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本帖最后由 QPSK 于 2017-3-21 08:31 编辑
面试分为3部分:written test,interview和qualifying exam
Written test part 1, question 1: 大致意思:我们这个psy课程的workload很重,每门课每周的阅读时间大约要10-12小时。Full time的每周要上4门课,part time的每周要上2-3门课。你觉得你最大的challenge来自哪里?打算如何克服?
Written test part 1, question 2: 大致意思:这个psy课程是针对非psy背景的人所设的,而大多数人读完我们这个psy课程,都会继续从事自己本专业的工作(而非转行至psy)。请问你觉得本课程会如何帮助到你?
Written test part 2:5个逻辑题。类似于给你ABCDE五个图案,让你找出与众不同的一个,或者给你ABCD四个图案,让你按照规律选择第五个图案应该是啥,或者告诉你A属于B,C不属于D,E部分和A相交,以下说法正确的是哪一个。
Interview: 基于你在written test part 1里面的作答,再稍微问了一下。感觉更多的是沟通和交流,而不是存心挑战你。比如我申请part time,面试官就问我workload比较大,PT2-3门课一周阅读时间就要二三十小时,怎么handle,我跟他说我可不可以少修几门课,晚一点毕业(比如读3年)。面试官说PT只能两年,不可延长。我问他为什么课程都在下午,对PT来说比较不方便,教大和中大的心理学课程都在晚上的。面试官说可能我们就是这个风格吧,晚上7-10点上课不是很健康。我说好吧那我应该不申请了~然后就友好的say goodbye了。对方很nice,是比较为申请者着想的感觉~
Interview之后有个问卷调查,像常见那种心理测试,大家一定都见过,比如『在××××情况下我会感到非常不安』然后1~7个agree程度让你选,1 强烈同意 2 比较同意 3 一点点同意 4 保持中立 5 一点点不同意 6 比较不同意 7 强烈不同意,类似此类的题目。
Qualifying Exam:在interview里面提过自己觉得不适合,所以本来不打算去的Qualifying Exam,但后来想想既然来了就去卧个底,论坛上没见到这个课程的面经,不如为后来人写个面经,于是去了。有考试范围,见下面的面试邀请函。一共40个选择题,都是考基本概念,知道立马就选出来了,不知道想也没用那种,并不难,好好复习就行。如果对于没有psy背景母语又不是英语的朋友来说可能最大的困难是心理学的专有名词的记忆。
参加written test和interview大约有30人,感觉绝大多数是local,也有一些外国同学,内地生似乎比较少。参加qualifying exam的感觉有50多人,所以应该是有些人只需要参加qualifying exam而不用参加written test和interview?
From: MSocSc Psychology_HKU <mpsyc@hku.hk>
Sent: 06 March 2017 11:21
To: MSocSc Psychology_HKU
Cc: singhang
Subject: FW: HKU Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology Programme - Exam and Interview
Dear Applicant,
Further to our email on March 3, we would like to provide you with more information on the Written Test and Qualifying Exam:
The Written Test will last for about 30 min, consisting of two parts. You will need to answer two questions in Part I, and your answers will help us know you better. For each question, your answers should be shorter than 50 words. There will be five multiple-choice questions (MCQs) assessing your general aptitude in Part II.
The Qualifying Exam will last for 40 min consisting of around 40 MCQs. These questions will test you on the basic concept of Psychology (reference book: https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_introduction-to-psychology/). Your performance in this Qualifying Exam will be crucial in our admission decision, because all the courses in our program assume a fundamental understanding of Psychology. Therefore, please study the reference book carefully to prepare for taking this Qualifying Exam.
With regards,
Janice Wang
Department of Psychology
From: MSocSc Psychology_HKU
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2017 4:05 PM
To: MSocSc Psychology_HKU
Cc: singhang
Subject: FW: HKU Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology Programme - Exam and Interview
To: Applicants of Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology programme, The University of Hong Kong
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your application for our Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology Programme.
Please be informed that you have been shortlisted for the Written Test, Qualifying Examination and Interview to be carried out on 17 March 2017 (Fri). Please find the details as follows:
(I) Written Test and Individual Interview
Time: 7:50am (please arrive 5 minutes before)
Venue: Room 813, 8/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong ( http://www.maps.hku.hk/ ).
(II) Qualifying Examination
Time: 12:45pm (please arrive 10 minutes before)
Venue: CPD LG.10, LG/F, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong (see map attached)
Multiple Choice Questions will be used (reference book: https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_introduction-to-psychology/ )
Please bring your HKID / Passport and stationery (pen, pencil, rubber, etc.).
Please mark down your application number which is needed for the test and exam: i.e., 1100XXXX.
Please note that No extra time will be offered to late comers.
Please confirm your attendance to BOTH (I) and (II) by returning a reply to: mpsyc@hku.hk before 5:00pm on March 7, 2017 (Tue)
(please state your Name and Application Number in the email)
Please feel free to contact me if any further information is needed.
Best Regards,
Janice Wang
Department of Psychology
From: MSocSc Psychology_HKU
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 5:23 PM
To: MSocSc Psychology_HKU
Subject: HKU Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology Programme
To: Applicants of Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology programme, HKU
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your application for the Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology Programme in HKU. We are pleased to inform you that your application has been received and is now being reviewed by the Programme.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited by email in late February / early March to take a qualifying examination and an interview. Both the examination and interview are scheduled on 17 March 2017 (Friday). Kindly note that no make-up exam and interview will be arranged due to the tight admission schedule. There will be multiple choice questions testing the basic concepts of psychology in the qualifying examination. You may find the reference here: https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_introduction-to-psychology/ .
Those who have not received email invitation for examination and interview until 10 March will be considered as unsuccessful applications.
Thank you for your attention.
With regards,
Janice Wang
Department of Psychology