Ante Meridiem(before noon 常缩写为 A.M.)
an ~ repast 午前便餐
Bona Fide(in good faith, sincerely 诚意)
a man whose ~ was unshakable 一贯真诚待人的君子
Carpe Diem(seize the day 及时行乐)
the ~ philosophy “及时行乐”的哲学
Cogito Ergo Sum(I think, therefore I am. [Rene Descartes] )
Deus Ex Machina(Literally God from a machine. Describes a miraculous or fortuitous turn of events in a work of fiction.)
Et Cetera
这个不用多解释了吧。通常缩写为“etc. ”或者“ &c.”。要注意标点别漏啦!
Per Se(by or in itself 亲身,本身)
Anything socially practical is good ~.
Veni, Vidi, Vici(I came, I saw, I conquered)
著名的凯撒大帝(Julius Caesar)的名言——我来,我见,我征服。