8 w
( J( _0 _7 {! EThe APC objectives are unchanged from the current description.# D) e2 z$ t' T) B. T- K+ S9 X
8 `: k$ a% o, j) W0 `' A; u w ] G3 E: N4 i2 ^9 X
Fellowship Requirements
$ l y. \6 _6 w# W) O2 T0 e: q9 D
' @3 r4 M7 v$ F& N7 i+ H; b
# I* s" n U/ Z O* `! p3 v% AFor the FSA designation, the candidate would be required to complete all of
! v& h& t9 P3 E9 T, C$ othe ASA8 M/ b) u. H" c3 {( a3 F0 r
requirements plus the following additional educational elements:
* C5 c: z0 D8 b& M2 i t. y1. Two practice-specific examinations1 D+ F& p8 ?7 l; W5 g: n6 q
a. Examination DP Design & Pricing# h* j( a6 M1 N$ `) @
b. Examination CSP Company/Sponsor Perspective
5 |) p" B& b% Y! t) n2. Several e-learning modules that will use the same Internet-based systems$ n' e, Y% x1 ~1 p6 [# p9 ]% K. Q
as the FAP course! d7 z! j/ r# t8 s H; x
3. A capstone module or seminar3 f. n0 |- H) l# i( ^" k$ J& a
4. The Fellowship Admissions Course (FAC): ~. l. X5 G# z9 K
1 i4 {" G+ {9 G1 V
Conversion Mapping( E; }5 p; {6 q, Z" x" L
In establishing conversion rules, the major motivating factor was
( H" N8 _3 G: ?) B/ H4 t( vsimplicity while assuring a balance of equity and equivalence. This plan
9 a. {7 y4 ?! w" T3 odoes not involve the granting of partial credits or the splitting of the
& o( ?. a% W3 bnew examinations. The conversion mapping has been adjusted to reflect many _. D4 T+ f% |7 }/ u
of the comments we received on the Summer 2003 Report to the Membership on* f3 t( J3 V' d& U p& u
the Education Redesign. In addition, the ASA Course has been formally named7 |. |! W3 a) t4 A: e
"Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice" (FAP) Course, as described earlier.- k+ U& F+ E0 S$ Q
The following' s9 d+ A% B3 S& U1 W
table outlines the conversion mapping and additional rules.
$ b; L( |* E- u+ J# U6 D' |/ ^) @8 d, ^$ f. C9 b
Additional rules and considerations:
, y! W( \& e7 o6 [) c7 z$ h9 f. ?, l. x w; L/ C* v
Credits earned prior to 2000 will first be converted to the current3 g. S j k& ?: M; J! Z
system before applying this conversion map to determine credits under the
; }9 a& `0 M7 N1 a% Q/ u3 p0 Cnew system.
: s6 F1 G: z9 c2 q7 I" u+ ? All candidates with the ASA designation will retain that designation.
- X0 Z' ~ u$ R( j: g# @However, in order to obtain an FSA, the candidate will need to have credit! t4 F+ [& R& s/ ]/ T3 e0 k! ^) g
for all of the educational requirements including all portions of the new# b1 v( P$ e9 p. R
FAP Course.
6 k B. C! ^- _# _* `1 Q8 f Candidates will be able to earn an ASA using the current courses and ASA+ @$ |+ \/ J' e6 q3 `
rules through 2006. The APC may be taken at any time following completion9 r& s4 o4 r0 ~# S, ~% U8 t8 m8 G5 j
of the prerequisite courses. The FAP Modules, FAP Exams, new FSA Exams and7 }! X8 n7 r/ M; V
FSA Modules may not be used to satisfy any part of the current ASA
! T7 J/ X$ C! Y/ {5 Hrequirements.7 \7 v- o) P. b+ E/ e/ s
Credit for the FSA capstone module does not give credit for the FAC.
/ ~- V, m1 ^; I8 M8 a- m9 _9 K- i& e$ A2 C
Depending on his or her individual record, a candidate who is not an ASA% O: F& M4 o& V0 t
may earn credit for certain FSA Exams or Modules through conversion.! p& b: o8 g# _0 P" K- c& _
However, all of the ASA requirements must be met in order to achieve the
0 c& n R& T. I5 k. j" lASA designation.8 w, b+ x+ m; o' d: `
Effective January 1, 2006, if a candidate has PD credits because of the! G, ^% ~6 R4 L( P' {0 K* y7 \
2000 conversion, they may file and execute their PD plan before completing
4 e D5 b# I0 Y: F: \2 }, }1 fthe current Courses 1-8.
3 x3 V* i8 P5 [. i Unused PD credits earned from passing the pre-2000 Course 120 (Applied. O. g! W. C- Z' G6 I8 s" q
Statistical Methods) may be used for the validation of Applied Statistics.
. A7 N; u+ u3 ~7 e" ^9 wHowever, if this option is elected then these PD credits may not be used to
9 f( b7 F5 G8 K \& G2 u4 z# Jsatisfy any other requirements.
; q0 x# W/ A2 Z M. R+ ^, K Unused PD credits earned from passing the pre-2000 Course 2209 i# J& J+ S/ ]) ^% N l* O
(Introduction to Asset Management and Corporate Finance) may be used for
- @" \: b: Q% e8 s5 bvalidation of Corporate Finance and for validation of Economics. However,
+ U0 t G& D/ N9 D7 aif this option is elected then these PD credits may not be used to satisfy. Q0 V. }( V. @, R4 V* D
Successful completion of EA-2, Segment A and/or EA-2, Segment B will give- |9 E$ J, M1 j, n
the candidate credit for specified portion(s) of the FSA component for the9 {3 C. [7 j. ?
U.S. Pension track.
0 T- `5 ^0 a9 ?8 S% ~- k4 J0 {0 U# R6 B# ?$ J6 v
We expect that candidates will receive conversion transcripts following the. `( Z7 w8 W/ D+ s- X
release of grades from the May 2004 examination session. Candidates may
- l6 m7 @/ z+ Z* G, Bsubmit questions on any aspect of the redesign to eq2005@soa.org or3 t2 G S p# f0 B
ombudsperson@soa.org. |